
    About this Episode

    Learn how to master the art of property investment

    Many people think property investment is a quick way to get rich, but it’s not. It is an orderly approach to building wealth over time. It is a long-term game that requires strategic planning. You need to deeply understand the property market because it involves buying and holding properties. You have to focus on areas with high growth potential and consider factors such as demographics, lifestyle preferences, and affordability.

    Michael Yardney is a renowned property investor and expert in the field. With over 50 years of experience, he has been voted one of Australia’s 50 most influential Thought Leaders. And while he is best known as a property expert, Michael is also Australia’s leading expert in the psychology of success and wealth creation. He is a #1 best-selling author of 9 books and frequently challenges traditional finance advice with innovative ideas on property investment, personal finance and wealth creation.

    Key takeaways:

    • Property investment is not easy, but it can be simple with the right knowledge and strategies
    • It is important to understand that property investment is a long-term wealth-building strategy
    • Finding a knowledgeable and experienced property advisor or coach can greatly increase the chances of making sound investment decisions
    • Researching and analyzing local markets, demographics, and future development plans are very important for investment
    • Investing in properties requires capital and careful financial management
    • Maintaining a long-term outlook and effectively navigating the fluctuations of the real estate market are crucial
    • Managing emotions and avoid making decisions based on short-term market conditions
    • Aspirational suburbs with growth potential and increasing demand tend to be good investment choices

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned for more episodes because we will be talking to more key figures, who are contributing to the industry. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.






    Recent Episodes from The ToolShed

    You're Doing Way More Than You Need To feat. James Buchanan

    You're Doing Way More Than You Need To feat. James Buchanan

    Learn how to use automation to enhance client communication

    Automation is a fundamental component of contemporary company operations. Businesses may streamline workflows, improve reaction times, and provide customised interactions at scale by implementing automation tools and techniques. Learning the art of automation enables businesses to accomplish more with less.

    James Buchanan, who runs Automation King, delves into a game-changing strategy for builders and enhancing client communication through automation. From lead management to project updates and practical strategies for seamlessly integrating automation tools into our workflows, join us as we explore the transformative power of automation in simplifying your client communication process.

    In this episode you will:

    • Enhance customer communication processes, such as responding to inquiries promptly and gathering relevant information efficiently
    • Generate reports or syncing information between platforms can save significant time and effort
    • Implement automated lead management systems can improve the quality of leads and streamline the process of nurturing prospects through personalized communication
    • Automation can facilitate client onboarding by providing timely reminders, sharing relevant information, enhancing their experience and satisfaction
    • Optimise internal processes such as time tracking, task reminders, and documentation management
    • Utilise AI to transcribe and summarise recorded phone calls that can streamline internal processes
    • Focus on the desired outcomes rather than getting caught up in the technical details of how tasks are performed

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to Olly Wood, Founder of Body Reset. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.


    The ToolShed
    enMarch 11, 2024

    Saving Money and Time Through Simplified Systems feat. James Brown

    Saving Money and Time Through Simplified Systems feat. James Brown

    Learn how to maximise time and money for efficiency

    Businesses that have the systems and processes in the heads of the owner or even the people involved tend to struggle and find it quite difficult. Whereas if we get the systems and processes out so everyone can see them contribute to them, follow them, measure them, refine them. The business seems to work far better.

    I have another repeat guest, James Brown, a leading expert in systems research and implementation, dedicated to maximising business efficiency and productivity. James has worked with a diverse range of businesses in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, professional services and tourism, and has developed a deep understanding of the challenges faced by small businesses. James' broad industry background and deep understanding of business challenges allow him to offer innovative and effective solutions, to help businesses simplify their operations and maximise team ownership.

    In this episode you will:

    • Implement effective operational frameworks to enhance efficiency and mitigate risks
    • Specialised knowledge and methods for sustainable growth
    • Ensure successful integration and ongoing management of critical business processes
    • Foster growth and collaboration without breaking the bank
    • Embrace holistic approaches to business management and growth
    • Strategic planning to navigate business development complexities
    • Recognise the importance of holistic approaches for business management and growth

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to more influential figures in the building industry. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.



