
    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.5_Self Commitment

    enJanuary 19, 2021

    About this Episode

    In this episode I discussed step-three of cultivating a lifestyle of change, with a process I call "Building Your Solution Bridge To Change!"

    **This is the step I call the "Double-Dutch" and that step is Commitment, the word that separates the real ones from the fakes, the doers from the talkers!

    **Self-Commitment puts you 100% responsible for what you do and when you can commit to yourself, showing up committing to others becomes easier!
    **Committing to the bettering yourself, you automatically will better those around you!
    **To have an openness to do your best, to be your best without concern of fear or failure. To give your best everyday, 120%! and don't allow excuses, distractions, doubts our second thoughts to detour you from your goals!
    **Courage is commitment to being without the guarantee of any success and that is true commitment as it comes from your heart!
    **So Rise Up, 4anewday and commit to becoming the best version of you!
    Lets Go!!

    Recent Episodes from 4ANEWDAY

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.7_Discipline Is Key

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.7_Discipline Is Key
    *The foundation for any desire to change or improve in anything is discipline!
    Having a consistent, unwavering discipline is the way to becoming who you need to become to reach any aspiration you seek in your life!

    *The first step of discipline is recognizing the need for it, the value, the impact of it,
    especially the discipline to becoming, making the changes needed to see the results you seek in life!
    Ask yourself, what will it take?
    What must I change?
    What must I do?
    What must I become?
    To be more disciplined.

    *As striving to become is all about discipline!
    It’s getting yourself on a course of actions to reach your fullest potential,
    to becoming and doing all you can to better yourself and what you value most in your life!

    *To recognize the true value to seeking any goal, any dream, is not the recognition or rewards we may receive,
    rather it is the person we become along the way by finding the courage, commitment and discipline to achieve them!

    *Rise up and seek what you value through discipline,
    as it is discipline not desire that determines your destiny!
    So let’s go🦾!!

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.6_What's Your Plan

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.6_What's Your Plan
    *The power of our resistance to the setbacks in life, ties directly to our plan in life!
    What’s your plan?

    *Having a plan is a resistance to the trials and tribulations in life, to overcoming discouragement
    disappointments, obstacles that we will face in life!
    What's your plan?

    *Our attitude towards life and our desire for a better future, ties directly to our plan!

    *If everyday we rise up seeking to improve ourselves, our abilities and to enjoy our life,
    regardless of our current situation, we will experience a level of richness most never dream of!

    *For God said, I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future! ~Jeremiah 29:11

    *The Plan-Your Blue Print:
    Building Your Solution Bridge To Change
    1) The decision to Act 2) Your WHY 3) Your Commitment to self 4) Your Disciplines & Habits

    So Rise up 4anewday! Keep your eyes on the prize! And Let’s Go!

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.4_Ready For Change?

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.4_Ready For Change?
    In this episode I discussed step-one of creating lasting change in your life, with a process I call
    "Building Your Solution Bridge To Change!"

    *As we round out this unforgettable 2020, so much in our world and everyone's lives has changed in many ways and now more than ever, it is crucial that you have a plan, a path and purpose, to ensure you are taking your life in a direction that you desire, that you can control!

    *To take your life from where you are at now, today! To where you want be, to go, tomorrow your future!
    *What is between where you stand now to where you want to go, is a series of problems, equations and obstacles that can only be solved by you learning how to find the solutions to them!

    *As successful people are not people that don't have problems, they've just learned how to solve those problems by finding solutions, by taking action, by building that bridge to what they seek!

    *Join me as I take you through the first step in this 5-step process, called
    Building Your Solution Bridge To Change!

    **Remember This: Daily, your actions create your habits, and those habits create your routines
    and it is your routines that lead you to a destination, and there are no short cuts!
    Now let's rise up, and let's do better, so we can be better!
    God Bless you.

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.5_Self Commitment

    It's Just The Way I See It!..EP.5_Self Commitment
    In this episode I discussed step-three of cultivating a lifestyle of change, with a process I call "Building Your Solution Bridge To Change!"

    **This is the step I call the "Double-Dutch" and that step is Commitment, the word that separates the real ones from the fakes, the doers from the talkers!

    **Self-Commitment puts you 100% responsible for what you do and when you can commit to yourself, showing up committing to others becomes easier!
    **Committing to the bettering yourself, you automatically will better those around you!
    **To have an openness to do your best, to be your best without concern of fear or failure. To give your best everyday, 120%! and don't allow excuses, distractions, doubts our second thoughts to detour you from your goals!
    **Courage is commitment to being without the guarantee of any success and that is true commitment as it comes from your heart!
    **So Rise Up, 4anewday and commit to becoming the best version of you!
    Lets Go!!

    It’s Just The Way I See It!.. EP.3_Find Your WHY

    It’s Just The Way I See It!.. EP.3_Find Your WHY
    Finding and defining your WHY, your reason, your purpose for doing, for being is the most important thing we must answer in our life!

    * There is not a more important time than now to seek that WHY in your life, your purpose! With all the uncertainty surrounding us, it is time to find out your WHY!

    *Esphesians 2:10 says-For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. We are made to help and serve others with kindness, charity and goodness and just just serve ourselves!

    *And success follows when you define what inspires you, motivates you and gets you fired up!!
    So what's your WHY?? What sparks that emotion in you?

    *Find it, Define it and get after it!!
    Only when you know your WHY, will you find the courage to take risk needed to get ahead, stay motivated when the chips are down and move your life onto an entirely new, more challenging and more rewarding trajectory!~Margie Warrell
    Remember everyday,
    Rise up, 4anewday, Let's GO!!