
    Podcast Summary

    • A family's quest for the truth behind a mysterious deathDespite initial beliefs, a seemingly ordinary family visit in Phoenix led to the discovery of a meticulously planned murder, leaving the family to grapple with the aftermath.

      The events of a seemingly ordinary family visit in Phoenix, Arizona, took a tragic turn, leaving a family grappling with the aftermath of a mysterious death. Rob Fisher, an ex-police officer turned attorney, traveled from San Clemente, California, to spend Christmas with his grandchildren and stepdaughter Belinda. His visit was also an opportunity for Belinda to work through her grief over her mother's death from cancer. However, during their time together, Rob was found dead in his hotel room, an apparent suicide. His family, including his stepson-in-law Lee Raider, found it hard to believe that Rob would take his own life, especially with his grandchildren nearby. As they later discovered, there were signs of foul play, and the circumstances surrounding Rob's death began to unravel a complex web of secrets and lies. The family's quest for the truth ultimately revealed that Rob's death was not a suicide but a meticulously planned murder.

    • Struggling with financial stress and excessive drinkingFinancial stress and excessive drinking can lead to devastating consequences, it's crucial to seek help and find healthy coping mechanisms instead.

      The combination of financial stress and excessive drinking led to a tragic and unexpected event in this family. Despite their struggles, Lee and Belinda had a strong bond and continued to support each other through the ups and downs of their financial situation. However, the pressure and disappointment of not achieving their goals, coupled with heavy drinking, ultimately resulted in a devastating outcome. It's a reminder that while we may face challenges in life, it's important to seek help and find healthy coping mechanisms rather than turning to destructive behaviors.

    • A man's hidden struggles led to his unexpected suicideDespite outward signs of success and optimism, underlying financial pressures and emotional turmoil can lead to suicide, often leaving loved ones and investigators shocked and searching for answers

      The unexpected receipt of a disappointing email or phone call, coupled with financial pressures and excessive alcohol consumption, may have contributed to a man's decision to take his own life, despite outward signs of optimism and success. The man, Lee Radder, had a promising business deal on the horizon, but when he received bad news late at night, he seemed unusually upset and left the room to make a call. When he returned, he was found dead on the kitchen floor. The circumstances surrounding his death raised red flags for investigators, leading them to question his wife, Belinda, about the events of that evening. Despite her initial lack of concern and the absence of a gun in the house, the investigation continued to uncover more details about Lee's financial struggles and potential motives for suicide. The tragic incident serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving and that underlying pressures and emotional turmoil can have devastating consequences.

    • Inconsistencies Surrounding Lee Radnor's DeathDetective's investigation revealed inconsistencies in the reported timeline and suspicious circumstances surrounding Lee Radnor's death, raising suspicion of a potential homicide.

      The events leading up to Lee Radnor's death on New Year's Eve were shrouded in confusion, with significant inconsistencies in the timeline reported by Belinda, his wife. The detective's suspicion was raised by the time gap between 10:30 PM when the children were put to bed and 5 AM when the 911 call reporting Lee's death was made. Belinda's initial account was vague, and she seemed unable to provide clear answers about what happened during those missing hours. The family, who were informed about Lee's death two days later, were also skeptical of the suicide theory and believed that something else must have occurred in the house that night. The detective's investigation revealed that the gun found next to Lee's body looked as if it had been placed there, leading him to suspect that this might be a homicide case. The inconsistencies and unanswered questions surrounding the events of that night suggest that there may be more to the story than what was initially reported.

    • Questions Surrounding Lee Browder's DeathThe investigation into Lee Browder's death was inconclusive due to conflicting statements and missing evidence, leaving his family with unanswered questions and suspicions of a cover-up.

      The investigation into Lee Browder's death raised more questions than answers. Rob and Belinda's stories seemed to contradict each other, and crucial evidence, such as how Rob's gun ended up in Lee's hand, remained unexplained. Despite initial suspicion, the police investigation didn't seem to progress, leaving Lee's family frustrated and suspicious of a cover-up. Lee's sister, Lisa, eventually took matters into her own hands by requesting the 911 tape, which contained confusing statements about the shooter's identity. The family was left in the dark about what had happened to their beloved son and brother.

