
    About this Episode

    The Autism Society of Florida is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) that strives to empower lives by opening avenues of self-advocacy and advocating on behalf of others in a way that values equity, respect, dignity and diversity in all communities.  This intro will offer a bit more background on what we do and how to connect.  www.autismfl.org 

    Recent Episodes from REACH

    44. How Labels Have Changed

    44. How Labels Have Changed

    Labels might be something that's meant for shirts, or even jars, but unfortunately they're also a pathway to accessing services. Maybe one day that will change, but for now, it's what we have. That's why it's important to know and understand what they are and why they have changed over the last ten years.

    Access No Limits Global here - NOT TO BE MISSED :) - No Limits Global

    Access our blog here: Blog of the ASF