
    John Stamos

    enNovember 10, 2023
    Who is the founder of Rabbit Hole Distillery?
    What types of whiskey does Rabbit Hole produce?
    What are the names of Rabbit Hole's whiskies mentioned?
    What challenges did John Stamos face during his career?
    How did Bob Saget relate to Don Rickles' comedy style?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Delicious Whiskey at Rabbit Hole DistilleryThe founder of Rabbit Hole Distillery, Kaveh Zemanian, left psychology to create award-winning Kentucky Bourbon and rye whiskies using unique barrel techniques.

      This episode of Whiskey Ginger features a discussion about Rabbit Hole Distillery and their award-winning Kentucky Bourbon and rye whiskies. The founder, Kaveh Zemanian, left a successful career as a psychologist to create delicious sauces, and now his spirits are in the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame. Rabbit Hole produces small batches of whiskey using both charred and toasted barrels, resulting in unique and delicious flavors. Their Cave Hill, High Gold, Boxer Mash, and Derringer whiskies are must-tries for whiskey enthusiasts. Additionally, the episode features a conversation with John Stamos about his new memoir and upcoming tour dates. Overall, the episode highlights the stories behind exceptional products and the people who create them.

    • Unexpected comedy discoveries and industry connectionsDiscovering unexpected talents and deepening connections within the comedy world can reveal new dimensions of the art form and lead to meaningful collaborations.

      The depth of comedy and the connections in the comedy world can often go unnoticed, as was the case with the unexpected discovery of Amos's talent. The speaker was initially blown away by Amos's comedy, but what truly impressed her was the revelation of his relationships with other notable figures in the industry, such as Bob Saget. Despite initially not liking each other, they eventually came to appreciate each other's unique comedic styles and rose to fame together on a popular show. The speaker's background in acting and experience working with industry greats gave her a unique perspective on the importance of finding the love and heart in even the most contentious scenes. Ultimately, the connections and experiences within the comedy world can reveal unexpected talents and deepen our appreciation for the art form.

    • Bonding through shared griefThe cast of Full House formed a deep bond during filming, driven by their shared experiences of loss and the transformative power of embracing differences.

      Despite the unusual behavior and challenges faced during the filming of Full House, the cast members, Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, and John Stamos, bonded deeply over their shared experiences of loss when their sisters passed away. Their bond went beyond their roles as co-stars and they learned to appreciate and support each other through their grief. Additionally, the show, which was a significant part of American culture during that time, brought back memories for some cast members and even influenced their personal lives in unexpected ways. Saget, for instance, had a crush on a character from the show, Kimmy Gibbler, and Coulier revealed his father was gay after marrying him. The cast's experiences demonstrate the transformative power of shared struggles and the importance of embracing our differences.

    • Finding humor in adversityBob Saget turned bullying experiences into comedy, influenced by Don Rickles and Howard Stern, and became a comedy icon.

      Growing up, Bob Saget found humor in the face of bullying and adversity. He recalls experiences from his childhood, including being teased about his TV roles and being physically assaulted, but learned to use his quick wit to turn the tables and make people laugh. Saget's influences include comedians like Don Rickles, whom he eventually brought on his own talk show as a surprise guest, and Howard Stern, with whom he shared a connection based on their experiences of being bullied. Saget's comedy career took off in part due to his ability to find humor in his own experiences and share them with audiences. He was influenced by comedians who came before him, and in turn, has influenced a generation of comedians and fans with his own unique brand of humor.

    • Unexpected experiences with death threats in HollywoodActor John Stamos faced two serious death threats, one from Mickey Rourke due to a romantic dispute and another from a stalker on a movie set, requiring heightened security measures. Despite these challenges, Stamos maintained his sense of humor and continued his career.

      Actor John Stamos shared some unexpected and harrowing experiences involving death threats throughout his career. He recounted a time when Mickey Rourke allegedly wanted to kill him due to a romantic dispute. Additionally, there was an instance where a stalker threatened to harm him on a movie set, leading to intense security measures. Despite these incidents, Stamos maintained his sense of humor and continued to move forward, acknowledging that such situations are less common in today's world. Another notable anecdote involved Stamos' insecurity about his appearance as a child, which he humorously shared in his book. Overall, Stamos' experiences demonstrate the unpredictable nature of fame and the challenges that come with it.