    • Suspicions and Questions Surrounding Lee Fischer's DeathRob, the prime suspect, was hesitant to provide clear information to authorities, leading to suspicions and a delayed investigation. The inconsistencies in Belinda's statements and the delayed autopsy report added to the confusion, leaving the Fischer family and public questioning the progress of the investigation.

      The events surrounding the death of Lee Fischer raised suspicions and questions about the involvement of his wife Belinda and her cousin Rob. Despite their long relationship, Rob was uncertain about the identity of the deceased man and seemed hesitant to provide clear information to the authorities. The family believed there was a cover-up in progress, but the investigation focused mainly on Belinda, who was the beneficiary of Lee's life insurance policy. The inconsistencies in her statements and the delayed autopsy report added to the confusion. Despite the medical examiner ruling the death a homicide, no arrests were made for over a year, leaving the Fischer family and the public questioning the progress of the investigation. The case remained open with Rob as the prime suspect.

    • Rob Fisher's arrest for Lee Radder's murder raises doubts among friends and familyRob Fisher was arrested for Lee Radder's murder but some friends and family remained skeptical, questioning if a mistake had been made.

      The investigation into Lee Radder's death led to the arrest of Rob Fisher, but doubts about his guilt persisted among his friends and family, despite evidence suggesting he may have lied about his whereabouts during the shooting. Two glasses with ice found in the kitchen indicated that two people had been drinking before the incident. Rob, who was a busy man with a law practice and horses, was arrested over a year and a half after the shooting and was charged with second-degree murder. Despite the arrest, some of his friends were skeptical of his involvement and believed a mistake had been made. Rob found a defense attorney and was released on bail, but was ordered to stay in Arizona while awaiting trial. Belinda, his wife, was also unsure if she would be charged and struggled with the possibility that her husband had taken his own life or been murdered by her stepfather.

    • Prosecution's theory suggests cover-upThe prosecution believes Rob Fisher murdered Lee Rader and staged a suicide scene based on Lee's demeanor, statements from his partner and girlfriend, and physical evidence like blood spatter and body positioning.

      The prosecution's theory in the Rob Fisher trial for the murder of Lee Rader points to a cover-up and staged suicide scene. The evidence presented, including Lee's demeanor before his death, statements from his business partner and girlfriend, and physical evidence like blood spatter and the positioning of the body, all suggest that Lee did not take his own life. The prosecution argues that Rob Fisher murdered Lee, then staged the scene to make it look like a suicide. The physical evidence, specifically the blood spatter and the positioning of the body, does not lie, leading the prosecution to believe that Rob was involved in the murder.

    • A complex web of circumstantial evidenceThe case against Rob Fisher for Lee Rader's murder hinged on circumstantial evidence, leaving the jury to decide whose interpretation was more convincing.

      The prosecution's case against Rob Fisher for the murder of Lee Rader relied heavily on circumstantial evidence, including blood spatter analysis and footprints. However, the defense argued that some of this evidence could be explained by other possibilities, such as suicide or accidental shootings. A key piece of evidence was an email Lee received before his death, which suggested he was in financial trouble and feeling betrayed by business partners. The defense argued that this email could have pushed Lee to take his own life, and that the blood spatter evidence could support this theory. Ultimately, the jury was left to decide whose interpretation of the evidence was more convincing. The case was not just about whose finger was on the gun, but also about interpreting the complex web of evidence presented.

    • Defense challenges state's case against client in murder trialExpert testimony suggested Rob Fisher was in a blackout during shooting, guns found in suicide victims' hands 25% of the time, forensic evidence challenged, and witnesses' reliability questioned.

      The defense argued that Rob Fisher, who was heavily intoxicated at the time, did not kill his business partner, Lee Rather, despite Lee's claims of a pending big deal. The defense presented expert testimony that Rob was in a blackout at the time of the shooting and that guns remain in the hands of suicide victims 25% of the time. The defense also challenged the state's forensic evidence, specifically the blood spatter analysis, and questioned the reliability of the state's witnesses. Ultimately, the case came down to whose finger was on the trigger, and the defense's expert testified that it was not Rob's.

