
    Podcast Summary

    • New connections between Hillary Clinton, Spygate, and the Ukrainian scandalTom Fitten shares updates on underreported aspects of Hillary Clinton's involvement in Spygate and the Ukrainian scandal during the Obama administration, and promotes a one-time offer from Duke Cannon with over $80 worth of products for $50, donating 5% of net profits to veterans and military causes.

      Tom Fitten from Judicial Watch reveals new connections between Hillary Clinton, Spygate, and the Ukrainian scandal in the State Department on Dan Vongino's show. This interview sheds light on underreported aspects of these issues and provides an update on the Obama administration's involvement. In a lighter segment, Dan promotes Duke Cannon's moderate self-improvement box, which includes premium American-made grooming goods for men. With a focus on lowering expectations, this one-time offer is packed with over $80 worth of products for $50, and 5% of net profits are donated to causes benefiting veterans and active military. The show is also brought to you by Vincero, a favorite sponsor, whose Chrono S watch offers a stylish and affordable alternative to expensive timepieces.

    • Vincero Watches: Affordable and Stylish with Exceptional ValueDan Bongino endorses Vincero Watches for their impressive design, durability, and customer-friendly policies like free shipping, 30-day returns, and a two-year guarantee. Listeners can try the Altitude or Chrono S models with a special discount using code 'Bongino'.

      Vincero watches are a high-quality and cost-effective option for those looking to make a statement and feel their best. Dan Bongino, a fan of Vincero, emphasized the watches' impressive design, durability, and value for the price. He highlighted the brand's commitment to customer satisfaction, with features like free shipping, 30-day returns, and a two-year guarantee. Bongino encouraged listeners to check out Vincero's watches, specifically the Altitude and Chrono S models, and use his discount code "Bongino" for a special discount. Additionally, Tom Fitten from Judicial Watch was a guest on the interview, and they discussed the importance of transparency and accountability in government, particularly regarding the events in Ukraine and the actions of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

    • Allegations of U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine monitoring AmericansAmbassador Yovanovitch's team monitored Americans, including high-profile figures, using CrowdTangle, potentially violating privacy laws. The State Department has ignored requests for related documents, leading to a lawsuit by Judicial Watch.

      During the latter part of 2019, there were allegations that a former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, had her staff monitor Americans, including high-profile figures like Sean Hannity, Rudy Giuliani, and Donald Trump Jr., who were critical of her. This reportedly began due to political pressure against her for her anti-Trump activities at the Ukrainian embassy. However, such monitoring by government officials is a violation of privacy laws. Despite requests for documents regarding this issue, the State Department has ignored these requests, leading Judicial Watch to sue in federal court. This incident is part of a larger issue involving alleged deep state activities, with the State Department seemingly slow to release relevant information. Sources suggest that Yovanovitch's team used a program called CrowdTangle for this monitoring, and search terms included figures like Giuliani, Biden, and Soros. The extent of this monitoring and its connection to other ongoing investigations remains unclear.

    • U.S. Embassy in Ukraine withheld documents potentially exposing corruptionAllegations of U.S. Embassy pressure to drop investigations into Democrats and associates, withheld documents regarding Biden, and ongoing investigations highlight potential wrongdoings in Ukraine during 2016 election and beyond, linked to Spygate.

      There have been allegations that the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine pressured Ukrainian officials to drop investigations into individuals connected to liberal mega donor George Soros and his organizations. These documents, which could potentially expose corruption in Ukraine, are currently being withheld by the State Department. Additionally, there have been ongoing requests for documents regarding Joe Biden's role in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor, which have also been slow to be released. These situations, along with the allegations of collusion between Ukrainian officials and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election, have led some to believe that the ongoing investigations against President Trump are an attempt to distract from the potential wrongdoings of Democrats and their associates in Ukraine. The connection to Spygate, which involved a Ukrainian parliamentarian providing information to Fusion GPS to be used against Trump, further highlights the significance of Ukraine in the 2016 election and beyond.

    • Media's role in impeachment processSome media outlets may push narratives, potentially acting as co-conspirators, and have been accused of ignoring or refuting their own reporting on Ukrainian interference and Obama admin investigations. Seek reliable sources like Judicial Watch for truth.

      The media's role in the impeachment process has been questionable, with some outlets pushing for certain narratives and even potentially acting as co-conspirators in various scandals. For instance, the Associated Press actively worked with investigators to obtain information leading to the prosecution of Paul Manafort, and the media as a whole has been accused of abdicating their role in reporting the truth by ignoring or even refuting their own previous reporting on Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election and the Obama administration's efforts to gather information on the Trump team. The media's behavior raises concerns about their impartiality and their potential role in obstructing justice by diverting attention away from investigations into figures like Biden and Clinton. Overall, it's important to be aware of the media's potential biases and to seek out reliable sources of information, such as Judicial Watch, to ensure that the truth is being reported.

    • Judicial Watch: A Non-Partisan Pursuer of Government AccountabilityJudicial Watch, despite targeting both parties, has sued the Trump admin more than any other and raises concerns over potential deep state obstruction and missing investigations.

      Judicial Watch is not a partisan group as commonly perceived, but rather a government accountability organization that has pursued investigations into administrations of both Democratic and Republican parties. The group has filed more lawsuits against the Trump administration than any other, and has been critical of the administration's lack of transparency and adherence to the Freedom of Information Act. The speaker expresses concern that entrenched bureaucrats, or the "deep state," may be intentionally slow-walking investigations and obstructing efforts to enforce the law, and calls on leadership within agencies to take ownership of these issues and ensure compliance with the law. The disappearance of US Attorney John Huber's investigation into government malfeasance is also noted as a concern.

