
    Know Where Every Dollar Is Going Before the Month Begins

    en-usApril 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Weighing the pros and cons of paying off multiple mortgagesConsidering multiple mortgages? Evaluate the benefits of having one mortgage versus managing multiple, and factor in your comfort level with being a landlord and potential rental income.

      When considering multiple mortgages and deciding between paying off existing ones or using savings for a new mortgage, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option. In this specific case, a caller named Ian was deciding between paying off two existing mortgages and having one primary mortgage with renters, or leaving the renters in place and taking on a third mortgage. The Ramsey Show hosts, Rachel Cruz and George Camel, advised Ian to pay off the existing mortgages if possible, as having one mortgage instead of multiple reduces risk and simplifies financial management. However, Ian should also consider his comfort level with being a landlord and the potential rental income from the properties. The hosts also suggested that Ian could potentially use the rental income to pay off the new mortgage more quickly. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual circumstances, including income, savings, and personal preferences.

    • Impact of paying off multiple mortgages on future down paymentsPaying off multiple mortgages can impact your ability to make a large down payment for future mortgages. Consider selling a property and using the proceeds instead.

      When considering paying off multiple mortgages, it's essential to consider the potential impact on your down payment for future mortgages. If you use your savings to pay off the first two mortgages, you may have limited funds for a down payment on your third mortgage. Selling one of the properties and using the proceeds for your primary mortgage could be an alternative. Paying off mortgages aggressively can help reduce interest paid over time, and it's not necessary to keep a primary mortgage for 30 years. By focusing on paying off debts in a debt snowball fashion, you can free up payments faster and work towards becoming debt-free as quickly as possible. Ultimately, the goal is to make informed decisions about your debt repayment strategy while also considering ways to diversify your wealth-building strategy.

    • Struggling to Afford New HomeDespite a large deposit, the couple's income can't support the financial burden of their desired new home, making it necessary to consider alternative options or saving up more to minimize future mortgage payments.

      Based on their current financial situation and mortgage approval, the couple is facing significant financial strain if they were to proceed with purchasing their new build home. With a potential mortgage payment of over $5,000 per month and limited rental options in their area exceeding $3,500, they would be struggling to make ends meet. Additionally, the husband's military posting and potential inability to move, along with the large deposit they had already paid, make it difficult for them to continue with the purchase. The expert's advice was to consider releasing the deposit and saving up to minimize mortgage payments in the future, as their current income would not support the financial burden of the new home.

    • Effective Financial Decision Making in MarriageTransparency, understanding, and collaboration are crucial for effective financial decision making in marriage. Both partners should be informed and involved in major financial decisions to avoid unexpected consequences, and consider the long-term implications of financial commitments.

      Financial decisions, especially those involving significant amounts of money, should be made collaboratively by both partners in a marriage. The conversation in the text highlights the importance of transparency and understanding the financial situation thoroughly before making decisions. The couple in question had not communicated effectively about a large financial transaction, leading to potential financial strain. It's essential for both partners to be informed and involved in major financial decisions to avoid unexpected consequences. Additionally, the text emphasizes the importance of being debt-free and considering the long-term implications of financial commitments. Renting or staying put instead of buying a house can be a wiser decision for those who move around frequently or have unpredictable income. Overall, the text encourages open communication, financial literacy, and careful consideration when making financial decisions.

    • Motivation and Guidance for Effective Financial HabitsAttend events like Total Money Makeover Live for inspiration and practical tips on managing money, considering work-life balance and potential income opportunities to achieve financial goals while maintaining personal happiness.

      Financial habits are crucial in managing money, and events like the Total Money Makeover Live can provide motivation and guidance for implementing effective habits, whether you're new to financial planning or need a refresher. Nicole's situation highlights the importance of considering work-life balance and potential income opportunities, even if it means leaving a dream job. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between financial goals and personal happiness. The Total Money Makeover Live event offers a range of advice on various financial topics, making it an excellent resource for those looking to improve their financial situation.

    • Adapting to Life's Changes and New OpportunitiesBe open to new opportunities and adapt to life's changes, even if they don't align perfectly with past goals. Consider current circumstances and long-term goals when making decisions.

