

    enMarch 02, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Experience the Kill Tony podcast live and upgrade your walletAttend live shows, bet on sports with 'Tony' code, and upgrade to a Ridge Wallet with discount and free shipping

      The Kill Tony podcast, hosted by Brian Redban, Tony Hinchcliffe, and Quiet Mike, is a live comedy show that tours frequently and can be experienced in person at various locations. Fans can check the tour dates on desk squad.tv and attend the shows to see the house artist Ryan Jebelt's artwork, purchase official merchandise, and enjoy the comedy. Additionally, listeners can bet on sports and win money using the promo code "Tony" on mybookie.ag during March Madness. Another recommendation is to upgrade from an old, clunky wallet to a Ridge Wallet, which offers a sleek design, improved comfort, and various styles and colors. Use the code "killtony" on ridge.com to get a 10% discount and free worldwide shipping and returns. Tune in to the podcast for more information and to discover new tour dates and special announcements.

    • New Member Debuts with Kill Tony BandKill Tony Band welcomed their newest member, Jesse Johnson, for their first official roadshow, while interviewing newcomers to Kung Fu and comedians, creating a lively and unique atmosphere.

      The Kill Tony band's latest episode in Swansea, Massachusetts, marked a significant moment as the newest member, Jesse Johnson, joined them on an official roadshow for the first time. The band members, including Joel Berg Joel Jimenez, were excited about their luxurious accommodations and the large crowd turnout. The show's host, Jeremiah Watkins, interviewed Phyllis Watkins, a newcomer to Kung Fu, and Master Jim. The unique sound of a kitty signaled the end of each interviewee's 60 seconds on stage. Peter Millane, the first comedian, shared his nervousness and shaking hands, which reminded him of his ex-girlfriend's vibrator. He also made controversial remarks about slavery and winning the Olympics. Despite the controversy, the show continued with more interviews and interactions with the audience. Overall, the episode showcased the band's unique energy and the excitement of having a new member on board.

    • A 21-year-old comedian's diverse interestsPeter, a young comedian, studies geology, explores ancient Greek philosophy, enjoys NBA 2K, and has a quirky sense of humor. He's single and has a confident stage presence, as well as a family history of red hair.

      Peter, a 21-year-old comedian from New Jersey, has a unique sense of humor and a diverse range of interests. During a conversation, he shared that he studies geology at the University of Rhode Island and is deeply into ancient Greek philosophy. He also enjoys video games, specifically NBA 2K, and has a quirky sense of humor. When asked about his personal life, he revealed that he has had sex before but is currently single. Despite his young age, Peter has a confident and charismatic stage presence, which was evident during his first stand-up performance. He also mentioned that he has a family history of red hair and has a ginger sister. Overall, Peter's conversation showcased his intelligence, sense of humor, and unique personality.

    • Dating and Honesty: A Personal StoryMatthew Cookson shared his experiences with dating and the importance of honesty, even in awkward situations, while also poking fun at past legal troubles.

      The conversation between the hosts revolved around various topics including politics, comedy, and personal experiences. One of the guests, Matthew Cookson, shared his recent experiences with dating and the challenges he faced post-breakup. He also joked about his past run-ins with the law, which led to discussions about honesty and the importance of being truthful. Elizabeth Warren was mentioned in passing as a political figure, and the hosts made light-hearted comments about her. The conversation was filled with humor, banter, and personal stories, showcasing the hosts' chemistry and their ability to engage with their audience.

    • Matthew's passion for beer and comic books led him to a job at Stony Creek Brewery, while Lam's nickname comes from a friend's observation when he was high.Two comedians shared their unique backgrounds, with Matthew's love for beer and comic books landing him a job, and Lam's nickname derived from a friend's observation while high.

      Matthew works at Stony Creek Brewery as a tasting room manager, a job he obtained after drinking a significant amount of beer there for six months. He also has a passion for comic books and Magic: The Gathering, and has an interesting tattoo of an Insane Clown Posse design made out of bacon. Despite his inability to answer questions honestly and in a timely manner, he was able to share some intriguing details about his past, such as reaching the rank of Weeblow in the Boy Scouts. Lam Benoski, the next comedian, revealed that his nickname came from a friend who thought he looked like a lamb when he was high. Despite feeling uncomfortable about being pulled up on stage, he delivered a set with humor and self-deprecation.

