

    enAugust 12, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the joys of Minnesota life and comedy tourMoving to Minnesota led to more active, community-oriented lives for speakers Tony Hinchcliffe and Brian Redban, contributing to Minnesota's top ranking. They're on a comedy tour with shows in Michigan, Toronto, and Indiana, surprised by a special guest, Andy Kindler, and sharing humor through their experiences and observations.

      Moving to Minnesota has led the speakers to live more active and community-oriented lives, contributing to Minnesota being ranked as one of the best states to live and work. The speakers, Tony Hinchcliffe and Brian Redban, are also embarking on a comedy tour, with upcoming shows in Michigan, Toronto, and Indiana. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, for a comedy festival, they were surprised and excited to have a special guest, Andy Kindler, one of their comedy idols. The speakers' humor often involves making light of their experiences and observations, including Fort Wayne's small-town feel and the crowd's energy. Additionally, they mentioned having a band, Jeremiah Watkins and Joel Jimenez, who perform throughout the show in various characters. Overall, the speakers conveyed a sense of excitement and appreciation for their experiences in Minnesota and on their comedy tour.

    • Preparing for a comedy show and sharing excitementThe group is enthusiastic about their upcoming comedy show, with one participant sharing his weight loss journey and receiving applause. They also appreciate the affordability of their costumes and remain optimistic, despite knowing not every performance will be successful.

      The speakers in this conversation are preparing for a comedy show, where each participant gets 60 seconds on stage to perform. They express excitement for the upcoming event, with one of the participants, Zachary Eversoul, sharing his weight loss journey and receiving positive feedback from the crowd. The speakers also mention the affordability of their costumes, which they purchased from a 99¢ store. Despite the anticipation, they acknowledge that not every performance will be successful, but they remain optimistic and supportive of each other. The overall mood is upbeat and encouraging, highlighting the camaraderie and shared love for comedy among the group.

    • A listener with Asperger's shares his weight loss journey and unique perspectivePersonal stories and finding common ground can inspire and bring joy, even in unexpected places.

      The podcast discussion inspired a listener with Asperger's to reflect on his own weight loss journey and share his unique perspective. The listener, who also mentioned his love for Star Trek and carrying a fanny pack, revealed his diagnosis and shared some jokes. Despite the serious topic, the conversation remained light-hearted and showcased the listener's eccentricities. The listener, who works as a janitor at a university, expressed his determination to pursue his dreams and keep doing what makes him happy. The conversation highlighted the importance of sharing personal stories and finding common ground, even in unexpected places.

    • Two comedians, Zachary Eversoll and Kyle Buck, showcased their unique sense of humorUp-and-coming comedians Zachary Eversoll and Kyle Buck delivered a rollercoaster ride of laughter with their unique and edgy humor, covering topics from personal experiences to social media and hashtags, leaving the audience engaged and excited.

      The comedy show featured two up-and-coming comedians, Zachary Eversoll and Kyle Buck, who showcased their unique and edgy sense of humor. Zachary, a self-proclaimed hero, shared stories about his experiences and the American flag fanny pack he carried. Kyle, on the other hand, discussed his foray into social media and the challenges of using hashtags, leading to some controversial moments. Both comedians brought the audience on a rollercoaster ride of laughter and unexpected twists. The episode started off with a light-hearted and entertaining tone, but later delved into more edgy and controversial topics, making for an unforgettable show. The energy in the room was electric, and the bucket of names seemed to be filled with excitement and anticipation for each comedian's set. Overall, the episode showcased the raw and unfiltered talent of two comedians who are not afraid to push boundaries and keep their audiences engaged.

    • Comedians Kyle and Steve share stories and humorAuthenticity, creativity, and connection are key elements in comedy and life. Comedians Kyle and Steve showcased these qualities through their unique experiences, unconventional styles, and ability to engage with their audience.

      The conversation between Kyle and Steve, two comedians, revealed their unique experiences and quirks. Kyle shared stories about his time as a bank teller and his former bluegrass band, while Steve expressed his unconventional comedic style and opinions. Despite their differences, they both found humor in everyday situations and had a strong connection with their audience. The conversation also showcased their ability to improvise and engage with each other, making for an entertaining and memorable interaction. Additionally, they discussed their personal lives, revealing that they were both single and open to exploring different relationships. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, creativity, and connection in comedy and life.

    • Exploring Identity and EthnicityUnderstanding and respecting differences, asking questions, and being open-minded are key to building empathy and respect in our interactions with people from diverse backgrounds.

