
    Is He The Last Real Democrat? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    enApril 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • RFK Junior on Abortion: A Complex Issue Requiring NuanceRFK Junior advocates for a nuanced approach to abortion, emphasizing the child's independent interest and opposing state control over women's choices.

      Complexity and nuance of the issues surrounding individual rights, particularly in relation to the debate on abortion. RFK Junior, a prominent figure with a rich family history and a career dedicated to environmental advocacy and legal practice, shares his perspective on the topic. He emphasizes that the child has an independent interest and that imposing state control over a woman's choices is not a viable solution. While respecting differing viewpoints, he believes the issue requires a more nuanced approach. RFK Junior's background, marked by personal and family tragedies, battles with addiction, and legal issues, has shaped his resilience and commitment to public service. As a candidate in the presidential race, he offers insights into his vision for America and the future of American politics.

    • Evan McMullin: The Independent Candidate Who Left the DemocratsEvan McMullin, a former Democratic candidate, became an independent due to his belief that the party has strayed from its core values and is now aligned with corporations, Wall Street, and the military industrial complex. He sees little difference between Biden and Trump on most issues but runs as an independent.

      Evan McMullin, a high-pulling independent candidate in the current presidential race, left the Democratic Party due to his belief that it has strayed from its traditional values and has become the party of corporations, Wall Street, and the military industrial complex. He ran as a Democrat initially, hoping to call the party back to its core values, but faced obstacles and ultimately declared independence. McMullin sees little difference between President Biden and President Trump on most existential issues, with the exception of a few culture war issues. He is not aligned with either party and is running as an independent.

    • The US national debt crisis and its root cause: Chronic diseasesThe US national debt, larger than defense budget, is driven by chronic diseases leading to high healthcare costs and a decreased workforce. Addressing this epidemic is crucial for reducing costs, improving security, and ensuring a healthy workforce.

      The United States is facing an existential crisis due to its growing national debt, which is larger than the country's defense budget. Presidents Trump and Biden have contributed significantly to this issue, with Trump running up the biggest debt in history and Biden adding nearly as much within a few years. Within the next decade, over half of every tax dollar collected will go towards servicing this debt, and within two decades, all tax revenue will be needed for debt servicing if interest rates rise. The root cause of this issue is the prevalence of chronic diseases in the US, which has increased dramatically over the past few decades. This is due in part to preventable medical costs and the consumption of unhealthy food containing harmful ingredients. The chronic disease burden in the US is higher than any other country, leading to high healthcare costs and a decreased workforce due to disability. The cost of treating chronic diseases alone is over $1 trillion per year, which is five times the defense budget. It's essential to address the chronic disease epidemic to reduce healthcare costs, improve national security, and ensure a healthy workforce.

    • The food industry's influence on regulation hinders progress in addressing health issuesFocusing on good science and studying chronic diseases' environmental causes could lead to significant health improvements, despite industry influence

      The food industry and its regulatory agencies are heavily influenced by big corporations, making it challenging to address health issues related to food through regulation alone. Instead, focusing on good science and redirecting resources towards understanding the causes of chronic diseases could lead to significant progress. The NIH, once a gold standard scientific agency, has become an incubator for new pharmaceutical products, and its focus on infectious diseases and drug development needs a shift. By prioritizing the study of chronic diseases and their environmental causes, we may uncover the root causes and improve public health.

    • Identifying the turning point for various diseases in 1989 and potential causesToxicologist Phil Landrigin identified 13 potential causes for the increase in diseases since 1989, including glyphosate, fluoride, and PFASs, but the NIH won't allow research on these potential causes, and lawsuits can only be brought forward once sufficient high-quality scientific studies are conducted.

      The toxicologist Phil Landrigin identified the year 1989 as a turning point for various diseases, including autism, and attributed it to a toxic exposure that became ubiquitous at that time. He narrowed down the list to 13 potential culprits, including glyphosate, fluoride, neonicotinoid pesticides, atrazine, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, cell phone radiation, PFOAs, and PFASs. However, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) won't allow research on these potential causes. Once sufficient high-quality scientific studies are conducted, the legal threshold called Daubert allows for lawsuits to be brought forward. The speaker has successfully litigated cases against corporations like Monsanto for their use of glyphosate, resulting in significant settlements. Another issue the speaker is passionate about is climate change, which they view as an existential threat, along with polarization, the state of our soils, and the corrupt system that perpetuates these issues. The speaker believes that the regulatory state, where regulatory capture is easy, is a significant contributor to these problems, and they have the capacity to fix the system.