      Life's dreams and circumstances can change, and it's important to be open to new opportunities even if they don't align perfectly with past goals. For instance, a woman in the conversation had been pursuing her dream job but decided to take a new position to prioritize her family and gain more flexibility. This shift may come with some grief, but it's essential to recognize that dreams evolve, and it's okay to adapt. Another person in the conversation, Shane, wanted to buy a car for himself but was unsure if he should spend a significant amount of money on it. The advice given was to consider their rule of thumb, which is not to spend more than half of their annual income on anything with wheels and motors. Shane had the cash and no debts, so he was encouraged to make the purchase if he was willing to accept the potential loss in value. Both situations illustrate the importance of being adaptable to life's twists and turns and making decisions based on current circumstances while keeping long-term goals in mind.

    • Emphasizing the importance of being prepared with term life insuranceConsider term life insurance for peace of mind, apply touchlessly with Zander Insurance for competitive rates, and seek professional advice for long-term financial planning.

      Life's uncertainties emphasize the importance of being prepared, especially with term life insurance. Zander Insurance, a recommended company for over 25 years, simplifies the process with touchless applications and competitive rates without requiring exams. Meanwhile, when faced with unexpected expenses, it's crucial to evaluate the situation and consider all available options. In the case of a well issue, it might be necessary to dip into an emergency fund, but careful planning and potential temporary fixes can help minimize the impact. Remember, word of mouth is a powerful tool for spreading the message, and everyone can contribute by sharing positive and educational content. When in doubt, seek professional advice and always consider the long-term consequences of financial decisions.

    • Considering a used well drilling rig purchase? Experts advise inspection, negotiation, and potential resale.When facing a significant financial decision, carefully consider all factors, negotiate the best deal, and explore potential resale value.

      Elise and her husband are considering purchasing a used well drilling rig to solve their water issue, but they're hesitant due to uncertainty about the rig's condition. The experts on the show suggest inspecting the rig, negotiating the price, and potentially selling it once they're done to make some money back. Another caller, Andy, is considering a job offer that would require a long commute, but the experts advise him to weigh the pros and cons carefully, considering his current financial situation and family circumstances. Overall, the experts emphasize the importance of careful consideration and negotiation when making significant financial decisions.

    • Focus on debt freedom, emergency fund, and home savingsAs a single mom, prioritize debt freedom, create an emergency fund, and save for a home to secure your family's future.

      Tanasia, a single mom from Nashville with a one-year-old daughter and significant debt, was seeking advice on how to become financially free. The expert suggested focusing on becoming completely debt-free first, then building an emergency fund, and saving for a down payment on a new home. Tanasia's high income, around $150,000 per year, could potentially allow her to pay off her debt within two years if she was disciplined with her budget. The expert recommended using a budgeting app to help Tanasia stay intentional with every dollar and make a debt snowball payment plan to tackle her debt effectively. The key message was to not let the time without a large housing expense go to waste and to prioritize financial goals despite the challenges of being a single mom.

    • Monica's Inheritance DilemmaConsider keeping savings for personal use and avoid potential inheritance tax complications, or sell properties to cover costs. Consult experts for advice before making decisions.

      The speaker, Monica, is facing a difficult decision regarding her savings and an inherited house with potential inheritance taxes. She is considering using her savings to cover the taxes to prevent the house from being sold, but she's unsure if it's a wise investment. Monica is also close to paying off her own home and wonders if she should sell it to cover the inheritance taxes instead. The value of her primary home and the inheritance tax amount are unknown, adding to her uncertainty. The speaker advises Monica to keep her savings for herself and not get involved with the house and potential siblings' involvement. Additionally, Dave Ramsey is hosting a virtual event, "Dave Ramsey's Investing Essentials," where attendees can learn about investing, including real estate and market strategies. The event offers access to the content for a week after the live event, and tickets are $249.

    • Getting Your Name Off Co-signed Loans or Debts in CollectionsIf dealing with co-signed loans or debts in collections, consider refinancing or hiring an attorney to get your name off. Negotiating a settlement for debts in collections may depend on age and amount.

