
    Is Hillary In Serious Trouble? Or Is This Another Headfake? (Ep 1607)

    enSeptember 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Potential Implication of Hillary Clinton in Michael Sussman IndictmentDan Bongino suggests that Hillary Clinton may be implicated in the Michael Sussman indictment, as Sussman represented her campaign and the DNC during the 2016 presidential campaign spying scandal.

      According to Dan Bongino's analysis, Hillary Clinton may be implicated in the Michael Sussman indictment related to the 2016 presidential campaign spying scandal. Sussman, a lawyer who represented the DNC, Hillary Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS, is currently in trouble for allegedly lying to the FBI about his contacts related to this matter. Although Bongino expresses skepticism about the Justice Department's actions, he believes that the truth should be uncovered, and if Clinton was involved in this scandal, it's essential to know the details. This is a developing story, and further information will be shared in Bongino's newsletter.

    • Michael Sussman's meetings with the FBI during the 2016 campaignLawyer Michael Sussman, who allegedly worked for the Hillary campaign and Fusion GPS, met with the FBI twice during the 2016 campaign, providing false information about the Trump Organization's contacts with a Russian bank. The FBI opened an investigation based on these allegations, but later found them to be based on a false premise.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, lawyer Michael Sussman, who allegedly worked for the Hillary campaign and Fusion GPS, met with the FBI and provided false information about the Trump Organization's contacts with a Russian bank, Alpha Bank. This meeting was not the first time Sussman had contacted the FBI with allegations against Trump. Previously, on July 29, 2016, Sussman met with Fusion GPS and billed the time to the Clinton campaign. Two days later, on July 31, 2016, the FBI opened an investigation into the Trump campaign, which came to be known as Crossfire Hurricane. Additionally, a tech executive was involved in the scheme to frame Donald Trump, as evidenced by a conference call and emails exchanged between the tech executive and the U.S. investigative firm in August 2016. The allegations of a secret backchannel between Trump Tower and Alpha Bank were later found to be based on a false premise, as the internet connection was due to spam emails rather than any collusion.

    • Individuals spread false information about secret communication channelDespite knowing it was false, individuals continued to spread a story about a secret communication channel between Trump Tower and Alpha Bank to the media, contributing to a lack of credibility and imagination in reporting.

      Certain individuals, including a tech executive and a lawyer, knew that allegations of a secret communication channel between Trump Tower and Alpha Bank were false, yet they continued to spread this information to the media. The media, in turn, eagerly promoted this story despite knowing it was a red herring. The tech executive referred to it as a marketing campaign and a CRM, emphasizing that it had nothing to do with an information channel. The individuals involved knew the story was fake, but they continued to push it forward. This incident highlights the lack of credibility and imagination in reporting certain stories, even when the facts were clear.

    • Spygate Scandal: Media, University, Tech Executive, and Internet Company Involved in Spreading False InformationThe Spygate scandal exposed the involvement of the media, a university, a tech executive, and an internet company in spreading false information about Trump-Russia collusion. The university even received a large government contract for their role.

      The Spygate scandal, which involved allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, was a fabricated story. The media, a university, a tech executive, and an internet company were all implicated in spreading false information. The university was even given a large government contract for their involvement. The most shocking revelation was that they considered manipulating email addresses to frame Donald Trump. This indictment sheds light on the extent of corruption and deceit in the attempts to discredit the Trump campaign. The media, who often label those who question their narratives as conspiracy theorists, were themselves involved in spreading misinformation. This is a clear example of the need for fact-checking and accountability in journalism.

    • Allegations of deceitful actions and potential conspiraciesSpeaker expresses confidence in knowing identities of involved individuals, expects further revelations, urges opposition to Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, and criticizes Biden while encouraging exposure of malfeasance and data security

      There have been allegations of deceitful actions taken by certain individuals and organizations, including a tech executive and a media outlet, in relation to the Trump team. These allegations led to an indictment for one individual, Michael Sussman, and raised questions about potential conspiracies and cover-ups. The speaker expresses confidence in knowing the identities of other individuals involved and expects further revelations in the coming days. Additionally, there's a concern that a proposed credit card bill, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, could put consumer data at greater risk of being hacked and exposed to foreign networks. The speaker urges listeners to oppose the bill. The speaker also criticizes President Joe Biden for his past actions and character, accusing him of being a grifter and a loser. The speaker believes that some political figures, including Biden, may not face jail time despite their alleged wrongdoings. The speaker encourages the exposure of malfeasance and the protection of data security.

    • The Top 1% and Top 10% Pay a Disproportionate Share of Federal TaxesThe bottom 50% paid only 2.9% of federal taxes while the top 1% paid 40% and top 10% paid 71%

      The top 1% and top 10% of earners in the US pay a significantly larger share of federal taxes than the bottom 50%. According to data from the Washington Examiner, the bottom 50% of earners paid just 2.9% of the total federal tax income burden last year, while the top 1% paid 40%, and the top 10% paid 71%. Contrary to claims made by some politicians and leftist ideologies, the wealthy in the US are not avoiding their fair share of taxes. Instead, they are shouldering a disproportionately larger tax burden. It's essential to consider facts and data when discussing tax policies and income distribution, rather than relying on misinformation and simplistic narratives.