    • Finding comfort in skills and savingsDespite hardships, focus on valuable assets and a positive attitude to make the best of what we have, and continuously strive for improvement

      No matter our circumstances, we all have the potential to improve and make the most of what we have. Lam, despite facing job loss and financial uncertainty, found comfort in the savings he had accumulated and the skills he had developed. He may not have been able to sell lip rings, but his experience as a machinist and his passion for drumming were valuable assets. It's important to remember that things may not always be perfect, but with a positive attitude and a willingness to try, we can make the best of what we have. Additionally, Jim's perspective on always striving for improvement, no matter how small, is a valuable lesson for us all.

    • Mexican Drum Off on Kill Tony: Unpredictable and ExcitingUnexpected wins and showcasing comedic and musical talents can lead to fame and opportunities.

      The show "Kill Tony" held a Mexican drum off where the winner would become the full-time drummer and travel with the group to various shows in different cities. Contestant Joel Jimenez, who had previously been an unknown boy without a passport, won the competition after delivering a comedic and impressive drum solo. However, his opponent, Lambanoski, was also a skilled drummer, making the competition intense. Jimenez's unexpected win and performance were met with shock and awe from the crowd, highlighting the unpredictability and excitement of the show. The audience was left in shambles, holding on for dear life as Jimenez showcased his comedic and musical talents. The show emphasizes the importance of taking risks and seizing opportunities, as Jimenez went from being an unknown boy to a superstar in one night.

    • A first-time comedian's unexpected connections to pop culture figuresJohn Wayne Pinkney's debut performance showcased his ability to entertain with personal stories and surprising celebrity encounters, despite coming from an unassuming background in East Greenwich, Rhode Island.

      The comedian, John Wayne Pinkney, shared his unique experiences growing up and his unexpected connections to pop culture figures during his stand-up debut. Despite not being well-known, he managed to entertain the audience with his stories about growing up in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, and his encounters with celebrities like Jenna Villanue and Vince McMahon. Pinkney's background in sales and his family's history, which includes ancestors who were senators and a Spanish ambassador, added intrigue to his act. Despite some edgy jokes, the audience appreciated his humor and his ability to find common ground with them. Pinkney's performance demonstrated that even a first-time comedian can captivate an audience with personal stories and unexpected connections.

    • Authenticity and Confidence in Stand-Up ComedyAuthentic personal experiences, humor, and confidence are crucial for a successful stand-up comedy performance.

      While it's possible to make people laugh with seemingly trivial or silly subjects, it's much more effective to have a serious topic and a strong punchline. Comedians were warned that mentioning it's their first time on stage can make them seem desperate for sympathy, and it's important to connect with the audience through sharing personal experiences or perspectives. Ryan Donovan, a new comedian, was praised for his quick wit and ability to adapt to the stage, despite being nervous. Overall, the key takeaway is that authenticity, humor, and confidence are essential for a successful stand-up comedy performance.

    • Exploring Ryan's Eclectic LifeRyan Donovan shares stories about his unique blend of work, relationships, and hobbies, including overcoming a cat allergy with his girlfriend's help and the unusual dynamics of their pet collection.

      The interviewee, Ryan Donovan, leads an eclectic life, working in woodcraft for a tabletop gaming company, living with his girlfriend and their collection of cats and dogs, and being a fan of podcasts like Kill Tony. The conversation also revealed some interesting anecdotes, such as how his girlfriend managed to help him overcome his cat allergy and their unusual pet dynamics. The conversation veered off into various topics, including their favorite hobbies, movies, and even banking industry jokes. Despite the tangents, the conversation remained engaging and provided a glimpse into Ryan's personal life.

    • New comedian shares relatable story with humor during stand-up debutA new comedian, Sean Nolan, engaged the audience with a relatable story about measuring his penis size during his stand-up debut on Kill Tony. Despite limited experience, he demonstrated confidence and stage presence, revealing his unique energy and ability to connect with the crowd. Encouraged to refine his act with shorter, tighter sets.

