
    Lamorne Morris & Kyle Shevrin

    enMarch 22, 2024
    Where did Andrew Santino meet Lamorne Morris?
    What is the name of their podcast?
    How was Laurel Hardware saved from closure?
    What personal experiences does the speaker share about?
    What sports teams do the speakers reminisce about?

    Podcast Summary

    • A chance encounter at Laurel Hardware led to a successful podcastA supportive letter from a comedian's wife saved a bar's patio, leading to a friendship and a popular podcast

      Andrew Santino, a comedian on tour, met his podcast co-host Lamorne Morris at a bar called Laurel Hardware in Los Angeles around 2013. Their friendship led them to start the podcast "The Little Morning After." The patio at Laurel Hardware was saved from closure due to neighborhood complaints, thanks to Santino's wife submitting a letter to the city in support of keeping it open. Despite some confusion during the podcast recording about where they actually met, they ultimately connected at the bar. Their shared experiences and camaraderie have fueled their successful podcast.

    • Unexpected collaborations from chance encountersMeeting new people at random moments can lead to valuable partnerships and professional growth.

      Chance encounters can lead to unexpected opportunities and collaborations. In the discussed conversation, the speaker recounted how they met a man at a bar who turned out to be a writer, leading them to work together on various projects, from music videos to TV shows and films. This experience contrasted with the infamous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who also targeted strangers at bars, but with deadly intentions. The speaker was intrigued by the writer's genuine offer to collaborate and appreciated his dedication to creating content. This encounter resulted in significant professional growth for both parties. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of supporting and recognizing the value of new talent and the excitement of seeing projects come to life on the big screen.

    • Recognizing achievements evokes strong emotionsUnexpected recognitions can lead to tears and memorable moments, highlighting the importance of acknowledging people's achievements and the emotional connections formed through shared experiences.

      Surprising people with meaningful recognitions can evoke strong emotional responses. The anecdote shared involved presenting Garrett, a comedian, with a lifetime achievement award without him knowing beforehand. The unexpected recognition led to tears and a memorable moment. Additionally, the conversation touched upon childhood memories, including favorite ice cream treats and the impact of asbestos exposure on health. The discussion also highlighted the unpredictability of life and the importance of preparing for potential challenges, such as future lawsuits. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of recognizing people's achievements and the emotional connections that can be formed through shared experiences.

    • The speaker's musings on fame, awards, physical appearances, and athletic abilitiesThe speaker, despite his fame and hard work, hasn't won any awards and fantasizes about being in the presence of renowned celebrities. He also shares thoughts on physical appearances, fitness, golf, and the misconceptions about his athletic abilities based on his appearance.

      Despite having millions of fans and maintaining a high level of work, the speaker has never won any awards and finds himself anxious about award ceremonies. He jokingly fantasizes about winning an Oscar or an Emmy, not for the recognition, but to be in the presence of renowned celebrities like Beyoncé, Meryl Streep, and Zoe Kravitz. The speaker also shares his thoughts on physical appearances, fitness, and golf. Despite their different body types and athletic abilities, they both acknowledge their current stage in life as 40-year-olds. The conversation also touches upon the speaker's belief that the way people walk can reveal their athletic abilities, and his surprise when people underestimate his golf swing. Overall, the conversation revolves around the speaker's musings on fame, awards, physical appearances, and athletic abilities.

    • A Passionate Individual's Journey Through Different SportsGrew up playing various sports, found a deep passion for basketball despite average skills, shared experiences in darts, shuffleboard, pickleball, tennis, and horse, revealed childhood memories of mercy shots, regional sports, and personal struggles, and discussed their father's soccer background and its influence.

      The individual in this conversation has a rich background in various sports, with basketball being their top passion despite not excelling at it in the given context. They have shared their experiences playing darts, shuffleboard, pickleball, tennis, basketball, and horse. They mentioned their ability to smoothly perform in basketball, even posting videos online, and their impressive victory against a skilled opponent. The conversation also touched upon the rules of horse, specifically regarding the second shot on the letter 'E.' Furthermore, the individual revealed their childhood experiences with different sports, growing up in diverse environments. They shared their encounters with mercy shots, regional sports like soccer, and their personal struggles with sports like lacrosse and hockey. The conversation also shed light on their father's involvement in soccer, playing for the Belize national team, and the impact it had on their own passion for the sport. Overall, the conversation showcases the individual's deep connection to basketball and their unique experiences with various sports throughout their life.

    • Effective Whole Body Deodorant and High-Quality BourbonMando offers clinically proven, aluminum-free deodorants for whole body freshness, while Rabbit Hole Distillery produces premium Bourbon and Rye whiskeys.

