
    J.D. Vance on Trump, Addiction, and Family | November 2020 Re-Release

    enJuly 21, 2024
    What led to Trump supporters' need to fight for their beliefs?
    How did media portrayal affect perceptions of Trump supporters?
    What concerns do working-class voters have under Biden?
    How did language and framing influence the 2020 election?
    What is essential for fostering inclusive political dialogue?

    Podcast Summary

    • Election Frustration and ResponseDespite some instances of unrest, it's unlikely for widespread violence to occur due to election frustration. Supporters of Trump are responding through legal challenges, peaceful protests, and opposing Biden's policies.

      The frustration and perceived hypocrisy surrounding the 2020 election results have led many Trump supporters to feel the need to fight for what they believe in, which doesn't necessarily mean violent actions. The hypocrisy lies in the fact that some institutions and individuals questioned the legitimacy of the 2016 election won by Donald Trump, but now expect his supporters to accept the election results quickly. This frustration has manifested in various ways, including legal challenges, peaceful protests, and continued opposition to the incoming Biden administration's policies. While there is a risk of continued unrest, it's unlikely to escalate into widespread violence. The fight for Trump supporters can take many forms, including opposing Biden's policies and ensuring the working class remains a priority in politics. The media's portrayal of Trump supporters as evil or malignant forces in American politics has only deepened the divide and made it harder for both sides to find common ground.

    • Dialogue and DiscussionsDuring the 2020 election, divisive language and elitist labels deepened the divide between voters, leading to unexpected shifts towards Trump. To foster a more inclusive and respectful dialogue, it's crucial to understand and appeal to voters' concerns rather than adopting a dismissive and condescending tone.

      The way certain racial and political discussions are framed and conducted in American society can be divisive and alienating, particularly for those who don't conform to the "woke" dialogue. This was highlighted during the 2020 election, where many voters, including Hispanics, defied expectations and shifted towards Trump. The use of language and labels, such as "Latinx," can come across as elitist and condescending, and comparing political opponents to historical figures like Hitler only deepens the divide. Instead of trying to understand and appeal to these voters' concerns, many in the professional class have adopted a dismissive and condescending tone, which has only fueled their support for Trump. To move forward as a country, it's crucial to foster a more inclusive and respectful dialogue that values understanding and unity over submission and condemnation.

    • Working-class voters and violenceObama overlooked working-class voters' needs, leading to their frustration and eventual support for Trump. Trump's promises resonated, but Biden's plans raise concerns about potential job losses and reversing manufacturing growth.

      The treatment of working-class voters as violent extremists during heated political times is misleading and inaccurate. These voters were frustrated and angry, but not violent. Obama recognized their needs and regretfully overlooked them, leading to Trump's election. Trump's promises to roll back regulations, reduce corporate taxes, and encourage domestic production resonated with this group. However, the election of Joe Biden, who is seen as soft on China and plans to increase environmental regulations, has raised concerns among these voters about a potential reversal of the progress made in manufacturing and wage growth. The fear is that a focus on technology jobs instead of rebuilding American manufacturing could leave many behind. The significant growth in manufacturing jobs under Trump and the potential consequences of reversing this trend are important considerations.

    • Struggling CommunitiesAddressing economic decline and loss of support structures requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on good manufacturing jobs and a robust community infrastructure, while also addressing cultural and immigration issues such as the opioid epidemic and making it difficult to bring fentanyl into the country.

      Communities that have been struggling for decades with economic decline and loss of support structures lead to a cycle of hopelessness and lack of motivation. The speaker emphasizes that both cultural and economic factors are interconnected and need to be addressed. He suggests that good manufacturing jobs and a robust community infrastructure are essential for helping people get back on their feet. The immigration issue is also complex, with the opioid epidemic being a significant concern. The speaker advocates for making it difficult to bring fentanyl into the country. Ultimately, a comprehensive approach that considers both cultural and economic factors is necessary to help people in struggling communities.

    • Balancing acknowledgement and encouragementLeaders, policymakers, and media should strike a balance between acknowledging challenges and encouraging effort towards achieving the American Dream, avoiding messages of hopelessness and instead uplifting individuals with support and belief in their abilities.

