
    Kara's Ketamine Trip, Meta and Tesla Earnings, and the FTC Bans Non-Competes

    enApril 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Social Connection and TherapyMaintaining a healthy social battery is crucial for overall well-being. Therapy can help individuals become more aware of their social needs and find balance. Affordable, convenient online therapy sessions are available through BetterHelp with licensed professionals.

      Maintaining a healthy social battery is essential for overall well-being, and therapy can help individuals become more aware of their social needs and find their optimal balance. BetterHelp offers affordable, convenient online therapy sessions with licensed professionals. Additionally, Pendo can help improve digital experiences for customers and employees, enhancing the value of software applications. During the podcast, Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway, the hosts of Pivot, discussed their skepticism towards awards and accolades, acknowledging the importance of achievements but also expressing their views on the subjective nature of some recognition platforms. They also shared their recent accomplishments, including winning Webby Awards and ranking high on various bestseller lists.

    • Discussing the success of Morning Joe and personal experiences with psychedelicsMorning Joe's hosts, Scott Galloway and Katie Couric, are appreciated for their deep analysis and thoughtful commentary. Galloway recently achieved success with his book and Webby awards. They shared their experiences with psychedelics, emphasizing safety in medical settings.

      The speakers on the podcast, Morning Joe, have had great experiences with the show and its hosts, Scott Galloway and Katie Couric. They appreciate the deep analysis and thoughtful commentary. Galloway himself has recently achieved success with his New York Times bestseller and Webby awards. During a dinner with White House correspondents, other journalists were curious about their popularity. The speakers discussed their experiences with psychedelics, specifically ketamine, for research purposes. Galloway underwent the experience at a medical facility and shared his positive but intense impressions. He emphasized the importance of doing it in a medical setting due to its serious nature. The podcast also covered recent news, such as Meta and Tesla's earnings and the FTC's move against noncompete agreements.

    • A transformative journey of floating therapyThe speaker found joy and positivity in focusing on loved ones during the floating therapy session, but also experienced negative side effects and reservations about addiction.

      The speaker found the experience of floating therapy to be a unique and transformative journey, characterized by feelings of being moved along without control, disassociation, and a strong focus on positive thoughts, particularly about family. However, the speaker also reported negative side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and a prolonged sense of being trapped in the experience. Despite some initial skepticism, the speaker did not have deep or revelatory thoughts during the session, but instead found joy and positivity in focusing on loved ones. The speaker also noted the presence of anxiety-provoking thoughts, but felt the sorting mechanism was effective in keeping them in perspective. Ultimately, while the speaker found the experience to be unlike anything they had tried before, they expressed reservations about the potential for addiction and negative side effects, and indicated they would not seek it out again.

    • The Significance of Relationships During a Psychedelic ExperienceThe speaker discovered the importance of relationships during a psychedelic experience, particularly with their children. Although the experience was positive, they had no desire to repeat it due to the loss of control. Social unrest on college campuses over Israel's actions and financial ties has led to intense divisions.

      During a psychedelic experience, the importance of relationships became strikingly clear for the speaker. Despite trying to focus on other things, such as work or personal struggles, the presence of their children illuminated the significance of their bonds. The speaker felt a sense of connection and understanding, and although the experience was positive, they expressed no interest in repeating it due to the loss of control. Separately, there is growing unrest on college campuses regarding Israel's actions and financial ties. Protests have led to clashes between students, police, and administrators, creating a tense atmosphere on campuses. The speaker attended a protest at NYU and recognized the deep divisions between those advocating for law and order and those supporting the oppressed. The situation feels reminiscent of past social issues but distinct in its intensity.

    • Balancing Free Speech and Inclusivity on College CampusesNYU handled recent protests well, but concerns remain over harassment and hate speech towards Jewish students. Clear distinction between free speech and hate speech needed, media exaggeration criticized, and thoughtful conversations urged.

      College campuses are facing a challenging balance between allowing students to express their views and ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all. The speaker, who had recently visited NYU during a protest, noted that the majority of protests were peaceful but drew a line against harassment and intimidation of any group, particularly Jewish students. The speaker commended NYU President Linda Mills for handling the situation well and emphasized the importance of faculty and leadership drawing a clear line between free speech and hate speech. The speaker also criticized the media for exaggerating the situation and called for thoughtful conversations around First Amendment and free speech. However, the speaker expressed concern about instances of anti-Semitic language used during protests and felt that these instances were not being treated with the same seriousness as they would be if targeted at other groups.

    • Balancing free speech and safetyIt's important to allow free speech while ensuring safety and equality for all. The line between acceptable and harmful speech can be blurry, but everyone, including professors and public figures, should be held accountable for their actions.