    The Simplest Way To Buy Back Your Time feat. James Russell

    The Simplest Way To Buy Back Your Time feat. James Russell

    Learn how to optimise every minute for maximum profit

    Time freedom is the golden ticket. When we focus on adding value and streamlining, we're not just making more money—we're gaining precious time. One way we can achieve this is by hiring virtual assistants or VAs. Another is strategically simplifying our operations. These can be a game-changer in reclaiming your time and efficiency. And I have a repeat guest who is there just for that.

    My guest, James Russell, who I’ve previously had in the podcast, is the founder of TradieVA. TradieVA specialises in virtual assistant services for trades and building industry professionals. James returns with unique perspectives on how to navigate the complexities of time management and productivity enhancement. Together, we discuss how to achieve remarkable results within condensed timeframes and optimise every precious moment.

    Key Takeaways:

    • TradieVA matches you with Virtual Talent providing administrative and back office support in the Trades and Construction industry
    • People in the trades industry need to embrace outsourcing as a way to grow and improve their businesses
    • Different mindset and skillset are required when it comes to business management and growth
    • Entrepreneurs need to have clarity, momentum, and focus to stay on track and achieve their goals
    • Surrounding yourself with a community who can help tradespeople overcome obstacles and find success
    • Why Virtual assistants can save more time and help the business scale up efficiently
    • AI optimises sales, recruitment, SOPs, and empowers VAs for productivity gains

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned next week when I have James Brown, who founded BizTech Guru. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.




    Converting Leads Into A+ Quality Clients feat. Richard Armstrong

    Converting Leads Into A+ Quality Clients feat. Richard Armstrong

    Learn how to extract value and ensure client fit

    Builders face numerous challenges when accurately qualifying clients, often struggling to grasp their needs and aspirations. Effective communication and problem-solving play crucial roles in overcoming these obstacles. However, builders have ample opportunities to improve their processes and build trust with high-quality clients. Builders must invest time in understanding client expectations to foster stronger relationships. This leads to successful projects and sets the stage for repeat business and positive referrals, ultimately contributing to long-term success in the industry.

    I am joined again by Richard Armstrong, a highly respected figure in the building industry. He is a former registered builder and founder of ProCalc, the builders' price guide. He undertook research interviews with hundreds of highly successful Australian builders about their approach to client management and project pricing. He emphasises the importance of early engagement with architects, effective client communication, and tools like ProCalc to streamline cost estimation.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Builders often qualify clients inadequately, resulting in lower-quality clients and reduced margins
    • Recognising the lead source signals prospect quality and helps builders position themselves as preferred experts
    • Builders can build trust by providing answers and solutions to client questions early in the process
    • Feasibility should consider both client affordability and the builder’s perspective
    • Early collaboration with architects enhances cost estimates and project outcomes for builders
    • ProCalc streamlines builders’ feasibility assessment and cost estimation
    • Aligning solutions with the client’s budget boosts conversions and satisfaction
    • Regularly reviewing and updating cost estimation algorithms ensures accuracy in feasibility assessments

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned for the next episode, where I talk to more significant figures in the building industry. Remember to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon as it’s released. Until then, stay healthy.



    Money Mindset and Efficient Management feat. Terry Tran

    Money Mindset and Efficient Management feat. Terry Tran

    Learn the foundation of money management for financial freedom

    Before we start, I want to talk about an event. Our return guest, Terry Tran, is putting on an event. It’s going to be on Tuesday, the 13th of February, kicking off at 7:20 in the evening. When you attend this session, you’ll learn how to create off-business wealth safely, regardless of the market condition. The link’s at the bottom of the description. Go check it out. I have some other financial freedom tools that you can start using.

    Most problems in small businesses, particularly building businesses, come from the financial space. When you’re under financial pressure, it seems to magnify the consequences of every other problem you’ve got, whether it’s a health problem, a relationship problem or a work issue. So, we’re going to be talking about a bunch of things about mindset with money and how to use your money more effectively.

