
    Iran Weapon Interception & Congress Tax Deal Impacts | 1.17.24

    enJanuary 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Tensions in Red Sea, US Politics, Missing Navy SEALs, New Hampshire Primary, Bipartisan Tax Cut Deal, Balance of NatureTwo Navy SEALs missing in Red Sea amid Iranian weapons shipment. Houthis must de-escalate. New Hampshire primary nears, candidates woo independent voters. Bipartisan tax cut deal reached, but beneficial for Americans?

      Tensions in the Red Sea continue to escalate, with two Navy SEALs going missing during a US operation to intercept a shipment of Iranian weapons bound for Houthi militants in Yemen. The Houthis now face a choice to make, and the right choice is to de-escalate the situation. Meanwhile, in US politics, New Hampshire's presidential primary is approaching, with candidates like Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis trying to win over the state's independent voters. A bipartisan tax cut deal worth $78 billion was also reached, but the question remains whether it's beneficial for Americans. In health news, Balance of Nature offers a convenient solution for consuming daily fruits and vegetables with their fruit and veggie capsules. Remember to use promo code "wire" for a discount.

    • US Navy intercepts Iranian ship with advanced missile components for Houthi rebelsThe US Navy seized an Iranian ship carrying advanced missile components, marking the first such incident since 2019. Two Navy SEALs went missing during the operation, adding complexity to the ongoing tensions between the US and Iran.

      The US Navy intercepted an Iranian ship carrying advanced missile components intended for Houthi rebels in Yemen, marking the first such seizure since November 2019. Two Navy SEALs went missing during the operation, and a search is ongoing. Iran has been increasing tensions in the region by supporting its proxies and launching strikes into neighboring countries, including Iraq and Pakistan, despite not wanting a larger war. The US and Iran are walking a tightrope, with both sides aiming to maintain pressure without escalating into open conflict. The disappearance of the two SEALs adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

    • Middle East Tensions and US Political SceneIran strikes targets in Syria, US and UK conduct military actions in Yemen, Houthis threaten Red Sea trade, Trump leads New Hampshire primary, Haley leads polls, DeSantis may shift support to Haley, Christie may shift support to Trump, Ramaswamy ends campaign, US urges Houthis to cease attacks, Republican nomination race heats up in New Hampshire

      Tensions in the Middle East continue to escalate, with Iran striking targets in Syria linked to terror groups and the US and UK conducting military actions against the Houthis in Yemen. Despite these actions, the Houthis are expected to continue threatening trade in the Red Sea. Meanwhile, in the US political scene, Donald Trump's victory in the Iowa caucus has set the stage for the New Hampshire primary, where he currently leads in the polls. Ron DeSantis, who had placed a significant bet on Iowa, is currently polling at 7% in New Hampshire, while Nikki Haley leads with 29%. Chris Christie, who has since dropped out, and Vivek Ramaswamy, who has also ended his campaign, may shift their support to Haley and Trump, respectively. The US continues to urge the Houthis to cease their attacks and avoid further conflict, while the race for the Republican nomination heats up in New Hampshire.

    • Nikki Haley sees opportunity to challenge Trump in New HampshireNikki Haley believes she can win New Hampshire and shake up the Republican primary race, potentially impacting the party's future direction

      Nikki Haley sees a potential opportunity in New Hampshire to challenge Donald Trump's dominance in the Republican primary race. Haley believes she can make a strong case against Trump in New Hampshire and views this as a two-person race. Trump, who is currently polling at 43%, needs a convincing victory to solidify his position as the nominee. A Haley win in New Hampshire could potentially shake up the race and even put her in contention for the vice presidential spot. While it may not matter significantly who finishes second in the primary, it could send a message about the influence of more traditional, or neocon, voices within the Republican Party. The race for second place could prove significant in shaping the future direction of the GOP. Additionally, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy may also have something to say about the party's future. Overall, the primary race is far from over, and the race for second place could play a role in determining the future of the Republican Party.