    • Exploring the Complexity of the Human ExperiencePeople are multifaceted and cannot be defined by one aspect of their identity or experience. Seek resolution and control in difficult situations.

      Everyone's experiences and journeys in life are unique and complex. The speaker in this conversation shared stories about their interests, past experiences, and personal growth, which included elements of puppets, magic, theater, fights, and identity exploration. Some of these experiences were challenging, such as being bullied or dealing with physical pain, but the speaker also found joy in creative pursuits and forming meaningful connections with others. It's important to remember that people are multifaceted and cannot be defined by one aspect of their identity or experience. Additionally, the speaker's desire to confront past adversity and seek fame shows the human tendency to seek resolution and control in difficult situations. Overall, this conversation highlights the complexity and richness of the human experience.

    • Unconventional upbringing and schooling shaped him into an independent thinkerHis unique experiences in childhood and education inspired him to embrace his individuality and pursue success on his own terms

      The speaker's unconventional upbringing and struggles in traditional schooling shaped him into an independent thinker and non-conformist. He shares a story about a teacher who suggested he should be on medication due to his hyperactivity and inability to fit in. His mother defended him, and he was allowed to continue without being forced to conform. Despite getting mediocre grades and facing challenges in school, he didn't let it hold him back. Instead, he embraced his uniqueness and went on to graduate from college. The experience of being misunderstood and underestimated fueled his determination to succeed on his own terms.

    • Pursuing Passion Despite SetbacksDetermination and adaptability can lead to unexpected opportunities in pursuing one's passion, even if it means starting from scratch in a new place.

      Determination and a strong desire to pursue one's passion can lead to unexpected opportunities, even if it means starting from scratch in a new place. The speaker, John Stamos, shares his experience of moving to California with the goal of doing comedy, despite not having a formal education or connections. He tried various methods, including auditioning for TV shows and doing background work, but faced setbacks along the way. However, he didn't give up and eventually landed a role in a comedy sketch for CollegeHumor. This experience led him to continue pursuing comedy and eventually finding success in his career. Another takeaway is the importance of being open to new experiences and being adaptable, even when things don't go as planned. The speaker's experience with the CollegeHumor audition didn't turn out as expected, but he still found humor in the situation and learned from it. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of persistence, adaptability, and a strong work ethic in achieving one's goals.

    • Online therapy and cashback app provide convenient solutions for mental and financial wellbeingBetterHelp offers accessible and affordable online therapy, while Ibotta helps save money on holiday shopping and everyday expenses

      Both BetterHelp and Ibotta offer convenient and cost-effective solutions for mental health support and holiday shopping, respectively. BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, provides easy access to licensed therapists from the comfort of home, with flexibility and affordability. Ibotta, a cashback app, helps users save money on their Thanksgiving dinner and other purchases throughout the year, making holiday spending more manageable. While the former prioritizes mental wellbeing, the latter focuses on financial wellbeing, both contributing to an overall improved quality of life. Try BetterHelp for online therapy using the code whiskeytoday for a discount, and use Ibotta for cash back on your Thanksgiving feast and beyond.

    • Bob Saget's Unique Comedy StyleBob Saget left a lasting impact on comedy with his unique style of humor, pushing boundaries and making people laugh through misdirection, shock, and a sweet wink.

      Bob Saget was known for his contributions to the comedy community and his ability to make people laugh through his unique style of humor. He began his comedy career at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles and had the opportunity to perform before David Letterman, who was a hero to him growing up. Later, he made his television debut on Conan O'Brien's show, which was known for promoting stand-up comedy from various backgrounds. During this time, Saget's opening joke on Conan was about sleeping naked, which showcased his ability to push boundaries with humor. He also shared a story about accidentally calling a prostitute in Montreal, which further showcased his wit and humor. Saget's comedy style included elements of misdirection and shock, but he always had a sweet wink behind it, making him lovable to many in the comedy community. Overall, Bob Saget left a lasting impact on comedy through his unique style and ability to make people laugh.