      Identity and ethnicity can be complex and multifaceted, as illustrated in this conversation between two individuals discussing their own backgrounds and experiences. The conversation touches on various topics, including ancestry, ethnicity, and work, and reveals the importance of understanding and respecting differences. The exchange also highlights the importance of asking questions and being open-minded, as well as the potential for misconceptions and stereotypes. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the need for empathy and respect in our interactions with others, and the value of learning about different cultures and communities.

    • Discussions on being a stay-at-home mom, encounters with different races, and comedy experiencesComedians shared personal stories and humorously addressed sensitive topics, engaging the audience in a lively and interactive conversation.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including stay at home moms, encounters with different races, and experiences in comedy. One man shared his unique experience of meeting his grandfather and father at the same time, while another comedian discussed his upbringing as the only black person in a small town. The conversation also touched upon the use of offensive language and the different perspectives on its acceptance. The comedians shared their comedy styles, with some focusing on premises and others on personal experiences. The overall tone was light-hearted and humorous, despite touching upon sensitive topics. The audience was engaged and interactive, adding to the lively energy of the conversation.

    • Nathan's passion for comedy and his unique personalityNathan, an approachable and hardworking individual with a red beard and unique sense of humor, shared his passion for comedy and experiences, including his first time doing stand-up and love for Ohio, as well as discussing hecklers and friendship.

      Nathan, despite his intimidating presence, is a likable and hardworking individual who has been working at a meat and seafood counter in a grocery store for three years. He has a distinctive red beard and a unique sense of humor. During their conversation, they discussed various topics, including Nathan's first time doing stand-up comedy and his love for the state of Ohio. Nathan revealed that he had always wanted to do comedy and was a big fan, but was nervous and shy growing up. The conversation also touched on the topic of hecklers during live podcasts and the unusual name "Andy Koons," which led to a discussion about racial sensitivity and friendships. Overall, the conversation showcased Nathan's personality and sense of humor, as well as his passion for comedy.

    • The complexities of race and forming connectionsAuthenticity, vulnerability, and open communication are essential in building meaningful connections, regardless of race.

      The topic of race and forming connections can be a sensitive and complex issue. In the conversation between Andy and the podcast host, Andy expressed his frustration with the perception that friendships with him, as a white person, would be temporary or insignificant to black people. However, it was later clarified that Andy did have black friends and family members. The conversation also touched on the challenges of balancing work, family, and personal pursuits, such as stand-up comedy. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, vulnerability, and open communication in building meaningful connections with people from all walks of life.

    • Parenting and comedy collideParenting and comedy provide unexpected connections and humorous anecdotes, from breastfeeding confusion to concerns about accidental harm.

      The conversation between the hosts and their guests touched on various topics including parenting, comedy, and personal struggles. A humorous exchange ensued when one of the hosts discussed her confusion about breastfeeding and co-sleeping, leading to a conversation about safety concerns and narcissistic tendencies. Another guest shared his experience of having a large size and the concerns of accidentally rolling over on his child, resulting in a humorous anecdote about being woken up by his wife's punch. The conversation also included discussions on student loan debt, growing up in small towns, and the challenges of being a comedian. Throughout the conversation, there was a sense of camaraderie and humor, showcasing the guests' relatability and ability to connect with the audience.

    • Comedy rooted in sadness and small victoriesDespite challenges, individuals pursue passion for comedy as a way to cope with sadness and find small victories

      Comedy, as shared by the speaker, is rooted in sadness and the pursuit of small victories amidst challenges. The speaker, who lives in Fort Wayne, shared stories about his brother, his past as a comedian, and the loss of their weekly open mic due to a fire. He also touched on the difficulty of being a comedian in Fort Wayne due to limited opportunities. Despite these challenges, the speaker continues to pursue his passion for comedy, which he described as a way to deal with sadness. Another key takeaway is the self-deprecating nature of comedy, as the speaker joked about being selfish and making dirt. Overall, the conversation highlighted the resilience and creativity of individuals in the face of adversity.

    • A comedian's first performance: A story of brotherly love and embarrassmentCorey Macafus's debut stand-up comedy performance showcased his confidence, humor, and storytelling ability, leaving a lasting impression on the audience despite an awkward anecdote involving his brother and a school crush.

      The speaker, Corey Macafus, shared an embarrassing story from his past involving his brother and a school crush, demonstrating his confidence and sense of humor on stage during his first stand-up comedy performance. Corey, a special fabrication and welding expert, entertained the audience with his unique perspective on life, including a humorous anecdote about jerking off in the shower with a classmate's picture. Despite the initial awkwardness, Corey's storytelling ability and comedic timing left a lasting impression on the audience. The conversation also touched on various topics such as dirt making, high nutrient top soil, and fabrication work.

