
    Podcast Summary

    • Meaningful Conversations Through Technology and Personal GrowthMeaningful conversations, even through technology, can lead to personal growth. Kathy Ryan's philosophy of life inspired David to learn and grow, but he slipped back into old patterns. Her caring and big sister-like demeanor brought him comfort and connection.

      The speaker, David, has an appreciation for meaningful conversations, even if they occur through technology like FaceTime. He also shares how he was influenced by Kathy Ryan's philosophy of life, which made him feel like he was learning and growing. However, he got pulled back into old patterns upon returning to his previous life. The speaker also mentions his admiration for Kathy's caring and big sister-like demeanor, and expresses a sense of comfort and connection when around her. The conversation between David and Kathy, who is a guest on the podcast, reveals that they have met before, and Kathy shares her amusement at David always meeting him in character. Despite some technical difficulties, the conversation flows smoothly, and both parties express their enjoyment of meeting each other properly. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of meaningful connections and the influence of others' perspectives on personal growth.

    • Beyond Physical AppearancesTrue love goes beyond physical appearances and prioritizes emotional connection and compatibility.

      Appearances and fitness levels, while important to some, do not define attraction or happiness in a relationship. The speaker shares her experience of being married to a fit husband, who prioritizes his fitness above other aspects of life, leading to frustration and feelings of being neglected. She expresses her preference for a "dad bod" and criticizes the societal pressure on men to maintain a chiseled physique. The speaker also reflects on how her own feelings of love and attraction towards her husband, which developed when she was younger, influence her tolerance of his fitness obsession. Ultimately, she emphasizes that true love goes beyond physical appearances and prioritizes emotional connection and compatibility.

    • A podcast conversation between Bobby and his partner about their self-consciousness and TV appearancesDespite personal challenges, partners support each other and navigate differences in interests and experiences

      Bobby, a guest on a podcast, feels self-conscious about his weight and makes noises during workouts that bother his partner. Despite this, she defends herself by pointing out her own challenges as a woman and a mother. The conversation then shifts to their appearance on Gogglebox, a TV show where they watch and comment on other shows. Bobby is new to the television world and becomes frustrated when his partner chats instead of focusing on the quiz questions. The podcast also discusses a real-life scandal involving a same-sex couple, Barry and Tony, who have had five children through surrogacy and now live with their new boyfriends, one of whom is the ex-boyfriend of their eldest daughter.

    • Surprising TV plot sparks discussion on relationships and power dynamicsDiscussed the complex emotions towards a TV show's plot involving a father figure and his daughter's boyfriend, explored power dynamics in relationships using 'tops' and 'bottoms' metaphor, and joked about identifying celebrities based on these roles.

      During a discussion about a particular TV show, the speaker expressed her surprise and complex emotions towards the plot, which involved a father figure falling in love with his daughter's boyfriend and breaking up their marriage. She also shared her personal experiences and reflections on dominant and submissive roles in relationships, using the metaphor of "tops" and "bottoms." The speaker and her interlocutor explored how these roles can manifest in different ways, not only sexually but also in terms of decision-making and personality traits. They also joked about identifying celebrities as "tops" or "bottoms" based on their perceived dominant or submissive qualities. Overall, the conversation touched upon themes of relationships, power dynamics, and identity.

    • David and Bobby's contrasting rolesPeople can have different personas in their personal and professional lives, influencing their thoughts and actions.

      People can express different roles and perspectives in various aspects of their lives. During a conversation, two individuals, David and Bobby, discussed their experiences and discovered that they have contrasting roles in their personal and professional lives. David was more open and expressive during their podcast recording, while Bobby was more reserved and focused on practical matters. However, Bobby shared that David's philosophy and outlook on life had a significant impact on him, making him reconsider his perspective on various things. The conversation led to a deeper understanding of how people can have different personas and how these roles can influence their thoughts and actions. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea of joining their Patreon page for exclusive content.

    • Reflecting on Priorities: A Lesson from RoshiRoshi's focus on family time over money and direct communication taught the speaker to value personal priorities and understand cultural differences.

      Perspective and priorities can significantly influence how we perceive and approach situations. The speaker shared an experience with Roshi, where they discussed the value of time versus money. Roshi's philosophy of prioritizing time with her family over long travel hours, even if it meant spending more money, left a lasting impression on the speaker. This conversation led the speaker to reflect on their own values and priorities, and they admired Roshi's unapologetic approach to life. Additionally, the speaker and Roshi had a conversation about directness and cultural differences. The speaker noted that in some cultures, directness is perceived as rude, while in others, it is valued. Roshi pointed out that the speaker's directness was not rude but simply a reflection of their personality. This conversation highlighted the importance of understanding cultural nuances and being mindful of how our communication styles may be perceived by others. Overall, the conversations with Roshi challenged the speaker's perspective and inspired them to reflect on their own values and priorities.