    • Don Rickles' Impact on Bob Saget and ComedyBob Saget admired Don Rickles' unique approach to comedy and authenticity, which influenced his own career. Rickles' friendship with Saget helped revive his career and inspired a new generation of comedians.

      Don Rickles, a legendary comedian, was a master of his craft who inspired and influenced many other comedians, including Bob Saget. Saget admired Rickles' timing, joke construction, and ability to push boundaries without crossing the line. They became close friends and even appeared together in a documentary, which helped revive Rickles' career during a lull in the 1970s and 1980s. Saget learned from Rickles' unique approach to comedy and appreciated his authenticity, which made it challenging for other comedians to be funny around him. During a conversation in Vegas, Saget introduced Jeff Ross to Rickles, and they also became friends. Saget grew up near Disneyland and had a fascination with it, which influenced his love for amusement parks and storytelling. He still appreciates the magic of Disney as an adult and even finished reading "American Buffalo," a book about Disneyland's early days, for a podcast episode. Overall, Don Rickles left a lasting impact on Bob Saget and the comedy world with his authenticity, boundary-pushing humor, and influence on future generations of comedians.

    • Childhood experiences shape our livesOur childhood interests and fascinations can significantly influence our future experiences and goals

      The power of childhood experiences and fascinations can significantly influence our lives, even as adults. The speaker shares his initial indifference towards Disney, but later got drawn back in by his wife and her enthusiasm. He also mentions his childhood experiences with gang fights and playing music, which manifested into his desire to be a part of the Beach Boys' world. The speaker also expresses his admiration for other artists and musicians, such as Richard Pryor, Carlin, and The Beatles, and his dream of performing with them. The conversation highlights the enduring impact of our childhood interests and the potential for them to shape our future experiences and goals.

    • A cast member's unsuccessful attempt for more compensation and creative control on a hit TV showDespite personal goals, a successful project can bring emotional connection and positivity to audiences, even if the creator isn't involved.

      During the run of the hit TV show "ABC," the speaker, who was a cast member, attempted to negotiate for more compensation and creative control towards the end of his contract. However, he was ultimately unsuccessful in obtaining these requests. Instead, he received a significant financial payout and was encouraged to leave the show. The speaker felt conflicted about the situation but came to accept that the success of the show was not for him, and instead, focused on the emotional connection and decency it provided to audiences during a divisive time. Another key point is that the speaker's idea for a spin-off, "Fuller House," was eventually produced years later, but he was not involved in it. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the realities of the entertainment industry and the importance of appreciating the impact of a successful project on audiences, even if personal goals are not met.

    • Childhood experiences shaped the speaker's ability to imitate and appreciate diversityGrowing up in a diverse environment with unique voices and accents influenced the speaker's ability to connect with people and appreciate their differences

      The speaker's childhood experiences, particularly his interactions with Armando at his mom's workplace in an affluent part of Chicago, influenced his ability to imitate people he's encountered and his appreciation for diversity. The speaker grew up in a low-income family living in fancy apartments due to government assistance, and was surrounded by gay men and women at his mom's workplace. Armando, in particular, would greet the speaker every morning with "2 eggs, coffee, fruit of potatoes," which the speaker would sing on his way home. This experience helped the speaker develop an ear for unique voices and accents, and gave him a deep appreciation for the diversity he grew up around. The speaker also shared stories of growing up in a Catholic household and getting kicked out, as well as his experiences performing and interacting with famous figures like Bobby Knight and the Beach Boys. Overall, the speaker's experiences shaped his ability to connect with people and appreciate the unique qualities of those around him.

    • Finding Calmness and Comfort in Unlikely PlacesDuring uncertain times, finding calmness and comfort can come from unexpected sources. Staying focused and having faith in a higher power can help us navigate through challenging situations.