    • Addressing Regulatory Capture in the Executive BranchIdentify and remove corrupting influences in executive agencies and among individuals in power to address regulatory capture.

      The size and scope of the executive branch can be unwieldy, with numerous agencies and experts who may have started out with good intentions but have become influenced by outside forces. These agencies can be plagued by corporate capture, and individuals at high levels can perpetuate this problem. The speaker has firsthand experience with this issue, having sued various agencies like NIH, CDC, FDA, and EPA. To address this, it's essential to identify and remove the corrupting influences, both at the agency level and among individuals in power. This can be done through executive orders and by replacing those who are not serving the public interest. The speaker believes that President Trump's attempt to "drain the swamp" was well-intentioned but ultimately unsuccessful due to the complexity of the issue and the power of the bureaucracy. To truly address regulatory capture, it's crucial to have a leader who is not swayed by bureaucratic pressures and who understands the importance of putting the public interest first.

    • President Kennedy's Decision-Making During the Cuban Missile CrisisPresidents must make informed decisions based on their assessment of the situation and potential consequences, even with experts' advice.

      During the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy relied on the advice of his experts but ultimately made the decision himself based on his own assessment of the situation. This illustrates the importance of a president's ability to make informed decisions, especially in critical situations. Regarding tax policy, America's current tax system is more progressive than in most other countries, and maintaining current spending levels would require either a booming economy or significantly increased taxes. The military budget is a significant expense, but reducing it could free up resources for other priorities. However, it's important to consider the potential consequences of drastic reductions, such as the impact on national security and global stability. In conclusion, effective decision-making and understanding the implications of various policies are crucial for a president. While experts' advice should be valued, ultimately, the president must make informed decisions based on their assessment of the situation and the potential consequences.

    • Economic Dominance: A Greater Threat Than Military ConflictsThe US should prioritize economic cooperation and diplomacy over military interventions to maintain global stability and address new threats like ISIS and refugee crises.

      China's economic dominance poses a greater threat to the world than military conflicts. The speaker argues that the US's military interventions in Iraq and Syria have led to instability and created new threats, such as ISIS and the refugee crisis in Europe. Instead of focusing on military expenditures, the US should prioritize economic cooperation and diplomacy. The speaker also raises concerns about the military-industrial complex and the profit motives of military contractors. Regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the speaker questions the necessity of NATO expansion and the potential consequences of withdrawing aid from Ukraine. Overall, the speaker advocates for a more thoughtful and economically-focused foreign policy.

    • Minsk Accords: A Failed Attempt at Peace in UkraineThe Minsk Accords, a peace agreement for Ukraine, failed due to poor writing, violations by both sides, and US involvement in Ukraine's internal politics, leaving the question of Russian control open.

      The Minsk Accords, a peace agreement for Ukraine, were a point of contention between Ukraine's Zelensky and Russia's Putin. The accords, agreed upon by France, Germany, the UK, and Zelensky in 2019, required neutrality for Ukraine, denazification of the Ukrainian government, and protection for ethnic Russian populations. However, the accords were poorly written and violated by both sides. The US's involvement in Ukraine's internal politics, specifically the overthrow of the elected government in 2014 and the subsequent installation of a government hostile to Russia, added fuel to the conflict. Despite efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution, including the Minsk Accords and later Minsk 2, the conflict persisted. Ultimately, the question remains whether it is in America's interest to let Russia take control of Ukraine, given the geopolitical implications and potential for further conflict.

    • Putin's intentions towards UkrainePutin's actions towards Ukraine are serious and complex, requiring a strong American presence and potential negotiations to maintain peace and prevent conflicts.

      Vladimir Putin's actions towards Ukraine should not be underestimated or trivialized. Putin's original intent was to take Kyiv, but he is also a hardcore political realist who wants to keep NATO out of the region. Negotiations have been stalled due to a law passed in Ukraine that forbids direct talks between the president and Putin. The speaker suggests that the U.S. could play a role in facilitating negotiations and maintaining peace, but until then, military spending and a strong American presence on the world stage are necessary to ensure global security and prevent potential conflicts. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having life insurance for peace of mind and financial security for one's family.

    • Emerging Threats and Changing Geopolitical LandscapeTraditional military strategies may not be effective against emerging threats, focusing on economic projection and self-fortification is a more viable approach.