    • Corporate tax cuts and their impact on wealthy individualsTrump's corporate tax cuts decreased tax evasion through inversions and increased repatriation, leading to more investment in the US, but some corporations paid no taxes due to exemptions. Media figures like Joy Reid were also discussed for their roles in shaping public discourse.

      The corporate tax cuts implemented by Donald Trump did not result in wealthy individuals paying less tax, but instead led to a decrease in corporate tax evasion through inversions and an increase in corporate repatriation of earnings. This resulted in more capital being available for investment in the US. However, it's important to note that some corporations were able to pay no taxes due to exemptions in the tax code. Another topic discussed was the "dopey media talking head Olympics," with Joy Reid being praised for her recent achievements and accused of supporting censorship, particularly in relation to Nicki Minaj's vaccine mandate concerns. The conversation also touched on the support Nicki Minaj received from figures like Tucker Carlson, who have been criticized for their views on certain issues. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities of corporate tax policies and the role of media figures in shaping public discourse.

    • Media figures like Joy Reid make false claims and stoke divisiveness for ratingsMedia figures prioritize ratings over truth and human decency, leading to false claims, divisiveness, and a toxic mindset, while the left's disturbing priorities are exemplified by the Biden admin's callous disregard for people's lives.

      Some media figures, like Joy Reid, are using controversial statements to attract attention and boost their struggling ratings, even if it means making false claims or stoking divisiveness. For instance, Reid falsely accused Nicki Minaj of being more concerned with Republican affiliations than free speech, while also making baseless claims about US presidents being white supremacists. Additionally, there is a concerning trend of individuals on the left wishing harm upon those they politically disagree with, showcasing a toxic and immoral mindset. This behavior is not only unacceptable but also indicative of a larger issue where the left is prioritizing political victories over human decency and morality. Furthermore, the Biden administration's actions, such as restricting monoclonal antibodies in Florida, demonstrate a callous disregard for people's lives, further highlighting the left's disturbing priorities.

    • Political clash over COVID-19 response in FloridaGovernor DeSantis used monoclonal antibodies to reduce hospitalizations, but Biden administration restricted supply, causing disruption and potential harm to patients, illustrating political divide over COVID-19 response.

      The political battle over COVID-19 response between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and President Joe Biden came to a head over the distribution of monoclonal antibodies. DeSantis implemented the use of these antibodies to help reduce the number of hospitalizations in Florida following a spike in COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta variant. However, the Biden administration restricted the supply to Florida, leading to a disruption in the distribution process and potential harm to patients. This incident highlights the political divide over COVID-19 response and raises questions about the motivations behind the administration's decision. Additionally, other stories discussed include the FAA forcing Fox News' drone down at the border to prevent footage of illegal immigrants and AOC's attendance at a Met Gala despite her advocacy for taxing the rich.

    • Fact checkers intervene to protect AOC from inaccurate postFact checks can be used strategically to suppress information, emphasizing the importance of factual accuracy and critical thinking in political discourse.

      Fact checkers, including PolitiFact, intervened to save Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) from humiliation by labeling a post about her Met Gala dress with a fact check, even though the post contained an inaccuracy about the tax contributions of the top 1%. The fact checker, Tom Kirchner, was described as the worst in the business and was pressed into service to protect AOC. The incident highlights the potential for fact checks to be used strategically to suppress information and the importance of factual accuracy in political discourse. It also underscores the need for critical thinking and fact-checking of information, regardless of the source.

    • Assessing Conservative Credentials with Liberty ScoreThe Liberty Score at Conservative Review offers a clear assessment of congressional conservatism and helps voters understand their representatives' political leanings.

      The Liberty Score at Conservative Review is a reliable and straightforward tool for assessing the conservative credentials of members of Congress. The scorecard, which grades members with a simple A-F scale, is a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the political leanings of their representatives. Additionally, there's a question about the Mark Milley story and whether it was fabricated or if Milley could be used as a scapegoat for Biden's failures. While it's possible that the story is not true, if it is, Milley could indeed be the fall guy for the administration. Lastly, for those considering moving to Florida, the speaker recommends heading north for more conservative-leaning areas, as the further south one goes, the more liberal the counties become. Regarding music, the speaker laments the lack of new music inspiring the conservative movement and taking a stand against government overreach and censorship. Instead, artists seem to be embracing the very forces they once railed against.

    • A counter-revolution for freedom against censorshipThe younger generation is suppressing free speech, but a counter-revolution for freedom is emerging with individuals speaking out against censorship, including musicians, artists, and Dan Bongino's radio show

      The current political climate is undergoing a significant shift, with the younger generation taking power and suppressing free speech. However, a counter-revolution for freedom is on the horizon, as more individuals, including musicians and artists, are starting to speak out against censorship. Dan Bongino's radio show can be accessed daily at Bongino.com or Fox Nation, and his best interviews will be posted on holidays. Despite the lack of liberal callers on his show, he plans to post some of the best interviews from the radio and podcast in the future. Tune in to Dan Bongino's radio show today featuring Alan West and his Fox News show tomorrow night at 10 o'clock.

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