      Sean Nolan, a new comedian, effectively used a relatable story with humor during his stand-up debut on Kill Tony. He shared an experience from middle school about measuring his penis size and turned it into a comedic tale, engaging the audience and demonstrating confidence and stage presence. Despite his limited experience in stand-up, he showed potential with his unique energy and ability to connect with the crowd. Additionally, Nolan revealed that he is from a small town in Massachusetts and works in a custom apparel business with his brother. The interviewers praised his performance and encouraged him to keep refining his act by focusing on shorter, tighter sets.

    • Parenting and Personal Goals: A Balancing ActDespite the challenges, being present and committed to family is essential for parents pursuing personal goals and relationships.

      Both Sean Nolan and Megan Langley share their experiences of being parents while pursuing their personal goals and relationships. Sean discussed his unexpected fatherhood at a young age and the challenges of raising a child as a single parent. Megan, on the other hand, shared her decision to get married again despite being older and out of shape. Both comedians emphasized the importance of being present and committed to their families, despite the limitations and challenges they face. Their unique perspectives and honesty resonated with the audience, showcasing the universality of the experiences of parenthood and relationships.

    • Unexpected encounters can lead to new relationshipsPeople's past experiences shape their present and openness to new connections, respecting boundaries is crucial

      People's past experiences, including marriages, can shape their present choices and perceptions. During a conversation, a woman shared that she was on her second marriage and had met her current partner unexpectedly at a wedding years after they had first crossed paths. She emphasized that she didn't want to discuss her previous marriage, respecting its confidentiality. The conversation then took a light-hearted turn with jokes about cats, turtles, and Ninja Turtles. Despite the seemingly random topics, it highlighted the importance of finding joy and interest in everyday experiences. The woman's past experiences, including her marriages, had led her to where she was in the present, and she was open to new connections and experiences. The conversation served as a reminder that everyone has a unique story and that respecting people's boundaries and experiences is essential.

    • Protecting Ex-Husband's Privacy During Stand-Up PerformanceDuring a stand-up comedy performance, choosing to protect personal information can lead to mixed reactions from the audience, but it doesn't define a person's overall likability.

      During a stand-up comedy performance on "Kill Tony," a contestant named Megan chose to protect her ex-husband's privacy instead of sharing potentially interesting information, leading to some frustration from the audience. The audience, who are avid fans of the show, were intrigued by the possibility of hearing about her first marriage but were disappointed when she declined to discuss it. The audience perceived this decision as unlikable, as they felt she was withholding information that could have made her interview more engaging. However, it's important to note that unlikability doesn't equate to being an unlikable person overall. The path Megan chose during her performance wasn't the most likable route, but it doesn't define her as an unlikable person. The audience encouraged her to try again, write a different minute, and commit to it with more confidence. They also suggested she find creative ways to answer questions or avoid them altogether with humor. Overall, the audience wanted to see Megan succeed and appreciated her unique perspective, even if they didn't agree with her choices during the performance.

    • Santa's Unique Christmas ExperiencesSanta faced challenges but enjoyed unique experiences, shared hobbies, and attended comedy shows during the busy Christmas season.

      Despite unexpected challenges, like Brody Stevens' unexpected passing and a busy schedule, Santa managed to have a fantastic Christmas season. He shared his unique experiences as Santa Claus, from long photo shoots to encounters with various women, and revealed his hobbies outside of the Santa suit, including being a steel worker. Despite his busy schedule, he still found time to attend comedy shows and enjoy his personal life. The conversation also touched upon the topic of interracial relationships and Santa's knowledge of pop culture. Overall, the conversation provided a glimpse into Santa's life beyond the jolly exterior.

    • A comedian shares his connection to hip hop artists and an embarrassing backyard discoveryTwo comedians shared humorous stories about their past experiences, from growing up with hip hop legends to unexpected discoveries in their own lives, keeping the audience entertained throughout the episode of Kill Tony.

