
    In Sales, The Conversation is the Relationship with Susan Scott (Ep.29)

    enJuly 29, 2020

    About this Episode

    We had the privilege to interview best selling author Susan Scott on this week's episode where we discuss how to have fierce conversations with our clients to build the relationship and find the real need. This incredible episode dives into the principles that Susan teaches in her book Fierce Conversations and some practical takeaways and questions that we can apply to our sales process. Make sure to listen to the entire episode - you won't want to miss anything she says. Also, visit https://liapodcast.org/ep29 to learn how you can win a copy of Susan's book!

    Recent Episodes from Life Insurance Academy Podcast

    Selling Life Insurance: Using A.I. to Fill Your Calendar

    Selling Life Insurance: Using A.I. to Fill Your Calendar

    In this groundbreaking episode of the Life Insurance Academy podcast, we delve into a topic that's reshaping the landscape of life insurance sales: the transformative power of artificial intelligence. Our special guest, the renowned Savvy Producer, Mr. Jason Richter, joins us in-studio to share his firsthand experience with AI in the insurance sector, particularly in mortgage protection and telesales life insurance.


    Jason's journey with AI began with his venture, Voxr.ai, which leverages generative AI to enhance customer interaction and streamline sales processes. This technology allows for real-time, interactive communication, mimicking human conversations with astonishing accuracy. Jason shares how AI has not only optimized lead handling and appointment setting but also significantly boosted his sales figures, with record-breaking achievements that have left us in awe.


    The episode provides an in-depth look at how AI can automate and personalize customer service, making it more efficient and cost-effective. Jason discusses the potential of AI in answering underwriting questions, managing customer inquiries, and even conducting sales calls with a cloned voice that closely resembles human interaction.


    Listeners will get a sneak peek into the future of AI in the insurance industry, including the ethical considerations and regulatory compliance involved in using such technology. Jason also touches on the integration of AI with CRM systems, enhancing the scalability and effectiveness of sales strategies.


    Whether you're a seasoned insurance professional or new to the field, this episode offers valuable insights into the cutting-edge technologies that are revolutionizing the way we think about sales and customer service in the life insurance industry.


    Join us as we explore the exciting world of AI in life insurance sales, with Jason Richter leading the way. Discover how embracing innovation can propel your business to new heights, making the once-impossible, possible.


    Selling Life Insurance: Picking the Right Product

    Selling Life Insurance: Picking the Right Product

    In this episode of the Life Insurance Academy podcast, we're diving into a topic that might not sound like the most enticing at first glance, but trust us, it's a game-changer for anyone in the life insurance industry. Today we explore the critical process of selecting the right insurance product for your clients. While the title might not immediately grab your attention, the content of this podcast could significantly impact your earnings and efficiency.


    Selecting the right product isn't just about making a sale; it's about instilling confidence in your clients by demonstrating competence and understanding their needs. This episode is all about avoiding the disappointment that comes from a product mismatch, which can lead to applications being rejected due to underwriting issues. We dive deep into the significance of underwriting - a term that might as well be considered a four-letter word in our industry - and discuss strategies for navigating this often-daunting aspect of our work.


    We're not just talking about theory here; we're providing practical advice and a systematic approach that can be applied in real-world scenarios. Whether you're discussing options with a client in their home or advising them over the phone, the insights shared in this episode will equip you with the tools needed to make informed decisions swiftly and confidently.


    Moreover, we're introducing a simple five-step system designed to ensure your clients qualify for the best possible product, minimizing the chance of disappointment and maximizing satisfaction all around. This system is about more than just understanding the products; it's about understanding your clients, their needs, and how to align the two seamlessly.


    So, if you're ready to elevate your approach to selecting life insurance products, to gain both competence and confidence, and to leave disappointment in the dust, then this is the episode for you. Tune in to not only enhance your knowledge but to transform the way you conduct business in the life insurance industry. Join us on the Life Insurance Academy podcast for an episode that promises to be both enlightening and enriching.


    How to Sell Life Insurance: Triple Your Business in 30 Days with One Secret

    How to Sell Life Insurance: Triple Your Business in 30 Days with One Secret

    In this episode of the Life Insurance Academy Podcast, we dive into Kevin Montes's inspiring journey from the bustling food industry in California to achieving success in the life insurance sector in Louisville, Kentucky. Alongside his partner Alyssa, Kevin's move was fueled by a desire for growth and proximity to a nurturing professional environment.

