
    John Tusa: 'Risk and opportunity are different sides of the same coin'

    enSeptember 30, 2020

    About this Episode

    In this episode of Small Business Snippets, I chat to John Tusa, author, journalist and one of the founding presenters of BBC’s Newsnight. 

    He shares his experiences of the boardroom and how risk analysis and cumbersome objectives can overshadow your organisation's core purpose. 

    You can also visit smallbusiness.co.uk for more on leadership and creativity in business.

    Remember to like us on Facebook @SmallBusinessExperts and follow us on Twitter @smallbusinessuk, all lower case.

    Here's the transcript of John Tusa's podcast interview

    Hello and welcome to Small Business Snippets, the podcast from SmallBusiness.co.uk. I’m your host, Anna Jordan.

    Today we have John Tusa, author, journalist and one of the founding presenters of BBC’s Newsnight.

    He’s served on several boards including The British Museum, the Clore Leadership Programme and, since 2014, the European Union Youth Orchestra. On top of that, John was the managing director of the BBC World Service and London’s Barbican Centre.

    Today we’re going to be talking about the secrets of the boardroom, as outlined in his latest book, On Board: The Insider’s Guide to Surviving Life in the Boardroom.

    Anna: Hi John.

    John: Hi Anna.

    Anna: How are you doing?

    John: Pretty well, thank you. Looking forward to this, looking forward to talking to you.

    Great. So as mentioned in the intro, I’m going to start with your latest book, On Board: The Insider’s Guide to Surviving Life in the Boardroom. In the book, you talk about the importance of having a plurality of expertise, but at the same time make clear that artistic institutions and not-for-profits are very different from businesses. Are there any transferrable lessons from these types of boardroom to the business boardroom?  

    John: Well actually, my guru around governance, who was a major American businessman called Kenneth Dayton from Minneapolis, and he said that there is no difference between arts boards and cultural boards and corporate boards and, if anything, my British contacts said that cultural boards are much more complicated than business boards because they have so many different layers of accountability.

    There aren’t two worlds, there’s only one world and that is governance and the relationship between the supervisory board and the executive board. And, if anything, arts and culture boards are more complicated than the others. That’s not me saying it; that’s businesspeople saying it.  

    Ahh, that is interesting. I understand that, at times, the CEO of a company can also be the chairman [of the company board], but they can be very different roles. How do they differ, exactly?

    John: The CEO, managing director – call them what you want – are responsible for management, for actually running the place. And they are also responsible for devising the strategic direction of the organisation. The supervisory board are there to advise, help, encourage, monitor, warn and, if necessary, get rid of the chief executive.

    Again, my great American guru, Kenneth Dayton, said that governance is governance, that is, you look after the overall organisation, and management is management – and you mustn’t confuse them. And that is why anyone who thinks they can be a chairman and managing director, is riding readily, and speedily, for trouble. They’re separate functions. Somebody defined the role between the chairman and the chief executive as partnership, but separation. That is close partnership until the time that you have to sack them. That is an absolutely essential relationship – and a tension – but a constructive tension, at the heart of the governance management business.

    Right – so this is typically one of the most turbulent relationships you’d find in the boardroom?

    John: They can be. But on the other hand, I had at least two, maybe three, very good relationships with either the chairman when I was chief executive or the chief executive when I was chairman. And when you get it right, it is extremely productive, it’s very enjoyable and it’s very good for the organisation concerned.

    Let’s be quite clear – any organisation which has a bad relationship between the chair and the chief executive is in real trouble – and I saw several of those. You can’t take too much trouble over getting that relationship right and making sure the relationship is right. One of the key things about it is absolute openness and transparency. I said to my chief executive at the University of the Arts London, ‘You will always hear it from me first. You will never hear rumours and you will never hear gossip. If there’s anything to deal with, you and I will deal with it first – alone and properly.’

    If you do it that way, you have trust, you have openness, you have transparency – and you can have a terrific and successful relationship.

    For a business owner or director who is fairly new, who isn’t used to the boardroom environment, perhaps is intimidated by it, what advice do you have for them in terms of survival?

    John: It shouldn’t be survival, in the sense that it is a key part of the relationship. If you are whatever size of enterprise and you have a supervisory board, the assumption is that it is a constructive partnership. But, as I mentioned before, the supervisory board mustn’t interfere in management. And also, a chief executive must make sure that the supervisory board doesn’t interfere in governance.

