
    About this Episode

    In 2009, a comedian assisted by atheist Richard Dawkins posted signs on British Buses that said; "There probably is no God, so enjoy your life." Obviously, the message didn't encourage morality. Many parents today in the U.S. hesitate to send their children to college because of the atheism and naturalism taught there. 

    However, my guest, Stephen Meyer, asserts science gives evidence of a creator, and he listed those in his newest book, Return of the God Hypothesis.

    Recent Episodes from Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast

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    When Children Stray: A Mother's Journey Then and Now

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    President's Day: John Quincy Adams and the Courage of Convictions

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    Beyond Romance: Sacrificial Love of Susannah and Charles Haddon Spurgeon

    Welcome to another episode of Heart of the Matter Radio Podcast. We all enjoy a love story, and this week Cynthia shared a tidbitt from the courtship of Charles Haddon Spurgeon and his wife Susannah.

    Susie was very shy, but Spurgeon had set London ablaze when he came to New Park Street Chapel. The church had to hire a new auditorium to handle the crowds he attracted. However, he tended to forget everything when he started speaking. Once he even forgot Susie. Listen for a snippet of their story.

    You can find more on the book by Cynthia called Women Who Overcame. 

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    Red Lipstick and God's Love

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    Join us as we dive into history and consider how to improve the present.

    Adventures in Odyssey's Katie Leigh and Peggy Sue Wells

    Adventures in Odyssey's Katie Leigh and Peggy Sue Wells

    Welcome to the latest episode of Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast where we celebrate women from the past and learn new and powerful ways to cope with our nutty, upside-down world. 

    This week we had a special guest, Katie Leigh who plays Connie Kendall on Adventures in Odyssey. She was joined by a mutual friend, author Peggy Sue Wells

    Katie shared how she got the job at Focus on the Family and her heart for sharing truth with others. Peggy Sue explained how she became friends with Katie. Both ladies expressed their desire to minister and make the world a better place.

    Join us as we hear their inspiring stories and invaluable lessons.

    Navigating a Nutty World: Hints for 2024

    Navigating a Nutty World: Hints for 2024

    Welcome to Heart of the Matter Radio/Podcast. 2024 has arrived. Typically, people consider their plans and resolutions for the new year. This week, Cynthia mentioned the craziness around us. She asked author Peggy Sue Wells to give thoughts about stewardship in this situation. Peggy Sue pointed out the importance of self-care and of controlling your thoughts rather than leaping into crisis mode. She highlighted the need for prayer and loving people as well as listening to the opinions of others.

    This month Peggy Sue will be giving away her Mark Wayne Adventure Series ebooks. If you would like to be part of the drawing, email Cynthia@clsimmons.com.