
    Podcast Summary

    • Engage with Kill Tony beyond listeningFans can visit dustsquad.tv for tour dates, purchase merchandise from ryanjebelt.com and shop squad.tv, and find Tony Hinchcliffe's personal website for tour dates and merchandise.

      Kill Tony, a popular live podcast recorded at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, offers various ways for fans to engage with the show beyond listening. Fans can visit dustsquad.tv for tour dates, including the sold-out Skank Fest in New York City, where Tony Hinchcliffe and Brian Redban will be performing. Hinchcliffe also has a personal website (tonyhinchcliffe.com) where fans can find his tour dates, merchandise, and other podcasts. Ryan Jebelt, the house artist, sells prints of every episode and the new Kill Tony poster on his website (ryanjebelt.com). Lastly, shop squad.tv offers official merchandise for sale. The podcast features comedians, with recent guest Randy Sklar of the Sklar Brothers, and a live band, the Kill Tony band, which always brings something new each week.

    • Pirate-themed music, comedy, and forest firesThe guest shared his love for pirate-themed songs, discussed a comedian's unexpected performance, emphasized the importance of effective forest fire prevention messaging, and opened up about personal desires.

      The conversation between the hosts and their guest revolved around music, comedy, and pirate-themed jokes. The guest expressed his love for the band's pirate-themed songs and even made some jokes about pirates and their supposed abundant food and booty. The hosts also mentioned a comedian who was not a professional but outperformed his brother during a live show. Additionally, they discussed the importance of helping prevent forest fires and the mediocre approach of the "help stop forest fires" slogan. The guest also shared her personal issue with men not going down on women and her newfound confidence in expressing her desires. Overall, the conversation was filled with humor, personal stories, and interesting topics.

    • Cultural Sensitivity and ComedyJeremiah's comedy style involves saying whatever comes to mind, leading to cultural misunderstandings. Cultural sensitivity is crucial in relationships and comedy to avoid offense and promote understanding.

      The conversation between Jeremiah and the interviewee touched on various topics, including cultural differences, sex, and comedy. Jeremiah made a joke about a "Hitler bush," which was not well-received by the interviewee, who is not Dominican. The conversation also revealed that Jeremiah has been doing comedy for eight years and has a preference for a man who will take care of him. The interviewee shared her experiences with dating men from different cultures and their varying attitudes towards women. Despite the occasional awkward moments, Jeremiah's persona in comedy is to be in the moment and say whatever comes to mind. The conversation also touched on the topic of sex being a common theme in Jeremiah's comedy, and his preference for a rich partner. The conversation ended with Jeremiah sharing his recent experience of dating a Muslim man in LA. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding in relationships and comedy.

    • Navigating societal expectations as a comedian and woman from a non-traditional backgroundStay true to oneself and use humor to overcome adversity. Progressive representation in media can make a significant impact.

      Cali, a comedian with a unique perspective, shares her experiences of navigating societal expectations and expressing her voice as a woman from a culture where this is not traditionally celebrated. She discusses her encounters with men, including a Muslim man during Ramadan, and how she handles the challenges of being a comic and finding work outside of her comedy career. Despite facing adversity, Cali maintains a positive attitude and continues to pursue her passions, using her experiences to fuel her comedy. Her story highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and the power of humor in overcoming obstacles. Additionally, the conversation touches on the progressiveness of Looney Tunes and the impact of representation in media.

    • Exploring the value of humor in controversial contextsClassic cartoons like Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry, despite having racist or problematic aspects, continue to entertain audiences and spark discussions about societal progress

      The use of humor, even with controversial or problematic elements, can still hold value and entertain audiences. This was discussed in relation to classic cartoons like Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry, which, despite having racist or problematic aspects, continue to be enjoyed by many. The group acknowledged that these issues exist and that it would be interesting to explore how much more racist society is today compared to the past. The conversation then shifted to various topics, including comedy, video games, and personal habits. One comedian in the group, who has been performing for about 9 months, was encouraged to focus more on the setup of his jokes to make them more effective. Overall, the conversation showcased a group of individuals who were open-minded, willing to engage in thought-provoking discussions, and able to find humor in various aspects of life.