    It may be necessary sometimes to say ‘look, this is an executive decision’ or ‘this is part of management’ but it ought not to be a relationship of fear and, in any case, the chief executive should always have some idea of who the chair will be bringing on to the supervisory board. The really important thing is that the chair has to make sure that members of the trustee board are there to provide their individual skills, yes, but also to give good overall advice, but not to interfere.

    On that basis, it should be positive, harmonious, constructive and lead to the success of the organisation.

    How about managing tensions that come up between member of the board – what’s the best way to go about resolving those?

    John: It all depends what they are, but if there are tensions between individual members, you might have to decide that one of them is in due course invited to step down.

    Or it’s very important for the chair to make it clear if a member is overstepping their mark, being too intrusive, taking up too much time or being too unnecessarily dominant. The chair is responsible for the way the board works and they have to make it clear. I had one case at the University of the Arts London where I was chairman of the court of governors and one of the members of the court was the trade union representative and he refused to understand that he was there to look after the interests of the university as a whole and not just the trade union members. He would stand up and he would harangue the court as if we were a trade union meeting. I put up with this for two meetings and then I had a huge row with him and told him that this was not an acceptable way of behaving.

    It was a big public row, I didn’t enjoy it and in a way I regretted it but it made it clear to him and to everybody that that was not how the court was going to run and it worked very much better afterwards.   

    Anna: In the book you talk about managing egos. I suppose it’s just a case of reading the situation and on balance knowing how to deal with different types of personality in the boardroom.

    John: Yes, in general and overwhelmingly, the people I sat on boards with, who are people with real authority and substance and responsibility in the areas they came from, overwhelmingly understood that they were there to support the organisation. You are holding in trust for others. It’s not something where you play individual games with it. And overwhelmingly, the people I sat on boards with understood that very well and left their egos at the door.

    Absolutely. In the past I knew you’ve spoken about having ‘the wrong ambition’. Tell me a little more about what you mean by that and how it can affect your standing as a leader.

    John: I think that sometimes in life, and this is nothing to do directly with governance, that you may misjudge what your abilities are or what you might be doing.

    If you want this example, the worst one was when I decided to accept the offer to be head of a Cambridge college and I did that for all the wrong reasons. I did that because it seemed a posh thing to do, which it was. It seemed a good address, which it was. It was absolutely the wrong job for me. I shouldn’t have touched it and I lasted around six or seven months.

    There’s a sense of what can I do, what can I do well and when am I being prodded by a false ambition and false vanity? That’s an important part of self-preservation.

    There may also be some times when you shouldn’t accept a chairmanship. For a very short time, I had the post of chairman of the Victoria and Albert Museum and chairman of the University of the Arts London. That was, in retrospect, very unwise. Fortunately, the people at the University of the Arts London thought, ‘well, if he’s going to be chairman of the V&A as well, it’s obvious that that will be his first priority’ and at a very early stage said, ‘look, we’re worried about this, and we don’t think it will work. Would you like to think about it?’ And when I thought about it, I realised that they were absolutely right. It won’t work and once again, I’ve gone into that for the wrong kind of ambition. There will be a clash, and because I’d said yes to the University of the Arts London first, I stood down from the chair of the V&A. So that was the wrong kind of ambition and thank goodness, I was saved from getting into, what could have been, a very confused situation.

    Talking more about the board as a whole, in terms of chaos and crises, there’s possibly no bigger than what we’ve been experiencing over the past months. How do you manage difficulties in the boardroom when you’re going through something like a global pandemic?      

    John: With difficulty, and I think I’d try to go back to the basic principles of management and governance. Say, if I were chair of some organisation, I would expect the board of management to come up with a strategy – six months, one year, eighteen months, two years – first a strategy for survival, then a strategy for development then a longer term strategy. That would be put to the supervisory board, we would look at what the financial implications were, decide whether it was doable or not doable and then there would be a process of the supervisory board reviewing what management suggested, sometimes suggesting less, sometimes suggesting more, sometimes suggesting that they should be more ambitious in these times.

    You can’t, for example, because there’s a pandemic, just say ‘we’ll stop doing anything’ because actually, the implications are too great. So the times are tough but the way that people behave in them makes it even more important that they behave as a good board and executive together should behave. The behaviour shouldn’t change.   

    I’d like to go a little bit off-piste here. You’ve said that the BBC increasingly exercises ‘business dogma over creative values.’ What do you mean by that and how do you maintain creative values in a growing business?

    John: I come back without apology to ‘why are we here? Why are you here? Why is the organisation here? Why is the new organisation starting up?’ Because somebody wants to do something.  