      The geopolitical landscape is shifting, and the traditional military strategies may no longer be effective against emerging threats. China, for instance, has two older aircraft carriers, but the real threat lies in their economic power and control over crucial resources and supply chains. Taiwan, a critical national security asset due to its microchip production, could cause significant damage to China if a conflict arises. Additionally, China relies heavily on imports like oil and consumer goods, making economic warfare a viable alternative to military confrontation. The past focus on military dominance should be replaced with a strategy of economic projection and self-fortification. The success of this approach is evident in the influence of past presidents like John F. Kennedy, who prioritized economic development and diplomacy over military intervention.

    • Reducing Military Spending: Waste Elimination, AI, and TransparencyIdentify wasteful gov't programs, use AI for budgeting, ensure transparency, address aging population crisis, and manage AI ethically

      The world's military budget, currently at $1.3 trillion when considering defense spending and foreign aid, needs significant reduction. The speaker suggests identifying and eliminating wasteful government programs, using AI to streamline budgeting, and having a transparent budgetary system for public scrutiny. However, the impending crisis of aging populations and entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, which will soon surpass military spending, also requires attention. The speaker acknowledges the challenge of managing AI's potential to alter realities and control behavior while preserving democracy.

    • Balancing AI Development and RegulationTo ensure AI development benefits society, we must strike a balance between entrepreneurial freedom and regulation, preventing negative consequences like increased polarization and fragmentation.

      As we navigate the complex world of AI and its impact on society, it's crucial for us to find a balance between entrepreneurial freedom and regulation. We need the brightest minds to keep the United States at the forefront of AI development, but we must also ensure that it doesn't get out of control or lead to negative consequences, such as increased political polarization and social fragmentation. The rise of technology, including AI, social media, and video games, has led to a generation of disconnected and disengaged individuals. To counteract this, we need to find ways to use technology to build communities rather than fragment them. Encouraging signs include the popularity of podcasts, which allow for deep, engaging conversations among intelligent individuals. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize the potential benefits and challenges of AI and work together to harness its power for the greater good.

    • Algorithms fuel online divisions, but shared values offer potential for dialogueAlgorithms can widen divisions, but focusing on shared values and collaborating on consensus issues can foster understanding

      Algorithms on the internet can deepen divisions among people by reinforcing their existing biases and prejudices. This phenomenon, driven by the design of these platforms to keep users engaged, can lead to further polarization on contentious issues. However, there are common values and concerns that Americans share, such as education, clean environment, and taking care of veterans, which can serve as potential grounds for dialogue and understanding. The challenge for leaders is to navigate divisive issues like abortion without resorting to hate and find solutions that respect individual autonomy and bodily rights while also addressing societal concerns. It's essential to focus on shared values and find ways to collaborate on issues where consensus can be reached.

    • The Complexity of the Abortion Debate: Bodily Autonomy vs. Unborn RightsThe abortion debate centers on personal beliefs about bodily autonomy and unborn rights, with respectful dialogue and understanding essential for progress.

      The debate surrounding abortion rights is complex and deeply rooted in differing beliefs about the value of bodily autonomy and the independent rights of the unborn. A poignant example was shared about a woman named Angela Stan King, who defied societal pressure to have an abortion and went on to raise a child who later achieved academic success. Pro-life advocates argue that the child's right to life outweighs the woman's bodily autonomy, a position that the speaker respects but disagrees with. The speaker believes that the decision to carry a pregnancy to term or not should be a personal one, involving the woman, her spiritual advisors, and other trusted individuals. Despite differing opinions, the speaker emphasizes the importance of respectful dialogue and understanding. On a broader note, the speaker expressed concern about the pessimism and sense of falling apart that pervades American society, particularly among young people. The American Dream, once seen as attainable through hard work and adherence to rules, now seems out of reach for many. The speaker, however, remains optimistic about the prospect of turning things around as president.

    • The importance of property ownership and entrepreneurship for individual and societal prosperityEncouraging homeownership, entrepreneurship, education, and technology investment can help reverse the erosion of the American middle class and industrial base.

      Ownership of property and the resulting sense of community and personal economic empowerment are crucial for the health and prosperity of individuals and society as a whole. The speaker argues that the shift towards renting and the consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of a few through policies like those of the Federal Reserve, has led to the erosion of the American middle class and the destruction of the industrial base. He believes that encouraging entrepreneurship and homeownership, as well as investing in education and technology, can help reverse these trends and unleash the extraordinary potential of the American people. The speaker also reflects on the emotional journey of running for president following in his father's footsteps during a time of great division and unrest in the country.