    • Exploring racial sensitivity in comedyUnderstanding and respecting diverse perspectives is crucial when addressing sensitive issues in comedy. Self-identification and embracing one's heritage can help combat feelings of being an outsider.

      The discussion touched on the topic of racial sensitivity and the use of offensive language in comedy. The speakers debated the appropriateness of certain jokes and references, with some arguing that silence was the best response and others advocating for more open dialogue. Another theme that emerged was the importance of self-identification and embracing one's heritage, despite feeling like an outsider. The speakers also shared personal experiences of being teased or misunderstood due to their appearance or cultural background. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of addressing sensitive issues in comedy and the importance of understanding and respecting diverse perspectives.

    • Adapting to unexpected situations and connecting with the crowdTour guides who can adapt to unexpected situations and connect authentically with their audience create memorable experiences.

      The tour guide's ability to adapt to unexpected situations and connect with the crowd, despite his own discomfort and challenging circumstances, makes for an engaging and memorable tour experience. Whether it's dealing with unruly audience members or unexpected events, the guide's ability to stay in the moment and respond authentically adds value to the tour. Additionally, the guide's experience in comedy and performing in front of large crowds helps him handle the pressure and keep the tour entertaining. Despite his appearance and the challenges he faces, the guide's dedication to providing a great experience for his guests shines through.

    • Julian Fernandez's comedy on love and authenticityFear of fake people influences comedian's attraction, resonating with audience through relatable and authentic take on relationships, showcasing quick wit and humor in everyday situations.

      Comedian Julian Fernandez shared his unique perspective on love and authenticity during his comedy performance. He expressed his fear of falling in love with a fake person and how that influences his attraction to women with natural features, such as big noses and minimal makeup. Fernandez's honesty and self-awareness resonated with the audience, who appreciated his relatable and authentic take on relationships. Additionally, Fernandez's comedic style showcased his quick wit and ability to find humor in everyday situations, making for an enjoyable and memorable performance.

    • Comedian's Nervousness, Encounters, and Long-Distance RelationshipThe comedian shares his experiences of performing despite nervousness, unusual encounters with authorities, and coping with a long-distance relationship through humor.

      The speaker in this conversation is a comedian who discusses various topics, including his nervousness before performing, his unusual encounters with authorities, and his current long-distance relationship. He also makes jokes about various topics, some of which may be considered offensive or inappropriate. Despite this, he delivers a successful comedy set and receives praise from the audience. Another theme that emerges is the speaker's use of humor to cope with difficult situations, such as his nervousness before performing or his long-distance relationship. He also shares a personal story about purchasing a male sex toy as a way to deal with his sexual desires while his girlfriend is away. Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's unique comedic style and his ability to find humor in everyday life experiences.

    • A comedian's relationship with a peculiar propComedy involves unexpected challenges, nerves, and humor in everyday objects, but performers must also acknowledge the inherent difficulties and unpredictability of their craft.

      The speaker had a complicated relationship with a unique item, a flashlight shaped like a torch, which he once used for a comedy routine but eventually grew tired of and left behind. The experience of using the flashlight led him to reflect on the unexpected challenges and nerves that come with performing comedy, as well as the absurdity and humor that can be found in everyday objects. Despite the initial success of the joke, the speaker ultimately decided to retire the flashlight and move on, acknowledging the inherent difficulties and unpredictability of comedy. The conversation also touched on the audience's reaction to the performance and the speaker's self-deprecating humor. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances of comedy and the performer's experience.

    • Maintaining Relationships: Monogamy, Sex Toys, and CommunicationOpen and honest communication is crucial in maintaining relationships, even when dealing with sensitive topics like monogamy and the introduction of sex toys.

      Communication and understanding are key components in maintaining relationships. The discussion revolves around a person's attempts to maintain monogamy and the introduction of a sex toy into the relationship. While the girlfriend was initially annoyed, she eventually accepted it, but the individual questioned whether it went against who they were as a person. The conversation also touched upon the idea that sex toys are similar to female vibrators, and the normalization of their use. The conversation also revealed some personal quirks and habits of the individual, including their love for Harry Potter and improv comedy. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of open and honest communication in navigating the complexities of relationships.