    • Jury's decision despite lack of fingerprint evidenceJury deliberations play a crucial role in determining a defendant's fate, even when physical evidence is lacking.

      The absence of fingerprints matching the defendant on the gun did not sway the jury in their decision to convict Rob Fisher of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Lee Radnor. Despite the defense's confidence and the lack of physical evidence linking Fisher to the crime scene, the jury's prolonged deliberation and eventual guilty verdict left everyone involved shocked and seeking closure. The family of the victim was desperate for justice, while Fisher's team believed they had presented a strong case. The outcome of the trial highlights the importance of jury deliberations and the role they play in determining the fate of a defendant.

    • Family's complex emotions after a murder convictionConviction for a crime can leave families with conflicting emotions, torn loyalties, and uncertain legal outcomes.

      Even when justice is served according to the law, the consequences can be deeply painful and confusing for those involved. Rob Fisher's conviction for the murder of Lee Dupree left Belinda and her family grappling with complex emotions, including a desire for connection and a sense of loyalty to their deceased loved ones. Belinda's eldest daughter struggled to understand her father's actions and felt torn between her allegiance to her biological father and her love for her stepfather. Meanwhile, Rob's defense attorney, Dwayne Cates, worked tirelessly to challenge the jury's verdict, filing a motion for a new trial based on allegations of prosecutorial misconduct and the belief that the evidence did not support the guilty verdict. The outcome of this legal battle was uncertain, leaving Rob in jail and the Dupree family in a state of uncertainty and emotional turmoil.

    • A man's release from jail raises questions and tragedy for his familyJudicial decisions can lead to unexpected outcomes in the legal system, impacting not only the accused but also their loved ones.

      Even a successful attorney's life can be turned upside down in an instant, and justice can be uncertain. Rob Fisher, a man awaiting sentencing for a crime he maintained his innocence for, was released from jail due to a judge's decision to reconsider the evidence. The key witness's credibility was questioned, and the judge ruled that the jury's verdict was not supported by the evidence. However, this news came as a shock to Lee Ratter's family, who had been planning to attend the sentencing. They were forced to accept the reality that their husband and father had taken his own life. The experience left Rob feeling relieved but also filled with guilt, wondering if he could have done something differently to prevent the tragedy. The case serves as a reminder that the legal system is complex, and outcomes can be unpredictable.

    • The complexities of the justice systemDespite lack of physical evidence, a prosecutor continued to pursue a murder case, leading to emotional toll and uncertainty for all involved, ultimately resulting in dismissal.

      The pursuit of justice can be a long and uncertain process. In this case, Rob Fisher was charged with murder, but the conviction was overturned due to lack of physical evidence. Despite this, the prosecutor continued to pursue the case, leading to multiple arrests and trials. The process took a toll on both Fisher and the victim's family, who were left in a state of uncertainty and frustration. Ultimately, the case was dismissed, leaving many questions unanswered. This story highlights the complexities of the justice system and the emotional toll it can take on those involved.

    • The long and difficult pursuit of justiceDespite the outcome, it's essential to seek closure and find a way to move forward in the pursuit of justice.

      The pursuit of justice can come at a great cost, and sometimes, despite the passage of time, closure may be elusive. In this case, a criminal prosecution against a man named Rob Fisher was dropped due to insufficient evidence after 11 years. The victim's wife, Belinda, expressed disappointment that the investigation continued even when there wasn't enough evidence, and she's left with unanswered questions. Despite the dismissal, the state could theoretically reopen the case. Belinda is now seeking closure and plans to confront Rob with her remaining questions. Rob, who is still trying to rebuild his life, also wants to move on. The girls, who have a bright future ahead, can take pride in their father's memory. The experience has shown that the pursuit of justice can be a long and difficult journey, but eventually, it's important to find a way to move forward.

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    Hear from the forensic sketch artist who worked on the Kristi Johnson and Crystal Taylor cases: https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/video/how-forensic-artists-aid-investigations-1077038147665

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