
    About this Episode

    When growing plants the most unpredictable factor is often water.  Irrigation is made to supplement natural rain, but is often one of the most questioned aspects of growing plants. Join our hosts Stephanie Gilbert and Lance Roberson as we discuss irrigation in this episode of Good at Plants, Bad at Life.

    Have a question, you can call or text our help line "AA-Help-Me-ZZ" (224)357-6399, send us an email to Podcast@plance.org, or find us on Instagram!

    Recent Episodes from Good at Plants Bad at Life

    It's a trap!

    It's a trap!

    This week, Pat Sirois and Lance discuss a call we got from a curious kid asking about a plant that they'd seen in a recent movie, and while movies aren't real, some plants are more interesting than ones that are made up.

    Join us as we talk about movie plants as well as the stranger than fiction venus fly trap!

    Have your own questions? Give us a call on our help line, at A-A-HELP-ME-ZZ (224-357-6399) or send us an email at podcast@plance.org!

    Protecting plants from Animals

    Protecting plants from Animals

    From urine spots to pathways animals can cause problems for plants, sometimes we can avoid the problems, often times we need to work on simple plans to combat the after effects of these problems.  This week join our hosts Stephanie Gilbert and Lance Roberson as we delve into plant safety around animals.

    Have a question for our us, call our helpline at A-A-HELP-ME-ZZ (224-357-6399) or send us an email at podcast@plance.org

    Pets, Kids, and Safety

    Pets, Kids, and Safety

    This week we are talking about safety! From pets to kids and everything in between, working with plants can be a joyous event, but some some special precaution is needed especially when working with kids, or around pets to ensure we don't have problems while enjoying our plants. Join our hostess Stephanie Gilbert and horticulturist Lance Roberson as we delve into safety!

    Have a question, want to send us a line, email us at podcast@plance.org or give a call to our help line AA-Help-Me-ZZ (224)357-6399 !



    When growing plants the most unpredictable factor is often water.  Irrigation is made to supplement natural rain, but is often one of the most questioned aspects of growing plants. Join our hosts Stephanie Gilbert and Lance Roberson as we discuss irrigation in this episode of Good at Plants, Bad at Life.

    Have a question, you can call or text our help line "AA-Help-Me-ZZ" (224)357-6399, send us an email to Podcast@plance.org, or find us on Instagram!

    Let's Start Spring!

    Let's Start Spring!

    In this episode we explore what we need to do to get ready for spring and put winter behind us.  Do you have a garden or landscape and don't know where to start? Join us this week as we discuss what you should do while you watch winter turn to spring!

    This weeks questions!
    Pat leaves us a voicemail to ask about a bad plant purchase. Sarah, asks about her freeze damaged English ivy, and Mark has a problem with his mower!

    Have questions Send us an Email at podcast@plants.org or send us texts or leave us a voicemail at A-A-Help-ME-ZZ (224)357-6399

    The 7 items needed for plant growth

    The 7 items needed for plant growth

    Whether you are growing on the moon or in your backyard, there are only 7 things that you need to pay attention to when you are growing plants. The 7 are  Light, Water, Air, Temperature, Media, Pests, and Chemistry.  Join horticulturalist Lance Roberson and Co-Host Stephanie Gilbert as we discuss everything you need to know to grow plants and more!

    Have plant questions you want answered, find us on social media, send us an email at podcast@plance.org or call our help line @ A-A-Help-Me-ZZ (224)357-6399 and we will help you find the plant answers you need!