    • Adapting to audience expectations in stand-up comedySuccessful comedians can connect authentically with audiences by incorporating impressions, personas, personal anecdotes, and beliefs into their routines, while also practicing and refining their material, having confidence, and maintaining a unique voice.

      The ability to authentically connect with an audience and adapt to their expectations, even when delivering unexpected content, is a key component of successful stand-up comedy. The speaker in this conversation showcased this skill by incorporating various impressions and personas into their routine, while also revealing personal anecdotes and beliefs in a relatable and engaging way. Despite some stumbles and improvisations, they were able to keep the audience engaged and leave a lasting impression. Additionally, the importance of practicing and refining one's material, as well as having confidence and a unique voice, were also emphasized in the conversation.

    • Jesse's Unique Background and Career in Comedy and Adult EntertainmentJesse, a comedian and webcam performer, shares her experiences growing up in Phoenix, working for X Hamster, and moving to East Hollywood, showcasing her unique background, sense of humor, and determination to succeed in the entertainment industry.

      Jesse is a stand-up comedian and webcam performer who recently moved to Los Angeles from Phoenix. During the conversation, it was revealed that she grew up in Phoenix, did comedy shows there, and worked for an adult entertainment company called X Hamster. She discussed her job, which involves creating training and harassment videos, and joked about it on stage. Jesse also shared her experience of moving to East Hollywood and her initial impressions of the neighborhood. Despite the challenges, she remains optimistic and committed to pursuing her comedy career. The conversation also highlighted her charisma and energy, which were appreciated by the other comedians on the show. Overall, the conversation showcased Jesse's unique background, sense of humor, and determination to succeed in the entertainment industry.

    • The power of being rememberedBeing remembered can make a positive impact, even in unexpected places. Preparation and uniqueness are key to effective communication.

      The power of memory and recognition can make a significant impact on our interactions with others. The speaker shared an anecdote about being remembered by an old acquaintance and how it made her feel. She also joked about how being in a new place for a long time can make all previous places seem the same. During the comedy show, the host introduced a young comedian named Ally Makovsky, who writes and performs a new minute every week. The speaker then shared a concern about a friend she believes might be dangerous, and joked about the idea of preparing for potential psychos by opening a self-defense class for them. The conversation also touched on the importance of having good ideas, even if they don't always have a clear punchline. In the end, the speaker reflected on her own preparation for writing her weekly minute and the importance of having a unique perspective.

    • The importance of perseverance and self-acceptanceDespite challenges in work and personal life, showing up and trying your best matters most. Vulnerability and sharing personal experiences in comedy can resonate with audiences and showcase a unique perspective.

      Life can be challenging and disappointing at times, but showing up and trying your best is what matters most. The speaker in this conversation shares her experiences of feeling underappreciated at work and dealing with personal issues like acne and past struggles with addiction. Despite these challenges, she continues to pursue her goals, including her career in comedy. Another key point from the conversation is the power of vulnerability and sharing personal experiences in comedy. The speaker's jokes about her acne and past struggles resonated with the audience and showcased her unique perspective. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of perseverance, self-acceptance, and the power of humor in dealing with life's ups and downs.

    • Finding humor in unexpected places and experiencesComedian Dan Nolan's unique perspective shines through in his ability to find humor in mundane situations and share personal experiences, even those that may seem taboo or unlikely, captivating audiences with his honesty and engaging performance.

      Comedy often comes from unexpected places and experiences, even those that may seem taboo or unlikely. Dan Nolan's story about dropping pancakes in jail and his experience as a recovering heroin addict were unexpected and commanded the audience's attention. His ability to turn a seemingly mundane situation into a hilarious moment, and his honesty about his past, showcased his unique comedic perspective. Additionally, the way he interacted with the audience and commanded their attention was a key element of his successful set. Overall, Dan Nolan's comedy demonstrated the power of finding humor in unexpected places and sharing personal experiences with an audience.

    • First impressions and assumptions can be misleadingBe open-minded and respectful towards all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or appearance.