    • Overused comedy topics limit potentialFocus on personal experiences and diverse subjects to engage audiences effectively. Find your unique voice and continually refine it.

      Attempting to rely on overused and hackneyed topics like "jerk off stories" in stand-up comedy can limit one's potential and hinder the ability to showcase unique and interesting content. Instead, comedians should focus on sharing personal experiences and diverse subject matters to engage and entertain audiences effectively. The conversation also touched upon the various opportunities available in the comedy field and the importance of having hobbies and interests outside of comedy. Ultimately, the key is to find one's unique voice and style, and to continually refine and develop it through practice and experimentation.

    • From Civil Engineer to Comedian: A Nomadic LifeDespite a varied and nomadic life, the speaker found passion in comedy and continues to explore new opportunities, remaining optimistic through challenges

      The speaker, a civil engineer turned comedian, has had a varied and nomadic life, moving frequently due to his father's military career and pursuing different opportunities, including civil engineering and comedy. He found himself in Indianapolis after being laid off from his engineering job in San Jose. Although he didn't excel at engineering, he discovered his passion for comedy and has been performing and hosting a wrestling podcast for several years. He also enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons. Despite the challenges and setbacks, the speaker remains optimistic and continues to explore new opportunities.

    • Unexpected comparison and being a non-conformist comedianComedians Brad and Kyle shared their experiences of dealing with unexpected comparisons and being non-conformists in their respective fields. Brad was compared to an autistic comedian, which he found confusing and offensive, while Kyle enjoys his job as a beer delivery driver despite being a comedian. They both found humor in their unique situations.

      The comedian, Brad, had an unexpected experience during a show where a fan compared him to an autistic comedian, which he found both confusing and somewhat offensive. He also shared his experiences of being a straight edge guy in the comedy world, where his friends often suggest coping mechanisms like drinking or smoking pot, which he doesn't partake in. Additionally, Brad shared some lighthearted moments, such as almost breaking his neck on a stool after smoking pot and his love for wrestling. Another comedian, Kyle, was introduced, who recently started working for a beer company and gets to try new beers as part of his job as a delivery driver. The conversation also touched upon Brad's background and experiences, including growing up with parents who took him to pro wrestling events. Overall, the conversation showcased the comedians' unique perspectives and experiences, as well as their ability to find humor in everyday situations.

    • Unexpected appearances can hide great talent in comedyComedian Kyle Forsyth, with his unusual appearance and dark humor, proves that looks can be deceiving and that unexpected appearances can hide great talent in the comedy industry

      Looks can be deceiving in comedy. Kyle Forsyth, a comedian with an unusual appearance and sense of humor, shared his experiences of getting a job in the industry and his unique dating story. Despite his dark jokes about his girlfriend's supposed demise, he clarified that she was very much alive and loved by him. Forsyth's comedy style includes dark humor and a penchant for condiment-themed attire. He has been performing for nearly five years and has made a name for himself in the industry. The audience was entertained by his raw and unapologetic humor, showcasing that sometimes, the most unexpected appearances can hide a great talent.

    • First-time roaster Brian Purcell takes on Kill Tony host Tony HinchcliffeA newcomer with courage and preparation can make a successful roast debut, even against a challenging host

      The roaster Brian Purcell showed courage and determination by taking the stage at Kill Tony, despite the host Tony Hinchcliffe's reputation for being difficult to roast. Brian, who was a first-time roaster, came prepared with jokes about surface-level things about Tony and delivered them confidently. The audience was surprised and entertained by his bold move, and Tony himself appreciated Brian's effort and bravery. The episode ended with a teaser for a potential father-and-son roast battle between Brian and his son, who is also interested in stand-up comedy. Overall, Brian's performance demonstrated that anyone can take the stage and try their hand at roasting, regardless of experience or expectations.

    • Experience the Fun at Let's Fest in Fort Wayne and Discover MinnesotaLet's Fest offered laughter and entertainment from comedians Andy Kindler, Jeremiah Watkins, and Joel Berg. The hosts also shared their positive experience of moving to Minnesota, a loving and accepting community ranked as the 4th best state to live and work.

      The Let's Fest in Fort Wayne, Indiana, was an exciting event where comedians, including Andy Kindler, Jeremiah Watkins, and Joel Berg, showcased their talents. The hosts expressed their appreciation for the experience and encouraged listeners to check out Jeremiah Wonders podcast. Additionally, they shared their positive experience of moving to Minnesota, which they found to be an accepting, loving community that opened up new opportunities for their family. CNBC ranks Minnesota as the number 4 best state to live and work, and the hosts encouraged listeners to explore Minnesota.com/live for more information. The festival and the move to Minnesota brought joy, laughter, and new experiences to the hosts and their families.

