
    JD Vance Joins Live at CPAC-Wuhan virus, Politicized AG & Blue-Collar GOP

    enMarch 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Ryan shares his love for fun and serious causeRyan enjoys Chumba Casino for fun but also partners with Pre Born to save 200 lives daily through a $28 donation.

      Ryan, the speaker, is a fun-loving person who enjoys working but also cherishes moments of enjoyment. He shared his favorite place for fun, Chumba Casino, which offers hundreds of free-to-play casino games with daily bonuses. However, he also had a serious message about the importance of life, particularly the heartbeats of unborn babies, which inspired him to partner with Pre Born to help save lives. He emphasized that every day, Pre Born rescues 200 babies from abortion, and a simple donation of $28 could make a significant difference. Despite having no control over their schedules in government, both Ted Cruz and Ben Ferguson found humor in the unpredictability of their jobs, making light of the fact that they often have no idea when they'll be home.

    • The Senate's absence and COVID-19 adaptation at CPACThe Senate's absence during the pandemic is beneficial, and CPAC attendees learned about the virus's severity and importance of prioritizing public health.

      The Senate, specifically the Democratic-led Schumer Senate, not being in session can be seen as a positive, as it means they're not pushing policies that could potentially harm America. The speakers also reflected on how the COVID-19 pandemic began and how they had to adapt to it during the 2020 CPAC event. The podcast hosts discussed how they were exposed to the virus at the event and had to cancel their plans, including a fundraiser and an Eagles concert. They emphasized the seriousness of the virus and the importance of prioritizing public health over personal plans. The speakers also highlighted the evolution of understanding about the virus and how it can be particularly dangerous for older or sick individuals.

    • Discussion on COVID-19 origins and shifting narrativeDespite initial dismissal, evidence of COVID-19's lab origin is gaining recognition. Media and politics influenced the narrative, and honesty about origins is crucial for public understanding and response.

      The origins of COVID-19 and the debate surrounding its origins have undergone significant shifts in the past few years. What was once dismissed as a conspiracy theory is now being acknowledged by various agencies and experts. The discussion highlighted the derision faced by those who spoke about the lab leak theory in the past, despite having evidence. The podcast mentioned in the discussion had presented the evidence of the virus's origins from a Chinese lab three years ago. The media's role in shaping the narrative and the impact of politics on the discourse were also touched upon. The speaker shared a personal story of how the fear and misinformation surrounding COVID-19 had affected his family. Despite the ongoing uncertainty, the speaker emphasized the importance of being honest about the virus's origins and the consequences of withholding information from the public.

    • Wuhan Institute of Virology and COVID-19 OriginThe Wuhan Institute of Virology, where three researchers fell ill before the pandemic, has long studied coronaviruses from bats. Destruction of samples from the lab fuels speculation of a lab leak or gain-of-function research as possible COVID-19 origins.

      The Wuhan Institute of Virology, located near the site of the initial COVID-19 outbreak, has long studied coronaviruses derived from bats, which are not native to Wuhan. Three researchers from the institute fell ill in November 2019, and when the pandemic began, China destroyed samples from the lab. These facts, along with the institute's proximity to the outbreak, have led many to suspect that COVID-19 may have originated from the lab through a leak or gain-of-function research. This theory, while not proven, has been censored and dismissed by some, but the destruction of evidence strengthens the argument for further investigation. To stay informed on this and other topics, text "verdict" to 24005 to subscribe to the Verdict podcast, which has had over 50 million downloads and 700,000 unique viewers last month.

    • Call for accountability over Fauci's COVID actionsSpeaker urges hearings to examine COVID origins, follow money, and hold Fauci accountable for potential misdeeds, expresses disappointment in current administration's inaction

      There is a call for accountability regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci's actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some believe he lied to Congress about funding gain-of-function research and suppressed information. The speaker expresses disappointment in the current administration's lack of action against Fauci and suggests that there should be hearings in the House to examine the origins of COVID-19, follow the money, and hold Fauci and others accountable for any potential misdeeds. The speaker also mentions the perceived double standard in the justice system.

    • Senator Kennedy Grills AG Garland on DOJ's Handling of Threats Against JudgesSenator Kennedy accused AG Garland of being the most partisan and politicized attorney general for not answering whether DOJ has brought cases related to threats against judges.