    Business tools are just that: they’re a set of tools. If you are observing them and that’s all you’re doing, I don’t think that you’ll ever succeed. There are toolkits to help you succeed. What worries me about the BBC is to, too often, they go into forms of business behaviour which lose sight of the nature and the purposes of broadcasting and programmes and the needs of the audience. I’ll give you one example which I think may help. That is the whole business of risk analysis. Everyone says you need risk analysis and you’ve got to be very serious, you’ve got to know what’s coming over the hill.

    On one occasion we were looking at risk analysis for the university at the University of the Arts London. By the time the centre had listed its risks, every one of the six colleges had listed their risks and different faculties had listed their risks, it was about six or seven pages and, as I recall, about 130 risks. It’s ludicrous.

    And it was the chair of the audit committee, who’s an accountant, who said ‘I can’t deal with this, nobody can deal with this’. He said ‘let’s have eight, ten, a dozen, maybe – a dozen main strategic risks. He said let’s get rid of the rest. This becomes a separate activity in its own right, dreaming up risks. It’s ludicrous. And he also said, ‘if you’re going to have a risk register, why not have an opportunity register?’ He said that risk and opportunity are different sides of the same coin.

    Anna: Yeah, I understand. And I think it’s a good exercise for business owners to have this opportunity register.

    John: Can I also say about objectives? A good colleague of mine, actually he was the chair of the British Museum and he used to run Unilever. On one occasion, he was at the gathering of chairs of the major cultural institutions, had a meeting organised by the department of culture, media and sport. They were discussing – the chairs and the department, ministers and so on, the whole business of objectives. This man who used to chair Unilever said, ‘ you know, in my years of chairing Unilever, we would set about seven or eight objectives, and if I got most of the people, most of the time, to work to half a dozen of them, I thought we were doing very well.’ And he noticed that the secretary of state looked a little pale. Afterwards a senior civil servant came up to him and said, ‘you know when you said you could work to eight objectives and if six were observed, you were doing very well? He said that we in the department set 48 objectives this morning.’

    That again is an example of a management tool becoming something completely useless. And by the by, the man who invented objectives said, ‘if an objective isn’t being met, you may have the wrong one. Ditch it, think of another one.’

    That’s not a great use of your resources. I guess my final question is what advice do you have about setting objectives in the boardroom?

    John: I’ve always had a, what some would regard as an over-light view of objectives. I was managing director of the Barbican Centre for 12 years. In general, I say this without false modesty, it was a much better organisation at the end of 12 years than it was at the beginning. It wasn’t just me, of course, that was my team. And from time to time, people would say to me ‘did the corporation of London set you strict objectives, what you had to do? And I said no, they never said anything, but I knew that I worked to four objectives: 1) run a good arts centre 2) run it within the financial limits that you have 3) bring credit to the corporation of London so that everyone can say ‘isn’t the corporation of London wonderful? They fund the Barbican and 4) don’t insult the Lord Mayor. In 12 years, we didn’t need any other objectives.

    I would say strip yourself of these things and say,‘are they helping me do the things that I want to do, what the organisation needs done or are they a substitute for making sure the organisation works properly?’ And if you can shed all that and keep things clear, then the governance will work better and the management will certainly work better.

    What about critics that would say that you need SMART goals that are measurable and based on precise numbers?

    John: The answer to that is measures measure what measures measure. Measures hardly ever get to the heart of what an organisation is about. You look at the finances the whole time, of course you do. In the case of the BBC World Service, you looked at the audiences. You’re aware of numbers, you use them, but you don’t say that such and such a number is a success, and if we don’t it must be a failure. It’s much more complicated than that. They may be a guide, but they are not the most important thing which determines the success or failure of an organisation.

    Anna: Absolutely. I think in business today we do have a way of getting caught up in it and it causes a lot of tension and anxiety. Where, as you say, remembering what you’re doing, what people need and what keeps it going should be at the heart of it. Well, that seems like an ideal place to finish. Thanks ever so much for coming on the podcast, John.

    John: Thank you very much, Anna. Nice to talk to you.

    John’s latest book, On Board: The Insider’s Guide to Surviving Life in the Boardroom, has been published by Bloomsbury and is available now from Amazon and all other major book retailers. You can also visit smallbusiness.co.uk for more articles on leadership and creativity in business. Remember to like us on Facebook @SmallBusinessExperts and follow us on Twitter @smallbusinessuk, all lower case. Until next time, thank you for listening. 