      Community support and influences play a crucial role in achieving success, particularly for those facing adversity. The American Dream may seem unattainable to some, but it's essential to maintain the belief that individuals have agency and should strive for improvement. Unfortunately, some messages from the left can unintentionally discourage this mindset by focusing solely on systemic disadvantages. It's crucial for leaders, policymakers, and media to strike a balance between acknowledging challenges and encouraging effort towards achieving the American Dream. Additionally, it's important to remember that success should be celebrated, not demonized. The poll results highlight that those without college degrees are more optimistic about the American Dream, possibly due to not internalizing messages of hopelessness. We must avoid treating struggling individuals as helpless and instead uplift them with support and belief in their abilities.

    • Media divide between classesThe media's pessimistic perspective towards American experience creates an ideological bubble, hindering open-mindedness and critical thinking among elite Americans, leading to misunderstandings and lack of empathy towards working-class Americans.

      There's a significant media divide between working-class and professionally educated Americans. The universities and elite media institutions are often pessimistic about the American experience, creating an ideological bubble that can hinder open-mindedness and critical thinking. J.D. Vance's experiences and perspectives in his book and movie resonated with working-class Americans because they were able to hold two thoughts in their heads at once: acknowledging the unfairness of life while still striving to improve their situations. Elite Americans, on the other hand, often want to impose their own political narratives and ideologies onto the experiences of working-class Americans, ignoring the complexities and nuances of their lives. This division can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of empathy and connection between different groups in society.

    • Governor Cuomo's Emmy awardThe controversy surrounding Governor Cuomo's Emmy award for his COVID-19 briefings highlights his callousness towards families' grief and his refusal to take responsibility for his actions, while the press's silence on the issue was also criticized. The importance of acknowledging and addressing trauma in children's lives was emphasized to prevent it from becoming the norm.

      Governor Cuomo's Emmy award for his COVID-19 briefings is controversial and insensitive, given the thousands of families who have suffered losses due to his policies. The discussion highlighted the governor's refusal to take responsibility for his actions and his callousness towards the families' grief. The press's silence on this issue was also criticized. The conversation also touched upon the importance of acknowledging and addressing trauma in children's lives to prevent it from becoming the norm. The speaker shared personal experiences from their own traumatic childhood and emphasized the need to make such experiences less normal for disadvantaged kids. The conversation ended with praise for the speaker's wife, Usha, and the importance of self-awareness and consciousness in preventing harmful behaviors.

    • Childhood adversity impactsChildhood experiences marked by adversity can lead to lasting impacts on individuals' mental and physical health, but a loving and supportive figure during childhood can help mitigate these negative effects.

      Childhood experiences, particularly those marked by adversity, can have lasting impacts on individuals' physical and mental health. These impacts can manifest in various ways, including increased stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical health issues like heart disease. However, the presence of a loving and supportive figure during childhood can help mitigate these negative effects. The speaker's own experiences and the research of experts like Nadine Burke Harris highlight this connection. Glenn Close's portrayal of the speaker's grandmother in the movie "Mudbound" was praised for its accuracy and authenticity, and the real-life Mamma was a significant source of love and support for the speaker. Despite the challenges of her past, the speaker has managed to achieve success in her career, but she remains aware of the potential impact of her childhood experiences and the importance of self-awareness and self-care.

    • Handling criticism, ResilienceGrandmother's encouragement and criticism helped speaker learn to handle harsh treatment and grow stronger. Impact of addiction on families highlighted.

      Resilience and the ability to handle criticism are crucial for personal growth. The speaker's grandmother, or "Mamaw," played a significant role in instilling these qualities in him. She provided both encouragement and criticism, allowing him to learn that he could withstand harsh treatment and emerge stronger. This experience prepared him for challenges later in life, including military service and law school. Another important theme is the impact of addiction on families. The speaker's mother struggled with addiction for many years, causing significant distress and upheaval. Despite her intelligence, charisma, and other positive qualities, she was unable to overcome her addiction on her own. The speaker reflects on the complex reasons why some people become addicted and others do not, and expresses hope that his mother has finally overcome her addiction for good.

