
    James Lankford, The Man Who Tried to Solve Immigration for the GOP

    enAugust 10, 2024
    What does Senator Lankford believe about bipartisanship in immigration reform?
    How did former President Trump's stance affect the bipartisan bill?
    What are Senator Lankford's views on the separation of church and state?
    How does Lankford's faith influence his political views?
    What conflicts exist within the Republican Party regarding abortion policy?

    Podcast Summary

    • Bipartisan Immigration BillDespite challenges, Senators Lankford, Sinema, and Murphy worked on a bipartisan immigration bill, but it was derailed when former President Trump opposed it, highlighting the power of party leaders and influential figures in shaping legislation

      Bipartisanship in politics can be a challenging endeavor, even when a rare opportunity arises. Senator James Lankford, a Republican from Oklahoma, experienced this firsthand when he worked tirelessly with Senators Kirsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) on a bipartisan immigration bill last year. The bill, which looked set to become the first major piece of bipartisan legislation on immigration in decades, was endorsed by the White House and had the support of both Senate party leaders. However, it was ultimately derailed when former President Trump came out against it, making it toxic within the GOP. Despite the setback, Lankford remains committed to finding common ground with his Democratic colleagues and believes that the value and worth of every person, regardless of political differences, should be recognized.

    • Senator perspectives on border securitySenators Sinema and Murphy, despite contrasting backgrounds and perspectives, engaged in productive dialogue and ultimately agreed to focus on national security issues, recognizing the urgency of the situation, even when a bill failed due to the absence of a legal pathway for dreamers.

      During a legislative process to address border security, two key figures, Senator Kirsten Sinema from Arizona and Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut, had contrasting perspectives due to their different backgrounds and experiences. Sinema, an immigration attorney from a border state, emphasized the practicalities and the importance of addressing the immediate crisis at the border. Murphy, a progressive senator from New England, focused on national security concerns and the need to address criminal aspects of immigration. Despite their differences, they engaged in productive dialogue and ultimately, despite not passing a bill, they agreed to focus on national security issues and revisit other concerns later. The bill failed due to the absence of a legal pathway for dreamers, which was perceived as a deal-breaker for Republicans. The administration and Democrats, recognizing the urgency of the situation, came to the table to find a solution. The bill had the potential to pass in December but collapsed during the presidential primary election season. Threats from political figures did not deter the senators from their duty to address national security.

    • Border crisis demographicsCriminal organizations facilitate shift in border demographics, making it difficult to distinguish between those intending harm and those seeking asylum or reuniting with family. A balanced approach is needed to address security concerns and humanitarian needs while effectively enforcing borders.

      The current border crisis is a complex issue with significant national security implications. A representative, who serves on the Intelligence Committee and Homeland Security, shared their concerns about the shift in demographics of people crossing the border, facilitated by criminal organizations. They highlighted the difficulty of distinguishing between those intending harm and those seeking asylum or reuniting with family. The representative expressed frustration that the issue has become politicized, and urged for a balanced approach to address both security concerns and humanitarian needs. They also emphasized the importance of enforcing borders effectively to prevent chaos and protect vulnerable populations from trafficking and abuse. Despite the challenges, the representative remains committed to finding a solution and working across the political divide.

    • Immigration Reform under Trump AdministrationFocus on deporting those who have gone through legal process and ruled ineligible, legislative process challenging, cooperation from all branches required, uphold constitutional integrity and represent constituents

      Mass deportations of undocumented immigrants under a future Trump administration are unlikely to involve the indiscriminate rounding up and removal of entire communities. Instead, the focus is expected to be on those who have gone through the legal process and have been ruled not eligible to stay. However, the legislative process for addressing immigration reform remains challenging, with some politicians prioritizing party politics over policy. The success of passing comprehensive legislation requires cooperation from all branches of government and a commitment to engaging more legislators in the negotiation process. Ultimately, the constitutional integrity of government and the responsibility of legislators to represent their constituents must be upheld. Regarding former President Trump, Senator Langford emphasized the importance of maintaining the constitutional separation of powers and focusing on the needs of the people of Oklahoma.

    • Political DialogueDespite disagreements, maintaining communication and finding common ground in political dialogue is valuable. Staying true to principles and seeking solutions can lead to positive impact.

      Despite political differences and disagreements, it's possible to maintain engagement and communication with those we disagree with. Former Senator Langford shared his experience of reaching out to a political figure after an assassination attempt and their subsequent dialogue. He emphasized that even in disagreement, there's value in finding common ground and continuing the conversation. Langford also highlighted the importance of staying true to one's principles and values in politics, drawing an analogy from the biblical story of Nehemiah and Hananiah. Ultimately, the former Senator encourages a mindset of seeking solutions and making a positive impact, rather than just observing problems and walking away.

    • Faith and PoliticsSenator Langford values respecting others' beliefs and opposes imposing faith on others, while supporting the separation of church and state. He holds pro-life views on abortion and finds the party platform conflicting on the issue.

      Senator Langford believes his faith shapes his politics but emphasizes the importance of respecting other people's beliefs and worldviews. He is against imposing faith on others and supports the separation of church and state. He draws a distinction between teaching religious literature in schools and imposing faith, and supports the right of individual states to display religious symbols. Regarding dissent within the Republican Party, Senator Langford holds pro-life views on abortion, which are more conservative than President Trump's stance, which supports states' rights on the issue. He found the party platform on abortion to be conflicting, as it advocated for both state autonomy and invoking the 14th Amendment.

    • Abortion and the Republican PartyThe Republican Party under Trump has adopted a pragmatic stance on abortion, focusing on state-level decisions and addressing other pressing issues

      The Republican Party, under President Trump, has taken a pragmatic approach to the abortion issue. While recognizing the personhood of the unborn child, they understand that federally enforced abortion restrictions are not currently feasible. Instead, they are focusing on state-level decisions and addressing other pressing issues. Regarding Trump's role as a role model for the evangelical community, the speaker acknowledges that he may not be perfect but emphasizes the importance of voting based on core issues like religious liberty and the protection of children. The future of the party and its focus beyond the Trump era will involve addressing complex issues like debt, deficit, national security, and social issues through dialogue and decision-making.

    • Lulu's all-in attitudeLulu Garcia Navarro approaches every experience with an all-in attitude, similar to Jelly Roll's approach to life, as discussed in this episode of The New York Times interview.

      Key takeaway from this episode of The New York Times interview is that Lulu Garcia Navarro, the host, approaches every experience with an all-in attitude, similar to how singer Jelly Roll lives his life. The conversation was produced by a team including Wyatt Orm, Annabelle Bacon, A Theme Shapiro, Dan Powell, Devin Yelkin, Priya Matthew, Seth Kelly, Alison Benedict, Jane Kosten, Julie Hirschfield Davis, Rory Walsh, Renanne Borrelli, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddie Messiello, Jake Silverstein, Paula Schumann, and Sam Dolnik. Next week, David interviews Jelly Roll about his rough start, turning his life around, and putting everything he's got into his music. To listen or read more interviews, visit nytimes.com/theinterview. Lulu encourages listeners to follow or subscribe to the podcast and email them at theinterview@nytimes.com.

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