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    Post Malone, Tim Dillon, Adam Ray, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 05/10/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY HIMS Start your free online visit today at https://hims.com/KILLTONY COOKUNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537)(AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369)(NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT),or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV). 21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). NEW CUSTOMERS: Valid 1 per new customer. Min $5 deposit. No Sweat Bet awarded upon deposit. No SweatBet automatically applied to qualifying first bet. Min. $1 bet. First bet after opting-in must lose. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet upon first bet settlement and in amount of losing bet. Max. $1,500 Bonus Bet. PLAYOFF NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer per day. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends at the conclusion of the NBA playoffs See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/29/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO THE REPLAY LIVESTREAM OF KILL TONY LIVE IN L.A.. - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://www.ExpressVPN.com/KILLTONY and you can get an extra three months FREE! Go to https://liquiddeath.com/TONY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    Dr Phil (Adam Ray), Akaash Singh, Jason Ellis, Preacher Lawson, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/22/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: TALKSPACE: To celebrate May & Mental Health Awareness Month, and the power of talking it out in therapy, Talkspace is offering every listener of Kill Tony $80 off your first month with promo code SPACE80 when you go to https://Talkspace.com/TONY SQUARESPACE: Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! MOOD: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://HelloMood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. MOOD’s potent product lineup is the perfect companion for whatever you have planned this summer! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK
    Daniel Van Kirk, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/15/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO LIVESTREAM KILL TONY. LIVE IN L.A.. ‎(MAY 10 & 12) - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY GAMETIME Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. COOK UNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) (AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369) (NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT), or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV).21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). BET/GET: Valid 1 per new customer. Min. $5 deposit. Min. $5 bet. $150 issued as bonus bets. NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends 5/19/24 11:59 PM ET. See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    Tony Hawk, Harland Williams, Ian Fidance, Jelly Roll, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/08/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Ian Fidance | Wild Happy & Free | Stand Up Special - https://youtu.be/-30PenMy1O8?feature=shared THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: ZIPRECRUITER See why 4 out of 5 employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Just go to this exclusive web address right now to try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE: https://ziprecruiter.com/killtony. SHOPIFY Go to https://shopify.com/killtony now to grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    #660 - ELAINE  + IAN EDWARDS
    Adam Ray, Ian Edwards, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/01/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the Triple Crown action at DraftKings! Download the DK Horse Betting app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/ktderby or through my promo code KTDERBY GAMETIME Take the guesswork out of buying tickets with Gametime. Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. SKYLIGHT CAL Get 15% off a Skylight Calendar at https://skylightcal.com/TONY LIQUID DEATH Go to https://liquiddeath.com/tony to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer MOOD Celebrate 4/20 exactly how you want to with MOOD. Get 20% off your first order plus a free THCa pre-roll at https://hellomood.com with promo code KILLTONY. -- Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. 18+ (21+ in certain states) to open/access an account and resident of state where DK Horse is available. Eligibility restrictions apply. Void where prohibited. Must be at least 18+ years or older (21+ where applicable). Valid 1 per new customer. Min. $25 deposit. Potential bonus amount equal to 100% of deposit after opt-in, up to $250. Deposit must be played-thru twice (2x) and bonus is released in $25 increments (e.g., $250 deposited, $50 wagered, $25 bonus will be released). Wagers must settle within 7 days (exactly 168 hours) following opt-in to be eligible. Excludes Show wagers. Once the play through requirement is met, bonus issued as withdrawable cash. Ends 5/26/24 at 11:59 PM ET. See terms at www.dkhorse.com/bet/offers/details. Sponsored by DK. America’s #1 ranked Horse betting app based on Sensor Tower’s proprietary data models, the DK Horse Racing & Betting App had the highest average rank among Online Horse Racing & Betting Apps in the US App stores 3/29/23-12/31/23. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Episode 66 – Lifelong Learning: IAL at SCOLT Part 1

    Episode 66 – Lifelong Learning: IAL at SCOLT Part 1

    Norah L Jones taps the professional excitement, dedication, and insights of her fellow language education attendees at the SCOLT conference in Norfolk, VA..

    Contact Norah :

    Website: https://fluency.consulting
    Your journey to discover the richness of language starts here. Join us on the website and embark on a learning adventure like never before!

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NorahLulicJones
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fluency-norah-jones


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