    • Robert F. Kennedy's campaign bridged rural and urban divide in 1968Robert F. Kennedy's inspiring campaign in 1968 bridged the rural-urban divide, showing the power of unity and determination against adversity

      During the tumultuous 1968 presidential campaign, Robert F. Kennedy, despite facing numerous challenges including civil unrest, opposition from powerful structures, and a divided country, managed to win the primaries in both rural South Dakota and urban California, bridging the gap between rural and urban America. Running against seemingly insurmountable odds, Kennedy's campaign brought inspiration and hope, even as he tragically lost his life just a month before securing the Democratic nomination. Kennedy's ability to connect with diverse populations and overcome adversity serves as an enduring reminder of the power of unity and determination in the face of adversity.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    The Nocturnists is supported by the California Medical Association, and people like you who have donated through our website and Patreon page.

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #Paul-Winfree  #Michael-Busler #MentalHealthViolence #The-Economy-Stupid #BernieSanders #Healthcare #Penn-Bi 8-22-23

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #Paul-Winfree  #Michael-Busler #MentalHealthViolence #The-Economy-Stupid #BernieSanders #Healthcare #Penn-Bi 8-22-23
    8-22-23 CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS RADIO SHOW. IS IT STILL “The economy stupid”?? No Joe, Bidenomics Is Not Working!!
    Paul Winfree is President & CEO of The Economic Policy Innovation Center, or EPIC and was Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic policy, Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council, and Director of Budget Policy at the White House during the Trump Administration. He was also formerly the distinguished fellow in economic policy and public leadership at The Heritage Foundation. In addition, he was director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies and the Richard F. Aster Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Winfree was Chair of the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board TOPIC: IS IT STILL “The economy stupid”???

    Michael Busler is a public policy analyst and a Professor of Finance at Stockton University where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Finance and Economics. He has written Op-ed columns in major newspapers for more than 35 years. TOPIC: No Joe, Bidenomics Is Not Working!!

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #Paul-Winfree #Michael-Busler #MentalHealthViolence #The-Economy-Stupid #BernieSanders #Healthcare #Penn-Biden-Center #Fauci #Pelosi #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin #NuclearWeapons #Ukraine #TrumpIndictment #RaidDonaldTrump'sEstate #ClimateChange #SupremeCourt #JAN6TH #Abortion #GunControl #GunCrime #FreeSpeech #INFLATION #ElectionFraud #Newsom #ElonMusk #Twitter #FaceBook #MarkZuckerberg #BallotHarvesting #ElectionFraud #GavinNewsom #BlackLivesMatter #Masks #RepOmar #PRESIDENTTRUMP #GeorgeSoros #HunterBiden #California # SupremeCourt #Antifa-BLMViolence #BarackObama #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #GunControl #StolenElections #AbsenteeBallots #BLM #China #BIDEN #ANTIFA #ChineseVirus

    Two abortion providers grapple with their post-Roe reality

    Two abortion providers grapple with their post-Roe reality

    Host of STAT First Opinion Podcast, Torie Bosch, interviews family medicine physicians and abortion providers Ali Block and Nikki Zite.

    Physicians Alison Block and Nikki Zite knew what they were getting into when they became abortion providers early in their medical training. Family planning has long been a politicized, divisive area of medicine. And even though they knew that Roe v. Wade — the 1973 Supreme Court case that protected abortion access across the country — was being threatened, it still hit them hard when that ruling was actually overturned in June 2022.

    This interview was originally released on STAT’s First Opinion Podcast, October 4, 2023.

    The fight for RBG's Supreme Court seat

    The fight for RBG's Supreme Court seat
    This week on Divided States, Emily Purser Brown and Cordelia Lynch reflect on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a champion of gender equality who became a pop culture icon: the notorious RBG.

    Her dying wish was that her seat on the Supreme Court not be filled until after this November's election but Donald Trump and the Republican Party have made clear that, despite just 40 days to go until election day and early voting already underway in some states, they intend to appoint a new justice.

    Democrats have accused the Republicans of hypocrisy after they blocked Barack Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland, in 2016, when they said it was 'too close to the election' and 'the people should decide.' His nominee was made nine months before the 2016 election.

    Emily and Cordy discuss what a new Trump-appointed justice would mean, tipping the court 6-3 in favour of the conservatives, for hundreds of millions of Americans whose healthcare and abortion rights, among other issues, are on the line.

    Listen and subscribe to Divided States wherever you get your podcasts.