    • Political interference halts Clinton email investigationThe Clinton email investigation has been frozen due to political interference, preventing a thorough examination of potential criminal activity and hindering understanding of other scandals.

      The Clinton email investigation, which involves potential criminal activity and public interest for accountability, has been frozen due to political interference and counterattacks. The Democrats and their media allies have focused on defending Clinton and attacking Republicans, preventing a thorough investigation. This freezing of the investigation extends beyond Hillary Clinton to the FBI, DOJ, and State Department, and likely involves protecting former President Obama as well. The Obama White House is implicated due to Obama's use of a whitelisted email for communicating with Clinton. The failure to investigate the Clinton email scandal further prevents understanding of other scandals, such as Russia gate and spy gate. The lack of political will from Republicans to stand up for a fair investigation and hold those involved accountable is disappointing.

    • Obama Administration under investigation for withholding Clinton emails related to Benghazi attackThe Obama White House and State Department are under investigation for withholding emails related to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State during the Benghazi attack, potentially lying to requesters, and possibly avoiding FOIA requests through email use.

      The Obama White House and the State Department are under investigation for withholding emails related to Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, specifically during the timeframe of the Benghazi attack. These emails were withheld from the American people and from Judicial Watch, an organization seeking transparency. Furthermore, evidence has emerged that the Obama White House Counsel's Office directed the State Department to lie about Hillary Clinton's emails to a requester. The courts are now investigating if Hillary Clinton used her emails to avoid FOIA requests, if the Justice Department and State Department engaged in misconduct with the court, and if the emails are located elsewhere. The Justice Department is currently protecting both Hillary Clinton and themselves, creating a joint defense-like situation. The Obama administration did not claim executive privilege on these emails due to potential classified information, instead opting for the presidential communications privilege. Additionally, there is testimony that the State Department purposely underclassified information in Clinton's email cache to reduce pressure for prosecution. This is in contrast to the Spygate case where information was overclassified, highlighting the inconsistencies in the handling of classified information during this time.

    • FBI's Investigation Based on False InformationDespite knowing the dossier used to justify the Russia investigation was likely a hoax, the DOJ and FBI continued to pursue it, raising concerns about political bias and the motivations behind the probe.

      The actions of former FBI Director Jim Comey during the 2016 election and the subsequent investigation into Russian collusion appear to have been based on false information. Comey was briefed as early as January 2017 that the dossier used to justify the investigation was a hoax. Yet, the DOJ and FBI continued to push for a special counsel, despite knowing the case was likely based on false information. This raises serious questions about the motivations behind the investigation and the role of political bias in the decision-making process. The special counsel appointment was part of a larger effort to remove President Trump from office, and it's crucial to understand the context of these events to appreciate the gravity of the situation. The work of independent journalists and organizations, such as Judicial Watch, has been instrumental in shedding light on this political scandal.

    • Brennan's Role in Russia Probe OriginsFormer intel chief John Brennan may have misled FBI and public about his knowledge and involvement in Russia probe's inception in 2016, with evidence suggesting he briefed Reid about Russian election interference before his public denials.

      There are allegations that John Brennan, a former intelligence chief, may have misled the FBI and the American public regarding his knowledge and involvement in the inception of the investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia. This claim is based on evidence suggesting that Brennan briefed Harry Reid in August 2016 about Russian interference in the election, which predates his public denials of having seen the dossier until December. Additionally, there are indications that Hillary Clinton's associates, such as Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Sheer, may have played a role in disseminating information that ended up in the dossier. These connections and potential deceptions raise questions about the origins of the investigation and the motivations of those involved.

    • Collaboration between Clinton campaign and FBI to target Trump using false infoUnprecedented collaboration between Clinton campaign, FBI, and Obama admin to spread false info against Trump, funded by both parties, led to impeachment, underscoring importance of transparency and accountability in gov.

      The Clinton campaign and the FBI collaborated to target Donald Trump during the 2016 election using false information. Steel, who was working for both the Clinton campaign and the FBI, provided the information, which was funded by both parties. Obama's involvement in the campaign, which was unprecedented for an incumbent president, also played a role in the White House's desire to keep Hillary Clinton in power. The FBI's use of taxpayer dollars to pay for the spy, Halper, and the source, Steele, adds another layer to this complex issue. The fact that this information was withheld from the public for years and led to Trump's impeachment highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government. The ongoing investigation by Judicial Watch and other media outlets sheds light on this critical issue and underscores the need for further investigation.

    • Blumenthal's connection to Clinton and the scandalSidney Blumenthal, a close advisor to Hillary Clinton, provided similar information to the State Department as Christopher Steele, adding complexity to the Uranium One scandal

      Org is that Sidney Blumenthal, a close advisor to Hillary Clinton, was providing information to the State Department that was similar to that of Christopher Steele. This connection between Clinton and the scandal has been underreported and adds to the complexity of the situation. It's important to remember that this is just one piece of the puzzle, but it sheds light on the role Blumenthal played in the events leading up to the scandal. It's easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information being discussed, but this interview provides valuable insights into the relationship between Clinton and Blumenthal. Be sure to check out Tom Fitten on Twitter, and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow Dan on Twitter for more updates.

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