      If you have co-signed a loan with someone and want to get your name off it, you may need to refinance the loan or hire an attorney to help facilitate the process. This is especially important if the co-signer is not making consistent payments and you no longer have contact with them. Additionally, if you have debts in collections, you can try negotiating a settlement, but it may depend on the age and amount of the debt. It's important to avoid giving collectors access to your bank account and instead use methods like money orders or cashier checks for payments. If possible, eliminating collections and co-signed loans can significantly improve your financial situation. Cassie, from the call, was dealing with a $3,000 debt in collections and a $45,000 car loan co-signed with her ex-husband. She was advised to either refinance the loan or hire an attorney to get her name off it, as she had no contact with her ex-husband. For the $3,000 debt, she was encouraged to try negotiating a settlement, but it may depend on the age and amount of the debt. It's important to remember that co-signing a loan is a commitment to pay if the primary borrower cannot, so it's crucial to ensure the borrower is reliable before agreeing to co-sign.

    • Exploring alternative income streams and financial educationUber driver earns extra $1k/month, financial education offers tools for debt freedom, identity theft protection is important.

      There are various ways to earn extra income and improve financial situations, even with limited time or resources. The story of an Uber driver making an additional thousand dollars a month by working only a few days a week serves as an encouraging example. Financial education, such as Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, can provide valuable knowledge and tools to help manage money effectively and get out of debt. Identity theft protection can also be an essential investment, especially for those who have previously experienced identity theft or are concerned about potential threats. The math of creating a budget and setting financial goals can bring hope and a clear path towards debt freedom.

    • Protect Your Identity with Credit Freezing and ID Theft ProtectionFreeze credit with bureaus, use ID theft protection, be cautious with passwords, avoid sensitive info online, consider selling land to clear debts, evaluate market value and benefits

      Protecting your identity is crucial in today's data-driven world. Freezing your credit with credit bureaus is an essential step to prevent new accounts from being opened in your name. ID theft protection, such as Xander, acts as an affordable insurance policy, notifying you of any compromised information and providing restoration services. While being cautious with passwords and avoiding leaving sensitive information online is important, these additional measures add an extra layer of security. If you own debt and land, consider evaluating the financial implications of selling the land to clear your debts. It's essential to understand the market value of your property and weigh the benefits of selling versus keeping it for future use.

    • Consider long-term consequences before selling assetsWhile selling assets can provide a financial boost, it's crucial to prioritize long-term behavior change to avoid returning to a similar financial situation. Separate business and personal debt, focus on cash payments, and eliminate debt to secure a stable financial future.

      While selling an asset like land for financial gain can provide a significant boost to one's financial situation, it's essential to consider the long-term consequences. The speaker in this discussion encourages Emily and her husband to examine their past financial mistakes and make a commitment to eliminating debt and living below their means. Although selling the land could free them from debt and provide a head start towards their financial goals, it's crucial to prioritize long-term behavior change to avoid returning to a similar financial situation. The speaker also suggests separating business and personal debt and focusing on paying for expenses with cash instead of relying on credit. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of making deliberate financial decisions and committing to long-term financial discipline.

    • Financial instability in a job can outweigh personal enjoymentPrioritize financial stability over personal enjoyment in a job to secure a consistent income and improve financial planning and debt repayment.

      It's important to prioritize financial stability and consider leaving a job that consistently fails to meet financial obligations, even if it's a source of personal enjoyment. The speaker, who is a stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher, shared her experience of working for a boss who frequently failed to pay her on time, leaving her in a difficult financial situation despite her hustle to make extra income. She emphasized that the uncertainty of her paychecks made it challenging to plan and pay off her debt. While she loved her job, the financial instability ultimately outweighed the benefits. The discussion also touched on the importance of gratitude and the speaker's excitement about her new kids book.

    • Prioritize Financial Stability and Well-BeingFight for earned income, reconsider toxic work relationships, and explore alternative sources of income to secure financial stability and improve well-being.

