
    indecisiveness, a talk with emily p. freeman [video]

    enMarch 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflecting on daily choices for better decisionsConsidering daily decisions mindfully leads to improved decision-making abilities and a more intentional life.

      We make numerous decisions every day, often without giving them much thought. Yet, the quality of our decisions significantly impacts our stress levels and overall well-being. Emily Freeman, an expert in decision making and the author of "The Next Right Thing," emphasizes the importance of consciously reflecting on our daily choices to make better decisions and live more intentionally. Her work focuses on the transformative power of quiet reflection and living with intention. Approaching decisions with our gut, head, or heart can yield varying results, and understanding our preferred approach can help us appreciate and effectively utilize the strengths of others. By recognizing the significance of our decision-making process, we can improve our decision-making abilities and, ultimately, lead more fulfilling lives.

    • Seeking advice from external gurus and internal co-listenersConsider both external gurus and internal co-listeners for informed decision-making, but discern between them. Trust inner wisdom while remaining open to others' perspectives, fostering deeper connections and mutual growth.

      While we may rely on our gut instincts or intuition when making decisions, it's important to also consider the insights from other areas of our being and seek advice from trusted sources. However, not all advice is created equal, and it's essential to discern between gurus and co-listeners. Gurus are external experts we look up to for guidance, while co-listeners are individuals who truly listen and understand us, offering valuable insights based on our unique circumstances. Ultimately, trusting ourselves and our inner wisdom, while also being open to the perspectives of others, can lead to more informed and well-rounded decision-making. Additionally, we should remember that we may know more than we realize and strive to listen actively and empathetically to others, fostering deeper connections and mutual growth.

    • Focus on personal growth for better decisionsEmbrace decisions as opportunities for growth and learning, focusing on personal growth and character development for better choices over time

      The ideal state of mind for making a decision may not always be possible, and the decision itself might not be the most important aspect. Instead, focusing on personal growth and character development can help build confidence and make better decisions over time. When faced with a decision on the spot, remember that the goal is not necessarily to get it right every time, but rather to make the decision as the best version of yourself with the information available. Clarity comes from action, and it cannot be rushed. Embrace your decisions, good or bad, as opportunities for growth and learning.

    • Turning Decisions into Opportunities for GrowthEmbrace decisions as necessary steps towards growth, view challenges as opportunities for learning, and overcome fear and anxiety associated with decision-making to make better choices

      Making bad decisions and facing challenges can be opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. Reframing these situations as opportunities for learning can help individuals make better decisions in the future. Decisive people understand that hardly any decision is permanent and that the discomfort of making a decision is preferable to the discomfort of indecision. While it's impossible to avoid making decisions altogether, individuals can improve their relationship with the feeling of having to make a decision by reframing it as a necessary step towards growth. This perspective can help reduce the fear and anxiety associated with decision-making and lead to more confident and effective decision-making overall.

    • Acknowledging and defining current situationBy clearly defining the current situation, we can reduce errors and make informed decisions with confidence.

      Making decisions can be a heavy burden, filled with fear of making the wrong choice and damaging our identity. We often look for a clear-cut right or wrong answer, and when faced with uncertainty, we may even turn to secretive or prayerful methods to guide us. However, the Japanese railway system's practice of pointing and calling can offer a simple yet effective solution. This involves acknowledging and clearly defining the current situation, and can help reduce errors and clarify our intuition from anxiety. By taking the time to point and call, we can gain a better understanding of what's true in our current situation and make informed decisions with confidence.

    • Discerning Intuition from FearReflect on past experiences to distinguish peace from relief, practice self-awareness, and seek guidance to make right decisions, not just avoid discomfort.

      Intuition and anxiety can feel similar at first, but the peace that comes from making the deeply right decision is different from the peace that comes from avoiding discomfort. Intuition and fear both present themselves as strong senses, but intuition leads to peace and growth, while fear leads to avoidance and potential regret. To decipher which is which, it's essential to reflect on past experiences and understand the difference between the peace that comes from making the right decision and the relief from avoiding discomfort. Practicing self-awareness, reflection, and seeking guidance from trusted sources can help us tap into our intuition and make better decisions. Remember, everything that's good and right is not always comfortable, and it takes practice to distinguish between fear and intuition.

    • Tools for Building a Fulfilling Social Life: Self-awareness, Intuition, and TherapySelf-awareness and intuition are valuable tools for personal growth, but they should be used in conjunction with therapy and external resources for making deeply emotional decisions.

      Self-awareness and intuition are essential tools for building a fulfilling social life. However, they should not be relied upon alone. Therapy can help individuals gain self-awareness and learn to trust their intuition while also considering other factors. Intuition can have a spiritual element, but it's essential to cultivate it alongside other sources of information and support. Deeply emotional decisions should not be based solely on intuition, but rather on a balanced consideration of all available information and resources. Trusting one's intuition can lead to personal growth and help individuals become the person they believe they're meant to be. But it's crucial to remember that intuition is just one tool and should not be the sole basis for decision-making. Instead, consider a holistic approach that includes thoughts, feelings, and external resources.

    • Managing Emotions for Better Decision MakingTaking breaks, staying hydrated, and making small plans can help manage emotions for clearer decision making. Understand that every decision involves loss and learn to manage that grief.

