
    About this Episode

    In this half of our conversation, Kristen and I get into some juicy discussions on equality, politics and self love. I ask the questions I REALLY want to ask; I push aside the feelings of fear and come from a place of genuine curiosity. I think this pays off :)

    I love how Kristen sums up her journey: it’s been about self love, self acceptance and putting her own needs first. This mirrors my journey too. And that feels like the perfect ending to season 2 of FindingME. 

    Recent Episodes from Finding Me podcast

    45. Kelli: Challenging the norms to find trust in her body's healing journey

    45. Kelli: Challenging the norms to find trust in her body's healing journey

    How do you trust your body when it’s massively let you down? 

    At the age of 25, Kelli is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease of the Central Nervous System. Having never heard of the disease, she follows the medical protocol she’s given and tries to carry on with life and her love of dancing.

    What I find so fascinating about Kelli’s journey with MS is how she learns to listen to and trust her body. She quits the traditional medical route and puts her trust in a Homeopathic doctor and his alternative approach to treating the body as a whole.

    She becomes aware of her emotions and their impact on her symptoms, she learns to work her life around her MS - carving out several careers from home, raising her kids, finding creative outlets and navigating a pandemic.

    Her most recent accomplishment is writing a book, Fabulous in Flats, that documents her journey with MS, how she’s managed her symptoms and the lifestyle and habits that have allowed her to thrive.


    Finding Me podcast
    enMarch 06, 2024

    44. Caitlin: Denial to discovery with Parkinson's Disease

    44. Caitlin: Denial to discovery with Parkinson's Disease

    Caitlin shares her journey with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease. She spends the first six years of her diagnosis in denial, intent on proving her doctors wrong even as her symptoms progressed. Once she accepts her neurological disorder she takes on a million projects so she doesn’t have to face her greatest fear: there is no cure.

    It’s only once all her projects start to fall apart and she hits a very low point does a door in Caitlin’s mental armour crack open to new possibilities. She shares her experience at a recent Joe Dispenza retreat and her new perspective on living and hope for the future. What I find so inspiring about her journey is how she’s found a sense of curiosity - curiosity around her body, her mind and her disorder.

    We cover the importance of processing our emotions, how energy is stored in the body, getting in touch with what our bodies are telling us, how our menstrual cycle can affect medication and believing her health is worth advocating for. 


    Finding Me podcast
    enFebruary 14, 2024

    43. Nona: Opening the mind to new possibilities

    43. Nona: Opening the mind to new possibilities

    Nona shares her life and her 'crying on the bathroom floor moments' as she calls them. She struggled with a congenital disease, chronic pain, compulsivity and addiction. She was also in debt and depressed and hiding it from the world. 

    And then she has an out-of-body experience that changes her life.

    Her mind is opened to a new way of being, a new consciousness that she puts words to as best she can and shares how she moves through the world today, without pain and without addiction. Essentially away from fear and into love.

    This conversation opened my mind to new possibilties; to questioning the stories I'm telling myself and essentially opening myself up to new ways of living. I honestly feel like a different person since this conversation. 

    Finding Me podcast
    enJanuary 10, 2024

    42. Sandra: Wise, vibrant and love for simply being human

    42. Sandra: Wise, vibrant and love for simply being human

    Sandra and I cover everything from giving away our authority, to death, to life’s biggest lessons, to hypnosis and unlearning all the things that we find no longer useful in life. 

    What has stayed with me the most is her love for simply being human. Early in our conversations Sandra says “Everytime i feel my heart break…there is part of me that feels joyful that I can even feel that.”  How beautiful is that?  She is intelligent, funny, reflective, an amazing storyteller and I just took it all in.

    This conversation has been such a gift. A gift to have gotten to know Sandra better. A gift for including other women in the experience. A gift for the unknown possibilities that all this knowledge, perspective and community will bring in the future. 

    Finding Me podcast
    enDecember 13, 2023

    Season 5: From Misery to Mastery

    Season 5: From Misery to Mastery

    A short reflection of the past five years of interviewing women who have found themselves stuck, struggling or depleted. 

    What each woman learned for herself and taught me.

    What necessary life skills we’re never taught in school. 

    How to live life in a new way: with energy, fulfilled, and with internal peace. 

    Welcome to Season 5!


    Finding Me podcast
    enNovember 29, 2023

    41. Marlene: “I was on my own at 14.”

    41. Marlene: “I was on my own at 14.”

    Marlene’s story is a beautiful reminder that anything is possible. You can recreate yourself and start over. Again. And again. And again. 

    At 14, Marlene leaves home, drops out of school and gets a job waitressing. Her early story is one of survival: eating in soup kitchens, foraging for mushrooms and accepting welfare. It’s also one of emotional trauma that left her feeling unwanted and unloved. 

    Marlene’s story has some dark moments but she always finds the courage to keep going, to listen to her intuition, to dream of a family of her own and to find love for herself. And this makes it such a beautiful and inspiring journey. 


    Finding Me podcast
    enJune 14, 2023

    Reflection 5: "Taking responsibility for my life."

    Reflection 5: "Taking responsibility for my life."

    I used to think taking responsibility for where I was in my life meant shaming myself for not being where I had expected to be. I always felt like I was swimming upstream when it came to my career: every job, role, and industry I tried depleted my energy. I was consumed with self-judgement, feeling like I *should* be ahead of where I was. 

    In this snip-it of my conversation with Sarah, she talks about taking responsibility for where she’s at but not in a self-judgement-way but rather in a surrender-way. This opens her up to new ideas and possibilities and I find it so inspiring how she takes action to bring them to life. 


    Finding Me podcast
    enMay 31, 2023

    40. Laura: "I just want life to be magical"

    40. Laura: "I just want life to be magical"

    Laura lost her corporate job in 2020 which has set her on a journey of “who am I?” When she started out she had no idea what she wanted but she knew she needed a major change.

    She’s worked on a horse farm, and a beekeeping farm, she’s made financial sacrifices, she’s ignored a lot of judgement from others, and learned she’s capable of much more than she realized. 

    She’s more energized and joyful than ever before and has found a deep belief that a lot of small learning moments are going to add up to bigger things and ultimately to her dream of helping others. 


    Finding Me podcast
    enMay 17, 2023

    Reflection 4: "My father was a junkie, I had to let that story go."

    Reflection 4: "My father was a junkie, I had to let that story go."

    One of the biggest learnings I’ve had in the past 8+ years of my journey of self discovery is that I was living my life based on a subconscious belief system. 

    I was so miserable in my career because, without being aware of it, I was telling myself that success had to look a certain way (for me, that involved climbing a corporate ladder of titles and money). 

    Once I was able to consciously understand this formed my career compass, it gave me ownership over whether I wanted to continue like that. 

    I really relate to Traci’s journey of discovering she was telling herself a story, in her case a story about her childhood - her father was a junkie and she came from a drug-filled neighbourhood - and this had formed her compass as an adult.

    She talks about learning to understand that that isn’t her whole story, she’s more than that, she’s the author of her own story.


    Finding Me podcast
    enMay 03, 2023

    39. Lindsey "When I reflected on my life, I was angry."

    39. Lindsey "When I reflected on my life, I was angry."

    This is my second conversation with Lindsey, this time following her 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat which she did to process the intense rage that was bubbling up within her.  

    In our last conversation, Lindsey opens up about the emotional abuse and exposure to prostitution she experienced as a child and how that experience has played out in her adult life. 

    Today we talk about how the meditation retreat is helping her find forgiveness with family and live as her best self. 


    Finding Me podcast
    enApril 19, 2023