
    Kendrick Perkins, Top 10 QB's Of All Time, Mt Flushmore of Places To Be Drunk

    en-usApril 15, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The Return of Live Sports and the Importance of RecoveryAmidst tax season, live sports provide a welcome distraction. Athletes prioritize recovery with Sleep Number smart beds, looking forward to a bright future as we imagine which events will return.

      The world of sports is slowly returning, bringing a sense of normalcy back into our lives. While we may still be dealing with the challenges of tax season, the anticipation of live sports events is providing a much-needed distraction. In the meantime, athletes continue to prioritize their recovery, with Sleep Number smart beds offering a competitive edge. The future looks bright as we imagine which event we'd like to see make a comeback, even if only in our thoughts. Sports may not be back to normal just yet, but the power of positive thinking keeps us going.

    • Anticipating the Return of Sports: Football, Basketball, and MoreThe speaker expresses excitement for the return of football and basketball, shares predictions for upcoming games, and discusses potential matchups for championships, including Kansas vs Dayton. He also mentions the potential return of baseball and wrestling, and reflects on the value of paying a running back in football.

      The speaker is excitedly anticipating the return of various sports, particularly football and basketball, and sharing his predictions for upcoming games and events. He expresses disappointment over missing March Madness and suggests potential matchups for the championship, such as Kansas against Dayton. The speaker also discusses the potential return of other sports like baseball and wrestling, and shares his thoughts on the value of paying a running back in football. Overall, the speaker's tone is enthusiastic and speculative as he imagines the pomp and circumstance of live sports returning after a long hiatus.

    • NFL Contract Decisions and Quarterback RankingsThe decision to extend Christian McCaffrey's contract in the NFL was met with reservations due to the history of running back contracts not holding their value. The conversation then pivoted to ranking the top 10 quarterbacks since 1980, sparking disagreements on certain players' placements.

      The discussion revolved around the decision to extend Christian McCaffrey's contract in the NFL, with some reservations due to the history of running back contracts not holding their value. Despite McCaffrey's impressive skills as a running back and receiver, the consensus was that this might not have been the optimal time to make such a significant investment. The conversation then shifted to ranking the top 10 quarterbacks since 1980, with some disagreements on the list, particularly regarding the placement of certain players like Blake Bortles and Dan Marino. Overall, the discussion showcased the complexity of making roster decisions in professional sports and the ongoing debate around the value of certain positions.

    • Comparing Dan Marino and Aaron Rodgers: More than just statisticsDespite similar impressive stats, Dan Marino's legacy is overshadowed due to lack of signature moments and supporting cast, while Aaron Rodgers benefits from recent success and elite defense.

      Both Dan Marino and Aaron Rodgers had remarkable careers in the NFL, but the discussion often leans towards Rodgers due to his recent success and impressive statistics. Dan Marino, however, deserves more recognition for his achievements, particularly during his prime years when he led the league in passing five times and had 48 touchdowns in a single season. Marino's lack of signature moments or wins in the playoffs might be a factor in the comparison, but Elway's career serves as an example of how having a better defense and supporting cast can significantly impact a quarterback's legacy. Ultimately, both quarterbacks had impressive statistics and led their teams to success, but the narrative around their careers has differed due to various factors.

    • Comparing Quarterback Greatness: Super Bowl Performances vs. Career AchievementsDespite disagreements on rankings, there's enjoyment in debating the greatness of quarterbacks like Ben Roethlisberger, Brett Favre, Dan Marino, Aaron Rodgers, Russell Wilson, Steve Young, and Patrick Mahomes, considering team dynamics, individual performances, and external factors.

      The discussion revolved around comparing the greatness of various quarterbacks based on their Super Bowl performances and overall careers. The speakers debated about the impact of team dynamics, individual performances, and external factors on their assessments. Ben Roethlisberger, Brett Favre, Dan Marino, Aaron Rodgers, Russell Wilson, Steve Young, and Patrick Mahomes were some of the names mentioned. While there were disagreements on the rankings, there was a consensus on the fun and excitement these quarterbacks brought to the game. The conversation also highlighted the challenges of definitively determining a quarterback's greatness due to the complexities of the NFL and the numerous factors involved.

    • NFL 100 list sparks debates among football fansThe NFL 100 list ignites discussions among fans about the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history, including Dan Marino, Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, and emerging stars like Lamar Jackson.