      Making decisions when deeply emotionally invested can be challenging. Our emotions can cloud our judgment, making it harder to make clear decisions. However, it's important not to despise our emotions or try to be clear-headed all the time, as we are human beings. Instead, small practices like taking a nap, drinking water, or making a tiny plan can help us gain perspective and make better decisions. Sometimes, we may have to grieve the loss of the 49% that we leave behind when making a decision, but it's crucial to fully invest ourselves in the 51% yes. This process can be difficult, but it's a necessary part of growing up and making tough choices. Understanding that every decision involves loss and learning to manage that grief can help us avoid resenting our choices.

    • Understanding the Influence of Past ExperiencesAcknowledge and learn from past experiences, both positive and negative, to approach new situations with an open mind and embrace growth.

      Our experiences shape us, and the way we perceive new situations is influenced by our past. It's essential to acknowledge and learn from our experiences, both positive and negative, instead of denying or idealizing them. We all carry our narratives and emotions into new spaces, and it's crucial to identify the gifts and lessons from each experience. Grief is a natural part of the process, and it's okay to feel sad or uncertain about change. Remembering that we're not defined by our past or our skills and that new beginnings can bring excitement and growth can help us approach new experiences with an open mind. Ultimately, being conscious of our experiences and emotions allows us to grow and evolve as individuals.

    • Challenging limiting narrativesBeing aware of our narratives and questioning their accuracy can help us make informed decisions and live authentically, instead of being dictated by negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.

      Our preconceived ideas and narratives about ourselves and situations can significantly impact our decision-making and experiences. These narratives, deeply rooted and often unconscious, can be limiting and inaccurate. Dallas Willard, a philosopher, once said that we all live what we believe, not just what we say we believe. These narratives can manifest in various ways, such as feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. For instance, when faced with an invitation to teach at a graduate level class despite feeling unworthy, the speaker had to challenge her narrative and trust the invitational piece of intuition. It's essential to be aware of these narratives and question their accuracy, as they can prevent us from fully experiencing new opportunities and growth. Instead of letting negative narratives dictate our decisions, we should strive to discern and evaluate situations objectively. By recognizing and challenging our narratives, we can make more informed decisions and live more authentically.

    • Identifying hidden decisions that cause feelings of being stuckBeing aware of unacknowledged decisions can help us overcome feelings of being stuck, by taking action and seeking support

      Being aware of the decisions we're avoiding is the first step to overcoming feelings of being stuck. These hidden decisions can be the root cause of our sense of being stuck, even if we're not consciously aware of them. To identify these decisions, it can be helpful to reflect on past choices, acknowledge our current situation, and seek support from trusted individuals. Once we've identified the decision we're avoiding, we can then take action, even if it's just a small step. It's important to remember that not every decision requires a grand, definitive answer, and that sometimes the next right thing is simply the next thing we need to do. So, if you're feeling stuck, try focusing on the present, reflecting on your past, and seeking guidance from those around you. With awareness and action, you can move forward.

    • Creating a Professional Online Presence with Squarespace and Soul MinimalismInvesting in a well-designed website with Squarespace and practicing soul minimalism through silence, stillness, and solitude can lead to greater success and inner peace.

      Having a well-designed website is crucial for selling products or building a brand, and Squarespace is an all-in-one platform that makes it easy for entrepreneurs to create a professional online presence. A good website provides a seamless checkout experience for customers, and Squarespace offers professionally curated layouts and AI assistance for those who need help. Meanwhile, in our inner lives, we constantly receive input that can accumulate and negatively impact our decisions and interactions. To counteract this, practicing output on the inside through silence, stillness, and solitude can be compared to decluttering on the outside. These practices can be uncomfortable but are essential for releasing built-up emotions and making better decisions. Overall, investing in a good website and practicing soul minimalism can lead to greater success and inner peace.

    • Taking time for reflection and outputRecognizing the need for quiet introspection promotes relaxation and mental well-being, especially for new parents dealing with constant demands.

      Recognizing when we need time for reflection and output is crucial for managing anxiety and maintaining mental well-being. This practice, often referred to as "staring at the wall," allows the brain to sort and process information, releasing mental clutter and promoting relaxation. Anxiety and irritability are common indicators that it's time for some quiet introspection. New parents, in particular, may find it challenging to make time for this essential practice due to constant input and demands, but even a few minutes of uninterrupted time can make a significant difference. Remember, taking care of ourselves is not a luxury but a necessity.

    • Taking Short Moments for Mental and Emotional RestBrief periods of silence and stillness, like 5 minutes, can reduce anxiety, promote calm, and improve mental and emotional health. Practicing imperfectly and deep breathing during these moments enhance the benefits.

      Even short periods of silence and stillness, such as 5 minutes, can have a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being. These moments can be seen as opportunities for "decluttering on the inside," allowing the brain to rest and send signals of safety to our bodies. This practice, which can be done creatively in various situations, can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. It's essential to remember that practicing imperfectly is better than not practicing at all, and overthinking is a natural part of the process. Deep breathing during these moments can be particularly beneficial, as it sends a signal of safety to our nervous system and acts as a form of "brain bath." Overall, embracing these brief moments of stillness can lead to improved mental and emotional health.

    • The importance of self-care and meaningful connectionsBoth individuals emphasized the need for personal time and valued their upcoming meeting, expressing gratitude for the insights gained from their conversation and looking forward to future interactions and family introductions.

      Both individuals expressed the importance of taking a moment for oneself, acknowledging that they hadn't had the chance to do so recently. They shared their enthusiasm for their upcoming meeting and expressed gratitude for the valuable insights gained from their conversation. The conversation ended on a positive note, with both parties looking forward to future interactions and the possibility of introducing their families to each other. Essentially, the conversation highlighted the significance of self-care and the benefits of meaningful connections.

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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