
    Insane Video of a Democrat Doubling Down on Crazy # 945 (Ep 945)

    enMarch 27, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Congressman Eric Swalwell defends his role in the collusion hoaxDespite criticism, Swalwell refuses to apologize for his involvement in the collusion hoax and continues to defend it. Policy Genius simplifies the process of buying various types of insurance.

      During the discussion on Dan Bonjino's show, Eric Swalwell, a congressman from California, was criticized for his defense of the dossier and his involvement in the collusion hoax. Swalwell appeared on Martha McCallum's show on Fox News and instead of apologizing for his past actions, he doubled down. Bonjino expressed his relief at losing his bid for Congress because he wouldn't have to be associated with someone like Swalwell. The conversation also touched upon Policy Genius, a company that makes it easy to compare and buy life insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, and disability insurance. The hosts discussed the importance of financial protection and how Policy Genius simplifies the process.

    • Allegations of Trump-Russia collusion in Steele dossier largely debunkedThe Steele dossier, once seen as evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, has been largely debunked. Key claims about Cohen, Page, Manafort, and a peepee tape have been discredited. The Mueller report found no Trump-Russia conspiracy.

      The claims made in the Steele dossier, which were once touted as evidence of Russian collusion between Donald Trump and his campaign, have been largely debunked. Michael Cohen, a former Trump attorney, testified under oath that he never went to Prague as alleged in the dossier, and other key claims, such as those regarding Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and a supposed peepee tape, have also been discredited. The Mueller report, which investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election, found no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy. Despite this, some politicians and media personalities continue to push these debunked claims. It's important to fact-check information and rely on verified sources to avoid spreading misinformation.

    • Falsely Accused? Consider Legal Action Against Your AccusersIndividuals falsely accused in media, especially by public figures, should consider taking legal action against their accusers to make the process costly and time-consuming for them.

      Individuals who have been falsely accused or smeared in the media, particularly by public figures like Eric Swalwell, should consider taking legal action against those making the false claims. This was emphasized in a discussion about the ongoing efforts to debunk the Steele dossier and the role of individuals like Carter Page and Alexei Gubarev in the DNC hacking allegations. The left, it was argued, often uses the legal system as a means of punishment, and individuals should fight back by making the process costly and time-consuming for their accusers. The Wall Street Journal's recent opinion piece, "How Dems Plan to Lock in a Majority," was also mentioned as evidence of the left's increasingly extreme tactics. Overall, the message was to stand up for oneself and not let false accusations go unchallenged.

    • Democrats' 2020 Goals: More Than Just Defeating TrumpDemocrats aim to restrict political speech, pack Supreme Court, eliminate filibuster, and potentially lower voting age for permanent majority, impacting conservatives, businesses, and future of American democracy. Russian collusion hoax masks real collusion scandal involving media, Democrats, Russian operatives, and Ukraine.

      The Democrats' efforts to win the 2020 election go beyond just defeating President Trump. They aim to restrict political speech, pack the Supreme Court, eliminate the filibuster, and potentially lower the voting age to ensure a permanent Democratic majority. These actions would significantly limit the voices of conservatives and businesses, and potentially lead to a Supreme Court packed with liberal justices. It's crucial for voters to stay informed and engaged in the political process as these issues could have significant implications for the future of American democracy. Additionally, it's important to remember that the Russian collusion hoax, while a distraction, masks a real collusion scandal involving the media, Democrats, Russian operatives, and Ukraine.