      Despite having differing opinions on the NFL 100 list, specifically the inclusion of Dan Marino and ranking of Peyton Manning and Eli Manning, both agree that the list sparks interesting debates among football fans. They also discussed the impact of certain quarterbacks like Rex Grossman, Robert Griffin III, and Lamar Jackson, and reminisced about their careers. The conversation also touched upon the NFL history and the significance of memorable performances and endings. While acknowledging Dan Marino's talent, they also highlighted his unfortunate playoff performance and the impact it had on his legacy. The interview ended with a discussion about Kendrick Perkins and a promotion for G4's Father's Day collection.

    • Online language can lead to misunderstandingsUsing internet slang and memes in online conversations can result in confusion, emphasizing the importance of being aware of specific contexts and meanings.

      The use of internet slang and memes can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, even in casual conversations. During a discussion about online behavior during live streams, it was revealed that the term "press f" has a different meaning in the context of Twitch chat than what was initially assumed. This misunderstanding led to some confusion and humor, highlighting the importance of being aware of the specific context and meanings of online language. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the dynamic between sports commentators Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith, with speculation about a potential reunion between the two. Overall, the conversation showcased the unique nature of online communication and the importance of understanding the nuances of internet culture.

    • Changes in Sports Recruitment and Interactions in the Digital AgeThe digital age offers opportunities for open discussions and personal connections through social media, but it's crucial to maintain boundaries and avoid offensive content. The pandemic has forced postponements, prioritizing safety over tradition, and presents both challenges and opportunities for navigating changes in sports recruitment and interactions.

      The digital age has brought about significant changes in various aspects of life, including sports recruitment and interactions. While some may find it challenging to adapt to these changes, such as Dave Gettleman's reluctance to virtual visits, others see opportunities for debate and personal connections. For instance, social media platforms allow for more open discussions, as seen in Skip and Shannon's show, Uninterrupted. However, it is crucial to maintain boundaries and avoid offensive content. Additionally, the pandemic has forced the postponement of events, including the bike ride, prioritizing safety over tradition. Overall, the digital age presents both challenges and opportunities, and it is essential to find ways to navigate these changes while staying true to values and principles.

    • Access and control in sports and financeParents can control kids' spending by setting up prepaid cards. In finance, access to info and communication are crucial for informed decisions. Accountability and getting your money back are important. Stay active and push yourself during spring season.

      Access and control are important, whether it's in sports or finance. In the sports discussion, Kendrick Perkins shared his experience with his children's excessive Fortnite spending and how he took control by setting up prepaid credit cards for them. In the financial conversation, the speakers discussed the importance of having access to information and the ability to communicate in order to make informed decisions. They also highlighted the importance of accountability and getting your money back when necessary. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of staying active and pushing yourself during the spring season with Peloton's challenging workouts.

    • Importance of timing and adapting in basketballFormer NBA player Hank emphasized the significance of arguing calls with referees to gain more fouls and perfect timing to maximize career value and success in the league. Adapting to the evolving game is also crucial to remain competitive.

      Timing and adaptation are crucial in sports, especially in basketball. Hank, a former NBA player, shared his experience about the importance of arguing calls with referees to get away with more fouls and how it helped him in his career. He also acknowledged that he wouldn't have made it in the NBA if he came along in a different era due to the evolution of the game. Hank believed that he timed his career perfectly to maximize his value and success in the league. The conversation also touched on how a team winning with a traditional style of play and an emerging young talent could potentially shift the trend back towards that style.

    • Warriors' unconventional lineup and Fortnite woesThe Warriors' innovative small-ball lineup and the unexpected Fortnite expenses of children highlight the evolving NBA landscape and the challenges of balancing fun and responsibility.

      The NBA landscape was significantly shifted when the Golden State Warriors, led by Steph Curry, introduced an "extra small" lineup with Draymond Green at center and prioritized shooting threes from the get-go. This approach challenged the traditional way of building a championship team. However, the trend might not last long as Greg Popovich and the San Antonio Spurs seem to be sticking with the traditional way. Another interesting anecdote shared was about a father's unexpected discovery of his sons' excessive Fortnite spending, which led to a creative punishment. Despite the current suspension of the NBA season due to the coronavirus, there is little optimism about its return this season, given the challenges in preparing players for high-level competition in such a short time.

