
    Is This How They’re Going To Try And Steal It? (Ep. 2272)

    enJune 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Media response to political scandalsThe media's intensity in covering up or denying significant political scandals highlights their destructive impact and the importance for individuals to stay informed.

      The extent of a narrative's destructive impact on a political figure can be gauged by the intensity of the media and leftist response to cover it up. Dan Bongino emphasized this point, using recent examples of Joe Biden's on-stage behavior and illegal immigration as evidence. The media's denial and attempts to discredit these issues underscore their significance and the importance for individuals to stay informed. Additionally, Bongino encouraged listeners to be prepared for emergencies by having essential medications and supplies on hand, as disasters can strike unexpectedly.

    • Personal struggles and political viewsDespite personal setbacks, the speaker advocated for open discussions on controversial political issues, warning against ignoring topics like 'replacement theory' and criticizing the left for silencing opposing views.

      The speaker had a rough patch in life and sought relief through partying after a medical procedure. He shared his experience of winning big at blackjack that night, which led to a celebration for his mother-in-law's birthday. The conversation then shifted to politics, with the speaker expressing his support for Donald Trump and criticizing Joe Biden's policies. He also shared a controversial Biden campaign ad, which he believed sounded more like a Trump ad. The speaker warned against ignoring issues like "replacement theory" and criticized the left for trying to silence discussions on the topic. He believed that the Democrats were pushing for demographic changes to alter the country's destiny and accused Biden of promoting illegal immigration and amnesty to enable voting rights for illegals. The speaker concluded by emphasizing the importance of addressing these issues openly.

    • Demographic changes and voting powerSome see demographic changes as a strength, but concerns exist over Democrats' efforts to enhance their voting power through policies like offering legal status to undocumented immigrants and potential voter registration of non-citizens, raising concerns about election integrity

      The demographic changes in the United States, including an increase in non-white European populations, is seen as a strength rather than a source of concern by some. However, there are concerns about Democrats using these demographic changes to enhance their voting power, specifically through policies like offering legal status to undocumented immigrants. This issue was brought up in relation to a quote from Joe Biden, and there have been allegations of Democrats attempting to register non-citizens to vote. The Motor Voter Act of 1993, which requires states to register voters at the DMV and welfare agencies, has been criticized for potentially allowing non-citizens to register and vote. Democrats are currently pushing for expanding the definition of amnesty programs and opposing requirements for proof of citizenship when registering to vote. These actions have raised concerns about election integrity and the potential for voter fraud.

    • Debt relief services, election manipulationAct promptly on debt relief solutions and be aware of potential election manipulation through expanding government benefits and registering new voters without proof of citizenship

      Some debt relief services can help individuals get out of debt faster and save money monthly, but it's crucial to act promptly as some solutions have expiration dates. On the other hand, there are concerns about election manipulation through expanding government benefits, opening borders, and registering new voters without requiring proof of citizenship. This process aims to increase the number of people in government paperwork pipelines, allowing them to potentially register to vote as well. The Obamacare application is an example of this cross-pollination of programs. The ultimate goal is to flood these programs with people and register new voters, often granting amnesty. This is a complex issue with significant implications for voter integrity and national security. It's essential to stay informed and engage in political discussions responsibly.

    • Impact on voter demographicsDemocrats' focus on illegal immigration could lead to loss of support from other voter groups, including black and Hispanic communities, due to perceived disregard for their own legal status and rights

      The illegal immigration issue goes beyond being just a crime or national sovereignty problem. It also impacts voter demographics and coalition breakdowns for political parties, specifically the Democrats. The irony lies in the fact that the Democrats' efforts to appeal to the illegal immigrant vote could ultimately lead to a loss of support from other voter groups, such as the black and Hispanic communities. This is because many citizens from these communities may not appreciate the perceived disregard for their own legal status and rights. Therefore, securing the border and addressing voter integrity should be a priority to prevent such unintended consequences.

    • Trump's engagement with black communitiesThe speaker argues that Trump's unexpected engagement with black communities contrasts with perceived insincere efforts of Democrats, and his individual voter connections may impact the upcoming election

      The speaker expresses surprise and appreciation for Donald Trump's engagement with black communities, contrasting it with what they perceive as the absence or insincere efforts of Democrats like Joe Biden. They argue that Trump's actions, such as visiting Detroit and receiving a warm reception, demonstrate that he connects with individual black voters, while Democrats are perceived as treating them as a collective and assuming their votes are guaranteed. The speaker also criticizes Biden for his handling of crime in Democratic cities and his perceived cognitive decline, which they believe is damaging his campaign. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to consider the strategic implications of these issues for the upcoming election.

    • President Biden's health and potential replacementConcerns about President Biden's age and health persist, but many see him in top form. However, poor debate performance could lead to calls for his replacement as the Democratic nominee. Masks have been used as a political tool during the pandemic, according to the speaker.

      Despite concerns about President Biden's age and physical health, many perceive him to be in top form, with a remarkable understanding of complex geopolitical situations and a sharp intellect. However, there are growing worries about the possibility of him not being the Democratic nominee for the upcoming election, with some believing that a poor debate performance could lead to a push to replace him. Another topic touched upon was the use of masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the speaker expressing the belief that masks were used as a political tool rather than an effective medical measure. Overall, the speaker expressed frustration with what they perceived as government manipulation and a lack of transparency.

    • Left-wing media inaccuraciesLeft-wing media's dismissal of the Hunter Biden laptop controversy despite official evidence highlights the importance of relying on multiple, reliable sources for news and information to avoid inaccuracies and misinformation.

      Relying on sources outside of conservative media for news and information may lead to receiving inaccurate or misleading information. The Hunter Biden laptop controversy serves as a prime example, where left-wing media outlets dismissed its authenticity despite official evidence to the contrary. This pattern of getting major stories wrong persists among these media outlets, leading to a loss of trust and credibility. Furthermore, the fear of advanced artificial intelligence manipulating and deceiving humans adds to the importance of factual reporting and reliable sources.

    • AI and Truthful InformationSome believe that the use of AI could lead to the dissemination of truthful but controversial information, causing unease among some quarters, particularly those on the political left.

      There are concerns among some quarters that the widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) could lead to the dissemination of truthful information, which some find threatening. The speaker in this discussion expresses his belief that certain narratives, such as replacement theory and allegations of election fraud, have been unfairly labeled as false or racist by the mainstream media and Big Tech. He argues that these allegations are not inherently false, but rather reflect legitimate concerns and viewpoints. The speaker also highlights an article from the Washington Post that reports on AI chatbots and voice assistants being unable to definitively determine the winner of the 2020 US presidential election due to the uncertainty and manipulation of information surrounding the election. The speaker suggests that this uncertainty and potential for truthful information to come to light is what scares some people, particularly those on the political left. The discussion underscores the complex and nuanced nature of the relationship between AI, truth, and information in today's society.

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