      Mando whole body deodorant is a clinically proven, effective solution for controlling body odor, providing whole body freshness. Created by a doctor, Mando is aluminum free, baking soda free, cruelty free, dye free, and vegan. It's clinically proven to control odor better than a shower with soap alone. The starter pack is perfect for new customers and comes with a solid stick deodorant, cream tube deodorant, 2 free products, and free shipping. Rabbit Hole Distillery produces high-quality Kentucky Bourbon and Rye whiskeys, with small batch expressions made from personal recipes with specially malted grains. The speaker has been a longtime supporter and recommends Rabbit Hole as a perfect gift or treat for oneself. The discussion also touched on the speaker's past experiences with her father's imprisonment and deportation.

    • Using intelligence to bypass communication barriersCreativity and resourcefulness can help us adapt to challenging situations and find unique solutions to everyday problems, as demonstrated by a man's clever trick to communicate with family during prison using collect call information.

      Creativity and resourcefulness can turn seemingly difficult situations into opportunities. The story shared involves a man using a clever trick to communicate with his family during his time in prison. He would place his message in the space where the receiver was supposed to say "okay" after hearing the collect call information. This shows how he used his intelligence to bypass the system and connect with his loved ones. Another interesting point from the conversation was the difference in experiences with technology between the two speakers. While one grew up using beepers primarily for older siblings and relatives, the other associated them with drug dealers. This highlights how technology can be used and perceived differently within various communities and social circles. In essence, the conversation demonstrates the importance of adaptability and the power of finding unique solutions to everyday challenges. It also showcases the diversity of experiences and backgrounds that shape our understanding of technology and communication.

    • Encountering a beggar with a babyCompassionate people may choose to give money despite potential scams, believing the impact on the recipient outweighs the cost.

      Despite being aware of potential scams, some people choose to give money due to their compassionate nature. The speaker shared an experience of encountering a beggar with a baby, which he believed was a scam, but still chose to give money. He argued that in the grand scheme of things, a few dollars lost is insignificant compared to the potential impact on the person receiving the money. The speaker also shared stories of individuals who made a living by selling discarded items, such as popcorn or baked goods, and expressed his belief that there should be more opportunities for people to profit from such resources. The conversation also touched upon the cultural norms of scavenging for discarded items in some places, and the speaker expressed admiration for the hustle and determination of those individuals.

    • Awe-inspiring impact of superior athletes and the power of emojisSuperior athletes leave a lasting impression with their dominance in sports. Emojis can convey emotions and add depth to conversations.

      Superior athletes, like UFC fighter Sean O'Malley, leave a lasting impression with their dominance in their respective sports. The speaker was so engrossed in the fight that he even used an emoji to express his awe. The speaker also shared his unique way of expressing seriousness through black emojis, especially when dealing with business matters. Another interesting topic that came up was the speaker's encounter with a mural of an unknown black figure in Chicago, which highlighted the speaker's lack of knowledge about certain famous black figures. The speaker found it amusing how people get stumped when asked to name their favorite black people, often due to the unexpected nature of the question. Overall, the conversation touched upon the awe-inspiring impact of superior athletes, the importance of being aware of cultural figures, and the power of emojis to convey emotions.

    • People's varying experiences with 'Friends'Some find 'Friends' unappealing, while others love it. Reasons include personal preferences and character dynamics. Discussed racial representation in media's evolution.

      People's perceptions and experiences with media, such as television shows, can greatly differ from one person to another. This discussion highlights how some individuals found the popular sitcom "Friends" unappealing, while others, like the speaker, were deeply in love with it. The reasons for these contrasting opinions ranged from personal preferences to recognizing the dynamic nature of certain characters. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of racial representation in media and how it has evolved over time. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone's unique experiences shape their connection to various forms of art and entertainment.

    • Evaluating the relevance of historical beliefs in the presentCritically examine historical beliefs and experiences, but focus on the reality of contemporary situations. Emphasize the importance of laughter and entertainment, and recognize the complexities of power dynamics.

      While there may be historical roots to certain beliefs or experiences, it's important to critically evaluate their validity in the present context. The speaker shares his personal experiences of being a black man in the entertainment industry and encountering theories about emasculation and censorship. He acknowledges the historical context but refuses to be entirely consumed by it, instead focusing on the reality of his experiences. He also emphasizes the importance of laughter and entertainment, and the complexities of power dynamics within the industry. The speaker's perspective offers a nuanced understanding of the intersection of history, identity, and contemporary industry practices.

    • Understanding People's Actions and MotivationsPeople's actions and motivations can be complex and require questioning the line between reality and perception, especially for high-profile figures in music production.

      The line between reality and perception can be blurred, especially when it comes to high-profile figures. During a discussion, Taraji P. Henson's quote about why people run when they laugh was brought up, leading to a reflection on the complexity of understanding people's actions and motivations. The conversation then shifted to the topic of music production and the role of artists like Kat Williams and Kanye West in the industry. The speaker noted how some artists, like Diddy and Jay Z, have faced allegations of manipulation and plagiarism, but the extent of their involvement remains debated. The speaker also shared their personal experience with desiring but never owning a pair of Yeezys, raising the question of how personal preferences and societal expectations can influence our choices. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intricacies of human behavior and the importance of questioning what we see and hear.