    • NBA's pause for athlete's well-being sets global precedentThe NBA's response to Rudy Gobert's positive COVID-19 test showcased prioritizing athlete health over sports return, saving lives and setting a global precedent.

      The well-being of athletes and their families should always come before the return of sports, even if fans are eager for its return. This was exemplified by Rudy Gobert's positive COVID-19 test, which led to the NBA shutting down and setting the tone for the rest of the world to follow suit. Gobert's actions, while initially seen as reckless, ultimately saved lives by bringing attention to the severity of the situation. Perk, a former NBA player, emphasized the importance of forgiveness and moving forward, acknowledging that he would have expressed his frustration with Gobert but ultimately welcoming him back into the locker room. Perk's current Twitter behavior is a reflection of his newfound perspective and free time in retirement.

    • Understanding the context and facts behind controversial opinions can provide valuable insightsAcknowledging individual contributions and understanding the context and facts behind controversial opinions can lead to valuable insights and a more nuanced perspective.

      While some opinions may be unpopular or controversial, they can still hold merit based on facts and historical records. For instance, Mark Jackson's contribution to the Warriors' success, particularly in naming the Splash Brothers and building the team, has often been overlooked but is undeniable. Similarly, Kevin Durant's decision to join the Golden State Warriors was a significant move that shifted the balance of power in the NBA. While some may view it as a "coward's move," it was a strategic decision that led to multiple championships. It's essential to remember that every team and player's journey is unique, and understanding the context and facts behind the events can provide valuable insights. Additionally, the importance of giving credit where it's due and acknowledging the impact of individual contributions cannot be overstated.

    • Durant's relationship with Westbrook and GarnettDurant's move to the Nets was a good decision for him, as he found a new home and may even win MVP next year. His bond with Kevin Garnett remains strong, with Garnett serving as a mentor and source of support.

      The dynamic between Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook was crucial for their success in Oklahoma City. Durant felt overshadowed when Westbrook received a big welcome back to the Thunder, leading to tension between the two. However, Durant's move to the Nets is now seen as a good decision, as he seems to have found a new home and may even win the MVP next year. Durant and Westbrook may have had their differences, but Durant's loyalty lies with Kevin Garnett, who has been a big brother figure to him since their time together on the Celtics. The bond between Durant and Garnett is strong, and Durant values the advice and support he continues to receive from him. In the entertainment world, Durant thought Kevin Garnett did a great job in "Uncut Gems," staying true to himself in the role.

    • The Bulls need a coach who can connect with today's players and build a winning cultureTo compete with teams like the Lakers, the Bulls must hire a coach who resonates with modern players and fosters a successful team culture.

      The Los Angeles Lakers, led by LeBron James and Anthony Davis, were poised to win the NBA championship this season with their impressive roster, experience, and team chemistry. The addition of role players like Avery Bradley, Javelle McGee, Caldwell Pope, Danny Green, and Kyle Kuzma, along with the coaching of Frank Vogel and his staff, made them a formidable contender. However, the impact of free agency signings and coaching hires on teams like the Chicago Bulls, and the league's perception of their organization, can significantly influence the success of a team. To change this narrative, the Bulls need to hire a coach who can relate to today's players, understand their needs, and build a winning culture. Young, innovative coaches like Mark Jackson, Sam Cassell, Damon Stottlemeyer, or Tyler Lucci could bring a fresh perspective and help attract top talent. The NBA landscape is evolving, and coaches must adapt to keep up.

    • Basketball stories and career reflections with Kendrick PerkinsFormer NBA player Kendrick Perkins shared entertaining stories about his basketball career, Paul Pierce's clever injury, and his current role in media. He also discussed misunderstandings and unexpected moments during games.

      Former NBA player Kendrick Perkins shared stories about his basketball career, Paul Pierce's clever injury during the NBA Finals, and his experience as a media personality. Perkins expressed his contentment with his current role in media and shared a past incident where he had tweeted about being mad at him during a game, which turned out to be a misunderstanding. He also spoke about Gregg Popovich's tenure with the San Antonio Spurs and the possibility of a coaching change. Perkins also shared his memories of playing with the Oklahoma City Thunder and the unexpected passes he would receive during games. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and filled with basketball anecdotes.

    • Discussing NBA, Underwear, and Sports with TechnologyNBA's Michael Stone impressed, MeUndies benefits, potential of tech replacing live fans, Marlins Man's 911 holiday proposal, and the worst place to be drunk: work.