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    Sally Gunnell podcast transcript

    Hello and welcome to Small Business Snippets, the podcast from SmallBusiness.co.uk. I’m your host, Anna Jordan.

    Today we have Sally Gunnell – entrepreneur, motivational speaker and former professional athlete.

    Born in Essex, Sally actually started out as a pentathlete and long jumper at her local ladies’ athletics club. Over time her talent for hurdle events became apparent, winning her gold medals and championship titles across the world. In fact, she’s the only woman to hold World, Olympic, European and Commonwealth Gold medals all at once.

    After retiring in 1997, Sally became part of the BBC Sport team and was a regular on athletics broadcasts in the early 2000s. Since then she’s appeared on breakfast television shows as well as A Question of Sport and Total Wipeout.

    These days she runs Sally Gunnell Corporate Wellbeing to encourage wellbeing in the workplace. She also runs Optimise Your Age, giving health and wellness tips to the over 50s, alongside her husband Jon.

    We’ll be talking about moving from sport into business and how older entrepreneurs can take care of their wellbeing.

    Anna: Hi there, Sally, how you doing?

    Sally: I'm very well, thank you. Yes!

    Anna: Great!

    The first point I want to talk about is you moving from sport into business. So how did you come to that decision? What kind of challenges did you have going from sport into business?

    Sally: Yeah, I mean it's always a difficult one when you retire and I guess it’s difficult when you're only 27 years old. You're young and you've had one career and it's probably the career that you've had all your life, and then you think, "What do I do next?" So I guess I sort of did it in a way that I would have done with my athletic career. I had to know what I wanted to achieve out there. I had to have aspirations for new things, I had to learn new things. So I planned it, almost. But yeah, I mean, I look back now and I think it was a bit of a gamble. You're not quite sure where you were going with it. But actually, it made me realise just how much I'd learned from my athletics days and my achievements, and how much of that it helped me to that next stage of my career, but be able to pass that on for others. And I think that that's what came out of it. And that's what helped to make it as smooth as possible.

    For a lot of athletes, there seems to be a progression from sport into business. What kind of things did you take from the track into business?

    Sally: I think so much of it is about, yes, you've got to work hard, but you've got to work smart. A lot of it is about the sort of things that seem so insignificant, almost, for businesses or whatever, but it's about being the best version of yourself. What you eat, your sleep, how you exercise, it's all about your own performance, and whether that's performance in the workplace or performance with yourself at home, and how that can give you the confidence ,give you the ability, and all those sorts of things. They were sort of like the real area, and I guess a lot of it was about self-belief as well.

    That was probably the turning point for me, because I probably wasn't the most confident of people when it came to athletics and performing at that high level, but I overcame that. And I think some of the lessons that I learned and who I chatted to, and how I work that into myself, which made the difference becoming a high performance and to be able to give people the confidence to be able to go out and achieve what they can all achieve. That's really where it came from. I think it really helped that I achieved at that high level. So, you went through so many ups and downs, and I learned so much about myself, and I think that really helped to be able to share and explain that story to people.

    It surprises me that you said that you're not confident because you strike me as somebody who is very confident. How did you develop that going into the business world?

    Sally: A lot of it is about mindset, it's about what you believe. I think it's very easy. I think as a nation we are, especially women, we're very quick to put ourselves down and think that everybody else looks good, or "I'm not good enough." That's very much how I was, like probably lots of other people, but I'm working with sports psychologists and understanding how the mind works. Confidence comes from within. You've got to find confidence, you've got to shut the demons up and override it. A lot of that becomes part of visualisation. It's part of mentally preparing yourself, work that you do day in, day out to be a better version of yourself. It doesn't just click overnight.

    I think it was that the power of accepting that we do lead stressful lives and running at that top level was stressful, but it sometimes can be a good thing and to use it as a motivation as well. Just so many key areas that correspond and I think the synergy between performing within the workplace and being the best person you can be is so similar to that that sports field of achieving when all that often seems like everything we do – so many odds against you.

    Oh, 100 per cent. I can imagine there would be some kind of challenge between performing individual events on the track, and then having to work as a team on business all of a sudden. How did you cope with that?

    Sally: Yeah. Even though I was very much an individual on the track, it seemed like it, it was very different to a football field or whatever else or my relay or being captain of the women's team. Actually, there was an amazing team of people behind me: nutritionists, sports psychologists, physiologists, coaches. That was the difference of the four years from coming fifth in the Olympics to winning was building this amazing team around us. Lots of people have different goals within their teams, and that's the same in an organisation. It's about knowing that you need their support, you need their help, you need their skills to get the best out of yourself and the business that you're doing, to achieve what you've set yourself. So, it's no different in that respect. Even though I was the one on the track, there was an amazing team of people that got me to that start line.

