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    Having a solid estate plan in place gives you peace of mind that the wealth you build over your lifetime will be passed on to those you care about in accordance with your wishes. A will is a fundamental component of an estate plan, and every adult should have one. But in some cases, a trust might be used to achieve your objectives. Here, we’ll look at wills and the two most common types of trusts: testamentary trusts and living trusts.

    Recent Episodes from Stages | Simple advice to help you win financially

    Everyone should have multiple income sources

    Everyone should have multiple income sources
    These days, with lifestyle expenses soaring, everyone should be creating multiple revenue streams. One income just doesn’t cut it any more. On top of your job, two more ways you can bring in money are developing a side hustle and creating a passive income strategy. Let me tell you about our team of advisors. As a client, you need an advisor to trust when it comes to your future. Your financial plan. We’re all in different stages of life; starting a business or a family, saving for your new home, restructuring your debts, optimizing your cash flow, building your investments or transitioning into retirement. We have to start somewhere. Set up a virtual or in-person meeting with your advisor today.

    Treat Cash Flow Like Royalty

    Treat Cash Flow Like Royalty
    Make cash flow your personal monarch. It is essential for a prosperous future. Because a key part of any wealth strategy involves using your money to make more money. Cash flow management is central to financial planning. Think about how you lived last month. Calculate your personal cash flow by adding up your income. Then, subtract all your expenses. Did you spend more than you made? This is negative cash flow. It means you are going to waste money on hefty credit card interest or loan charges. You also don’t have extra funds available for investing in your future. This month, calculate your cash flow by tracking where your paycheque goes. Create a clear, detailed budget. Learn the difference between fixed expenses and variable expenses.

    You Can Have It All! Invest Responsibly and Profitably

    You Can Have It All! Invest Responsibly and Profitably
    Do you know about Responsible Investing? Let me tell you about our team of advisors. As a client, you need an advisor to trust when it comes to your future. Your financial plan. We’re all in different stages of life; starting a business or a family, saving for your new home, restructuring your debts, optimizing your cash flow, building your investments or transitioning into retirement. We have to start somewhere.

    Six ways to power up your RRSP throughout your career

    Six ways to power up your RRSP throughout your career
    Why has the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) remained so popular over the years? Because it continues to be a tax-efficient way to save money. No matter what point you are at, professionally, the flexibility of this plan offers benefits. Your Carte Financial Group Advisor can help you leverage the power of an RRSP throughout your career. Here are six ways it can help reduce taxes and grow that important nest egg.

    Are you over insured?

    Are you over insured?

    If you are considering the full picture of your financial health, it’s likely you have quite a few insurance policies. In addition to auto and homeowner or tenant insurance, you may have life and disability or critical illness insurance, and possibly creditor insurance and even pet insurance.