    • U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine intervened to stop probe into group funded by Obama admin and SorosThe U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine reportedly shielded individuals from investigation, raising concerns over use of U.S. funds and potential conflict of interest

      During the 2016 election, the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, reportedly intervened to stop an investigation into a group funded by the Obama administration and liberal mega donor George Soros. This group was allegedly collaborating with FBI agents investigating Paul Manafort's business activities with pro-Russian figures in Ukraine. The ambassador reportedly provided the Ukrainian Attorney General with a list of people not to prosecute, including a founder of an anti-corruption group and two members of parliament who supported its reform agenda. This raises concerns that U.S. tax dollars were being used to fund consultants working against opposing political figures in Ukraine, and that these consultants were being paid privately, not through diplomatic efforts. This issue was first reported in 2009, when American political consultants from the Obama and McCain campaigns faced off in Ukraine. It's important to note that these consultants were not diplomats representing the United States, but rather paid political consultants working in the free market.

    • U.S. Political Consultants Worked for Ukrainian Candidate, Raised QuestionsDuring the 2016 U.S. election, consultants linked to Dems and GOP advised Ukrainian candidate Viktor Yanukovych, raising questions when taxpayer funds may have financed attacks on them via a Soros-linked group. Obama admin reportedly intervened, potentially interfering in Ukraine's justice system.

      During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, political consultants with ties to both Democratic and Republican parties, including Paul Manafort and Tad Devine, worked for Ukrainian political candidate Viktor Yanukovych. This consulting work was legal but raised questions when some U.S. taxpayer dollars were allegedly used to fund a group with ties to liberal donor George Soros, which in turn attacked Manafort and others. The Obama administration reportedly gave the Ukrainians a list of people not to prosecute, including those associated with the Soros-funded group. Later, Manafort and others became key figures in the infamous Steele dossier used by the FBI to investigate Trump's campaign for Russian collusion. The Obama administration's involvement in funding political attacks and potentially interfering in Ukraine's justice system is a significant scandal.

    • Allegations of collusion between US and Ukrainian officials during Obama administrationCollusion reportedly involved DNC, media outlets, and others, with US taxpayer dollars funding the associated group. Concerns over free speech and reporting on liberal mega-donor's influence.

      There are allegations of collusion between US officials and Ukrainian officials during the Obama administration, with the goal of laundering information back into the US to be used in prosecuting Trump. This collusion reportedly involved the DNC, media outlets, and others, with US taxpayer dollars funding the associated group. Another key point is the emergence of allegations against organizations like Media Matters for attacking those who exposed connections to George Soros, a liberal mega-donor. While it's legal for Soros to donate to liberal causes, it's also fair in a free society to report on how his money is being used. The speaker expresses concern over efforts to suppress free speech. Additionally, the speaker promotes Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens product as a convenient and healthy way to consume necessary fruits and vegetables.

    • Allegations of foreign collusion in Ukrainian politics and the use of anti-Semitic languageDespite allegations of foreign collusion, focus should be on potential implications, not baseless attacks based on ethnicity. Continue discussing these issues openly, questioning potential conflicts of interest.

      The discussion revolves around allegations of foreign collusion involving liberal donor George Soros and Ukrainian politics. Critics have accused those making these allegations of using anti-Semitic language due to Soros being Jewish. However, the speakers argue that these accusations are baseless and that the focus should be on the potential collusion and its implications. They also mention various connections between Democratic figures and Ukrainian entities, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest. The speakers encourage not being intimidated by baseless attacks and instead, to continue discussing these issues openly. They also reference Chris Cuomo's response to these allegations and criticize his handling of the situation.

    • The Impact of Confidence on Our LivesFeeling good about one's appearance can boost confidence, and HairClub provides personalized solutions to help individuals look their best. Truth and accountability are crucial in the media, and spreading incorrect information can have serious consequences.

      The power of confidence, particularly in the way we look, can significantly impact our lives. The discussion highlighted the importance of feeling good about one's hair and how HairClub offers personalized solutions to help individuals achieve their best look. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the role of media and accountability in the political landscape. The media's responsibility to factually report information was emphasized, as well as the potential consequences of spreading incorrect information for extended periods. The conversation also touched upon the current political climate and the importance of questioning the sources of information. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of confidence, truth, and accountability.