      It's important to prioritize financial stability and value your time. If you're working for someone who isn't paying you on time or owes you money, it may be worth reconsidering the relationship, especially if the income is not matching the work you're putting in. It's not being selfish to fight for what you've earned. Additionally, if you find yourself in a toxic work environment, it may be time to explore other opportunities where you can replace the income and reduce stress. Consider finding a side hustle or virtual work that aligns with your skills and natural abilities. Remember, it's a long road to wander in, but you can't wander your way out of debt. Take control of your financial future and prioritize your well-being.

    • The importance of supporting your local church through the titheRemember the historical purpose of the tithe: sustaining and growing the local church. It's not about agreeing with every decision but ensuring financial stability. Consider setting aside a portion for your church and another for causes close to your heart.

      While it can be challenging to decide where to allocate your tithe when you don't fully agree with how a church uses its funds, it's essential to remember the purpose of the tithe. The tithe was historically used to sustain and grow the local church. It's not about agreeing with every decision the church makes but ensuring it remains financially stable. Rachel and George suggested considering both the overall heart of the tithe and having grace for smaller decisions. Additionally, if possible, they recommended finding a way to support both the church and the cause closest to your heart. In their household, they set aside 10% for their church and didn't even bring it home, ensuring their local church received consistent support.

    • Understanding the impact of tithesAsk questions and have conversations with church leaders to ensure transparency and trust in the use of tithe money. Be intentional and informed about the impact of donations.

      Giving tithes is an important part of faith and financing, but it's essential to ensure that the money is being used wisely and transparently. Joy shared her experience of wanting to know where her tithe money was going within her church and suggested asking questions and having conversations with church leaders. Rachel added her personal experience of a mission trip and the importance of understanding the impact of donations. Both emphasized the importance of being intentional and informed with where our financial contributions end up. Transparency and communication between givers and organizations are crucial for building trust and ensuring that the spirit of giving remains strong.

    • Avoid unexpected financial issues by regularly checking your credit reportRegularly check your credit report for errors, contact relevant parties to rectify, and pull annually for accuracy.

      Staying on top of your finances is crucial to avoid unexpected issues. Griff, a caller on the show, shared an experience where his wife's student loans were incorrectly reported on their credit report, leading to a potential mortgage issue. To prevent such occurrences, Rachel advised contacting the new student loan company, credit bureaus, and providing proof of error to get the information corrected. Additionally, pulling your credit report annually is recommended to ensure accuracy. For those who are debt-free and considering investments, Rachel suggested considering the pros and cons of buying a property as an investment versus saving for a primary residence. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual circumstances and financial goals.

    • Focus on saving for a down payment to buy a houseSecure a desirable home by saving up a 20% down payment, avoid waiting for market perfection, and steer clear of family rental properties complications.

      Saving up for a down payment is an essential first step towards buying a house, even before considering rental properties. The speaker recommends focusing on saving up a good down payment, ideally 20%, to secure a home in a desirable location. While waiting for the "right time" in the market may seem wise, it's essential to remember that prices generally continue to rise, so getting financially ready is the key. For those who are financially able, buying a home can be a sound investment, even if it's not in their current city or town. The speaker also cautions against involving family in rental properties, as it can lead to complications and potential financial burdens. Overall, the message is to prioritize saving, focus on buying a home, and avoid getting overly involved in long-distance rental properties.

    • The importance of having the right real estate agent and financial principlesA good agent can bring financial confidence and peace of mind, while saving for a child's education and following financial principles leads to positive outcomes.

      Having the right real estate agent can provide financial confidence and peace of mind, even during challenging times in the housing market. The discussion also highlighted the importance of saving for a child's future education through a 529 plan and the emotional benefits of following financial principles to achieve goals, such as staying at home with a newborn. Additionally, the conversation touched on the struggles some individuals face with financial responsibility and the importance of seeking help to get back on track. Regardless of the specific circumstances, the principles of financial literacy and guidance from trusted experts can lead to positive outcomes.

    • Focus on small debts first using the debt snowball methodStart by paying off smallest debts, build an emergency fund, and use extra income to expedite debt repayment.

      To effectively pay off consumer debt, it's essential to create a budget and prioritize paying off debts with the smallest balances first, using the debt snowball method. Eric, for instance, has a total of $36,000 in debt, including a car payment and personal loans. The smallest debt is a $1,300 credit card. To begin, Eric should focus on building a $1,000 emergency fund and then use extra income to pay off the $1,300 credit card debt. Once that's paid off, he can move on to the next smallest debt, and so on. Eric should also consider increasing his income through side hustles or part-time jobs to expedite the debt repayment process. The debt snowball method provides a psychological win and motivation to keep going, making it an effective strategy for getting out of debt.

    • The Power of Accountability and Support in Personal FinanceAccountability and support are essential in managing personal finances and getting out of debt. Utilize tools, memberships, and books to stay on track, and ignore critics to focus on progress.

      Having accountability and support can be crucial in managing personal finances and getting out of debt. The Ramsey Show offered Eric a year of premium membership, tracking tools, and even a book to help him on his debt-free journey. They also emphasized the importance of ignoring critics and focusing on one's own progress. Michael, another caller, shared his success in following the baby steps, but was considering buying a truck worth $44,000 despite having no other debt. The Ramsey team advised him to sell his current car and consider the long-term costs before making the purchase. Overall, the show emphasized the importance of financial discipline, accountability, and support in achieving financial goals.

    • Considering a major purchase? Make sure it fits within your budget and avoid debt.Ensure purchase price doesn't exceed half annual income, find best deal, sell current vehicle privately, and avoid debt to maximize savings and financial progress.

      When considering a major purchase like a car, it's essential to ensure that the purchase price doesn't exceed half of your annual income and that you're paying cash to avoid hurting your financial future. Additionally, it's recommended to find the best deal possible and sell your current vehicle privately to maximize your savings. If you don't have enough cash saved up, it's best to wait until you do before making the purchase. The ultimate goal is to avoid taking on debt and making monthly payments, which can hinder your financial progress. Another important consideration is having sufficient savings for emergencies and future investments, such as rental properties or retirement. In Danny's case, living in an expensive area and feeling that his savings were not enough to buy a house, the experts suggested continuing to save and invest in both real estate and retirement accounts, with the ultimate goal of eventually paying off a home and having no monthly payments.

    • Considering a Property Purchase as an InvestmentBuying a property, even for short-term use, can be a valuable investment. A small down payment can secure a valuable asset, and budgeting tools like EveryDollar can simplify the process.

      Even if you're planning to move within a few years, buying a property, be it a condo or a single-family home, could still be a worthwhile investment. A small down payment, such as $200, can help secure a property worth $500,000. Dave Ramsey emphasizes the importance of taking control of your money and creating a life you love. Using a budgeting app like EveryDollar can make the process of planning and managing your finances less stressful. So, while considering a property purchase, weigh the potential benefits against the costs and make an informed decision. Remember, budgeting doesn't have to be boring, and the right tool can make all the difference. Start budgeting with EveryDollar for free today by visiting RamseySolutions.com/everydollar.

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    All About Family Money Drama!

    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Rising Interest Rates, Variable vs Fixed Mortgages, and How to Take Equity Out of Your Home

    Rising Interest Rates, Variable vs Fixed Mortgages, and How to Take Equity Out of Your Home

    In this episode, we cover the rising interest rate environment that we're currently in here in Canada, and how it can impact you financially.

    We also cover how to decide whether you should go fixed or variable on your mortgage in the current interest rate environment.

    Next, we cover the subject of how you can take out some of the equity that you’ve built up in your home, so that you can either use it to invest, or deploy it elsewhere (without having to actually sell your home).

    We also discuss the Smith Manoeuvre, which is a technique that you can use here in Canada to make your mortgage interest tax-deductible (and be able to invest a bit easier when you pay down your mortgage).

    All this and more on this month's episode. 

    Questions Covered: 

    1. For the first time in over 3 years, the Bank of Canada has started raising interest rates. What should we be considering if we have a variable rate mortgage or have debt that’s tied to the prime rate (like a home equity line of credit)?
    2. For Canadians that have their mortgage coming up for renewal in the near future, or those looking for a new mortgage, based on the current environment, what is the mortgage rate outlook for the coming year and how can those Canadians best decide whether they should go fixed or variable?
    3. From what you’re seeing, what is the real estate market outlook for this coming spring and the rest of the year? Is it likely to be a buyer's market or a seller's market? What kind of buying/selling environment should people be ready for if they are thinking of moving, buying/selling a house?
    4. Home prices have grown substantially over the years making many Canadians who already own a house pretty wealthy on paper, but much of that money or equity is tied up in the house, and I’m sure many of us would like to be able to use some of those gains either for investing, or other things. We’ve probably all heard of using a home equity line of credit (HELOC) to take some of that money out, but what are the other options available to us, and what are the pros and cons of using a HELOC vs these other options? 
    5. On the flip side, with the rising cost of living (we’re hearing about inflation a lot), cash flow is becoming a challenge for some Canadians, making it even more difficult to find extra cash to invest for their retirement, while also paying down their mortgage and other expenses. However, there are strategies to pay down your mortgage and invest at the same time. Can you explain this strategy to listeners that are in this situation? And what are the pros and cons? 

    046: Abundant Love, the New Sexual Health

    046: Abundant Love, the New Sexual Health

    Question for you...Are your most intimate relationships (sexual and otherwise) creating healing, empowerment and joy within you?

    We have a podcast about Sex, Money & Real Estate where each week we bring healthy mindset practices, tools and resources about co-creating, cultivating and nourishing Joyous, Abundant, Mature relationships...because we believe in the possibility of having super successful intimate relationships while having a super successful real estate business!! We call that putting J.A.M. on the Bread! 

    This week's episode is a deep dive into a VERY intimate & mature sexual practice that we believe in... one that continues to create opportunities within us as individuals, and as a couple, for personal growth, healing and transformation.  This is US, sharing very candidly about our lovestyle that is synergistic, dynamic, fluid, and ever-evolving - its a new paradigm in which to view healing, empowerment, joy, health, sex, wellness, relationship, love, creativity, wealth and we call it ABUNDANT LOVE.


    4 Real Estate Trends for Spring

    4 Real Estate Trends for Spring

    Learn 4 real estate trends for Spring that impact housing and mortgages.

    The article is here.

    Are you investing well for financial freedom...or not?

    Financial freedom is a combination of money, compounding and time (my McT Formula). How well you invest, makes a huge difference to your financial future and lifestyle.

    If you only knew where to invest for the long-term, what a difference it would make, because the difference between investing $100k and earning 2% or 10% on your money over 30 years, is the difference between it growing to $181,136 or $1,744,940, an increase of over $1.5 million dollars.

    Your compounding rate, and how well you invest, matters! 


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    I want to take a few seconds to tell you about how I “read” more books and stay ahead of the curve. It’s by not reading books, but instead listening to them – like you are right now! With Audible, there are over 150,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player and…your first audiobook is FREE!

    I suggest you get the audio book of Think and Grow Rich, or you can check out my website Resources page where I list all of my favorite financial books and you see exactly what books I have read and recommend you read. Then get started with Audible by visiting https://lindapjones.com/FreeBook and order your first audio book free! Get Think and Grow Rich or another book from my recommend list, and be sure to get started checking off the books you want to read with your free book from Audible!

    Be Wealthy & Smart,™ is a personal finance show with self-made millionaire Linda P. Jones, America’s Wealth Mentor.™ Learn simple steps that make a big difference to your financial freedom. 

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    Let's Talk Real Estate - Konica and Torrence Join the Show

    Let's Talk Real Estate - Konica and Torrence Join the Show
    Welcome back to the 11th Hour Podcast with Pastor Mike! Today he is sitting down with two real estate professionals, Konica and Torrence. Konica is a Realtor with Realtor Arbitrage Brokers and Torrence is a Southeast Area Manager with Preferred Lending. They are going to get into all of the in's and out's of navigating the home buying process! Great info! Tune in!