
    Iran Murders American Troops...while Biden Funds the Ayatollah, plus Texas BATTLES Biden on the Border

    enJanuary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Sign up for Consumer Cellular's affordable plans and save on your second month, plus help save unborn lives with Pre Born. Check medical bills with HealthLock.Save on wireless plans with Consumer Cellular, receive second month free with promo code 'monthfree' by May 31st, help save unborn lives with Pre Born, and identify and correct medical billing errors with HealthLock.

      Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless plans with the same fast and reliable coverage as leading carriers, and new customers can receive their second month free by signing up and using the promo code "monthfree" by May 31st. Additionally, there's a call to action to help save the lives of unborn babies through Pre Born, an organization that rescues 200 babies from abortion every day. Another key takeaway is the importance of checking medical bills for errors, which can save significant amounts of money, and HealthLock is a resource that can help identify and correct billing errors. Lastly, the discussion highlighted the ongoing attacks on US troops in the Middle East by Iran-backed militias and the concerns over President Biden's response and weakness in handling the situation.

    • Appeasement and Weakness Towards Terrorists and Rogue States Leads to More ConflictHistorical evidence shows that providing funds to terrorists and rogue states through foreign aid and appeasement can lead to more conflict, while a firm stance can deter attacks.

      Historical evidence suggests that appeasement and weakness towards terrorist organizations and rogue states can lead to more conflict and bloodshed, rather than less. For instance, during the October 7th attack in Israel in 1994, which killed over 1200 Israelis and some Americans, the U.S. government, under President Joe Biden at the time, provided significant funding to the perpetrators through foreign aid. Conversely, when former President Donald Trump took a firm stance against Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani, who was responsible for the deaths of over 100 U.S. servicemembers, the response was a decrease in attacks. Trump's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal and enforce oil sanctions significantly weakened the Iranian economy, leaving Biden with a cratered economy when he took office. However, Biden reversed these policies, sending billions of dollars to Iran and stopping oil sanctions enforcement, which has led to an increase in attacks against U.S. troops and allies. This pattern highlights the importance of a strong and decisive foreign policy in deterring terrorist organizations and rogue states.

    • Iran's Significant Funding of Terrorist OrganizationsThe Biden administration continues to send billions to Iran, funding their terrorism against America and Israel, while abandoning friends and allowing China to benefit.

      Iran is the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, funding organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah to a significant extent. Approximately 90% of Hamas's budget and the same percentage of Hezbollah's comes from Iran. The Ayatollah, the leader of Iran, holds a theocratic and genocidal ideology, referring to Israel and America as "little" and "great Satan," respectively. Despite this, the Biden administration continues to send Iran billions of dollars and allow them to sell oil, even after the murder of US servicemen and women. A responsible response would be to cut off the funds, enforce oil sanctions, and stop funding Iranian proxies and organizations like Hamas and UNRWA that hate America. The current policy of giving enemies everything they want while abandoning friends makes no sense and only benefits countries like China, which is funding Iran.

    • Responding Firmly to Attacks and Aligning ValuesEmphasizing firm responses to attacks on American interests and aligning personal values with supported companies can lead to positive outcomes.

      Responding firmly to attacks against American interests, whether military or civilian, is crucial in deterring further harm. This was emphasized in contrast to the perceived weakness shown by the current administration. Another takeaway is the importance of aligning personal values with the companies we support financially. The speaker endorsed Patriot Mobile as a Christian conservative cell phone provider that shares similar values and donates to causes that align with them. Lastly, there were calls to action for saving money on wireless service with Consumer Cellular, improving sleep with the Leesa natural hybrid mattress, and considering US oil and gas investments for potential tax benefits and sound returns.

    • States' Rights to Defend ThemselvesThe US Constitution restricts states from going to war without Congress' consent, but it's unclear if states can defend themselves against federal inaction, such as at the border. Texas is testing these limits with border security measures.

      The constitutional provision in Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution restricts states from engaging in war without the consent of Congress, unless they are invaded or in imminent danger. The ongoing dispute between Texas and the Biden administration regarding border control has led to a debate about states' rights to defend themselves when the federal government fails to do so. The legality of Texas' actions is an open question, with past court rulings providing ambiguous guidance. The situation at the border under the Biden administration has significantly worsened compared to previous years, leading to unprecedented numbers of illegal immigrants entering the country. Texas, in response, has taken measures such as installing razor wire along the border to secure its state. The constitutionality of these actions remains a topic of ongoing debate.

    • Legal battle over border fence continues at Supreme CourtThe Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Biden administration regarding the use of concertina wire at the border, but Texas has not been ordered to remove it. The case will be argued again on February 8th and may end up back at the Supreme Court.

      The legal battle between Texas and the Biden administration over the use of concertina wire along the border is ongoing. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Biden administration, allowing them to potentially remove the wire, but there is no order for Texas to take it down. The case is expected to be argued again on February 8th, and it's likely to end up back at the Supreme Court. Despite claims that Texas is defying a supreme court order, there is no order impacting Texas regarding this issue. The debate over the use of the term "invasion" to describe the situation at the border also continues, with some arguing that it requires a uniformed military force. However, the practical implications of this semantic debate are unclear.