      First impressions can be deceiving, and people may surprise us in unexpected ways. The speaker shares a story about matching with someone on a dating app, assuming they were a cisgender woman based on their photos, but discovering they were transgender. Feeling lost and unsure, he ended up leaving without engaging further. The conversation then shifts to discussing the speaker's other experiences, including a potential encounter with a porn star on Twitter. Despite his initial assumptions and actions, the speaker acknowledges that people deserve respect and understanding, regardless of their gender identity or appearance. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of open-mindedness and being willing to challenge our preconceptions.

    • A humorous exchange on Twitter between Manuel Herrera and Haleh, with Brian Viera joining inManuel Herrera showcased his quick wit and ability to find humor in everyday situations during an intense interaction on Twitter with Haleh and Brian Viera, while also promoting his podcasts and new music.

      Manuel Herrera and a woman named Haleh x b b y had an intense interaction on Twitter, with Herrera making humorous and often crude comments in response to her tweets about her allergic reaction and various ailments. Another man, Brian Viera, also joined in the conversation, leading to a back-and-forth between Herrera and Viera. The conversation included jokes about Herrera's comedy style and the size of his penis. Throughout it all, Herrera's quick wit and ability to find humor in everyday situations shone through. Additionally, Herrera plugged a few podcasts, including Dumb People Town and Scarborough Country, and mentioned listening to a new album by Patty Ragan.

    • Jeremiah Watkins' Tour Schedule in AugustComedian Jeremiah Watkins will perform at House of Blueses, theaters, and rock venues in cities like Salt Lake City, Houston, Jacksonville, and Hartford in August. Fans can check his podcast or social media for more info on his tour dates and upcoming shows in Desert City, Tumblr Brewing Company, and The Comedy Zone.

      Jeremiah Watkins is a comedian with an extensive tour schedule coming up in August. He will be performing at various venues across the country, including House of Blueses, theaters, and rock venues. Fans can look forward to his appearances in cities like Salt Lake City, Houston, Jacksonville, and Hartford. For more information on his tour dates, tune in to the next episode of his podcast. Watkins also mentioned his recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live and upcoming shows in Desert City, Tumblr Brewing Company, and The Comedy Zone. He encourages fans to connect with him on social media and check out his website for updates on his comedy career and upcoming projects.

    Recent Episodes from KILL TONY


    Shane Gillis, James McCann, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/10/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Go to https://shopify.com/killtony now to grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJuly 02, 2024


    Luis J Gomez, Sal Vulcano, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/03/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Head to https://www.squarespace.com/killtony to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code KILLTONY Go to https://liquiddeath.com/TONY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer Find your forever cookware @hexclad and get 10% off at https://hexclad.com/TONY #hexcladpartner Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 25, 2024

    #668 - SAM TALLENT

    #668 - SAM TALLENT
    KILL TONY #668 Sam Tallent, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/27/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. Get $80 off your first month with promo code SPACE80 at https://talkspace.com/tony Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://hellomood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. Your summer wardrobe awaits! Get 20% off @chubbies with the code TONY at https://www.chubbiesshorts.com/tony #chubbiespod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 18, 2024


    Adam Devine, Harland Williams, David Koechner, Bruce Buffer, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 05/12/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassic.com/killtony #trueclassicpod Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! Protect your online privacy TODAY by visiting https://expressVPN.com/killtony Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 11, 2024


    Post Malone, Tim Dillon, Adam Ray, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 05/10/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY HIMS Start your free online visit today at https://hims.com/KILLTONY COOKUNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537)(AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369)(NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT),or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV). 21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). NEW CUSTOMERS: Valid 1 per new customer. Min $5 deposit. No Sweat Bet awarded upon deposit. No SweatBet automatically applied to qualifying first bet. Min. $1 bet. First bet after opting-in must lose. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet upon first bet settlement and in amount of losing bet. Max. $1,500 Bonus Bet. PLAYOFF NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer per day. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends at the conclusion of the NBA playoffs See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 04, 2024


    Jim Florentine, Erik Griffin, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/29/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM SQUARESPACE: Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! MOOD: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://HelloMood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. MOOD’s potent product lineup is the perfect companion for whatever you have planned this summer! EXPRESSVPN: Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://expressvpn.com/killtony Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 28, 2024