    • Discussing Bobby's shoes on a favorite show and joking about replacing them with infamous brandsDuring the podcast, the hosts joked about changing Bobby's shoes on their favorite show and discussed Trump's new shoe release, their love for Lucy nicotine pouches, and promoting Squarespace.

      During their discussion, the hosts expressed their admiration for the pilot of a show they loved, but had a concern about the shoes worn by one of the characters, named Bobby. They jokingly suggested replacing the shoes with infamous shoe brands associated with controversial figures. The conversation then shifted to Trump's new shoe release and the high demand and price for them. Bobby expressed his dislike for Trump, and the hosts wanted to buy him a pair as a joke for the show. They also promoted Squarespace for creating websites and discussed their love for Lucy nicotine pouches and their monthly subscription service.

    • Lucy's Business Offers and Bobby's FlatulenceLucy's business adaptability and friendly demeanor are evident through her free shipping, refund policy, and accommodating discount code. Despite Bobby's flatulence, she remains patient and willing to travel with him, showcasing her flexibility and positive attitude.

      Lucy, a business owner, offers free shipping and a 30-day refund policy. She also provides a discount code "whiskey" for 20% off and free chili. During a flight, Lucy encountered Bobby, a comedian she had never met before, who infamously passed gas frequently. Bobby and Lucy had never met, but they shared mutual friends. Bobby once mentioned Lucy on a podcast with Neil Brennan, leading Lucy to recognize him when they finally met on a plane. Bobby's flatulence was particularly noticeable on small commercial jets, and Lucy found it less tolerable than on larger planes. Despite this, Bobby and Lucy continued to travel together. Lucy shared her fear of private jets, which she found scarier than commercial planes due to their smaller size and potential instability. She had once experienced turbulence on a commercial flight that caused the oxygen masks to drop, but she managed to help the elderly woman next to her put on her mask before assisting herself. Overall, Lucy's business offers and her experience with Bobby demonstrate her adaptability and her willingness to accommodate customers and friends, even in uncomfortable situations.

    • The Power of Language and UnderstandingLanguage shapes our perceptions and understanding, revealing cultural differences and personal rituals. Open-mindedness and empathy are essential in bridging cultural gaps and combating stereotypes.

      Language and its nuances can greatly impact our perceptions and understanding of words and phrases. The conversation between the speakers revealed how words like "puddle jumper" and "Herb" hold different meanings and connotations depending on cultural background and experiences. The speakers also shared their personal rituals, such as praying before flying, that bring them comfort and calmness in uncertain situations. Despite their differences, they found common ground in their shared human experiences and the importance of connection and communication. The conversation also highlighted the power of language to create and reinforce stereotypes, and the need for open-mindedness and empathy in understanding the complexities of language and culture.

    • The impact of technology and social media on language and cultureTechnology and social media are causing a homogenization of language and culture, leading individuals to adopt new accents and dialects and potentially losing touch with their unique vernacular. Stay open to new experiences and continue learning from diverse communities to preserve cultural richness.

      The influence of technology and social media is leading to a homogenization of language and culture, causing individuals to adopt new accents and dialects, and potentially losing touch with their own unique vernacular. The speaker shares personal experiences of this phenomenon, citing the prevalence of TikTok and the influence of the internet on shaping the way we communicate. They also discuss how they've noticed their own language evolving over time, with certain words and phrases becoming less common as they spend more time in different regions and online. The speaker expresses concern about this trend, feeling that it's leading to a loss of individuality and cultural richness. They also share stories of encountering new words and phrases while traveling and interacting with diverse communities, highlighting the importance of staying open to new experiences and continuing to learn from one another.

    • Unique cultural identities of Atlanta and Los AngelesAtlanta and Los Angeles offer unique cultural experiences that go beyond stereotypes, requiring exploration beyond the surface. Pride and connection to these cities as symbols of black excellence and diversity, but also acknowledge challenges and changes with growth and gentrification.

      Atlanta and Los Angeles, despite being part of their respective states, possess unique cultural identities that set them apart from the rest. The speakers express a strong sense of pride and connection to these cities, which they perceive as symbols of black excellence and diversity. However, they also acknowledge the challenges and changes that come with growth and gentrification. The speakers share personal experiences of feeling out of place in areas outside of these urban centers and express reservations about moving there. They argue that these cities offer rich and dynamic cultural experiences that go beyond stereotypes and require exploration beyond the surface.

    • Nostalgic memories of Midwest roots and childhood experiencesThe Midwest shapes our identities through fond memories of local banks, childhood experiences, and sports teams.