    • Honest Communication and Setting Clear BoundariesBe true to yourself, express feelings directly, and set clear boundaries for personal growth and healthy relationships. Receive constructive criticism, but don't feel the need to always explain or justify yourself to others.

      Honest communication and setting clear boundaries are important for personal growth and relationships. The speaker shares her experience of being taught about neurodivergence and being told that she is not autistic, despite identifying with certain traits. She emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and expressing feelings directly, rather than trying to accommodate others all the time. The speaker also shares her experience of having a therapist who taught her to articulate herself clearly and move on if someone cannot understand. She acknowledges that she is receptive to constructive criticism and learning, but ultimately, she believes that people have the right to be offended and that it's not always necessary to understand why. The speaker's ethos is rooted in being authentic and standing firm in her beliefs, while also being open to growth and evolution.

    • Women's struggle with balancing work and family lifeWomen in male-dominated industries face challenges in balancing work and family life, often leading to sacrifices and regrets. Financial struggles can also impact motherhood in unique ways.

      Balancing work and family life can be a challenging experience, especially for women in male-dominated industries. Catherine shares her personal struggle with this issue, expressing her desire to be present for her children but also feeling the pressure to maintain her career. She admits to turning down work and accepting financial hardship as a sacrifice for spending time with her family. Catherine also reflects on past decisions, including the regret of not performing on stage just after giving birth. Ultimately, she concludes that having it all is possible, but not at the same time. Money, while providing options and freedoms, can also be a source of stress and complications for children. Catherine believes she was a better mother to her younger daughter due to her financial struggles and the need to be more present and creative with her resources.

    • Appreciating the present and people in our livesFocus on present moments, people, and personal strengths for happiness and contentment. Value genuine connections and time spent with loved ones.

      Happiness and contentment come from focusing on the present moment and the people and experiences we have in our lives, rather than worrying about material possessions or external validation. Sarah Silverman shared a relatable story about recognizing her own privilege and gratitude when she was struggling as a young single mother in a foreign country. She emphasized the importance of mental health and personal strengths, and encouraged a positive outlook on life and future opportunities. It's essential to appreciate what we have and not let fear or negativity hold us back. The comparison of a homeless person's dog to a rich person's pet highlights the joy and companionship that comes from genuine connections and the value of time spent with loved ones. Ultimately, it's crucial to lead with gratitude and focus on the intangible riches in life.

    • Creative PR methods from unconventional sourcesMom's airport book signing inspired creativity, DIY PR can save costs and lead to authentic connections.

      Sometimes unconventional methods can be more effective than traditional approaches, even in the realm of public relations (PR). The speaker shared an amusing anecdote about her mother creating her own book signing event at an airport to pass the time before a flight. Although it seemed like an unnecessary expense to the speaker, her mother's actions generated excitement and positive reactions from those involved. Later, the speaker shared her own experiences with PR companies and felt that they were not delivering the creative solutions she was looking for. Instead, she decided to take matters into her own hands and save the significant cost by doing things herself. While PR can help increase visibility and fame, the speaker believes that being resourceful and thinking outside the box can lead to significant savings and potentially more authentic connections.

    • Managing Perception in Entertainment IndustryPR shapes public perception, pitches stories, arranges interviews, and manages narratives in entertainment industry

      PR (Public Relations) plays a significant role in the entertainment industry. It helps promote projects, protect individuals from crises, increase media awareness, and even align artists with charities or create the illusion of relationships for increased profile. Some may find it manipulative, but it's a common practice. PRs can pitch stories to media outlets, arrange interviews, and even manufacture relationships or scandals for publicity. While some artists may be uncomfortable with these tactics, others see it as a necessary evil in the cutthroat world of entertainment. Ultimately, PR is about shaping public perception and managing the narrative around individuals and their projects.

    • A conversation between Joe and Catherine reveals their feelings and shared experiencesJoe and Catherine share moments of attraction, introspection, and shared experiences during a conversation, with Catherine remaining positive and encouraging despite an unexpected topic.

      Lottie Moss, Kate Moss' younger sister, is currently gaining attention in the modeling industry. During a conversation, Joe and Catherine discussed their feelings towards each other, with Joe admitting his attraction to Catherine. Catherine, in turn, shared that she felt more positive and uplifted around Joe. However, the conversation took an unexpected turn when Joe shared an experience of a man shooting himself on a budget airline they had once traveled on. Despite the negative incident, Catherine remained positive and encouraging. The conversation ended with Catherine expressing her admiration for Joe's childlike wonderment and talent. Overall, the conversation showcased the dynamic between Joe and Catherine, with moments of attraction, introspection, and shared experiences.

    • The impact of experiences on us and othersExperiences, big or small, shape us and influence those around us. Balance, shame, community, wisdom, and emotions are all interconnected in shaping our journey through life.

      Our experiences, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can have a profound impact on us and those around us. The story of the man who died on a plane and the Easter eggs saved by a friend illustrates the importance of balance in life - not holding on to things too tightly or letting them go too quickly. The incident also highlighted the power of shame and the instinctual need to belong to a group or community. The conversation also touched upon the idea of wisdom and the importance of being aware of it, as well as the impact of our actions on others. Overall, the discussion emphasized the significance of learning from experiences and the importance of understanding human emotions and instincts.

    • Embracing Discomfort: Acknowledging Feelings and ChoicesRecognize feelings of embarrassment or fear as normal, but separate them from the person's choices. Find joy and support in uncomfortable situations to foster personal growth.

      It's natural for individuals to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed when stepping out of their comfort zone, such as performing in front of an audience. However, it's important to recognize and separate the feelings of embarrassment or fear from the person choosing to experience that situation. Performers, for instance, continue to perform despite their feelings of embarrassment because they find joy and fun in it. It's crucial to acknowledge our "animal brains" and treat them with understanding, while also recognizing our own choices and motivations. Additionally, seeking support from others, like friends or mentors, can help individuals navigate these feelings and gain new perspectives. Overall, embracing the discomfort and recognizing the reasons behind our choices can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Unexpected detour leads to humorous storyUnexpected experiences can lead to memorable stories when approached with a positive attitude. Stay calm and adaptable to find opportunities for connection and growth.

      Unexpected experiences can lead to interesting stories. Catherine shared an experience of taking an Addison Lee taxi that took an unexpected turn, leading her to wait in a hot car while the driver went home to use the bathroom. Despite the inconvenience, she found humor in the situation and shared it on her podcast. This incident shows that even the most mundane situations can become memorable and entertaining when we approach them with a positive attitude. It's essential to remain calm and adaptable when faced with unexpected circumstances, as they can often lead to unexpected opportunities for connection and growth. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the decline in service quality from Addison Lee, highlighting the importance of reliable and trustworthy services in our daily lives.

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    In this conversation, I speak to arguably one of the world’s leading and most original thinkers on modern relationships, the wonderful, Esther Perel, who has long been on my dream guest list.

    We talk about the many differences between relationships of the past and the relationships of now. How we are now all under pressure not only to have the perfect relationship, but also to portray this illusion to others as well.

    Esther believes that it’s the quality of our relationships that determines the quality of our lives. And who we are is actually a combination of how we see ourselves and how others see us. We only really get to know ourselves through our interactions with others.

    We talk about the idea that we are not one person but different with each person – and rather than being one-way, all interactions are reciprocal. We discuss the value of couples’ counselling and whether it’s something all relationships, healthy or otherwise, need. Reassuringly, we learn that there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, they all follow a rhythm of harmony, disharmony and repair.

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    It was a great pleasure to speak with such an incredible lady and I know that you will get a lot of value from hearing what she has to say.

    Show notes available at: https://drchatterjee.com/119

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/177

    Follow me on instagram.com/drchatterjee/

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    “You’re a Jedi Knight when it comes to avoiding.” 

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store and https://www.onamp.com for Android listeners.

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    “He ‘customer serviced’ you!” 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

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    EP 11 Self Care Architect Series, Introduction

    EP 11 Self Care Architect Series, Introduction

    Welcome to the Self Care Architect series within the Self Care Passport podcast. For the next 10 episodes it's you and me and the 9 foundations we will explore each week.

    These strong yet flexible foundations help us build, create and nurture ourselves to maintain and sustain a Self Care Lifestyle that we love.

    We will dive into the following foundations: Love, Soulful and Heart Centered Living, Finances, Boundaries, Community and Relationships, Creativity, Consumption and Clarity.

    There is always at least one action step or process to help you shift into this foundation. This weeks action step is OBSERVING your life, not judging it. Take note of areas of you life you love and areas you would like to improve upon, be honest and kind with yourself.

    The daily prompts that will  help us explore the weeks foundation fiuther are:

    Be, Be Courageous, Surrender, Be Loving, Allow.

    These interactions and discussions will be done in the private Facebook group, The Self Care Passport, on the blog and via Instagram. I do upon occasion archive the Facebook group to unplug and rejuvenate. If you are wanting the content during this time search Self Care Architect on the blog or search #selfcarearchitect on Instagram

    There is also a printable daily sheet you can use as a companion to this series.

    I look forward to going on this journey with you. All the links are below.

    Thank you for stopping by, Janae


    Self Care Architect Daily Sheet

    Self Care Passport Group

    Journey to Health Blog