    Kevin's story is a powerful testament to resilience, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. His transition from serving tables to navigating the complexities of life insurance highlights the transformative power of dedication and the importance of foundational success principles. Kevin's narrative reveals how consistent effort, a deep connection with people, and a commitment to improvement can lead to remarkable achievements in sales and personal development.

    Listeners will find immense value in Kevin's insights into overcoming challenges and leveraging opportunities within the life insurance industry. His experiences underscore the significance of consistency, the impact of personal connections, and the critical role of foundational principles in crafting a successful career.

    Join us as we explore Kevin Montes's journey, offering motivation and practical advice for anyone aspiring to make a significant impact in the life insurance industry. Kevin's story is a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the endless possibilities that come with perseverance and a passion for one's chosen path.

    Tune into the Life Insurance Academy Podcast to be inspired by Kevin's journey and learn how to navigate your own path to success in the life insurance industry.


    The Avalanche Effect: Multiplying Your Life Insurance Sales

    The Avalanche Effect: Multiplying Your Life Insurance Sales

    Hey Life Insurance Pros! Get ready for an electrifying episode of the Life Insurance Academy podcast where we explore the depths of how to skyrocket your sales. This isn't just about mastering a sales strategy; it's about igniting the belief in the avalanche of applications you're capable of achieving!


    In this episode, Chris Ball and Zach McElawain delve into the essence of belief and its transformative impact on your sales journey. They discuss not just the know-how but the crucial do-how, making this a must-listen whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in the life insurance industry. It's packed with insightful strategies and real-life wisdom to propel you towards unparalleled selling success.


    Discover the foundational role of belief in yourself, your opportunities, and your products, and learn how this simple yet profound concept can turn the impossible into the I'm-possible. The episode unfolds the art of sustaining belief through challenges and transferring this vital energy to your team and clients, equipping you with the tools to thrive in any sales environment.


    Chris and Zach share their insights on understanding belief as a muscle that needs constant exercise to grow, the importance of borrowing belief through witnessing the success of others, and strategies for formulating, sustaining, and transferring belief to create unstoppable momentum in your sales career.


    Whether you're navigating a sales slump or aiming to reach new heights, this episode is laden with wisdom to reignite your passion and drive for life insurance sales. It's a call to action to turn belief into tangible success, aiming not just for one policy but an avalanche of applications.


    Don't miss out on this transformative journey. Press play, immerse yourself in the insights shared, and let's embark on a path of turning belief into a reality. If you find value in our conversation, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this episode with someone in need of a sales boost. Together, let's spread the power of belief and transform lives through our sales success.


    How to Sell Life Insurance: Identifying and Overcoming Blind Spots

    How to Sell Life Insurance: Identifying and Overcoming Blind Spots

    Join us in the latest Life Insurance Academy Podcast, where we're diving deep into the concept of 'Blind Spots' in life insurance sales. Blind spots, often unrecognized areas in our professional journey, can significantly impact your sales strategy. In this episode, Zach McElwain and Chris Ball, with their extensive experience and passion for life insurance, explore these unseen challenges and opportunities. They share personal anecdotes and practical strategies, offering a comprehensive understanding of how these hidden hurdles can affect agents.


    In today's episode, we dissect the idea of blind spots, those overlooked strengths or unacknowledged weaknesses that can transform your professional journey. You'll hear real-life examples from our hosts, who have encountered and learned from their blind spots. They will share strategies to identify and overcome these hidden challenges, emphasizing the crucial role of mentorship and coaching. The discussion also highlights the importance of continuously learning and adapting in the dynamic world of life insurance sales, showing how recognizing and addressing blind spots can lead to growth and success.


    Whether you're a new or experienced life insurance agent, a sales professional looking to refine your approach, or simply interested in the nuances of sales psychology, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips.


    Dive into the world of life insurance sales with us and discover how to turn blind spots into bright opportunities. Subscribe, listen, and share your thoughts in the comments!


    Is Life Insurance Hard to Sell?

    Is Life Insurance Hard to Sell?

    Welcome back to another engaging episode of the Life Insurance Academy Podcast! In this episode, Roger Short, Chris Ball,  and Zach McElwain, delve into the complexities of selling life insurance, offering a blend of humor, honesty, and hard-earned wisdom.


    In today's discussion, we tackle the burning question, "Is it hard to sell life insurance?" Our hosts share their initial fears and experiences, shedding light on the expectations versus the reality in the life insurance industry. From the hustle involved to the rewards reaped, they provide an unfiltered view of what it really takes to succeed. Zach, with his realistic and slightly skeptical perspective, discusses the balance between doubt and seizing opportunities. The episode also highlights the emotional and financial investments needed in this career, underscoring the importance of commitment and patience through the highs and lows.


