
    It’s RAG time for LLMs that need a source of truth

    enMarch 01, 2024
    What is retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)?
    How does RAG help reduce LLM hallucinations?
    What role does metadata play in information retrieval?
    How are embeddings created from documents?
    What is the significance of contextually relevant document retrieval?

    Podcast Summary

    • Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)RAG is a technique used to control the output of large language models by retrieving relevant information and incorporating it into the model's response to reduce hallucinations.

      We're currently witnessing a shift in the software and technology industry towards what's being called "Software 2.0," and this transition is leading to the emergence of new tools, technologies, and job functions. Our guest today, Roy Schraiber Cohen, is a staff developer advocate at Pinecone, a vector database company, and he's here to discuss a specific aspect of this new era: retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). RAG is a technique used to control the output of large language models (LLMs) and reduce their "hallucinations." Roy, who has been a software engineer for about 15 years, recently joined Pinecone after working at other AI companies. He's been fascinated by the shift towards embeddings and generative AI. In this episode, Roy will explain how RAG works, how to get started with it, and share some advanced techniques. It's an exciting time in the industry, and we're looking forward to diving deeper into this topic with Roy.

    • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)RAG combines retrieval and generation to create more accurate and contextually relevant responses using large language models by serving retrieved information as the foundation for LLM generation.

      Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a new way to approach data processing using large language models (LLMs). RAG combines retrieval and generation to create more accurate and contextually relevant responses. To understand RAG, it's important to first grasp the concept of a large language model. This is a type of AI that can generate text based on given prompts. However, the challenge lies in determining what the model will generate. It's important to remember that LLMs are not the source of truth but rather a natural language interface or reasoning mechanism. To ensure the LLM produces reliable answers, we need a source of truth. This is where retrieval comes in. Retrieval refers to the process of accessing and extracting information from various sources, such as databases or documents. The information retrieved serves as the foundation for the LLM to generate accurate and contextually relevant responses. However, retrieval is an ambiguous term. It's important to specify where and what we retrieve. Many researchers are experimenting with retrieving information from various sources, including SQL databases, graph databases, and different documents. In summary, RAG represents a new way to approach data processing using LLMs. It combines retrieval and generation to create more accurate and contextually relevant responses. By understanding the role of retrieval in RAG, we can effectively guide the LLM's dream state to produce reliable answers.

    • Document Embeddings for RetrievalEmbeddings represent meaning in numerical format, enabling semantically relevant content retrieval. Choosing the right portion of document to embed impacts efficiency and effectiveness.

      To effectively utilize a language model (LLM) in a contextually relevant way, we need to retrieve a subset of documents from a larger knowledge base that are semantically and contextually aligned with the user's query. This process, known as retrieval, can be facilitated through the use of embeddings. Embeddings are a way to represent the meaning of words or documents in a numerical format that can be used to query a vector database. By extracting the meaning of user queries using embeddings, we can retrieve semantically relevant content, even if the user doesn't use exact words found in the documents. The process of creating embeddings involves deciding which portion of the document to embed - whether it's the full document or smaller segments. This decision can impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the retrieval process. To set up this machine learning system, you first need to take your knowledge base (a set of documents) and create embeddings for them. The creation of embeddings involves deciding which part of the document to embed and how to go about the process. Retrieval plays a crucial role in guiding the LLM to respond to user queries based on the contextually relevant subset of documents. It's a complex process that requires significant setup and consideration, but the end result is a more effective and contextually relevant interaction between the user and the system.

    • Chunking and Context WindowChunking strategy and context window are essential for Relevance and Answers Generator applications to effectively respond to user queries by presenting appropriate content pieces within the limitations of the context window

      For a Relevance and Answers Generator (RAG) application to effectively respond to user queries, it requires an appropriate chunking strategy and a well-defined context window. Chunking is crucial for determining which content pieces will be presented based on the user's query, ensuring it's neither too much nor too little information. The context window, on the other hand, has limitations. It can only accommodate a certain number of tokens, which represent pages of data, and effective contexts are typically much shorter than the entire dataset due to the loss of coherence and accuracy in larger contexts. This was discussed in a paper called "Lost in the Middle." Chunking strategies help break down text into manageable pieces, making it more findable and effective for RAG applications. The goal is to strike the right balance and provide just the right amount of information for the user's query.

    • Content ChunkingBreaking down content into smaller, semantically relevant chunks improves language model and vector database performance by ensuring accurate responses and effective retrieval of information.

