
    About this Episode

    Is Nomad Life Over? Firstly it’s a good time to ask Is Nomad Life Over? Details in Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129. Fully Committed Secondly while I remain fully committed to the nomad lifestyle I wonder whether the trend is starting to fade. Reality Bites Certainly the longer I do something the more I see the reality […] Read more

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    Recent Episodes from The Bob Davis Podcasts

    Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131

    Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131

    Handling Mechanical Problems On The Road Handling mechanical problems on the road is a challenge for anyone. Especially nomads. Details in Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131. Firstly this isn’t my first rodeo. Bigger Problems Above all I have been traveling for about ten years in my current rig. So I have had a few problems to […] Read more

    The post Handling-Mechanical-Problems-On-Road-Bob Davis Podcast 1131 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129

    Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129

    Maps Planning Arizona To Florida 2024 Time to check the maps and do some planning for my Arizona to Florida 2024 adventure. And some stories too. Details in Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129. Firstly it’s been a minute since I was on the roads. Great To Be Back Secondly it sure feels good to be preparing […] Read more

    The post Maps-Planning-Arizona-Florida-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1129 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130

    Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130

    Still Captivated By Nomad Life Firstly Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130 includes a clip from a syndicated radio show because the hosts were talking about me! It reminded me that nomad life still captivates people. Old Friends Secondly a few years ago I visited my old friend Max who produces and fills in on the Bob […] Read more

    The post Still-Captivated-By-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1130 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129

    Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129

    Is Nomad Life Over? Firstly it’s a good time to ask Is Nomad Life Over? Details in Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129. Fully Committed Secondly while I remain fully committed to the nomad lifestyle I wonder whether the trend is starting to fade. Reality Bites Certainly the longer I do something the more I see the reality […] Read more

    The post Is-Nomad-Life-Over?-Bob Davis Podcast-1129 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127

    Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127

    Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024 In the first place it’s winter and a good time for this nomad to check his state of mind. Details in Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127. Struggling Secondly I find myself struggling a little bit as 2024 opens. Gut Check Time Therefore it’s a good time for a gut check. In the long run I […] Read more

    The post Nomad-State-Of-Mind-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1127 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    2023-Gratitude-Report-Bob Davis Podcast 1126

    2023-Gratitude-Report-Bob Davis Podcast 1126

    2023 Gratitude Report Certainly New Year’s Eve is the perfect moment for the 2023 Gratitude Report from The Bob Davis Podcasts. Of course I do this every year thanking listeners, subscribers, contributors and clients. Travel Experience Furthermore 2023 has featured a lot of travel and experiences. Two New Year’s Podcasts So this New Year’s there […] Read more

    The post 2023-Gratitude-Report-Bob Davis Podcast 1126 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Nomad-Look-Back-2023-Bob Davis Podcast 1125

    Nomad-Look-Back-2023-Bob Davis Podcast 1125

    Nomad Look Back 2023 Firstly it’s time for a look back at 2023 from the nomad perspective. Details in Nomad-Look-Back-2023-Bob Davis Podcast 1125. No Rankings Secondly there won’t be any rankings in this podcast. Lessons Learned All in all I learned a lot of lessons this year. And share them with podcast subscribers and listeners. […] Read more

    The post Nomad-Look-Back-2023-Bob Davis Podcast 1125 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Bad-Business-Marketing-Ideas-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1124

    Bad-Business-Marketing-Ideas-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1124

    Bad Business Marketing Ideas For 2024 It’s the end of 2023 which means a lot of bad business marketing ideas for small businesses for 2024. Is doing your own podcast promoting your small business a good idea? Maybe Not. Learn more in Bad-Business-Marketing-Ideas-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1124. Define Marketing Firstly the actual definition of marketing involves […] Read more

    The post Bad-Business-Marketing-Ideas-2024-Bob Davis Podcast 1124 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123

    Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123

     Not About Quartzsite Arizona Above all this is not a podcast about Quartzsite, Arizona. Certainly I am podcasting from this dusty truck stop town but there’s a lot more to talk about than what’s going on here. Details in Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123. Restless Firstly I am getting restless. Wanderlust That is to say the […] Read more

    The post Not-About-Quartzsite-Arizona-Bob Davis Podcast 1123 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.

    Coffee-Friends-In-Quartzsite-Bob Davis Podcast 1122

    Coffee-Friends-In-Quartzsite-Bob Davis Podcast 1122

    Coffee and Friends In Quartzsite Firstly there’s nothing like connecting with old friends over coffee in Quartzsite, Arizona. Details in Coffee-Friends-In-Quartzsite-Bob Davis Podcast 1122. Video Secondly my friend Robert appeared with me in a Peter Santinello video about six months ago along with our friend Mike. Grab that video here. Reconnect So it’s great to […] Read more

    The post Coffee-Friends-In-Quartzsite-Bob Davis Podcast 1122 appeared first on The Bob Davis Podcasts.