      The speaker, who grew up in the eighties and ninas, shares a unique connection with hip hop artists like Snoop Dogg and NWA. He also has an intriguing story about owning a house with a buried body in the backyard, which he only discovered after the fact. Despite this embarrassing situation, he maintains a lighthearted and humorous attitude. Another comedian, Johnny Bettencourt, also shared his experiences, including his newfound desire for privacy from creditors and a humorous encounter in a public bathroom. Both comedians brought their unique perspectives and humor to the stage, making for an entertaining episode of Kill Tony.

    • Unexpected musical performance by JohnnyEmbrace unexpected opportunities and showcase hidden talents. Johnny's impromptu a capella performance on the show highlighted the importance of these values.

      Johnny Betancourt, a musician and guest on the show, showcased his unexpected musical talent during an impromptu performance. Despite his initial reluctance and dislike for karaoke, he eventually sang an a capella piece, impressing the audience with his vocal abilities. This unexpected moment highlighted the importance of embracing unexpected opportunities and showcasing hidden talents. Johnny's performance also underscored the theme of family and musical influences, as he comes from a lineage of musicians. Overall, this unplanned musical interlude brought an exciting and memorable conclusion to the show.

    • Mark McGwin's Surprising Musical PerformanceComedian Mark McGwin entertained the crowd with humor, then sang Etta James' 'At Last,' leaving everyone in awe, highlighting his unexpected musical talent.

      Mark McGwin, a comedian known for his social media handle "gimme noise music," entertained a crowd with his humor, poking fun at his gym experiences and misconceptions. Despite his initial assertion that he wasn't a musician, he surprised the audience by singing Etta James' "At Last," leaving everyone in awe. The event also featured other performers, including Jesse Johnson and Ludwig artist, and attendees had the opportunity to meet and interact with them. The night was significant for McGwin as it marked a connection with a dedicated fanbase that had supported him since his early headlining days.

    • Artist's Gratitude for FansArtist values fan loyalty, promises new shows, and expresses gratitude. Dedication to creating fresh material strengthens fan connection.

      The artist values the loyalty and support of their fans, and they strive to put on new and exciting performances to keep them engaged. The artist expresses gratitude towards their fans for being present at their shows and promises more dates to be announced soon. The artist's dedication to creating fresh material is a testament to their commitment to their fans and their craft. It's clear that the relationship between the artist and their fans is a mutually beneficial one, with the artist's passion fueling the fans' loyalty and enthusiasm. The artist's appreciation for their fans is evident in their words, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of connection and community in the world of music and entertainment.

    Recent Episodes from KILL TONY


    Shane Gillis, James McCann, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/10/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Go to https://shopify.com/killtony now to grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJuly 02, 2024


    Luis J Gomez, Sal Vulcano, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/03/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Head to https://www.squarespace.com/killtony to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code KILLTONY Go to https://liquiddeath.com/TONY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer Find your forever cookware @hexclad and get 10% off at https://hexclad.com/TONY #hexcladpartner Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 25, 2024

    #668 - SAM TALLENT

    #668 - SAM TALLENT
    KILL TONY #668 Sam Tallent, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 06/27/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. Get $80 off your first month with promo code SPACE80 at https://talkspace.com/tony Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://hellomood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. Your summer wardrobe awaits! Get 20% off @chubbies with the code TONY at https://www.chubbiesshorts.com/tony #chubbiespod Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 18, 2024


    Adam Devine, Harland Williams, David Koechner, Bruce Buffer, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 05/12/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassic.com/killtony #trueclassicpod Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! Protect your online privacy TODAY by visiting https://expressVPN.com/killtony Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 11, 2024


    Post Malone, Tim Dillon, Adam Ray, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 05/10/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY HIMS Start your free online visit today at https://hims.com/KILLTONY COOKUNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537)(AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369)(NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT),or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV). 21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). NEW CUSTOMERS: Valid 1 per new customer. Min $5 deposit. No Sweat Bet awarded upon deposit. No SweatBet automatically applied to qualifying first bet. Min. $1 bet. First bet after opting-in must lose. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet upon first bet settlement and in amount of losing bet. Max. $1,500 Bonus Bet. PLAYOFF NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer per day. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends at the conclusion of the NBA playoffs See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 04, 2024