      During a hearing, Senator Kennedy pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland on whether the Department of Justice (DOJ) has brought any cases under a specific statute related to threats against judges. Garland repeatedly refused to answer the question with a simple "yes" or "no," instead emphasizing the role of US Marshals in protecting judges and their decision-making process regarding arrests and prosecutions. The senator argued that there are two systems of justice in the US, with one system being more aggressive against conservatives, while the other allows for intimidation of Supreme Court justices on contentious issues. Kennedy criticized Garland for being the most partisan and politicized attorney general in the nation's history due to his unwillingness to answer the question directly.

    • DOJ under Garland used as political tool by DemocratsDOJ disregards federal laws, selectively enforces justice, and undermines public trust under Garland's leadership

      The Department of Justice under Merrick Garland has become a political tool for the Democrats, disregarding federal laws and protecting those who engage in violent protests against Supreme Court justices and their families. Garland, a former judge, has shown arrogance and refusal to answer straightforward questions during hearings. The Department of Justice, under Garland's leadership, has refused to enforce laws against protesting at judges' homes, even when protesters have confessed to their crimes and their identities are known. This selective enforcement of justice is dangerous and undermines the trust of American people in their government, as they are supposed to be protected by it. Garland's actions against peaceful protesters and traditional Catholics while refusing to prosecute those threatening Supreme Court justices highlights his disregard for upholding the law and his political bias.

    • The Republican Party's Base: Hardworking IndividualsThe Republican Party should be proud of its base of hardworking individuals, including soldiers, nurses, construction workers, and middle-class families, and work to serve their needs, rather than being ashamed or dismissive.

      The Republican Party's base consists of hardworking individuals, including soldiers, nurses, construction workers, and middle-class families. These people value equal justice under the law and are often negatively impacted when institutions like the Department of Justice act unfairly. J.D. Vance, a new senator and author of the best-selling book "Hillbilly Elegy," embodies this base with his working-class background and Yale education. Vance's work highlights the struggles faced by many Americans, including the opioid crisis, loss of manufacturing jobs, and breakdown of traditional family structures. The Republican Party should be proud of this base and work to serve their needs, rather than being ashamed or dismissive.

    • The Republican Party's Shift from Globalization to Putting America FirstThe Republican Party is evolving from a pro-globalization, pro-business stance to one that prioritizes American interests and supports policies that benefit families and workers.

      The Republican Party, as seen by its new members and leaders, has evolved from being a party that focuses on taxpayers and wage earners to one that prioritizes American interests over globalization and foreign powers. This shift is evident in issues such as trade, national security, and labor. The old approach of accepting trade deals and favoring foreign powers at the expense of American jobs is no longer acceptable. Instead, the party now advocates for policies that support the dignity of work and the ability of families to support themselves. This change is particularly noticeable in the attitudes towards immigration, where the party is moving away from the pro-business stance of the past towards a more pro-American position. The recent rail strike dispute between unions and management is an example of this new approach, with the Biden administration pushing for policies that benefit unions rather than siding with management. Overall, the Republican Party is positioning itself as the party that puts America first.

    • Unity is key for political successThe Republican Party needs to unite behind winning candidates to stay competitive, learning from the Democrats' example of unity.

      The Republican Party needs to focus on unity and supporting candidates who win primaries, regardless of personal preferences. The Democrats have shown a high level of unity, which has allowed them to elect candidates who may not be their first choice. The establishment wing of the Republican Party must put aside their differences and help candidates who have won primaries to keep seats red. J.D. Vance's involvement in East Palestine and standing up to the administration is an example of a candidate making a difference. The unified Democratic Party is a formidable opponent, and the conservative movement must adapt to remain competitive. The focus should be on supporting candidates and working towards a common goal, rather than dwelling on personal preferences or ideological differences.

    • Uniting Republicans and Addressing Hollywood's China ConnectionRepublicans must support their candidates and avoid abandoning them. Hollywood's content creation is influenced by external forces like the CCP, highlighting the importance of conservative causes in both politics and entertainment.

      It's crucial for all Republicans to unite and support their candidates, starting from the top. The abandonment of Senate candidates in Arizona and New Hampshire by the DC establishment was disgraceful and needs to be avoided in the future. The priority is to win elections and take back the Senate, grow the house majority, and send Joe Biden back to Delaware. The entertainment industry, specifically Hollywood, is under the control of external forces, such as the Chinese Communist Party, leading to the creation of content that appeases them. This issue is explored in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover" by Tiffany Meyer, which reveals how the CCP exerts control over major studios. It's essential to be aware of these influences and support conservative causes both in politics and entertainment.

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