    Whether you're just starting in the industry or you've been navigating these waters for years, this episode is packed with insights that will resonate with you. Join Roger, Chris, and Zach as they debunk myths and lay out the raw truth about the life insurance grind.


    🎧 Tune in now for an honest, in-depth look into the life insurance profession and learn from the experiences shared. Let's journey together through the landscape of life insurance!


    Five Rules to Win the Day in Life Insurance Sales

    Five Rules to Win the Day in Life Insurance Sales

    Join us for an engaging episode featuring Roger Short alongside Zach McElwain, we tackle a topic close to our hearts - the nuanced world of life insurance sales. This isn't just about making sales; it's about understanding the deeper aspects of being a successful life insurance agent.

    In this industry, facing days without sales is a common challenge. We delve into how it's easy to feel upbeat following a successful sale, but the real test comes on the quieter days. Our discussion revolves around maintaining a positive mindset and the crucial role of never giving up.

    Key Highlights of the Episode:

    • The "Five Rules to Winning the Day" in life insurance sales, each illustrated with real-life scenarios and practical advice.

    • Insights on how confidence, positivity, focusing on strengths, valuing legacy over currency, and relentless hustle can shape your career.

    • Special discussions including perspectives from Gary Vaynerchuk and the importance of attitude and consistency in achieving success.

    • This episode is a must-listen for everyone in the life insurance field, from full-time agents to part-timers or those just exploring the industry. It's filled with valuable insights and actionable tips for daily professional life.

    We also welcome you to be part of our community through our comprehensive courses and coaching programs, designed to offer deeper insights and personalized guidance in your life insurance journey.

    Tune in now to this enlightening episode and discover how to transform your approach to life insurance sales for long-term success!


    How to Sell Life Insurance: Your First 90 Days

    How to Sell Life Insurance: Your First 90 Days

    🎧 Welcome back to another episode of the Life Insurance Academy Podcast! 🌟

    🔥 In today's episode, we're diving into a crucial topic for all new life insurance agents and those mentoring them - achieving success in the first 90 days. This period can be make-or-break, with about 92% of new agents failing. But why is this, and what can you do differently?

    👥 Join Zach McElwain and Roger Short in the studio as we share our personal stories and insights on navigating the challenging yet rewarding journey of the first 90 days in the life insurance industry. From muddy roads and direct mail leads to mastering the art of communication and finding your niche, we've got a lot to cover!

    💡 We'll explore the importance of setting realistic expectations, developing effective communication skills, and the vital role of mentorship and community in this industry. Plus, we'll tackle the often-overlooked aspect of balancing learning with action and the necessity of consistent, focused efforts.

    🏆 Whether you're a budding agent or a seasoned mentor, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and strategies to help you or your mentees thrive in those critical first 90 days and beyond.

    👂 Listen now to discover the key to breaking through and not just surviving but thriving in the life insurance business!

    Handling Objections in Life Insurance Sales: I Need to Talk to Somebody

    Handling Objections in Life Insurance Sales:  I Need to Talk to Somebody

    Welcome back to another episode of the Life Insurance Academy podcast! Join us in-studio as we dive deep into our series on Objections. This episode is uniquely exciting as we're discussing it live, without any pre-planning. Zach and Chris will lead you through a spontaneous and genuine conversation, providing an in-depth look at common objections in life insurance sales, such as the need to discuss with a spouse or having to pray about it. We'll explore effective strategies to turn these objections into successful conversions.

    📚 Today's Focus: Overcoming common objections like discussing with spouses, praying about decisions, and others. Understand how to turn objections into successful opportunities.


    💡 Key Takeaways:

    • Strategies to anticipate and address common objections effectively.

    • Insights into the art of sales communication and the importance of understanding the full picture in insurance sales.

    • Real-life scenarios with strategies for successful policy sales.


    🚀 Exclusive Insights:

    • Chris's unique take on why certain objections are actually opportunities in disguise.

    • Engaging discussions on real-life sales scenarios and effective handling techniques.


    🤝 What's In It For You?

    • Build confidence and master skills to handle objections in sales.

    • Learn from experienced professionals sharing their valuable knowledge and experiences.


    👉 Stay Tuned:


    We are committed to equipping you with essential tools and knowledge.

    Don't miss out on the valuable lessons and tips shared in this episode.

    🌐 Visit Life Insurance Academy for more resources, coaching, and to join our community.


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    Remember to subscribe and click that check mark to keep up with our latest episodes.

    Feel free to share these insights with others who might benefit!