      The speakers in this conversation have a strong connection to their Midwest roots, with fond memories of local banks, childhood experiences, and sports teams shaping their identities. The conversation touches upon the convenience and nostalgia of growing up in the Midwest, even as they now reside in different places. The speakers reminisce about their first banking experiences, with TCF Bank being a significant part of their childhoods. They also share their love for sports, particularly the Red Sox and White Sox, and the impact of family connections on their team allegiances. Overall, the conversation highlights the enduring influence of childhood experiences and memories on personal identity.

    • Working on commercials with White Sox players ignited the speaker's fandomInteracting with generous and nice White Sox athletes during commercial shoots deepened the speaker's love for the team

      The speaker's fandom for the Chicago White Sox baseball team was ignited by his experiences working on commercials with White Sox players, including Paul Konerko and Bobby Jenks. The speaker was surprised by the niceness and generosity of these athletes, and one commercial involved Bobby Jenks throwing baseballs (or socks) at the speaker's head during filming, which was an intense experience. The speaker also shared his admiration for Frank Thomas and his belief that the women in the Frank's hot dog commercials seemed to be attracted to him. Overall, the speaker's experiences working on these commercials and interacting with the athletes helped to solidify his fandom for the Chicago White Sox.

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    Known for his explosive energy and razor-sharp lyrics, Prof is the Midwest's wild card in the rap game. Hailing from Minneapolis, he's a master of storytelling with a flair for the absurd, weaving comedy and chaos into every verse. With a career spanning over a decade, Prof has carved out his own lane with a blend of hip-hop, R&B, and in-your-face personality that captivates crowds and defies genres. Whether he's spitting bars or dropping hooks, Prof brings a raw, unfiltered edge to every track, proving that he's not just an entertainer—he's an experience. #prof #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS BETTER HELP 10% OFF YOUR 1ST MONTH https://betterhelp.com/whiskey BILT REWARDS EARN REWARDS WITH BILT https://joinbilt.com/whiskey MOONWLKR USE PROMO CODE: WHISKEY AT CHECKOUT FOR 30% OFF YOUR ORDER https://moonwlkr.com PESTIE EXTRA 10% OFF YOUR ORDER https://pestie.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Bursting onto the scene with a blend of sharp wit and bold creativity, KTLYN is the name to watch. Whether it's captivating audiences with unforgettable performances or pushing boundaries in the entertainment world, KTLYN's talent and charisma are undeniable. Get ready to be inspired and entertained by the unstoppable force that is KTLYN. #KTYLN #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS SQUARESPACE Get that site up and running now! 10% off your order https://squarespace.com/whiskey BETTER HELP Get the help you need from a licensed professional 10% off your first month https://betterhelp.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT CUTS CLOTHING 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER! https://cutsclothing.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Sal Vulcano

    Sal Vulcano
    Sal Vulcano is a comedic dynamo best known for his role on the hit TV show "Impractical Jokers." A master of pranks and spontaneous humor, Sal's infectious laughter and quick wit have earned him a dedicated fan base. Whether he's pulling off outrageous dares or performing stand-up, Sal's unique blend of charm and hilarity never fails to entertain. With a heart of gold and a penchant for mischief, he's a true king of comedy. Check out his new special: Terrified - Out Now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X49375Hah8 #salvulcano #whiskeyginger #podcast #andrewsantino =========================================== Sponsor Whiskey Ginger: https://public.liveread.io/media-kit/whiskeyginger SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS VIATOR PROMO CODE: VIATOR10 DOWNLOAD THE APP! https://viator.com KIKOFF GET YOUR 1ST MONTH FOR $1 https://kikoff.com/whiskey RABBITHOLE $5 OFF YOUR ORDER https://rabbitholedistillery.com/buynow USE PROMO CODE: RABBIT ETHOS Affordable Life Insurance Only $10 A Month! https://ethoslife.com/whiskey ======================================= Follow Andrew Santino: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Follow Whiskey Ginger: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeyging... https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Frankie and John haven't seen Zach in quite a few years, but during Labor Day weekend, Zach makes a surprise visit!

    In attempt to discuss their current topic on Bullying, their excitement over Zach's long winded return deters their focus and discuss a jumbled mess of topics from Marijuana to lawn mowing instead.


    Todays episode theme: Lets Hear It - by Artifact 8

    Ep. 1 - Back In Time!

    Ep. 1 - Back In Time!

    In the the first episode, Frankie and John reminisce growing up as kids and discuss some of their adventures in their home town.

    It's Just A Simple Podcast is group of childhood friends from the early 90's taking an opportunity to catch up with each other and reminisce about their childhood adventures, as well as discussing how the modern culture of today contrasts from past.


    Episode theme - Excellence by Artifact8

    Advertisment theme - Splashing Around by The Green Orbs

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