      During a turbulent flight, the speaker found comfort and calmness in the presence of basketball coach Bobby Knight. The speaker was feeling anxious and scared due to the weather conditions and the small size of the regional jet. Bobby Knight, known for his calm demeanor, was reading a newspaper unfazed by the turbulence. This sight gave the speaker a sense of reassurance and made her believe that everything would be okay. The experience reminded her of the power of faith and the importance of staying calm during challenging situations. Despite her complicated relationship with religion, she believes in a higher power and finds solace in it. The speaker also shared her past experiences with her mother's Catholic upbringing, her father's addiction, and her own struggles with sports. The offer to play a college coach in a new David Kelly show presented a challenge for her as she is not a sports fan, but she managed to take on the role with the help of her friend and technical adviser, Roger Lodge. Overall, the story highlights the importance of staying calm and finding comfort in unexpected places during times of uncertainty.

    • Coaches and Actors with Unconventional BehaviorExceptional coaching or leadership abilities can exist alongside unconventional behavior or intense emotions.

      Unconventional behavior or intense emotions, even if disruptive, can coexist with exceptional coaching or leadership abilities. The speaker shares anecdotes about coaches and actors who exhibit volatile behavior but are still highly effective in their respective fields. The speaker also reflects on meeting Jerry West, a basketball executive, and being underwhelmed by a live basketball event compared to the people and socializing opportunities it presented. The speaker's indifference to sports is emphasized, and the discussion concludes with a reflection on Bob Saget's life and the unexpected outpouring of love after his death. Despite his own perception of success, Saget was deeply loved by many.

    • Appreciating loved ones in the momentSlow down and cherish moments with loved ones, as they may not always be there, and learn to appreciate their quirks and humor.

      Cherishing the moments with loved ones is important, as you never know when they might be taken away. The speaker shared a heartfelt story about a dinner with a dear friend, who was everything he had hoped for during their last meeting. The friend, who used to annoy him with his jokes and photo sessions, was calm, listened, and asked questions. The speaker realized that night that he should have appreciated these moments earlier and not taken them for granted. The friend even hosted the speaker's father's funeral and made light of the situation with his famous jokes. The speaker learned to slow down and appreciate the little things in life, like ordering dessert, and to cherish the memories with loved ones. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing his gratitude for the friendship and his newfound happiness.

    • Father's Values and Celebrity EncountersDespite professional accomplishments, the speaker values family connections and finds humor essential in relationships, as seen through anecdotes about meeting famous people and an admiration for Larry David.

      The speaker's father doesn't seem to care much about his accomplishments and instead values him as a family man. The speaker also shares anecdotes about meeting famous people in the entertainment industry and the importance of humor in their relationships. During the conversation, they discuss various topics, including Greek history, famous people in their phones, and experiences working in Hollywood. The speaker expresses admiration for Larry David and shares a story about an audition for "Curb Your Enthusiasm" where they ad-libbed a penis detector joke, which Larry found hilarious. Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's lighthearted and humorous perspective on their experiences in the entertainment industry and their personal relationships.

    • John Stamper cherishes relationships with idols and familyJohn values experiences and relationships over money, finds inspiration from his non-tech-savvy parents, and includes both biological and step parents in his comedy.

      For John Stammer, collaborating with his idols, like the Beach Boys, was the pinnacle of his career. Money was not a priority for him; instead, he cherished the relationships and experiences. He spoke fondly of his time with the Beach Boys, who became like family to him. In a surprising turn of events, John's friend Whitney Cummings named her baby after him. John's parents, who are not tech-savvy, often provide him with inspiration for his comedy. He enjoys teasing them about their lack of understanding of technology. Despite having a strained relationship with his biological parents, he includes them in his comedy, sometimes interchanging them without distinction. His stepfather and real father both make appearances in his show.

    • Authenticity and staying true to oneself in comedy and artEmbrace authenticity, push boundaries, address controversial topics, and don't take yourself too seriously in comedy and art.