      While free speech is important, creating an environment of intimidation or discrimination goes against the principles of equality and safety for all. The line between acceptable speech and harmful speech can be blurry, especially for young people exploring their boundaries. However, it's crucial to differentiate between allowing free speech and allowing intimidation or harassment. The legal system also has its own rules and technicalities that must be followed for fair convictions. It's essential to remember that everyone, including professors and public figures, should be held accountable for their actions while respecting the importance of free speech.

    • Meta Platforms investing in AI despite high costs and lack of immediate revenue plansMark Zuckerberg is making significant investments in AI for Meta Platforms, despite the high costs and lack of immediate revenue, to stay competitive and be at the forefront of AI technology

      Mark Zuckerberg and Meta Platforms are making significant investments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), despite the high costs and lack of immediate revenue plans. These investments are seen as necessary due to the perceived importance of AI in the current technological landscape and the fear of falling behind competitors, particularly Elon Musk and Tesla. Microsoft, with its significant investments in AI, is seen as a leader in this field, and Zuckerberg's moves are seen as a response to this competition. The success of Meta's current business environment also allows Zuckerberg to make these forward-leaning investments. While there is no guarantee that these investments will pay off, the perception of being at the forefront of AI technology is considered valuable.

    • Tech Companies Shifting Focus to Stay CompetitiveMicrosoft invests in cloud and quantum computing, Meta focuses on video content, Tesla highlights AI and energy storage, and the TikTok bill benefits Meta on Facebook

      Tech companies, like Microsoft and Meta, are making significant investments in new technologies and areas of business to stay competitive and relevant in the future. For Microsoft, this means leaning into the cloud and quantum computing, despite the high costs. For Meta, it means focusing on video content as a major part of their platform, with products like Reels on Instagram. Meanwhile, Tesla, an automobile company, is trying to distract from its core business by highlighting other areas of growth like AI and energy storage. Despite the distractions, it's important to remember that the heart of these companies lies in their core businesses, and their success or failure in these areas will ultimately determine their long-term success. Additionally, the passing of the TikTok bill is giving Meta a significant boost, particularly on Facebook, as video content continues to dominate social media usage.

    • Tesla's Valuation Disparity with Auto Industry PeersDespite underperforming in the S&P, Tesla's high valuation could decrease significantly if normalized across big tech. Competition, affordability challenges, and service concerns may lead to a price drop.

      Tesla, despite its underperformance in the S and P, trades at a significantly higher multiple than its auto industry peers. With Tesla's CEO Elon Musk insisting on being valued as an AI robotics company, the stock's valuation could potentially be cut in half if normalized across big tech. The company's promises of affordable cars and autonomous driving have been met with skepticism, and concerns over competition from China and service issues add to the uncertainty. Despite owning a Tesla and acknowledging its excellence as a car, the stock's valuation appears inflated compared to traditional auto companies, and potential investors should be aware of the risks. The ongoing competition, affordability challenges, and service concerns may lead to a significant decrease in Tesla's stock price.

    • Tech Giants' Monopolistic Nature and Financial SuccessDespite predicted layoffs, Microsoft and Alphabet are expected to report impressive earnings, highlighting their financial strength and market dominance. The FTC's decision to ban noncompete agreements may impact their hiring strategies.

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed his perspective on the monopolistic nature and financial success of big tech companies like Microsoft and Alphabet (Google). He predicted impressive earnings for these companies despite recent market expectations for significant layoffs. Additionally, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) made headlines this week by voting to ban noncompete employment agreements, which prevent workers from joining competitors. The speaker didn't share an opinion on this topic but acknowledged its significance. Overall, the conversation touched upon the business strategies and financial performance of major tech companies and regulatory changes impacting their workforce.

    • New FTC rule on non-compete agreements faces legal challengesThe FTC's new rule aiming to limit non-compete agreements is facing opposition from businesses, potentially leading to increased worker earnings and new business creation, but critics argue it restricts innovation, job creation, and individual freedom. The outcome of the legal battle could significantly impact various industries and workers.

      The new FTC rule, aimed at banning or limiting non-compete agreements, is facing legal challenges from businesses, and if successful, could lead to increased worker earnings and new business creation. Critics argue that the rule is hostile towards labor and restricts innovation, job creation, and individual freedom. The rule, which could impact various industries and workers, including chefs and executives, is expected to face a lengthy legal battle. Despite the challenges, some believe that the Supreme Court will eventually rule in favor of workers. Overall, the debate highlights the complexities and potential implications of the new rule on the labor market and businesses.