    • Addiction and JoyFinding joy in small moments can help those struggling with addiction, but the complexities of addiction often lead to devastating consequences

      Having a stable life and finding joy in small moments can help those struggling with addiction, but the complexities of addiction often defy rational explanations. The film "The Master" illustrates this through the character of a nurse who turns to drugs for fleeting happiness, ultimately leading to devastating consequences. The speaker's personal experience with a family member's addiction echoes this, as they recall moments of joy amidst the struggles, but ultimately reached a point of emotional detachment due to the constant cycle of relapse and recovery. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains hopeful, acknowledging the role of unseen factors in the journey towards recovery.

    • Family trauma and growthUnderstanding the multi-generational context of family trauma can help families appreciate connections between past and present, find strength from experiences, and promote healing through uncomfortable conversations.

      While a person may not have had the best role model as a parent, they can still learn valuable lessons and find strength from their experiences. The book discussed in the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the multi-generational context of family trauma and how it can help families grow and appreciate the connections between past and present. The author also emphasizes the importance of self-care and letting go of the delusion that one can "save" an addict. The book served as a forcing function for uncomfortable conversations within the family, leading to a cathartic experience. Additionally, the author's wife, who is an accomplished lawyer, serves as a powerful female influence in his life, reminding him to stay grounded and humble.

    • Progress and resilience in AmericaDespite challenges, America is making progress and remains resilient, with a focus on acknowledging issues like opioid crisis, joblessness, and poverty cycles, and encouraging a mindset of agency and empowerment.

      Despite the challenges and problems facing the country, there is reason for optimism. Speaker JD Vance believes that we are making progress in acknowledging the real issues in America, such as the opioid crisis, joblessness, and multi-generational cycles of poverty. He also emphasizes the resilience of the country, as we have survived a pandemic and economic damage, and children are still being born and raised. Vance encourages a mindset of agency and empowerment, rather than victimhood. He is currently focused on his family and personal life, but may consider entering politics in the future. Overall, Vance's message is one of hope and determination in the face of adversity.

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    More from Greenwald- https://rumble.com/c/GGreenwald

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    Media Lies About Kamala and Veterans, and Exposing "Anti-Racist" Grifters, with Ric Grenell and Matt Walsh | Ep. 877

    Media Lies About Kamala and Veterans, and Exposing "Anti-Racist" Grifters, with Ric Grenell and Matt Walsh | Ep. 877

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    Grenell- https://x.com/richardgrenell

    Walsh- https://www.amiracist.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 03, 2024

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    EXCLUSIVE: Four Veterans Speak Out About Tim Walz's "Stolen Valor" and Truth About Retiring Before Iraq Deployment | Ep. 876

    Megyn Kelly is joined by four veterans who served in the National Guard with Gov. Tim Walz and in his unit that deployed to Iraq, Tom Behrends, Paul Herr, Tom Schilling, and Rodney Tow, to talk about all the controversies surrounding the Democratic VP pick and his military service, why it matters when Walz retired just before his National Guard unit deployed to Iraq, why he had to know he was going to deploy before he retired, the relevance of his rank and his leadership role to how he abandoned his troops, what Walz told them at the time, his decision to run for Congress and whether that service counts, and why it matters Tim Walz has called himself a "retired command sergeant major" when he isn't one, the training that goes into retiring as a command sergeant major, the truth about Walz's public comments, the accusations that there's a political motive behind the veterans speaking out now, why Walz's motivations to portray himself as more decorated than he is are actually political, how Walz denigrated the National Guard with his "19-year-old cooks" comment, the truth about the National Guard and how incompetent Walz really is, how Walz' unit lost a 19-year-old in Iraq when Walz retired and left his men behind, what it means for Walz to potentially be one heartbeat away from the presidency, fear vs. bravery and Walz's wrong decision, why the veterans say Walz is a "coward" and "deserter," whether it's relevant that Donald Trump never served in the military, and more.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enSeptember 02, 2024

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    Megyn Kelly's Analysis of CNN's Softball Interview: Kamala Harris' Lies, Tim Walz's Ridiculous Spin | Ep. 875

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    Find out more: https://www.reagan.movie

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Find out more: https://www.concussedfilm.com/

    Grand Canyon University: https://GCU.edu

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 29, 2024

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    Kamala Finally Agrees to Interview, and Truth About Learning Loss, with Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Michael Knowles, and Carrie Prejean Boller | Ep. 872

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    Knowles- https://www.dailywire.com/

    Youngkin- https://x.com/GlennYoungkin

    Boller- https://www.instagram.com/carrieprejeanboller/

    Hungryroot: Go to https://Hungryroot.com/Megyn for 40% off your first delivery & get your free veggies. 