      According to the conversation, the speakers believe that authenticity and staying true to oneself are important in comedy and art, even if it means pushing boundaries or addressing controversial topics. They also discussed the fleeting nature of outrage and the importance of not taking oneself too seriously. The speakers admired comedians who have remained grounded and focused on entertaining their audience, even when faced with criticism or backlash. They also touched upon the idea that comedy and art are forms of fantasy and should be treated as such, allowing for a certain level of freedom and creativity.

    • The Importance of Live Comedy in a Chaotic WorldLive comedy offers a personal connection and unique experience that cannot be replicated on screen, providing a much-needed respite from the chaos of the world.

      The commercialization of comedy, as seen through the example of comedians hosting major shows like Saturday Night Live, has become increasingly important in today's chaotic world. With the rise of platforms like Discord and the decrease in decency, people are craving live entertainment as a form of escape from the overwhelming amount of television content. Comedians, like Nate Bargatze, are stepping up to the plate and delivering, even during a strike when new shows are scarce. The live performances offer a personal connection that cannot be replicated on screen. Some comedians, like Mike Tyson and Jeff Ross, have even taken it a step further by performing readings of their work live for audiences. These performances allow for a deeper connection between the comedian and the audience, creating a unique and memorable experience. Ultimately, live comedy provides a much-needed respite from the chaos of the world and offers a way for people to come together and laugh.

    • Sharing a laugh with Don RicklesAppreciating raw, honest comedy and authentic connection, even in controversial topics, is essential. Improvising and refusing to have writers adds to the experience.

      The speaker had a memorable experience listening to Don Rickles' comedy album "Hello Dummy" with him, and they appreciated Rickles' raw, honest comedy style even when it touched on controversial topics. The speaker also shared their admiration for Rickles' refusal to have writers and his ability to improvise on stage. The conversation also touched upon the changing landscape of comedy and the debate around censorship. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of authenticity and connection in comedy and in life, and the value of getting to know people beyond their public personas.

    • Unexpected political encountersEncounters with unexpected individuals, even those with differing political beliefs, can lead to increased political engagement and understanding.

      Despite the divisive and chaotic political climate, even unexpected connections can be made. The speaker, who grew up in a politically unstable environment, had an unexpected encounter with Donald Trump during a theatrical performance. Trump wrote a complimentary note to the speaker, which they still have, and this interaction led the speaker to become more engaged in politics. Throughout the conversation, the speaker expressed that they were not previously politically active but were drawn in by the chaos and the need to understand the political world better. The interaction with Trump, despite the political differences, left a lasting impression on the speaker and led them to become more politically involved.

    • Mother-son bond: A powerful and enduring connectionCherish moments, defend, and support your children to strengthen the mother-son bond, which can last a lifetime.

      The relationship between a mother and her son is a powerful and enduring bond. The conversation between Jamie Lee Curtis and John Stamos on his show reveals the depth of their connection, filled with shared memories, mutual respect, and love. Jamie reminisces about her son's childhood, standing up for him against his teachers and being proud of his success. She also shares a heartwarming story about buying her mom a brand new car as a gift, which brought them closer. The conversation underscores the importance of standing by your children, defending them, and cherishing the moments of pride and joy they bring. The mother-son relationship is a testament to the power of love and support, which can last a lifetime.

    • Embracing New ExperiencesStaying curious, adaptable, and open to new things can lead to unexpected opportunities and experiences, like the rise of podcasting.

      The world changes, and what seemed unfathomable or even ridiculous in the past can become a reality. The podcast industry, for instance, was an unknown concept 15 years ago. Now, it's a common platform for sharing ideas, stories, and entertainment. The conversation between Macron and John Stamos highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to embrace new experiences. Additionally, the idea of ending a podcast episode with a "one word or one phrase" gimmick, as Santino does, might seem like a gimmick, but it can add a unique and memorable closing to the show. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the importance of staying curious, adaptable, and open to new things.

    • Setting Clear Financial ExpectationsBe upfront about financial obligations to avoid misunderstandings and ensure fair solutions.

