
    Jason Derulo on Self-Mastery, Success & Unleashing Your Creative Genius EP 1460

    enJune 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Insecurities in the Music Industry: Jason Derulo's Inspiring JourneyEmbrace and overcome insecurities by staying true to yourself and not letting other people's opinions define your worth.

      Jason Derulo's dream of becoming a singer and musician began at a young age, inspired by Michael Jackson. Despite not coming from a musical background, his mom supported his dream and taught him the value of work ethic. Growing up, Derulo faced insecurities about his appearance and health, including being overweight and having asthma. However, he overcame these challenges and developed his own style in music. As he entered the music industry, he faced various insecurities and fears, including fear of failure and criticism. Living his life in the public eye meant that even small things could become a big deal. However, he learned to embrace and overcome these insecurities, acknowledging that not everything people say should be taken to heart.

    • Developing resilience and embracing self-growth in the face of criticismEmbrace criticism as an opportunity for growth, but remember to nurture a positive inner voice for personal empowerment.

      It's natural for people to focus on negative comments, even when surrounded by positive ones. However, it's important to develop resilience and not let criticism get under your skin. While it's tempting to ignore all negative feedback, it can be valuable to learn from some of it and make improvements. Taking feedback with a grain of salt and using it to better oneself shows maturity and growth. Additionally, it's essential to have a positive inner voice and treat oneself kindly, just like you would treat a best friend. The power of words is significant, and speaking positively to oneself can lead to personal empowerment and the ability to overcome challenges.

    • The Power of a Positive Mindset and Self-Respect in Personal GrowthEmbracing a positive mindset, practicing self-compassion, and staying consistent with non-negotiable routines can lead to personal growth and success, even in the face of adversity.

      Having a positive mindset and treating oneself with kindness and self-respect are crucial for personal growth. Negative self-talk can hinder progress and can be detrimental to one's mental well-being. Treating one's body as a tool and the mind as the boss helps in maintaining consistency and discipline. Adversities can provide opportunities for growth and development. Breaking his neck was a turning point in Jason Derulo's life, where he had to start from scratch. During this time, he developed a routine and focused on his passion for music, which ultimately led to his success. Having non-negotiable routines and staying committed to them can bring significant results.

    • Overcoming Adversity: Jason Derulo's Journey to SuccessThrough self-reflection, determination, and focusing on strengths and weaknesses, one can overcome obstacles and achieve desired goals.

      Adversity can lead to accelerated growth and success. Jason Derulo's three breakdown moments - a broken neck, lack of connections in the music industry, and a lack of social media presence during the pandemic - forced him to reevaluate and refocus. Through routine, focused energy, and clear goals, he was able to overcome these challenges and achieve great success. By working on his strengths and weaknesses, he was able to utilize his falsetto in his music and improve his social media skills. This shows the importance of self-reflection and determination in overcoming obstacles and reaching desired goals.

    • Jason Derulo's Journey to TikTok StardomConsistent posting and prioritizing a specific platform can lead to explosive follower growth and engagement, as demonstrated by Jason Derulo's success on TikTok.

      Jason Derulo identified an opening in the TikTok space and saw an opportunity for engagement and growth. Despite initial skepticism and criticism, he prioritized posting multiple times a day on TikTok and experienced explosive follower growth and engagement. By observing the success of other TikTok influencers like Charlie Demilio and Addison Ray, Derulo recognized the importance of consistency and being obsessive in order to achieve success. He focused his energy on creating TikTok videos and made it a priority over other aspects of his career. This dedication paid off as he received over a billion views per month on TikTok, demonstrating the power and potential of the platform.

    • The Power of Social Media, TikTok, and Personal Branding in the Music Industry.Social media, especially TikTok, has become a game-changer in the music industry, proving that reaching a younger audience through platforms like these can lead to significant success and lucrative opportunities.

      Social media, particularly TikTok, has become a powerful tool in the music industry and for personal branding. Jason Derulo's success on TikTok showed that even if critics didn't initially support his approach, the younger audience's growing influence would eventually make it worthwhile. Now, TikTok is considered the gatekeeper of the music industry, with many artists trying to replicate Derulo's success. Social media has become essential for all businesses and individuals, regardless of their profession, as it allows for massive reach and brand building. Brands often rely on influencers and creators who understand the platform and have a substantial following. The main benefit is the lucrative opportunities for sponsorships and brand deals that can be life-changing financially.

    • Jason Derulo: Building a Strong Personal Brand Through Music and Business VenturesJason Derulo's successful personal brand is built on connecting with his audience, prioritizing partnerships with big brands, and utilizing unique branding strategies. His ability to blend his music career with business ventures has inspired many.