    Terry Tran is joining me in this insightful conversation. He is the founder of The Freedom Trader and a highly knowledgeable individual in investing. With a focus on diversification and utilising both hard and liquid assets, Terry has achieved financial success and aims to help others do the same. He emphasises the importance of wisely managing the money generated from a business, suggesting that investing a portion of it can lead to passive income and financial stability. Together, we discuss the concept of financial freedom and how investing can provide a perpetual money machine for individuals.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Money management is crucial for small businesses, especially in the financial space
    • The importance of diversification and investing in both stocks and real estate
    • Building a portfolio of investments can provide passive income and stabilise a business
    • Focusing on financial freedom rather than solely pursuing financial abundance
    • The mindset of fear and greed plays a significant role in successful investing
    • Starting to invest can be as simple as setting aside a small amount regularly and gradually increasing it over time
    • Understanding personal income comfort level and the revenue needed from the business is essential
    • Considering a self-managed super fund to achieve better returns on investment
    • Prioritising risk management is crucial to avoid losses and maintain consistent returns
    • Letting compounding do the heavy lifting can lead to substantial long-term growth
    • Patience is key in investing, focusing on long-term strategies rather than seeking quick gains

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned next week when I share a new conversation with one of the podcast’s returning guests, Richard Armstrong from Procalc! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon as it’s released. Until then, stay healthy.




    No More BAS Stress feat. Angus Morrison

    No More BAS Stress feat. Angus Morrison

    Learn to streamline BAS processes and overcome financial strain

    BAS, or Business Activity Statement, is a tax reporting requirement for businesses in Australia. It’s a way for businesses to report their goods and services tax (GST) obligations, as well as other taxes like pay-as-you-go (PAYG) withholding and fringe benefits tax (FBT). BAS payments are important to managing your business finances and staying compliant with tax regulations. Understanding and effectively managing BAS payments is crucial for business owners to avoid penalties and maintain financial stability.

    Good thing we have Angus Morrison. He is a Chartered Accountant and Profit First Professional with extensive experience in tax and business advice. As a highly qualified financial expert with a strong background in financial analysis and planning, Angus is known for his expertise in helping businesses set up the Profit First cash flow system and navigate complex tax issues. Angus brings valuable insights into handling BAS payments and overcoming the issues faced by business owners, especially builders.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understanding and effectively managing BAS payments is crucial for business owners
    • Separating the funds for BAS and other financial obligations can help create clarity and control
    • Implementing the Profit First system can help separate funds for taxes and improve financial control
    • Paying BAS payments promptly can save businesses from accumulating interest and additional liabilities
    • Changing the mindset around tax payments is essential for long-term financial success
    • Tax debts can hinder business growth and require significant effort to resolve
    • Outsourcing BAS management to a professional can ensure timely payments and eliminate the burden
    • Effective BAS management provides business owners with financial clarity and peace of mind

    All this and more is on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    The next episode will carry a surprise. So, remember to subscribe to the show to receive that episode as soon as it is released. Until then, stay healthy.




    Are You Minding Your Mind? feat. Jerome Lemarque

    Are You Minding Your Mind? feat. Jerome Lemarque

    Learn how to unleash the power of mind management

    There's a transformative impact of managing one's mind in achieving high performance and fulfilment. It involves a lot of things, such as taking personal responsibility, emphasising the power of consistency, organising psychology, and balancing masculine and feminine energy. We need to help individuals tap into their true essence, allowing them to navigate life with resilience, purpose, and a focus on continuous improvement.

    Jerome Lemarque, a renowned mind-management coach, joins me in this fascinating conversation. He brings his expertise on mindset and its influence on success. Jerome's journey began with a defining moment, where he learned the importance of taking personal responsibility and shifting his mindset. He is passionate about helping individuals think smarter, especially in building a business.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Personal responsibility is vital for shaping one's life and overcoming challenges
    • Emotional intelligence, especially self-awareness and self-regulation, is crucial
    • Balancing masculine and feminine energy is important for harmony in work and personal life
    • Energy management is more valuable than time management
    • Striving for progress, rather than perfection, leads to growth and success
    • Seeking the guidance of a specialist can profoundly benefit personal and professional development
    • Consistency in routines and proactive habits is key to thinking like a high-performance leader

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned for more episodes because we will be talking to more key figures, who are contributing to the industry. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.



    The Best Way To Invest In Real Estate. Ask Who Not How feat. Mark Creedon

    The Best Way To Invest In Real Estate. Ask Who Not How feat. Mark Creedon

    Find out how to make your money work for you in real estate

    Happy New Year, dear listeners! Wishing you a year filled with abundance, growth, and success. Get ready for an exciting journey ahead as we make 2024 our best year yet!

    Surround yourself with the right professionals and experts to successfully maximise your real estate investment potential. It is necessary for investors to seek the right knowledge and strategies that allows them to leverage the collective wisdom of qualified people, enabling them to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and optimise returns on their real estate investments. And recognising the value of the "ask who, not how" approach proves instrumental in creating a solid foundation for success. Get ready and learn how to make your money work for you instead of working for your money.