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 28, 2024

    Tulsi Endorses Trump in Political Realignment, and Kamala's Substance-Free Campaign, with Stu Burguiere and Stephen L. Miller | Ep. 871

    Tulsi Endorses Trump in Political Realignment, and Kamala's Substance-Free Campaign, with Stu Burguiere and Stephen L. Miller | Ep. 871

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV's "Stu Does America," and Stephen L. Miller, host of the "Versus Media" podcast, to discuss the very real question about who is actually running the country, President Biden seen visibly shaking last week, his non-stop vacation, the media focused on Kamala Harris’ “joy,” how Harris' comments are all filler and no substance, how she never seems to know how to answer direct unscripted questions, the media spinning her in a different light, new reporting that Harris' campaign is asking reporters who they think she should sit down with, the infighting within her campaign about how to handle the first interview, the truth about why she may be putting it off, former President Trump's appearance with Shawn Ryan, his revelation about one of the CNN debate rules, what Trump will do with the ABC debate, Tulsi Gabbard's endorsement of Trump, what it means for liberals to endorse Trump while neocons endorse Harris, the massive political realignment happening in America, why independent media is currently crushing corporate media, why viewers flock to the truth and where they feel represented, the success of the Megyn Kelly Show and how it surpassed huge legacy media channels on YouTube, and more.

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 27, 2024

    Trump-RFK Alliance Terrifies Elites, and Brilliant "Make America Healthy Again" Message, with Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 870

    Trump-RFK Alliance Terrifies Elites, and Brilliant "Make America Healthy Again" Message, with Victor Davis Hanson | Ep. 870

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The Case For Trump," to talk about the incredible moment when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. endorsed former President Donald Trump, how this could be a hugely consequential moment in 2024, RFK's trajectory from censored nearly everywhere (except the Megyn Kelly Show) to now, RFK's ability to expose the Democrats for who they truly are, what role he might serve in a Trump administration, Kamala Harris' losing strategy vs. Trump's winning strategy, the Trump-RFK brilliant messaging of MAHA or Make America Healthy Again, the true danger of unsafe chemicals and toxins in the environment and our food, VDH's emotional story about how this has affected his family, the merger of Big Pharma and Big Ag, the Kamala Harris campaign now trying to change the debate rules, Harris' weakness in speaking off-the-cuff, the absurd new column about why Doug Emhoff is a sex symbol, the disgusting media coverage of this race, the key issue of abortion in 2024, how the media and left is trying to spin Trump's real position, an emotional moment during the Theo Von interview where Trump talked about losing his brother to alcoholism, the Trump campaign strategy of reaching young men, the truth about Trump's personality, RFK's family attacking him in a cruel way, and more.

    Hanson- https://www.amazon.com/Case-Trump-Victor-Davis-Hanson/dp/1541606434

    Grand Canyon University: https://GCU.edu
    Tax Network USA: https://TNUSA.com/MEGYN


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Tucker Carlson - The FULL Interview | RFK Endorses Trump, Creepy Walz Vibes, and More

    Tucker Carlson - The FULL Interview | RFK Endorses Trump, Creepy Walz Vibes, and More

    Here's the full Tucker Carlson interview from Thursday's Megyn Kelly Show. Megyn Kelly is joined by Tucker Carlson, host of The Tucker Carlson Show, to discuss the breaking news that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might drop out of the presidential race and endorse Donald Trump on Friday, reports Tucker and Donald Trump Jr. are working behind the scenes to convince RFK to drop out, how that would affect the race, RFK's key issues that resonate with conservative voters, the controversy over the JD Vance “childless cat ladies” comment that happened on his Fox show, the truth about Vance and Democratic VP pick Gov. Tim Walz, the red flags around Walz, the media praising Walz and Doug Emhoff as a new kind of masculinity, why it's a weaker version of masculinity, the media fawning over the DNC, the Democrat focus on abortion as a religion, whether Trump really changed after the attempted assassination, what the next Trump administration might be like, whether RFK might be good running the CIA, and more. 

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enAugust 25, 2024