    • Nikki Haley's Debate Strategy and New Tax ProposalNikki Haley only debating Trump or Biden in primaries could upset NH voters, but her two-person race stance might help. Bipartisan lawmakers introduce $80B tax proposal, expanding child tax credit and offering tax breaks for builders, while ending COVID era employee retention credit.

      Nikki Haley's decision to only debate Trump or Biden in the upcoming primaries could be perceived as an affront to New Hampshire voters, who are accustomed to important debates leading up to their primary elections. This comes after Haley's previous debate performance against Ron DeSantis, which many observers thought she lost. On the other hand, her assertion of a two-person race could also play in her favor. Meanwhile, in Washington, bipartisan lawmakers announced a new tax proposal worth $80 billion, which includes expanding the child tax credit and offering tax breaks for builders investing in low-income properties. Notably, the proposal would also end the controversial COVID era employee retention tax credit. This rare bipartisan agreement could have significant implications for millions of American families and small business owners.

    • COVID-19 relief program faces significant cost overruns due to fraudulent claimsLatest proposal aims to save billions by shortening claim deadline, but passage uncertain, supported by influential figures, provides tax relief to families and strengthens economy, striking right balance between helping families and boosting production to combat inflation.

      The COVID-19 relief program intended to subsidize employee salaries during the pandemic and prevent layoffs has faced significant issues with fraudulent claims, resulting in a cost overrun from $50 billion to over $200 billion. The latest proposal aims to save billions by shortening the deadline for filing claims and is supported by influential lawmakers and business leaders. However, the package's passage remains uncertain, and supporters express optimism despite an uphill battle. The bill aims to provide tax relief to families and strengthen the economy by encouraging production. As Brandon Arnold from the National Taxpayers Union stated, this bill strikes the right balance between helping families and boosting the economy. The best approach to combating inflation is by encouraging American businesses and workers to produce more, and this comprehensive tax package from Congress is expected to do just that.

    • New additions to COVID-relief bill may secure support from undecided lawmakersNew additions to the COVID-relief bill, including a new disaster relief framework and a carve-out for Taiwanese companies, could help secure support from undecided lawmakers and pass the bill before tax season begins.

      The passing of the $1.9 trillion COVID-relief bill is still uncertain, as it faces opposition from hardline conservatives and President Biden, who wants larger increases in the child tax credit. To win over undecided lawmakers, the bill's creators have added sweeteners such as a new disaster relief framework offering a billion dollars in tax breaks for states hit by natural disasters and a carve-out preventing double taxation for Taiwanese companies. These additions could help secure support from lawmakers concerned about China and aid for Taiwan. The vote on the bill is expected to happen before tax season begins.

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    Avec Simon Desplanque & Vincent Gabriel

    Invitée : Lina Kennouche

    Suivez le podcast ! Il est désormais sur X/Twitter : @20MPC_podcast  

    Générique : Léopold Corbion (15 Years of Reflection)

    Bibliographie :

    Kennouche, L, « Rapprochement Arabie saoudie-Israël : le difficile pari de Washington » dans The Convers        ation, 26 septembre 2023, disponible ici : https://theconversation.com/rapprochement-arabie-saoudite-israel-le-difficile-pari-de-washington-213139.

    Kennouche, L, «  Les Etats-Unis vers un conflit à grande échelle avec les Houthis du Yémen et les organisations politico-militaires irakiennes ? » dans The Conversation, 29 janvier 2024, disponible ici : https://theconversation.com/les-etats-unis-vers-un-conflit-a-grande-echelle-avec-les-houthis-du-yemen-et-les-organisations-politico-militaires-irakiennes-221671.

    Kennouche, L., « Le duo Israël/Etats-Unis face à la cohésion croissante des pays arabes et musulmans » dans The Conversation, 19 novembre 2023, disponible ici : https://theconversation.com/le-duo-israel-etats-unis-face-a-la-cohesion-croissante-des-pays-arabes-et-musulmans-217577.

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