
    Jim Comey Disgraces Himself on Cable News (Ep 1136)

    enDecember 16, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • FBI's Trump investigation based on dossier, Bongino accuses Comey of lying about itFormer FBI Director Jim Comey lied about the basis of the FBI's investigation into Trump's campaign, according to Dan Bongino, who believes the dossier provided probable cause.

      During his recent interview on Fox News, Dan Bongino called out former FBI Director Jim Comey for lying about various aspects of the investigation into Trump's campaign. Bongino specifically pointed out that the IG report confirms that the FBI's surveillance of the Trump campaign was based on the dossier, which Bongino, as a former federal agent, believes constitutes probable cause. However, Bongino accused Comey of lying about this fact during his recent interview. Additionally, Bongino mentioned his own experience with a black eye and encouraged listeners to try Helix Sleep mattresses, which he highly recommends. Next week, Bongino's guest will be Devin Nunes.

    • FBI's problematic handling of Carter Page FISA applicationThe FBI lied about Carter Page and Christopher Steele, presenting false information and failing to disclose crucial details, which undermined their case and raised concerns about law enforcement abuses and misuse of power.

      During the discussion, it was emphasized that having probable cause is a necessary requirement for making an accusation or obtaining a warrant, and the FBI's handling of the Carter Page FISA application was found to be problematic as they presented false information and failed to disclose crucial details, which undermined their case. The IG report revealed that the FBI lied about Carter Page and Christopher Steele, and their information was not verified or used in criminal trials before. The FBI's justification for spying on the Trump campaign was based on false claims, and they added more lies in subsequent renewals. This is a significant issue as it involves law enforcement abuses and misuse of power.

    • Former FBI Director Comey admitted to FISA court wrongdoingComey's previous statements about FISA process were false, new reports reveal uncorroborated info presented to the court during Carter Page investigation.

      Former FBI Director James Comey knew years ago that false information was presented to the FISA court during the investigation into Carter Page during the 2016 presidential campaign. Comey's recent admissions of wrongdoing are not a result of newfound honesty, but rather a response to damning reports and the looming Durham report. The Woods file, a documented spreadsheet of allegations used to obtain warrants, shows that information presented to the court was not corroborated. Comey's previous statements, full of confidence in the FISA process, now appear to be false. The IG report and Chris Wallace's questioning have exposed Comey as a liar and a fraud.

    • Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony contradicts his statements on Russian election interference investigationComey's testimony confirmed the FBI's investigation into Russian election interference and potential coordination with the Trump campaign, but he now claims the campaign was not under investigation. The IG report also did not find no political bias as he recently claimed.

      Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony contradicts his current public statements regarding the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign. During his testimony, Comey confirmed that the FBI was investigating both the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the election and any potential coordination between the campaign and Russia. However, Comey now claims that the Trump campaign was not under investigation. The inconsistency between his previous and current statements raises questions about Comey's credibility and motivations. Additionally, the IG report did not find that there was no political bias, contrary to Comey's recent claims.

    • Report unclear on political bias in investigationThe IG report revealed instances of FBI mishandling and manipulation, but did not definitively prove political bias.

      The Inspector General Horowitz report did not conclusively state that there was no political bias in the investigation into the Trump campaign. Instead, Horowitz was "unclear" as to whether the actions taken were due to incompetence or intentionality. The report did reveal numerous instances of FBI mishandling and manipulation of the FISA court process. While there may not have been a smoking gun of a memo explicitly stating political bias, the consistent errors and mischaracterizations in the investigation point towards a clear bias. It's important to recognize the difference between Horowitz's findings and the repeated claim from some media outlets and politicians that there was no political bias in the investigation.

    • Former FBI Director James Comey's accountability in Trump campaign investigation questionedComey's claim of ignorance about Trump campaign investigation details contradicts reality of serious case handling in law enforcement, as he personally signed off on three of the four FISA warrants.

      During a discussion on the interview of former FBI Director James Comey, it was pointed out that Comey claimed he couldn't be responsible for all failures in the investigation into the Trump campaign, but this contradicts the reality of how important cases are handled in law enforcement. When serious cases, such as those involving threats to the president, come in, the director is briefed hourly. It was emphasized that Comey had personally signed off on three of the four FISA warrants in the Trump campaign investigation, yet he claimed ignorance about the details of the operation. This raises questions about Comey's accountability and credibility in the matter. Additionally, there was a call to action for listeners to share their thoughts on the topic and to check out the GenUcell holiday promotion for a chance to support women in need.

    • FBI's Handling of Trump-Russia Probe: Was Comey In or Out?Former FBI Director James Comey's role in the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia is under scrutiny, with some questioning if he approved of the actions and others believing he was out of the loop. The IG report revealed significant errors and potential misconduct, but interpretations of its implications vary widely.

      Former FBI Director James Comey's explanation for his role in the FBI's handling of the investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia is being questioned, with some arguing that he knew about the FBI's actions and approved of them, while others believe he was out of the loop. Comey's refusal to reinstate his security clearance to be interviewed by Barr and Durham has raised further suspicions. Additionally, Adam Schiff, a prominent Democratic figure in the Russia investigation, has been accused of lying about the IG report's findings regarding the FBI's actions. The IG report revealed 17 serious errors of omission and potential misconduct, but Schiff maintains that the investigation was properly predicated and that there was no political bias. However, many believe that the report debunked claims of a deep state conspiracy, while others argue that it highlighted significant abuses of the FISA process.

    • Lack of integrity and credibility of a public figure exposedA public figure's history of lying and fabricating evidence, particularly regarding Russian collusion and Ukraine, has been exposed, raising questions about their credibility and integrity.

      The individual in question, who has been criticized for his lack of integrity and credibility, has been accused of lying and fabricating evidence multiple times, particularly regarding Russian collusion, Ukraine, and his contact with the whistleblower. This includes misrepresenting information to the FBI and the public, which was later found to be false. Despite this, he defended the FBI's FISA process at the time, unaware of the serious abuses that had occurred. The situation has since been described as a "cosmic level disgrace" and a "written, documented fraud on the country." The media's use of this individual's earlier memo to label others as conspiracy theorists has been criticized, and a new memo from another individual promises to shed more light on the situation.

    • Rep. Devin Nunes accuses Rep. Adam Schiff of making false claims in Russia memoNunes accused Schiff of making false claims in a memo related to the Russia investigation, citing several alleged misstatements. The Inspector General report criticized Schiff for similar issues. Nunes has faced criticism for his actions, but refuses to back down. Some call for apologies and retractions, while others prepare for new narratives.

      Devin Nunes, a Republican congressman, wrote a scathing letter to Democratic congressman Adam Schiff, accusing him of making false claims in a memo related to the Russia investigation. Nunes' letter came after the release of the Inspector General report that criticized Schiff for making misleading statements about the Russia investigation. Nunes' letter outlined several alleged falsehoods in Schiff's memo and accused him of needing "rehabilitation." Nunes has been a target of criticism from the media and Democrats for his actions related to the Russia investigation, but he has refused to back down. The media and Democrats have been accused of spreading false information and lying about Nunes in the past. With the release of the Inspector General report, some are calling for apologies and retractions from those who criticized Nunes. However, the media and Democrats are already preparing their next narrative, suggesting that if Trump is re-elected in 2020, he will collude with other countries to interfere in the election.

    • Speaker criticizes Representative Adam Schiff and media's handling of Russian collusion narrativeThe speaker criticized Representative Adam Schiff for making false claims about Russian collusion and endorsed Simply Save, a home security system. They also warned about holiday burglaries and encouraged listeners to take advantage of Simply Save's holiday sale before it ends.

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed strong criticism towards Representative Adam Schiff for making false claims in the past and planning to do so again in 2020 regarding alleged Russian collusion. The speaker also endorsed Simply Save, a home security system, highlighting its ease of installation and lack of contracts. The speaker also warned listeners about the increased risk of burglaries during the holiday season and encouraged them to take advantage of Simply Save's holiday sale before it ends on December 31st. Additionally, the speaker shared a montage of CNN and MSNBC personalities defending the Russian dossier, which the speaker called a hoax. The speaker expressed disdain for the media's handling of the Russian collusion narrative and labeled them as liars and hacks for the left.

    • Not all parts of the Steele dossier have been disprovenInvestigators have corroborated some parts of the Steele dossier, and former intelligence officials state that nothing in it has been proven false. The FBI used it as a predicate for surveillance, and while some specific allegations have been disproven, the majority still holds up.

      Despite President's claims, not all parts of the Steele dossier have been disproven. In fact, investigators have corroborated some parts of it, and former intelligence officials have stated that nothing in the dossier has been proven false. The FBI would not have used the dossier as the predicate for the surveillance without corroborating it first. Some specific allegations, such as Carter Page's collaboration with the Russians and Michael Cohen's meeting in Prague, have been proven false. However, the majority of the dossier still holds up, and none of it has been conclusively disproven. It's important to distinguish between the parts that have been proven false and the parts that have not been disproven. The media's handling of the dossier, including claims that it was a hoax, has been criticized for being inaccurate or misleading.

    • Democrats face backlash over impeachment processDespite attempts to gain support, Democrats face criticism and defections over impeachment process, seen as a political stunt and overreach

      The impeachment process has turned into a disaster for the Democrats. Their efforts to gain support for impeachment from independent voters and swing states have failed, with polls showing a decrease in support for impeachment and an increase in support for Trump. Additionally, a Democrat congressman, Jeff Van Drew, is leaving the party to become a Republican, and his staffers are resigning. The Democrats' actions have been criticized as a political stunt, and many are viewing it as an overreach. The situation has become a source of embarrassment for the Democrats, and they are now facing a backlash from both sides of the aisle.

    • Senate Leaders Coordinate with White House during Impeachment TrialsDespite Democratic outrage, Senate leaders have historically coordinated with the White House during impeachment trials. McConnell's actions were hypocritical, as the Democrats had done the same during Clinton's trial.

      During the impeachment trial of President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his intention to coordinate with the White House on the defense strategy. The Democrats, who are in charge of the impeachment process in the House, were outraged and accused McConnell of being biased as a juror. However, McConnell's role is not that of a juror but rather that of a Senate leader during the trial. It was revealed that during the impeachment trial of President Clinton, the then-Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle coordinated with the White House. The hypocrisy of the Democrats was highlighted as they criticized McConnell for coordinating while they had done the same thing before. The speaker also expressed his disappointment towards the Democratic Party, labeling them as frauds and charlatans.

    • Unexpected accidents during training sessionsAccidents happen during training, but staying positive and prepared can help us handle them and continue moving forward.

      Even during training sessions, accidents can happen. Dan Bongino shared an experience from a side control drill where he received an unexpected knee to the face, resulting in a shiner. He assured listeners that he was okay and invited them to check out the evidence on his Twitter account. The incident didn't stop him from encouraging listeners to tune in for upcoming interviews with Devin Nunes and Candace Owens, which he promised would be worth listening to. Despite the mishap, Bongino remained positive and lighthearted, reminding everyone that accidents are a part of life. So, whether you're training or just going about your day, always be prepared for the unexpected. And, as always, stay tuned to Dan Bongino's show for more insightful conversations.

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