    You always forget that there are so many people behind an athlete. There's also this rush to compare yourself to direct competitors and other entrepreneurs. I understand it was in the Tokyo Olympics where you were doing the hurdles, and you're on your way to the gold, and you got distracted by one of your competitors and it threw you off, and unfortunately it cost you the gold medal. How did you feel in that moment? And what kind of lessons did you learn from that?

    Sally: Yeah, I mean, I think I learned enormously. I was obviously massively disappointed, because I could have won that. And I think that's when it made me realise that I didn't win because I was worrying about things that are out of my control. I didn't have that sort of real confidence in my own ability. I guess that the whole mental side of it only really came on a year before those Olympic Games the following year. So, that was a World Championships in Tokyo, and literally 12 months later, I'd spent 12 months addressing that doubt. And boy! I always say that we're all born with that inner voice and it's always a voice that sort of says. "She looks good over there in that lane" and "She's won the European Championships." That's how I did and of course, you've got to have massive respect for your competitors. That's the same in the corporate world. Yeah, you can learn certain things, but I can't change those situations. So, why spend that energy and that worry and trying to change something that you can't? You can only control the controllables, so it was about blocking out all those sorts of things.

    That is when it comes back to knowing what you're trying to achieve out there and having clarity in your thoughts so that when you’re on your path, and you're not going to get distracted by over here, and  what you're going to stick to and what that end result is. Once you have that in your mind then those other distractions are able to be blocked out during those times. So, yeah, it was about spending time doing that. It doesn't just happen. I would spend five minutes each day just sort of going through what I wanted to execute on that day, what was that perfect race and different scenarios - if things went wrong, if it was raining on the day or it's a difficult lane. It's just familiar in the mind, really, and I think sometimes in different organisations or within sport, you think it sounds like a negative, but I think you have to have every option open, but you know what it is that it's going to actually to take to achieve that higher level.

    I think that's part of goal setting as well. It's knowing what you want, but with flexibility. In this case, it is a literal 'sticking in your own lane' when you're competing.

    I think that mental health and its importance to performance has become so well recognised. I'm sure throughout your career, and especially now looking back. It's the same case in business as well as you're very well aware through helping companies with their employee wellbeing programmes. Tell us a bit more about what makes a good employee wellbeing programme.

    Sally: I think a wellbeing programme has to be one which is very much put together for the employees’ needs. It's not just a one-size-fits-all, it has to really recognise it in what the issues are within the company, whether that's retention or whether that's making people present in what they're doing. Maybe there's some health issues or whatever it may be. So, I think it's really about finding out what they do, that scoping work at the beginning, and really finding out what the issue is and what people actually want.

    Then the programmes that work are the ones that are led from the top down. It's no point in just doing a wellbeing programme for one part of the company. They have to be able to see the top managers being part of it because they need it just as much as everybody else and to be part of that programme. Then it needs to be consistent. It's not good enough if you're just going to do it once a year or a couple of times a year. The programmes that really work are the ones that are consistently being put in and information and help and support is regularly there and people know where to go. They know where to tap into it and to be able to ask for help as well. I think they're the programmes that really work.

    I think that with all programmes there's so many different issues that people can cover within wellbeing. I know that at the moment, it's very much around mental health and putting First Aiders in, but people have all sorts of different issues around wellbeing. I think it's about addressing lots of different areas, whether that may be financial, whether that may be physical, there are just so many areas and I think it's making it right for that organisation.

    In your experience of talking to organisations and employees, what areas do you feel are overlooked, generally, in these kinds of programmes?

    Sally: I think the ones that the programmes that for a lot of companies we come across, they haven't got a programme, they literally may just tick a few boxes, through HR or whatever else. But a lot of people within the organisations don't feel like they're being supported, they don't know where to go, if they have got mental health issues, or whatever it may be.

    I think with what's happened in the last two years of the pandemic, people working from home or talking about the mental health issues, the confidence, and I think, a lot of organisations people working from home, it's finding ways of being able to reach out to people. It is about building resilience, but when you build resilience, you want to make sure that you've got the pieces in place to be able to help people build that resilience, whether that's work or whether they're in their own life, as well. For a lot of organisations, it's sometimes building that resilience piece is hard - if there isn't a water station nearby, or there's not a park to be able to get out to, or they don't feel as though they can just take a lunch break, all those sorts of things are just so important for people's wellbeing. That's why it has to be led from those top and that information is there and support.