      When working with language models and vector databases, it's essential to break down content into smaller, semantically relevant chunks. This approach ensures accurate responses and effective retrieval of information. The reasoning behind this is that embedding an entire document into a language model might not yield the desired result, even if the context is semantically relevant. For instance, if a user queries for "the best way to get a flight to Tokyo," embedding an extensive document about Japan or Tokyo might not accurately address their query. Instead, smaller, more specific chunks would be more effective. Another reason for chunking is that during the retrieval process, the user's query and the content are embedded and compared. If the sizes of the content and query differ significantly, the similarity score will be lower, making it harder for the vector database to identify corresponding concepts. When it comes to chunking methods, there are two primary categories: programmatic and content-based. Programmatic chunking is rule-based and doesn't consider the content itself. Content-based chunking, on the other hand, analyzes the content to determine the most appropriate chunks. By breaking down content into smaller chunks, we can ensure that the language model and vector database can effectively understand and respond to user queries, providing more accurate and relevant results.

    • Text Chunking StrategiesEffective text chunking strategies, such as recursive and sentence chunking, help build meaningful units of text, ensuring coherence and maintaining context for Language Models to process and generate accurate responses.

      When working with Language Models (LMMs) to process text and generate responses, effective chunking strategies are crucial. These strategies help build meaningful units of text, ensuring coherence and maintaining context. The simplest approach is recursive chunking, where the model attempts to create chunks of a specific size by starting from a text point and adding more tokens until reaching an upper limit. Overlap between chunks is also maintained to prevent loss of context. Another approach is sentence chunking, where the text is divided based on sentence boundaries. This method can be effective for many use cases, as it identifies coherent semantic units that can be retrieved and used to generate responses. Length plays a significant role in text processing, as longer chunks can lead to more accurate vector representations and better responses. However, the focus is not just on creating vectors; understanding the context and coherence of the text is equally important. When dealing with user queries, the goal is to provide relevant and accurate responses. Embedding a full chapter instead of a page or paragraph may lead to irrelevant results due to the lack of context. Therefore, efficient chunking strategies are essential for effective text processing and generating meaningful responses.

    • Semantic search in vector databasesFocus on semantically coherent units, adjust top k and similarity score, and utilize metadata to increase relevancy in semantic search with vector databases.

      When working with vector databases and semantic search, it's essential to understand that not all content within a chapter or document may be directly relevant to a user's query. While some semantic similarity may exist, the entire chapter may not be necessary. Instead, creating smaller, semantically coherent units that correspond to potential user queries can increase the chances of relevant matches. When retrieving content from a vector database, two essential knobs can be adjusted: the number of results (top k) and the similarity score. By setting a high similarity score, you can ensure that only semantically relevant results are returned. Additionally, vector databases allow for explicit linking of embedded text with metadata, such as chapter or document chunks. This metadata can be used to further refine search results and increase the overall relevancy of the retrieved information. In summary, the use of vector databases and semantic search in information retrieval requires a thoughtful approach to ensure the most relevant and accurate results. By focusing on semantically coherent units, adjusting the top k and similarity score, and utilizing metadata, you can effectively navigate the vast amounts of data and provide users with the most valuable and relevant information.

    • Metadata processingEmbedding metadata into vectors reduces search space and filters out irrelevant data, improving information retrieval efficiency and precision.

      Metadata plays a crucial role in effectively processing and understanding structured content. By embedding metadata into vectors, we can significantly reduce the search space and filter out irrelevant data. This process involves crawling URLs, extracting content, and creating small chunks or segments using the metadata. This approach is particularly effective when dealing with structured content, such as HTML and PDFs, which can be formatted as markdown. Markdown maintains the semantic content that authors add to indicate coherent units, such as paragraphs and headings, making it easier to ensure that units are not cut in the middle. By leveraging this metadata, we can ensure that our responses are accurate and linked back to the original content. This approach leads to more efficient and precise information retrieval.

    • Preserving code integrityPreserving the integrity of code segments during text processing is crucial to ensure functionality and coherence. Markdown splitters can effectively identify and preserve code segments as single units.

      When processing text, it's important to recognize and maintain the integrity of specific content types, such as code segments, to ensure coherence and functionality. A text chunker that fails to do so may result in broken or incomplete code. For instance, a cursive text chunker might split a code segment into pieces, rendering it useless. On the other hand, a markdown splitter is designed to identify and preserve code segments as single units. Additionally, the podcast episode featured a shout-out to a popular question on Stack Overflow from Gelsa 77, asking about cloning an object in TypeScript. The answer to this question has been viewed over 10,000 times and serves as a valuable resource for the Angular development community. The hosts of the podcast, Ben Popper, Ryan Donovan, and Raeesh Robert Cohen, shared their contact information and encouraged listeners to reach out with questions, suggestions, or to engage with them on social media. They also invited listeners to visit the Stack Overflow blog and Pinecone's website for more information and content. In summary, the importance of preserving the integrity of specific content types, such as code segments, was emphasized, and a popular question from the Stack Overflow community was addressed and answered.

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