      Jason Derulo has successfully built a strong personal brand by showcasing his personal life and connecting with his audience. He has expanded his business ventures beyond music and now focuses on building businesses from scratch. He prioritizes partnerships with big brands that offer equity conversations, allowing him to have ownership in various brands. Jason's ability to seamlessly blend his music career with his business ventures has impressed and inspired many. One of his notable branding strategies was singing his name in his songs, which helped him stand out and became a powerful personal branding tool. Jason values the connection he has with his fans and appreciates their interest in his personal life.

    • The Strategic Move of Including Jason Derulo's Name in His Songs to Build Brand RecognitionThe power of repetition and speaking things into existence can be a clever branding tactic that helps manifest success in the music industry.

      Jason Derulo's decision to include his name in his songs was a strategic move to gain recognition and build his brand. It started as a way to make his first single stand out and get noticed by a wide audience. The idea came from wanting to make a memorable impact and have millions of people hear his name. Although initially unsure if it would work, the repetition of his name became a signature move that stuck with listeners. It became a defining characteristic of his music and helped establish his identity as an artist. This clever branding tactic shows the power of speaking things into existence and using the tongue to manifest success.

    • Overcoming Doubt and Finding Success: Jason Derulo's Journey to Becoming the Biggest Independent ArtistNever settle for coasting and always strive for the next level. Take matters into your own hands, be independent, and partner with those who align with your creative vision.

      Jason Derulo experienced a period of doubt and self-doubt, but he overcame it by realizing that he still had more to achieve. He recognized that he shouldn't settle for coasting and instead needed to strive for the next level. This realization led to him leaving his record label and finding new energy. Although initially facing rejection from other labels, he took matters into his own hands and released music independently, gaining success as the biggest independent artist. Eventually, the same labels wanted to sign him, but he chose to partner with Atlantic because they aligned with his creative vision and offered a true partnership.

    • The constant journey of success and the importance of humility and hard work in managing fame.Success must be earned through consistent hard work, and fame should be managed with humility and respect for others. Continuous personal growth is essential in life.

      Success is never owned, it's rented. One must consistently work hard and strive for improvement because there is always competition waiting to take your place. Fame and success can easily affect someone negatively if they become complacent and stop paying rent. Maintaining a strong work ethic and humility is crucial. Managing fame requires staying grounded and treating everyone with respect, recognizing that each interaction may be someone's only chance to meet you. Love is felt when someone cooks for you in a relationship, showing care and affection. Overall, life is a journey with no destination, and the key is to continuously grow and be the best version of oneself.

    • Jason Derulo's Approach to Food and FitnessFinding a balance between enjoying food and taking care of your health is important for maintaining a sustainable and balanced lifestyle.

      Jason Derulo feels the most loved when he's with his family, enjoying meals and drinks together. Despite his love for food, he stays fit by working out a lot and having a balanced diet. He has tried various diets in the past but now focuses on sustainable eating habits while still indulging in occasional treats. He understands how different foods affect his body and takes measures to offset any negative effects. When he has important events or projects, he follows stricter diets and does cardio exercises. Overall, he believes in finding a balance between enjoying food and taking care of his health.

    • Jason Derulo: A Voice of Inspiration and UpliftmentJason Derulo's goal is to use his platform to encourage and uplift young black individuals, showing them that success is possible and making a positive difference in their lives.

      Jason Derulo wants to be remembered as someone who is always thinking about others and is dedicated to serving and inspiring them. He believes in the power of his actions and words to make a positive impact on someone's life. Despite facing disappointment from influential figures who did not respond to his request for advice, he is motivated to become the voice of inspiration for young black individuals who need to know that success is possible for them. His goal is to be a source of encouragement and upliftment for others, using his platform to create a positive difference and help better their lives.

    • Lessons in Pursuing Passion, Surrounding Yourself with Positivity, and Staying True to YourselfFollow your dreams, prioritize personal well-being, and stay true to yourself amidst negativity.

      Three important lessons from Jason Derulo: 1) Life is short, so pursue what you're passionate about and love. The journey is more fulfilling than the destination. 2) Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and support your growth. Protect your peace of mind above all else. 3) Stay true to yourself and your own path, despite what others may say or think. Don't let negativity affect your progress. These lessons emphasize the importance of following your dreams, prioritizing personal well-being, and staying true to your authentic self.

    • Building a Strong Support System for Personal Growth and SuccessSurround yourself with positive and supportive people, prioritize family bonds, and rely on trustworthy individuals to maintain a positive mindset and avoid toxic environments for personal growth and success.