      During the interview, Perk and the team discussed various topics including NBA player Michael Stone's impressive performance, the benefits of MeUndies underwear, and the current state of sports with cardboard cutout fans. A key point was made about the potential replacement of live fans with technology or alternative solutions. Additionally, Perk shared his agreement with Marlins Man's proposal for 911 to be recognized as a national holiday. The team also engaged in a hypothetical discussion about the "Mount Flushmore" of worst places to be drunk, with work being the top pick due to the anxiety and potential consequences of being caught under the influence. Throughout the conversation, they shared their appreciation for each other's perspectives and continued to keep the energy light and entertaining.

    • Discussing the negative consequences of being drunkBeing drunk can lead to embarrassing, uncomfortable, or dangerous situations. It's crucial to be mindful of our actions and avoid situations where being drunk could negatively impact ourselves or others.

      Being drunk in certain situations can lead to embarrassing, uncomfortable, or even dangerous experiences. During the discussion, the group shared various scenarios where being drunk did not turn out well, such as behind the wheel of a car, in a long bathroom line, or even in class. Some experiences, like being drunk in jail or in a cab ride, were particularly unpleasant. The group agreed that it's essential to be mindful of our actions when we're under the influence and to avoid situations where being drunk could negatively impact ourselves or others. They also acknowledged that while some experiences, like being drunk with significant others' families, might be unavoidable, they can still be bonding moments. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being responsible and aware of our actions when we're drunk.

    • Being drunk in various situations can lead to risks and unpleasant experiencesDrinking responsibly is crucial to avoid injuries, disorientation, and other negative consequences in various situations

      Being drunk in certain situations can lead to unpleasant experiences or even dangerous situations. For instance, being drunk in a gym can increase the risk of injuries, being drunk at an AA meeting is inappropriate, and being drunk before having sex can cause anxiety and doubts. Additionally, being drunk in certain environments like a subway system, a big grocery store, or on a roller coaster can be disorienting and confusing. Being drunk on a boat or in bed at night can lead to feelings of helplessness and impending sickness. Some situations, like being drunk on a plane or when the cops come, can be thrilling but also dangerous. It's important to be mindful of these potential risks and to drink responsibly.

    • Navigating Relationships During QuarantineCommunicate openly and put in effort to maintain relationships during quarantine, whether through technology or in-person. Be upfront and honest when texting a long-distance crush.

      People have found creative ways to navigate relationships during the quarantine, whether it's continuing to be intimate with an ex or trying to maintain a long-distance connection. Hank and the guys discussed their own experiences, including Hank's fear of flying and John Madden's RV travels. They also shared advice on handling situations where technology plays a role, such as texting and Facetiming, or dealing with partners who are distracted by other activities. Ultimately, they encouraged listeners to put in effort and communicate openly, even if the outcome may not be immediate. As for the listener's question about texting a long-distance crush, the guys suggested being upfront and honest, and using technology to your advantage to build a connection.

    • Open communication and misunderstandings in relationshipsEffective communication can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships. Sharing feelings and interests, and setting boundaries are essential for a healthy and enjoyable relationship.

      Communication is key in relationships. Misunderstandings and miscommunications can lead to frustration and anger. The speaker in this conversation accidentally revealed her feelings about her boyfriend's behavior and regretted it. She also expressed her disappointment about her girlfriend's lack of interest in sharing activities with her. The conversation then shifted to Halloween costumes for an upcoming wedding, where the speakers suggested various creative and funny ideas. However, they also emphasized the importance of considering the guests and setting boundaries to ensure a enjoyable and respectful wedding. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication, finding common interests, and setting boundaries in relationships and events.

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    Real Bros Jimmy Tatro & Christian Pierce, Best of KSR W/Rick Pitino, NBA Draft + Mt Rushmore Of Hobbies That Become Your Personality

    Packed Show today and we start with the NBA Draft and Bronny somehow got drafted by the lakers (00:00:00-00:19:26). Mt Rushmore of hobbies that become a person’s personality (00:19:26-00:49:20). Jimmy Tatro and Christian Pierce join the show to talk about the Real Bros From Simi Valley movie coming July 5th, how they became writing partners, the Lakers, Boner Dogs and tons more (00:49:20-01:41:51). We hosted Kentucky Sports Radio and have the best of on the podcast including our interview with Rick Pitino and Jack Gohlke (01:41:51-02:12:30). We then finish with Fyre Fest of the week and a sober recap of Beer Games (02:12:30-02:34:22).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Will Compton, Panthers Win The Cup Plus A Drunk Ending Of The Show Live From Beer Games