    William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/29/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO THE REPLAY LIVESTREAM OF KILL TONY LIVE IN L.A.. - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://www.ExpressVPN.com/KILLTONY and you can get an extra three months FREE! Go to https://liquiddeath.com/TONY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 21, 2024


    Dr Phil (Adam Ray), Akaash Singh, Jason Ellis, Preacher Lawson, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/22/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: TALKSPACE: To celebrate May & Mental Health Awareness Month, and the power of talking it out in therapy, Talkspace is offering every listener of Kill Tony $80 off your first month with promo code SPACE80 when you go to https://Talkspace.com/TONY SQUARESPACE: Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! MOOD: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://HelloMood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. MOOD’s potent product lineup is the perfect companion for whatever you have planned this summer! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 13, 2024

    #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK

    #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK
    Daniel Van Kirk, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/15/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO LIVESTREAM KILL TONY. LIVE IN L.A.. ‎(MAY 10 & 12) - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY GAMETIME Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. COOK UNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) (AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369) (NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT), or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV).21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). BET/GET: Valid 1 per new customer. Min. $5 deposit. Min. $5 bet. $150 issued as bonus bets. NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends 5/19/24 11:59 PM ET. See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    Tony Hawk, Harland Williams, Ian Fidance, Jelly Roll, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/08/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Ian Fidance | Wild Happy & Free | Stand Up Special - https://youtu.be/-30PenMy1O8?feature=shared THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: ZIPRECRUITER See why 4 out of 5 employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Just go to this exclusive web address right now to try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE: https://ziprecruiter.com/killtony. SHOPIFY Go to https://shopify.com/killtony now to grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Love Is Blind S5 - GASLIGHTER UCHE

    Love Is Blind S5 - GASLIGHTER UCHE

    Hey there, Besties! Get ready to dive into another jam-packed review of Love Is Blind S5, Episode 5, 6, and 7. We're not just spilling the tea today; we're pouring a whole kettle of it! 

    Violetta talks briefly about last weeks' Thursday episode, 4 Steps to Love Yourself where she shares steps to help you embrace and adore the amazing person you are, because who doesn't need a little extra self-love in their life, right?

    Love Is Blind fans, Violetta's got the latest scoop on who's walking down the aisle – and trust us, there are some surprises. Plus, we're dissecting the awkwardness between Taylor and JP and taking a closer look at relationships on the show. Is Lydia onto something, or is Uche playing with fire? And hold onto your Instagram accounts because we're talking about following (or maybe not following) random girls. Are your social media habits revealing more than you think? Tune in for laughter, revelations, and some good old-fashioned reality TV chatter.  

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    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:50 Four steps to love yourself
    • 03:27 Love Is Blind S - who’s getting married?
    • 05:29 Why are Taylor and JP so awkward?
    • 12:16 When reality sets in for Izzy and Stacy  
    • 17:05 Lydia and Milton’s relationship seems very surface level
    • 18:49 Is Uche gaslighting Aaliyah?
    • 24:25 Maybe Lydia knew that Uche will be in S5
    • 31:42 You’ll know a partner’s bad for you when…
    • 34:41 Still following random girls on IG   

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    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    Staying at a billionaire's house? That's a dream come true! But girl, don't forget to show your finesse and charm while you're there. 

    Today, Violetta shares a few updates about her life. She starts off with the post-surgery experience after she had her eggs extracted successfully, how it affected her mentally, and what no one tells you about post egg freezing. Then, she talks about her recent trip to Mexico where she stayed at James Packer’s $50M house for a weekend - the place, the view, the food, the fun - bombastic side-eye!

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    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:19 I recently finished freezing my eggs
    • 08:52 My friend called and said, “Do you wanna go to Mexico with me?”
    • 18:24 I don’t normally go on vacation
    • 20:37 I got to meet the billionaire
    • 23:32 Would you rent it for $35,000 - $40, 000 a night?
    • 28:53 How do you finesse staying at a billionaire’s house?
    • 31:57 Other features of the house

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