    Jim Florentine, Erik Griffin, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/29/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM SQUARESPACE: Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! MOOD: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://HelloMood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. MOOD’s potent product lineup is the perfect companion for whatever you have planned this summer! EXPRESSVPN: Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://expressvpn.com/killtony Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 28, 2024


    William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/29/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO THE REPLAY LIVESTREAM OF KILL TONY LIVE IN L.A.. - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://www.ExpressVPN.com/KILLTONY and you can get an extra three months FREE! Go to https://liquiddeath.com/TONY to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 21, 2024


    Dr Phil (Adam Ray), Akaash Singh, Jason Ellis, Preacher Lawson, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/22/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: TALKSPACE: To celebrate May & Mental Health Awareness Month, and the power of talking it out in therapy, Talkspace is offering every listener of Kill Tony $80 off your first month with promo code SPACE80 when you go to https://Talkspace.com/TONY SQUARESPACE: Need to build a website? Head to Squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to https://www.squarespace.com/KILLTONY to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain! MOOD: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://HelloMood.com and use promo code KILLTONY. MOOD’s potent product lineup is the perfect companion for whatever you have planned this summer! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 13, 2024

    #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK

    #662 - DANIEL VAN KIRK
    Daniel Van Kirk, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/15/2024 GET YOUR TICKETS TO LIVESTREAM KILL TONY. LIVE IN L.A.. ‎(MAY 10 & 12) - KILLTONYLIVE.COM TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: DRAFTKINGS Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/killtony or through my promo code KILLTONY GAMETIME Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code KILLTONY for $20 off your first purchase. COOK UNITY Go to https://cookunity.com/tony or enter code TONY before checkout for 50% off your first week. -- GAMBLING PROBLEM? CALL 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) (AZ/CO/IA/IL/IN/KS/KY/LA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/OH/OR/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY), (800) 327-5050 or visit gamblinghelplinema.org (MA). Call 877-8-HOPENY/text HOPENY (467369) (NY). Please Gamble Responsibly. Call 1-800-522-4700 (NH), 888-789-7777/visit ccpg.org (CT), or visit www.1800gambler.net (WV).21+ (18+ KY/NH/WY). Physically present in AZ/CO/CT/IL/IN/IA/KS/KY/LA (select parishes)/MA/MD/ME/MI/NC/NJ/NY/OH/PA/TN/VA/VT/WV/WY only. Void in ONT/OR/NH. Eligibility restrictions apply. On behalf of Boot Hill Casino & Resort (KS). BET/GET: Valid 1 per new customer. Min. $5 deposit. Min. $5 bet. $150 issued as bonus bets. NO SWEAT: Valid 1 per customer. Opt-in req. Receive 1 No Sweat Bet token for NBA SGP and SGPx bets only. Req. min. legs and odds per leg may vary each day when offered. Must meet qualifying bet criteria and select token BEFORE placing qualifying bet. Qualifying bet must lose. Max. bet limits apply. Tokens are single-use and expire at the end of the last NBA game each day. Reward issued as 1 Bonus Bet in the amount of losing bet. Bonus bets expire 7 days (168 hours) after being awarded. Bonus bets must be wagered 1x before any resulting cash winnings can be withdrawn and stake is not included in winnings. Ends 5/19/24 11:59 PM ET. See terms at dkng.co/bball. Sponsored by DK. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    Tony Hawk, Harland Williams, Ian Fidance, Jelly Roll, William Montgomery, Casey Rocket, Kam Patterson, Hans Kim, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Kino Loasis, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban – 04/08/2024 TONY HINCHCLIFFE @TONYHINCHCLIFE TONYHINCHCLIFFE.COM BRIAN REDBAN @REDBAN DEATHSQUAD.TV SUNSETSTRIPATX.COM Ian Fidance | Wild Happy & Free | Stand Up Special - https://youtu.be/-30PenMy1O8?feature=shared THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: ZIPRECRUITER See why 4 out of 5 employers who post on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day. Just go to this exclusive web address right now to try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE: https://ziprecruiter.com/killtony. SHOPIFY Go to https://shopify.com/killtony now to grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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