    • Media's Russia investigation mistakesDespite numerous false reports about the Russia investigation, media outlets should prioritize factual accuracy to avoid spreading misinformation and potential consequences.

      CNN and other media outlets have spread numerous false stories regarding the Russia investigation, as highlighted in a Daily Caller piece titled "Media's Russia Bombshells Look Even Worse Now That Mueller Found No Collusion." Examples include the Don Jr. Wikileaks story, where CNN incorrectly reported that Don Jr. received classified emails from Wikileaks before they were published, and the Anthony Scaramucci story, where CNN falsely claimed that Scaramucci was under investigation. These mistakes led to apologies and resignations, yet it raises the question of how such errors were made and why they were reported as facts. The consequences of spreading misinformation can be significant, and it's important for media outlets to ensure the accuracy of their reporting.

    • CNN Abandons Investigative JournalismCNN no longer prioritizes fact-checking or investigating story validity, raising concerns about their reliability as a news source

      CNN, as represented by anchor Chris Cuomo and its leadership, no longer considers itself an investigative news outlet. Instead, they are content to simply report information without fact-checking or investigating its validity. This was emphasized when Cuomo stated on air that their job is not to investigate and that they would put a bogus story on the air without checking its truthfulness. This raises serious concerns about the reliability and credibility of CNN as a news source. Additionally, the mention of Brian Stelter and his show "Reliable Sources" highlights the inconsistency of CNN's commitment to truth and accuracy, as they have previously spread conspiracy theories without proper vetting.

    • FISA application against Trump's team predicted by Mark LevinMark Levin predicted the FISA application against Trump's team before it was publicly confirmed, highlighting the importance of factual reporting and skepticism towards media claims.

      There was a FISA application against Donald Trump's team, and this was predicted by Mark Levin before it was publicly confirmed. Despite accusations of being a conspiracy theorist, Levin's prediction was later proven correct. Brian Stelter, a CNN host, had previously dismissed Levin's claims, but Stelter himself has since been criticized for his network's reporting errors. The media's handling of the Trump investigation has been a subject of controversy, with some accusing the press of making up stories to take down the President. However, many of the stories that the media reported on were initially instigated by Trump himself, who frequently made false or misleading statements. The Smollett case, where the actor from Empire staged a fake attack, is a disgrace and highlights the importance of upholding the rule of law and applying justice evenly, regardless of who is involved.

    • High-profile cases and unequal application of justiceThe uneven application of justice in high-profile cases, involving politicians and investigators, undermines public trust in the Constitutional Republic and hinders its progress.

      The uneven application of justice in high-profile cases, as seen in the recent dismissal of charges against Jussie Smollett and the college admissions scandal, undermines faith in the constitutional republic. The involvement of politicians and investigators in criminal prosecutions adds complexity to the situation, and the public disagreement among these entities over the outcome of cases raises concerns about the integrity of the judicial system. The timing of these cases further exacerbates the issue, as it hinders the progress of the Constitutional Republic when loyalty to the Constitution and equal application to all is not prioritized. The public deserves transparency and accountability in these matters, and it is crucial that the rules are applied evenly to all individuals, regardless of their power or connections.

    • A record-breaking week for The Dan Bongino ShowOver 30,000 new YouTube subscribers, increased listenership and viewership, and a strong presence on podcast platforms led to a successful week for The Dan Bongino Show.

      The Dan Bongino show had a record week with over 30,000 new YouTube subscribers, increasing listenership and viewership, and a strong presence on various podcast platforms like iTunes, iHeartRadio, and SoundCloud. The host, Dan Bongino, expressed his gratitude to his audience for their support and encouraged them to subscribe to his email list and follow him on Twitter for updates on his articles and shows. Despite a planned story on Senator Cortez not making it to air due to the abundance of news, Bongino appreciated the audience's loyalty and promised to cover him in the future. Overall, the Dan Bongino show continues to grow and thrive due to the dedication of its listeners.

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