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Ryan Whitney, Game 7 Of The SCF, Hank Is Part Of Joe Mazzulla's Family Now And Mt Rushmore Of People Who Can't Win The Big One

    Hank had the greatest day of his life on Friday and is now a member of Joe Mazzulla's family after riding a duckboat in the championship parade (00:00:00-00:12:57). The Oilers force a Game 7 (00:12:57-00:13:59). Protestors tried to stop Scottie Scheffler and the Hawk Tuah girl has taken over the internet (00:13:59-00:28:41) . Who's back of the week including Klutch going after MJ's stats and the Oilers girl has found more fame (00:28:41-00:45:33). Ryan Whitney joins the show to talk about the Stanley Cup Final, how the Oilers have come all the way back, what he expects Monday night and more (00:45:33-01:22:30). We finish with the return of Mt Rushmore season and the Mt Rushmore of people who can't win the big one, with some bonus case race recap (01:22:30-01:45:32).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Derrick White, Adam Thielen, Hank Shaves His Head And Gets An Incredible Offer From A Special Call In

    Derrick White, Adam Thielen, Hank Shaves His Head And Gets An Incredible Offer From A Special Call In

    It’s time for Hank to shave his head and JJ Redick is a trailblazer for podcasters everywhere (00:00:00-00:12:56)-. Hank gets a special call in to offer him a day of a lifetime (00:12:56-00:26:15). NCAA is trying to expand the tourney again and Monty Williams is living the dream (00:26:15-00:28:38). Caruso traded to OKC for Josh Giddey (00:28:38-00:33:58). We then welcome on Derrick White from the world champion Boston Celtics to talk about this past week, his new contract, Hank shaving head, his broken teeth and tons more (00:33:58-00:55:02). Carolina Panthers Wide Receiver Adam Thielen joins the show to talk about his golf game, the past season with the Panthers, Kirk Cousins and more (00:55:02-01:28:52). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (01:28:52-01:44:45).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

    The Celtics win the Title and the summer of Hank is officially on. We talk about Monday night, Finals MVP, Mavs future and more (00:00:00-00:32:36). We then talk about the Oilers dragging the Panthers back to Edmonton and RIP Willie Mays (00:32:36-00:44:16). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Rory's non apology and Jerry O'Connell's congratulations to Hank (00:44:16-01:09:59). Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla joins the show to talk about Monday night, coaching with a torn MCL, what he said to the team before winning it all, when Hank needs to shave his head by and tons more (01:09:59-01:41:03). We finish with a show announcement (01:41:03-02:01:05).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    All Time US Open, Smylie Kaufman Calls In From Pinehurst, Mike Florio Talking Football + Celtics And Panthers Drop An Stinkers In Game 4's

    All Time US Open, Smylie Kaufman Calls In From Pinehurst, Mike Florio Talking Football + Celtics And Panthers Drop An Stinkers In Game 4's

    Incredible Sunday finish to the US Open as Bryson DeChambeau wins and Rory chokes. We talk about Rory leaving Pinehurst before doing media and Bryson's complete 180 (00:00:00-00:27:21). Celtics get smoked in Game 4 and we check in on Hank's mentals before Game 5 (00:27:21-00:37:23). The Panthers laid an egg in Edmonton and that series is going back to Florida (00:37:23-00:46:01). Who's back of the week including Bill Belichick's new girlfriend and Jimmy Carter sleeping through full days (00:46:01-01:08:39). Smylie Kaufman joins us from Pinehurst after an incredible US Open and gives us a breakdown of what he witnessed following the last 2 groups on Sunday, Rory's putts, and more (01:08:39-01:45:00). Mike Florio joins the show to talk some football with the guys before teams break for the summer (01:45:00-02:35:50). We finish with Max's minute (02:35:50-02:47:10)