      Financial obligations should be clear and agreed upon before engaging in any transaction. In the given discussion, there was a misunderstanding about the cost of two separate items. The first was a $5 whiskey, and the second was a $75 horse. The speaker expressed frustration towards the other party, Ginger, for not paying her share. This situation highlights the importance of open communication and setting expectations for financial responsibilities. Furthermore, the use of language like "Ginger's a hell" indicates that there may be underlying emotional issues or past conflicts between the parties involved. These emotions can cloud judgment and make it difficult to resolve financial disputes in a fair and equitable manner. Therefore, it's crucial to approach financial disagreements with a clear head and a focus on finding a mutually beneficial solution. By maintaining open lines of communication and setting clear expectations, we can avoid misunderstandings and ensure that all parties are satisfied with the outcome. In summary, the discussion serves as a reminder to be clear and upfront about financial obligations and to approach financial disagreements with a level head and a focus on finding a fair and equitable solution.

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    Known for his explosive energy and razor-sharp lyrics, Prof is the Midwest's wild card in the rap game. Hailing from Minneapolis, he's a master of storytelling with a flair for the absurd, weaving comedy and chaos into every verse. With a career spanning over a decade, Prof has carved out his own lane with a blend of hip-hop, R&B, and in-your-face personality that captivates crowds and defies genres. Whether he's spitting bars or dropping hooks, Prof brings a raw, unfiltered edge to every track, proving that he's not just an entertainer—he's an experience. #prof #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS BETTER HELP 10% OFF YOUR 1ST MONTH https://betterhelp.com/whiskey BILT REWARDS EARN REWARDS WITH BILT https://joinbilt.com/whiskey MOONWLKR USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY AT CHECKOUT FOR 30% OFF YOUR ORDER https://moonwlkr.com PESTIE EXTRA 10% OFF YOUR ORDER https://pestie.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Nick Swardson

    Nick Swardson
    Nick Swardson is a comedian, actor, and writer known for his sharp wit and outrageous humor. With a career spanning over two decades, Swardson has starred in numerous hit films like "Grandma's Boy" and "Benchwarmers," and has been a staple on "Reno 911!" His latest comedy special, "Nick Swardson: Make Joke from Face," showcases his unique blend of irreverent storytelling and quick-fire punchlines, solidifying his status as one of the funniest voices in comedy today. WATCH HIS NEW SPECIAL NOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNGwA9FRrEk #nickswardson #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance Only $10 A Month! https://ethoslife.com/whiskey KIKOFF GET YOUR 1ST MONTH FOR $1 https://kikoff.com/whiskey ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance Only $10 A Month! https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Hannah Berner

    Hannah Berner
    Hannah Berner is a comedian, podcaster, and reality TV star known for her quick wit and unfiltered humor. Rising to fame on Bravo's "Summer House," she captivates audiences with her sharp insights and relatable content on her popular podcast, "Berning in Hell." With a background in tennis and a knack for stand-up comedy, Hannah brings a unique blend of athleticism and comedy to the stage, making her a dynamic force in the entertainment world. #hannahberner #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey COOK UNITY Fresh, Ready Made Meals! 50% off your order https://cookunity.com/whiskey HARRYS GET YOUR $13 TRIAL SET FOR ONLY $3 https://harrys.com/whiskey USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Sam Morril

    Sam Morril
    Sam Morril is a stand-up comedy powerhouse known for his sharp wit, dark humor, and brilliantly cynical observations. With a delivery that's both laid-back and lightning-quick, Sam has carved out a niche as one of the most exciting voices in modern comedy. Whether on stage or his popular podcast "We Might Be Drunk," Sam’s humor resonates with anyone who appreciates a smart, no-holds-barred take on the world. Check out his new special: You've Changed - Out Now On Amazon Prime! #sammorril #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS VIATOR PROMO CODE: VIATOR10 DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://viator.com MANDO PROMO CODE: WHISKEY GET $5 OFF https://shopmando.com RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT BILT REWARDS Earn Rewards With Bilt! https://joinbilt.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Ian Edwards
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