
    About this Episode

    Dr. Mel Kahn delivers a thorough and in-depth lecture on Jews in American Politics. October was a tragic month for my family and I. We had several close friends and a family member pass away. We then lost our home. Life's roller coaster has leveled off some now. Please keep my family in your hearts and prayers, and with a little help from Heaven we will make it through. Thank you for your support and patience, Bry

    Recent Episodes from College of Judaism

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    “When God wanted to create the Universe, the letters appeared before God one by one, in reverse order, and each one pleaded with God to create the World with its letter.”

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    “When God wanted to create the Universe, the letters appeared before God one by one, in reverse order, and each one pleaded with God to create the World with its letter.”

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    “When God wanted to create the Universe, the letters appeared before God one by one, in reverse order, and each one pleaded with God to create the World with its letter.”