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Emergency beginning of the show had to be retaped after we get news that Joey Chestnut is out of the 4th of July Hot Dog Eating Competition after taking money from a vegan hot dog brand and our whole world has been shattered (00:00:00-00:17:49). Kristaps is hurt and Hank had a rough day (00:17:49-00:28:39). Pug might be a coward (00:28:39-00:35:58). Danny Hurley is staying at Uconn and SCF Game 2 (00:35:58-00:56:38). Hot Seat/Cool Throne and Buster Olney has been hacked and Kevin Durant is back on twitter (00:56:38-01:19:31). Caddie Michael Collins joins us to talk about the US Open, hardest part about being a caddie, his crazy career jump from comedian to caddy to ESPN golf personality and more (01:19:31-01:52:21). We then are joined by recurring guest and good friend Kevin Love to talk about the NBA Finals, what does Kyrie need to do to find it, his top 5, and how sick it was playing on the Olympics (01:52:21-02:23:44). We finish with listener submitted Pardon Your Takes (02:23:44-02:42:02).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    The Celtics absolutely smashed the Mavs in Game 1 and Cocky Hank is feeling himself while Mavs Max is down real bad. Porzingis looked healthy and Lebron tried to steal Game 1 headlines yet again (00:00:00-00:17:47). Dan Hurley possibly to the Lakers and how Coach K is behind all of this (00:17:47-00:39:52). Paul Bissonnette joins the show to break down the Stanley Cup Final, who has the advantage, will Canada be rooting for the Oilers and his official invitation to Dingers Only (00:39:52-01:06:17). Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane joins the show to talk about the SCF, coming back from an insane injury, his first fight in the league, how the team feels before Saturday night and more (01:06:17-01:42:49). We finish the show with Fyre Fest of the week and PFT's big new purchase (01:42:49-02:07:53).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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    This podcast is sponsored by AloeMD, makers of an amazing pain relief and recovery cream that has brought me amazing results over the past 3 months. Learn more at www.aloemd.com and use the discount code "PBR" at checkout to save $5!
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    Ep 23 - How To Recover 3 TIMES Faster w/ Anthony Kjenstad of Firefly Recovery

    In this episode, Tim interviews  Anthony Kjenstad, President and Founder of Firefly Recovery about the journey this revolutionary recovery device has made from the medical world to the athletic world. Listen and learn how this product fast-tracks your recovery time so you can get back out on the court fresh, no matter how much you played the day before. You can follow them on IG at @fireflyrecovery.

    This podcast is sponsored by AloeMD, makers of an amazing pain relief and recovery cream that has brought me amazing results since I started using it. Learn more at http://www.aloemd.com and use the discount code "PBR" at checkout to save $5!

    If you are struggling with feeling stiff, sore, or in pain from your passion for pickleball, go to http://www.pickleballrecovery.com for your free guide to feeling better on and off the court!

    Adam DeVine, Mt Rushmore Of Taco Bell Items, Golf Etiquette FAQ’s with Frankie & Trent + QB Tiers

    Adam DeVine, Mt Rushmore Of Taco Bell Items, Golf Etiquette FAQ’s with Frankie & Trent + QB Tiers

    When there are no sports stories to talk about we turn to the most trusted thing in the world, tiering QB’s to make people angry online (00:00:00-00:19:42). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Playoff Lenny + Alek Manoah getting lit up (00:19:42-00:35:38). Mt Rushmore of Taco Bell menu items (00:35:38-01:06:00). Actor Adam DeVine joins the show to talk about his new movie, workaholics, getting hit by a cement mixer as a child, Nebraska football and more (01:07:43-01:47:35). We finish the show with Golf etiquette FAQ’s with Frankie and Trent (01:47:35-02:14:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    NFL Draft With Todd McShay & Steven Cheah, Ja Morant Is A Killer And Introducing KennysHands.com

    NFL Draft With Todd McShay & Steven Cheah, Ja Morant Is A Killer And Introducing KennysHands.com

    The Timberwolves stay cursed as Ja Morant sucks their soul out of their chest. (00:02:41-00:10:19) The Heat finish off a terrible Trae Young performance and the Hawks. (00:10:25-00:20:44) We recap Monday night and the completion of the Whomp Bet live from Brooklyn. (00:22:11-00:39:54) Hot Seat/Cool Throne including a Brand New Website KennysHands.com in defense of our guy Kenny Pickett. (00:39:55-00:57:20) Todd McShay joins the show to break down the draft, give us an answer on where current Tom Brady would be drafted, and tons more draft talk. (00:58:43-01:35:47) And we finish the show with Guys on Picks with Steven Cheah. (01:37:22-02:09:07)

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake