
    Is There Another, More Deadly Virus In That Lab? (Ep 1623)

    enOctober 11, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Doctor reveals Wuhan lab was working on deadly NEPA virusA doctor shared on Fox News that the Wuhan lab was researching a potentially deadly NEPA virus with a high lethality rate, emphasizing the risks of continuing such experiments.

      During a recent interview on Fox News, a doctor revealed that not only was the Wuhan lab the origin of the COVID-19 virus, but they were also working on another deadly virus, the NEPA virus, with an 80-90% lethality rate, at the same time. This revelation is concerning as it highlights the potential danger of continuing such risky experiments in laboratories. The interview left the host and possibly the audience in disbelief, emphasizing the importance of being aware of the ongoing research and potential threats to public health. Additionally, there is ongoing debate over holidays, with some pushing for Indigenous Peoples Day instead of Columbus Day. The Dan Bongino Show addresses these topics and more, encouraging listeners to stay informed and engaged in current events.

    • Doctor's research reveals potential threat of NEPA virus from Wuhan labA doctor's findings suggest the Wuhan lab, linked to COVID-19, was also researching a deadly virus called NEPA, with a lethality rate of up to 80%. Its long incubation and wide animal host range, plus potential food contamination spread, warrant global concern and investigation.

      A respected doctor's research suggests that the Wuhan lab, which is believed to be the origin of the COVID-19 virus, was also working on another potentially deadly virus called the NEPA virus. This virus, which has a lethality rate of up to 80%, is a cause for concern as it can have a long incubation period, infect a wide range of animals, and be spread through direct contact or contaminated food. The doctor's findings have raised questions about the safety and transparency of the Wuhan lab, and why international pressure has not been applied to shut it down despite the potential risks it poses. The discovery of NEPA virus sequences in the same lab that caused the COVID-19 pandemic is alarming, and it's crucial that global health organizations prioritize the investigation and containment of this potential threat.

    • Southwest Airlines Cancellations: Vaccine Mandate ResistanceThe mass cancellations at Southwest Airlines could be due to employee resistance against the vaccine mandate, highlighting growing opposition and the power of collective action.

      The mass cancellations at Southwest Airlines this past weekend, which cannot be directly attributed to weather, may be due to a job action in response to the company's vaccine mandate. This situation highlights the growing resistance against vaccine mandates and the potential for mass movements to bring about change. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes that leadership is not always about being in charge, but also about following the right example and leading in one's community. The ongoing struggle against vaccine mandates and the power of collective action are the key themes of the discussion.

    • The importance of the first follower in a movementThe first follower plays a crucial role in turning a solo act into a mass movement by actively participating and nurturing the movement's focus.

      That the role of the first follower in a movement is crucial. They are not just passive observers, but active participants who can help turn a solo act into a mass movement. The leader may be the spark, but the first follower is the one who makes the fire. This is demonstrated in the "Dancing Guy" video, where a lone dancer is joined by others, eventually leading to a large crowd dancing together. The importance of welcoming and nurturing the first followers cannot be overstated, as it keeps the focus on the movement rather than the individual. This can be seen in various social and cultural contexts, and serves as a reminder that movements are not about one person, but about the collective.

    • Leadership: Standing Firm, Nurturing Followers, Communicating EffectivelyLeadership involves taking a public stance, appreciating followers, and using effective communication to inspire change, even bringing quiet supporters out of the shadows.

      Leadership involves standing firm on your beliefs, nurturing your followers, and effectively communicating with them. The speaker emphasized the importance of being public about your stance and showing appreciation for your followers, who are the majority in various movements. He also discussed the power of communication in bringing quiet supporters out of the shadows. The speaker's message was further illustrated through examples of individuals, such as Dave Chappelle and Bill Maher, who have stood up against cancel culture and inspired change. By following these principles, one can create a strong movement and shift the tide in their favor.

    • Movement against mandates and censorshipArtists and figures promote freedom, alternative platforms welcome banned voices, and it's crucial to have open conversations about harmful content

      There is a growing movement against mandates and censorship, with artists and figures like Joe and Tom promoting freedom-loving music and speaking out against censorship on platforms like YouTube. The tide seems to be turning, as alternative platforms like Rumble welcome banned voices and the 51% continue to communicate and nurture new followers. Meanwhile, figures like Oliver Darcy, who have been criticized for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, continue to do so on mainstream networks like CNN, despite the potential harm to democracy and the country. It's important to have open and honest conversations about these issues and hold companies accountable for enabling the spread of harmful content.

    • Misunderstanding Conservative IdeasLeft often misrepresents or misunderstands conservative ideas, leading to futile debates. Clearer communication and understanding is crucial.

      The left's disdain for opposing viewpoints often leads them to misunderstand or misrepresent conservative ideas. This was highlighted in a discussion about CNN, Oliver Darcy, and the conservative media landscape. Despite the left's perception of conservatives as "grifters" and "losers," it's crucial to remember that not all Democrats hold liberal beliefs. Engaging in debates with leftists on ideas alone can be futile, as they often view conservatives as bad people rather than considering their ideas. A recent example of this miscommunication was seen in a tweet by Julia Ioff, who mistakenly assumed that pro-lifers wanted to force women to carry every pregnancy to term without acknowledging their belief in the value of all human life. It's essential to recognize these misunderstandings and strive for clearer communication and understanding between political ideologies.

    • Misunderstanding Conservative PositionsDespite common assumptions, liberal perceptions of conservative beliefs often lack accuracy, leading to polarization and hindering productive dialogue.

      There is a significant disconnect between how liberals perceive conservatives and the actual conservative positions on various issues. This misperception often leads to derogatory assumptions about conservatives' beliefs and motivations. For instance, on the topic of tax cuts and economic growth, or school choice and education equality, liberals assume that conservatives are against supporting women, minorities, or education for all. However, these assumptions are not based on an understanding of conservative ideologies. A study published in 2018 found that politically involved partisans, particularly Democrats, had the poorest understanding of the opposing party's beliefs. This lack of understanding and the resulting emotional responses hinder productive dialogue and contribute to the polarization of society.

    • Ivy League Elites and Democratic DisconnectHighly educated Democrats, especially those in the Ivy League, are perceived as out of touch with the general population and make decisions based on emotion rather than facts, leading to a disconnect within the party.

      The speaker believes that highly educated Democrats, particularly those in the Ivy League, are dangerously out of touch with the general population and make decisions based on emotion rather than facts. They are seen as "stupid, smart people" who hold liberal views and wield significant influence over Democratic messaging and policies. This disconnect is causing a downward spiral of misrepresentation and misunderstanding within the party. The speaker also shares a personal story about his daughter's empathy and the thrill of victory in sports, which serves as a contrast to the current state of politics.

    • Tech Executive Accused of Attempting to Frame Trump for Russia CollusionA tech executive, Rodney Joffe, was accused of trying to link Trump to Russia to please Democrat VIPs, but the allegations were later found to be false. Meanwhile, a relief band, an FDA-cleared device for nausea relief, was highlighted as a lifesaver for the host during his health struggles and is available with a discount for Dan Bongino Show listeners.

      A tech executive named Rodney Joffe, who was allegedly involved in attempting to frame then-presidential candidate Donald Trump for collusion with Russia, has been identified in a new investigative article by Paul Sperry in Real Clear Investigations. According to the article, Joffe tasked a group of computer contractors with finding information linking Trump to Russia to make "Democrat VIPs happy." However, these accusations were later determined to be false by various investigative bodies. Meanwhile, Seth Small, a football player, had a remarkable moment in a game, and the relief band, a device that uses pressure point stimulation to relieve nausea, was highlighted as a lifesaver for the host during his personal health struggles. The relief band is FDA-cleared and clinically proven to quickly relieve and prevent nausea and vomiting associated with various conditions, including motion sickness, anxiety, migraines, hangovers, morning sickness, and chemotherapy. The device works by stimulating a nerve in the wrist that travels to the part of the brain that controls nausea and blocking the signal from the brain to the stomach. Relief band is the only over-the-counter wearable device used in hospitals and oncology clinics to treat nausea and vomiting. Listeners of the Dan Bongino Show can receive a 20% discount and free shipping by using the promo code Bongino at reliefband.com.

    • Connections between Trump Russia probe figuresTech exec Joffee coordinated with Clinton advisor Sullivan, Biden's NSA, and AG Garland's wife's law clerk. Georgia Tech researchers received $17M contract, mined Trump data, and DNS data's authenticity is in question.

      There appear to be significant connections between various individuals and organizations involved in allegations of attempting to frame then-President Donald Trump for a non-existent computer connection to Russia. These individuals include a tech executive, Rodney Joffee, who coordinated with Jake Sullivan, who was a Clinton campaign advisor and is now Biden's national security advisor, and Attorney General Merrick Garland, who employed Sullivan's wife as a law clerk. Additionally, Georgia Tech researchers, who were allegedly working with Joffee to find connections between Trump Tower and Alpha Bank, received a $17 million Pentagon contract and continued mining non-public data on Trump after he took office. Another key figure, April Lorenzo, is a subject of the investigation and is alleged to have discussed faking internet traffic with the Georgia Tech researchers. The authenticity of the DNS data showing a supposed connection between Trump Tower and Alpha Bank is now in question, adding to the ongoing controversy.

    • Allegations of a tech industry-Clinton campaign conspiracy to frame President TrumpUnproven allegations suggest a tech industry-Clinton campaign conspiracy to create false evidence of Trump-Russia communications and implicate high-ranking officials in a major scandal

      There are allegations of a conspiracy between the tech industry, the Clinton campaign, and certain individuals in the current administration, including Jake Sullivan, to frame President Trump for communicating with a Russian bank. This conspiracy may have involved creating false DNS logs to make it appear as if such communications had taken place. This revelation, if true, would have significant implications, as it could potentially implicate the current Attorney General and other high-ranking officials in a major scandal. Furthermore, previous reports of Russian hacking of the DNC have been called into question, with some suggesting they were fabricated. These allegations are currently being investigated and more information is expected to come to light in the days and weeks ahead. It's important to note that these are allegations and have not been proven in a court of law. The full story can be found in a long-form investigation in Real Clear Investigations and in the host's newsletter.

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