      One key takeaway from this conversation is the importance of surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people. Jason Derulo emphasizes the significance of having a strong family bond and relying on them during difficult times. He highlights the value of trustworthy individuals who will always be there for you and keep your secrets. These people are not easy to come by, so it is crucial to cherish and keep them close. By prioritizing family and surrounding oneself with reliable individuals, one can avoid negative influences and maintain a positive mindset. This helps in avoiding toxic environments at work and prevents bringing negative energy home. Overall, building a strong support system is essential for personal growth and success.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Buy Jeezy’s book: https://amzn.to/3Ku4WdI

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1480

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul on What It Takes To Stay On Top

    Today we'll delve into the mind of the man who's helped keep one of the biggest names in the NBA at the top of his game for years. What does it take to consistently outperform the competition? LeBron James' Agent, Rich Paul, is here to share his insights on what it takes to stay on top.

    Rich Paul is the CEO and founder of KLUTCH Sports Group, the powerhouse agency representing some of the biggest athletes across major professional sports. Paul founded KLUTCH Sports in 2012 in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, where he forged a unique and personal approach to representing top NBA talent – putting athletes first and empowering them to build careers and brands on and off the court.

    Buy his new book Lucky Me: A Memoir of Changing the Odds

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How vulnerability is a crucial aspect of human connection, even if it's challenging due to societal expectations and norms.
    • The power of understanding and connecting with people on a deep emotional level by observing their body language and emotions.
    • Why effective communication can be especially difficult for young black men who may feel pressured to conform to certain stereotypes.
    • The importance of evolving and adapting to different roles and situations throughout your life.
    • That true success and greatness are achieved through consistent and disciplined habits, regardless of your background or circumstances.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1513

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more inspiration? Listen to these powerful episodes:

    Tony Robbins - https://link.chtbl.com/1107-pod

    Daymond John - https://link.chtbl.com/598-pod

    Sara Blakely - https://link.chtbl.com/893-pod

    The Cheat Code to WEALTH (Do THIS to Become a MILLIONAIRE in 2024!) | Alex Hormozi

    The Cheat Code to WEALTH (Do THIS to Become a MILLIONAIRE in 2024!) | Alex Hormozi

    Today Lewis sits down with the incredibly inspiring Alex Hormozi, a first-generation Iranian-American entrepreneur who has made an extraordinary leap from starting a small brick & mortar business to becoming a multi-millionaire through scaling and exiting multiple companies. Hormozi shares his personal journey and the profound insights he's gained along the way, emphasizing the transformative power of working smarter and with more dedication. He opens up about his goal to reach beyond billions, not just for the sake of wealth, but as a testament to his evolving approach to business and the deep pride he takes in giving his all.

    In this episode you will learn

    • Effectively utilizing money can help avoid pain, even though it doesn't directly buy happiness.
    • With the right mindset and dedication, virtually every skill and aspect of life can be trained and improved.
    • Prioritizing learning over earning is important in the early stages of a career or business venture.
    • Taking initiative and helping oneself creates opportunities for others to offer support and assistance.
    • Achieving excellence in today's world is more accessible and affordable than ever before.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1537

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more episodes like this one?

    Alex Hormozi: https://link.chtbl.com/1522-pod

    Jenna Kutcher: https://link.chtbl.com/1271-pod

    Rory Vaden: https://link.chtbl.com/1148-pod

    Gary Vaynerchuk's Insights on Success, Family & The Future of Business

    Gary Vaynerchuk's Insights on Success, Family & The Future of Business

    In this episode, we're revisiting a conversation that's packed with inspiration, wisdom, and actionable insights. So, whether you're a long-time listener or new to The School of Greatness, grab your notepad because this episode promises to inspire you and empower you to live your best life today.

    Let’s face it: Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It takes an insane amount of dedication and work to make your vision become something tangible and real. Starting your own business is a process and one that is always changing. 

    Being an “all-out” entrepreneur not only requires a massive amount of dedication, but it also requires being able to balance different areas of life. Things like family, physical health, and mental health are also extremely important, and when you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll have to learn how to balance career, relationships, and health simultaneously.

    Becoming an entrepreneur is a difficult journey, but an enriching one and one that is worth taking. Today on The School of Greatness, I have Gary Vaynerchuk here to share his secrets about entrepreneurship, family, and self-confidence to help you on your business journey.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How hard work is revolutionizing things right now
    • How Gary’s work is more art than work
    • How humility plays into being a success
    • How Gary being too soft made things hard for business
    • How self-doubt is predicated on other people’s opinions

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1511

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More episodes on entrepreneurial greatness:

    Jaspreet Singh - https://link.chtbl.com/1257-pod

    Ray Dalio - https://link.chtbl.com/1266-pod

    Rachel Rodgers - https://link.chtbl.com/1183-pod