    Mark Creedon, a renowned expert and sought-after business advisor in the world of real estate investment. Mark shares his extensive knowledge and experience, gained through years of coaching and partnering with industry leaders like Michael Yardney. His insight and strategic thinking have been a valuable addition to Metropole for a number of years. Together, we explore various strategies to build wealth through real estate and provide actionable advice to make informed investment decisions.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Seek guidance from experts in real estate investment to mitigate risks and maximise return
    • Finding the right people (who) to help with real estate investments, rather than trying to figure out everything on your own (how)
    • Don't rely solely on personal experience or luck when making property investment decisions
    • Understand the fundamentals of property investing and make decisions based on trusted sources
    • Timing the market is less important than time in the market; focus on long-term growth
    • Leverage your investments by choosing properties that offer potential for capital growth
    • Emotional decision-making can hinder investment success; remove it and rely on expert advice
    • Building a sense of community and belonging is crucial
    • Consider working with a buyer's agent to navigate the property market and secure off-market opportunities

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned next week when I talk to Jerome Lemarque, a mind management expert. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.


    How To Use Relationships To Build Your Business feat. Charles Byrd

    How To Use Relationships To Build Your Business feat. Charles Byrd

    Learn how to unlock success through connections

    Before we go in this episode, I want to give a heads up that this will be the last episode for this year. The next one will go out on January 9 next year. We will start the year with Mark Creedon and deal with ways to invest in Real Estate.

    The power of relationships in building a successful business cannot be overstated, as strong interpersonal connections form the foundation for trust, collaboration, and mutual support. You have to learn how to evaluate user feedback effectively and compile user research methods into a comprehensive document. Recognise the significance of developing strong relationships with clients, suppliers, and team members to enhance business growth and success.

    Joining me in this enlightening conversation is Charles Byrd, the founder of Pure JV and a world-leading authority in creating and nurturing relationships. He is known as "Super Connector," a speaker and joint venture expert. Charles highlights the importance of providing value first and building strong relationships based on trust and reciprocity. He reveals how businesses can replace traditional marketing methods with relationship-building strategies to achieve sustainable success.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Building relationships with clients, suppliers, and team members is essential
    • Joint venture partnerships provide opportunities to reach new audiences and expand business reach
    • Learn to understand user needs and evaluate user feedback
    • Compiling user research methods into a document helps streamline the research process
    • Building relationships with vendors and subcontractors can generate referrals and new leads
    • Providing value first in relationships leads to reciprocity and strengthens connections
    • Warm introductions from trusted sources can significantly impact relationship-building efforts

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com


    The ToolShed Podcast won’t be possible without your support through out the year. We will continue our efforts to help elevate the construction industry here in Australia. Until then, stay healthy, folks!

    One Way To Free Yourself From Admin feat. James Allen

    One Way To Free Yourself From Admin feat. James Allen

    Learn how to navigate administrative tasks efficiently

    Administrative tasks can drain your time and energy, preventing you from focusing on what truly matters in your personal and professional growth. But fear not because there’s a solution that can help you break free from this burden. Enter Eight Clicks High, an incredible online hardware trading platform that has transformed into a complete system connecting tradies with their local hardware stores. Say hello to administrative headaches and a more streamlined and efficient way of doing business.

    Joining me today is the one and only James Allen, the director of Eight Clicks High and Founder of Australia’s most influential trade hardware disruption company. James shares his background in the hardware industry and his realisation of the need to support pricing and business administration tradies. Together, we explore a powerful solution to free ourselves from administrative burdens. We delve into how the platform can revolutionise the way trade-based businesses order materials for their projects, eliminating unnecessary issues and streamlining the entire process.

    Key Takeaways:

    • QuickTradeOrders is an efficient tool that simplifies administration for tradies
    • The ultimate goal of the platform is to provide an admin-free experience
    • The platform streamlines ordering for trades-based businesses
    • It simplifies material ordering, saving time and reducing administrative burdens
    • The system promotes price transparency, helping users make informed decisions
    • Users can place orders or requests through voice messages, enhancing convenience
    • The platform connects tradespeople with local businesses, supporting small enterprises

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned when I talk to more influential figures who also aim to help our building industry. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.