    • Texas' Lawsuit Against Biden Administration Over Border Wall: Jurisdictional QuestionsTexas' lawsuit against the Biden administration over the border wall focuses on jurisdictional questions rather than the merits of the case. The courts may define 'invasion' narrowly and it could be a difficult constitutional argument for Texas to make.

      The Supreme Court has not yet ruled on the merits of Texas' lawsuit against the Biden administration regarding the border wall. Instead, the focus of the oral arguments was on jurisdictional questions, specifically whether Texas has the right to sue the federal government in federal court. While constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley agrees with Texas' argument that the federal government has not fulfilled its pledge to secure the border, he believes it will be a difficult constitutional argument to make in court. The courts are likely to define "invasion" in the context of a foreign state invasion, rather than the large number of migrants crossing the border. Additionally, CBP reported a record 302,034 migrant encounters in December, with 19 arrests of individuals on the FBI terror watchlist. Despite this, there is no one in mainstream media reporting on the border crisis in the same depth and detail as Bill Melugen of Fox News.

    • Biden's Border Crisis: More Terror Watchlist Apprehensions Than Trump's Entire PresidencyUnder Biden, more individuals on the terror watchlist have been apprehended at the border than during Trump's entire presidency. The crisis necessitates a new approach and raises concerns about constitutional law and federal-state relations.

      The number of individuals on the terror watchlist apprehended at the border under President Biden in just a few months surpasses the total from the entirety of Donald Trump's presidency. Currently, there have been over 50 apprehensions, with 19 occurring in December alone. This situation requires a different approach, as the argument at the Supreme Court will need to establish that the current border crisis is qualitatively distinct from typical illegal immigration. The Biden administration's complicity in this issue, as they encourage illegal immigration and even dismantle border barriers, poses significant concerns. Additionally, there are potential constitutional law issues at play, with the state of Texas asserting that the federal government does not have the authority to destroy state-constructed barriers. The situation could lead to confrontations between state and federal officials, and the growing extremism within the federal government may further complicate matters.

    • Border dispute between Biden admin and Texas escalates, potentially leading to constitutional crisisThe ongoing border dispute between Texas and the Biden administration has escalated, with potential conflicts arising from both parties issuing orders over National Guard and border infrastructure, raising concerns about a constitutional crisis and emphasizing the complexities of federal-state relations.

      The ongoing dispute between the Biden administration and Texas over border infrastructure involves a constitutional clash, with Texas receiving support from multiple states. The National Guard, typically under state control, can be called up by the federal government, leading to potential conflicts if both parties issue orders. The border patrol's refusal to remove infrastructure installed by Texas, despite federal instructions, has escalated tensions and raised concerns about a constitutional crisis. Many governors have rallied behind Texas, emphasizing states' rights and their duty to protect their citizens. The situation highlights the complexities of federal-state relations and the potential for political tensions to escalate.

    • Biden Administration's Extreme Actions and Potential Federal OverreachThe Biden administration's extreme actions and potential federal overreach could lead to complex situations and clashes between federal and state officials, putting the safety and security of Americans at risk.

      The current political climate in the United States is increasingly extreme and dangerous due to the actions of the Biden administration. The discussion touched upon the possibility of federal overreach, specifically in relation to the National Guard and state law enforcement. It was aired that Biden could try to nationalize the National Guard, but this would be a complex situation with potential clashes between federal and state officials. The speaker also highlighted the escalating actions of the Biden White House, which they believe puts politics above the safety and security of Americans. The situation is so severe that every Democrat in office will soon have to answer whether they stand with the lawlessness and extreme agenda of the Biden administration or with the safety of the American people. The irony is that the Biden administration, which initially claimed to have adults back in charge, has instead shown an extreme and dangerous agenda, as seen in their handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and other issues. The adults may be back in the White House, but the actions of the administration are anything but adult-like, focusing on naive and ideological decisions that put the country at risk.

    • Hollywood's Shift Towards China and Healthcare SavingsHollywood adjusts content for Chinese market, HealthLock combats medical bill errors, Hannah Storm's NBA DNA podcast shares basketball stories

      Hollywood is facing increasing influence from external forces, specifically the Chinese Communist Party, which is leading to controversial choices being made in major film productions to secure distribution in China. Meanwhile, in the healthcare sector, errors in medical bills are rampant, with over 50% estimated to contain inaccuracies. Consumers can protect themselves from overbilling, wrong codes, and fraud by utilizing HealthLock's technology. Lastly, Hannah Storm invites listeners to join her on her new podcast, NBA DNA, where she shares her personal experiences and stories from the world of basketball. Intriguingly, Hollywood's shift towards appeasing the Chinese Communist Party, the potential for significant savings through HealthLock, and Hannah Storm's engaging basketball podcast all offer unique insights into their respective industries.

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