    Often what I find is that people are just lacking that information – they want to be better, they want to help themselves, they want to be fitter, they want to know what it is, but they've never had that sort of knowledge. It's about giving people the knowledge and the support and how they get out, get that support from those organisations.

    We’re talking online resources – or members of staff that they could speak to – where do they seek this information?

    Sally: There's all sorts of different outlets, depending on the organisation. We've got online programmes that we do, which are much more around podcasts that we can roll out to different people. But as people are getting back in the organisation, they want to see face-to-face, it's helping and supporting HR to be able to deliver that information, because every organisation has different ways of delivering it. It might be that it's a site that sits on your intranet to information in the toilets. That it's just finding what works for that organisation.

    A lot of the programmes that we're doing, we have been doing for the last two years, have been obviously very much online, they're podcasts and they're help and support. So, organisations can run them literally worldwide to every single person within that organisation, thousands of people because they have to, they can't just support one group, it has to be able to roll out. So, that's really helped us as an organisation to be able to reach as many people as possible. I guess, by doing that online and putting those programmes in sport, they have workbooks that they work to, and each month, we have a different subject depending on what that organisation may be. That might be around nutrition, sleep, finance, the physical side of things. That is designed around what that organisation needs.

    Wonderful. This is a tricky one, because of course, you can measure things like turnover and your forecasting figures, but how do you measure the success of an employee wellbeing programme?

    Sally: Well, that's why we really want to do the scoping beforehand. We send out questionnaires to people so that we can get what people's real issues are. Then at the end of a programme or six months through, we will then send out questionnaires to actually find out whether it's reached the right people, whether it's helped and supported them. We can then send back information to those organisations, because that is the biggest thing we've come up across. But we want to be able to see that change. By doing this, whether that's every six months or at the beginning of a program, and then at the end, we can see how people have engaged in the programme, and whether it's actually helped and supported them. Very, very key.

    Of course, the boss’ wellbeing is as important as the employees’, especially as they get older. What kind of tips do you have for older entrepreneurs to take care of their own wellbeing?

    Sally: Yeah, I think that it's people realising that you can't just keep going at 100 per cent. It's fine if you're in your 20s and 30s, but it does catch up with you. And it's the same for all of us, isn't it? So, I think the thing I've learned is that, yes, you have to work smart, and then how to work smart, then how nutrition and your sleep and the physical side of it can affect your performance. That's about thinking clearly, not having that dip in the afternoon, not being off ill, all those sorts of things.

    I think the thing I learned from sport, and that I try and pass on to whoever really, in an organisation, whatever age you are, it's those little increments that you think are so insignificant, but actually, they play a major part in being able to work day in, day out.

    I think with so much of stress and burnout, but stress is part of people's lives, but it's learning how to manage that. I think as we get older, it's about understanding that, actually, you need to get out of the office or get out of, you're at home, and taking that lunch break. If you need to go home and go to your kid's sports day, or whatever, it's all those little things, which seems sometimes so insignificant, are actually things that really play a major part in being able to work. And that's where it has to be led from the top, it's good to go off to the gym at lunchtime or to go for an exercise or walk with somebody, to be able to chat with your colleagues or whatever it may be. It's just allowing people to be able to think that that is the norm. And that's what it's okay to do.

    Yeah, absolutely. At this time, especially with what's happened over the past couple of years, I mean, it's, it's a prime opportunity to really make those changes, because the way that we work has fundamentally changed.

    Sally: Totally. I think now an organisation has to look at wellbeing, it's so high on the agenda. I think it's more than ever and it's giving people the confidence to get back into the office. I think that sometimes the younger generation, they're in and they're fine. But as we've all got used to working from home now, it's having that confidence, and that sometimes comes from support from the organisations to be able to do that. That comes under HR and wellbeing at the same time and knowing that you've got a great programme in place with people that understand and an organisation that understands to help you to be able to support you.

    Anna: Fantastic. Well, that seems like a great place to wrap up. Thank you very much for coming on the podcast, Sally.

    Sally: Lovely, thank you very much.

    You can find out more about Sally at sallygunnell.com. You can also visit SmallBusiness.co.uk for more about workplace wellbeing. Remember to like us on Facebook @SmallBusinessExperts, on Twitter @smallbusinessuk (all lowercase) and subscribe to our YouTube channel, linked in the description. Until next time, thank you for listening.