    • Discussing restrictive employment contracts and their impact on workersCertain employment contracts, such as non-competes and non-solicitation clauses, can limit workers' freedom and potentially lead to a transfer of wealth. Lena is advocating for change and legislators are being urged to take action.

      The discussion revolved around the unfairness and restrictiveness of certain employment contracts, specifically non-competes and non-solicitation clauses. These clauses can limit workers' freedom to choose their employment and potentially lead to a transfer of wealth from workers to shareholders. A notable figure, Lena, is challenging these practices and signaling legislators to take action. Regarding the TikTok bill and its potential impact on young voter turnout, it was suggested that while the issue may be important to some, it is unlikely to significantly influence voting decisions. Young people are still expected to vote based on their beliefs and values, rather than the availability of social media platforms.

    • Impact of third-party candidates and social media on the upcoming presidential electionThird-party candidates like RFK Junior and social media platforms such as TikTok could significantly influence the outcome of the presidential election by drawing votes or reaching younger voters.

      The upcoming presidential election will be influenced by several factors, some of which are well-known, while others are less discussed. Two lesser-mentioned factors are the impact of third-party candidates, specifically RFK Junior, and the role of social media platforms like TikTok. RFK Junior's potential impact on the election is significant because he could draw votes from major candidates, as Ross Perot did in the past. TikTok, on the other hand, is the platform of choice for reaching younger voters. The candidate who effectively utilizes TikTok could gain a significant advantage. Immigration and bodily autonomy are the widely discussed issues, but the impact of third-party candidates and social media should not be underestimated.

    • Abortion Rights and Power DynamicsDemocrats advocate for abortion rights, while Republicans aim to limit access. Power struggles persist in the wake of scandals and potential law changes.

      The debate over abortion rights continues to be a contentious issue, with Democrats using it as a key platform, while Republicans have softened their stance in some areas but remain committed to limiting access. The Harvey Weinstein scandal and the potential repeal of abortion laws in certain states serve as reminders of the power dynamics at play and the importance of this issue for voters. Additionally, predictions were made regarding the future of TikTok, with a predicted "forced divestment" or ban being discussed, but the likelihood of a complete ban being unlikely due to the significant financial implications. The use of AI in various industries, including modeling, was also touched upon as a potential game-changer.

    • U.S.-China tensions unlikely to lead to TikTok banThe financial stake of Chinese government and American investors in TikTok's success, lawsuits as negotiation tactic, and user popularity make a ban unlikely, while Scott's book competes with notable releases.

      Despite ongoing tensions between the U.S. and China, it is unlikely that TikTok will be effectively banned in the U.S. The Chinese government and influential American organizations, including investors, have a significant financial stake in the platform's success. Furthermore, lawsuits are being used as a negotiating tactic, and a resolution is expected. Money and business interests are driving the negotiations, rather than a direct negotiation between the White House and ByteDance. Ultimately, TikTok's popularity among users, especially younger generations, will determine its long-term success. The platform's competitors, such as Doris Kearns Goodwin and Salman Rushdie, also have notable books coming out, making the market competitive for Scott's book. Regardless, your support by buying and promoting his book will help it reach the top of the bestsellers list.

    • The Importance of Supportive Friends and MentorsHaving supportive friends and mentors is crucial for making sound decisions and staying on track in business and life.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Pivot is the importance of having supportive friends and mentors in your life. Ernie and Jatatt engineered the episode, with contributions from Drew Burrows, Neil Saverio, and Nishat Kurwa. Cara, a friend of the hosts, called to check in and offer a much-needed perspective when they were making a questionable decision. This incident served as a reminder that having people around you who can provide guidance and hold you accountable is crucial. So, surround yourself with friends who will challenge you and help keep you on track. Don't hesitate to reach out to them when you need advice or a reality check. Subscribe to Pivot from New York Magazine and Vox Media for more insights on tech and business, and we'll be back next week with another informative episode.

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    Show Notes

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    Daniel Bergner is a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine and the author of five previous books of award-winning nonfiction: the New York Times bestselling Sing for Your Life, What Do Women Want?, The Other Side of Desire, In the Land of Magic Soldiers, and God of the Rodeo. His writing has also appeared in the Atlantic, Granta, Harper’s Magazine, Mother Jones, Talk, and the New York Times Book Review. His newest book, coming out on May 17, 2022, is called The Mind and the Moon: My Brother's Story, the Science of Our Brains, and the Search for Our Psyches.

    Daniel Bergner |

    ► Website | https://danielbergner.com

    ► The Mind and the Moon | https://amzn.to/3FR4aDR

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    Interview Starts 32:30
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    In the intro Graham reads a few trips reports from some listeners and a UFO quote from the CIA reading room. 
    See the links below for stuff we chatted during the show and the intro:
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