
    About this Episode

    Larry Cohen (@larrycohen) is the Founder of Build the Floor, an advocacy group for Universal Basic Income (UBI). By putting cash directly in the hands of the people that need it the most, UBI is an important stepping stone towards creating a life economy.

    What we discuss with Larry Cohen:

    • The potential for UBI to restore dignity to the human spirit and resolve our biggest challenges like income inequality, poverty, and homelessness.
    • Andrew Yang bringing UBI to the national stage through the 2020 election.
    • Technological unemployment and the future of work.
    • The history of UBI within the context of the evolution of consciousness.

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    Recent Episodes from A Life Economy

    Wade Lightheart | Biohacking for Optimal Health

    Wade Lightheart | Biohacking for Optimal Health

    Wade Lightheart is the President and Director of Education for BiOptimizers, a health supplement brand that makes some incredible products for improving your overall wellbeing.


    What we discuss with Wade Lightheart:

    • The impact of social media on societal health.
    • The value of personalized medicine and nootropics.
    • How bodybuilders achieve unusual performance outcomes.



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    Heather Desurvire | Designing for Diversity & Inclusion

    Heather Desurvire | Designing for Diversity & Inclusion

    Heather Desurvire, Founder of User Research Behavioristics, pioneered the field of user experience research and design for video games, websites, and apps. She's currently the Lead Equity and Inclusion UXR Platforms & Ecosystems at Google.


    What we discuss with Heather Desurvire:

    • What UX research taught her about human behavior.
    • How UX contributes to creating a better world.
    • The relationship between software design and creating for the built environment.


    We're excited to attend to Meet Delic, a psychedelic wellness event on November 6-7 in Las Vegas! Save 20% with code โ€œalifeeconomynautโ€.


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    Sarah Adams | Spiritual Warfare

    Sarah Adams | Spiritual Warfare

    From a young age, Intuitive Healer Sarah Adams (@divinehathor1985) has had many supernatural experiences including talking with extraterrestrials, remembering her past lives, telepathy, time travel, astral projection, and much more. ย We go far out in this one!


    What we discuss with Sarah Adams:

    • What her paranormal experiences have taught her about the nature of realityย 
    • Her contact with extraterrestrials and their message for us.
    • How we can improve our lifestyle to clean up our energetic field.


    Listen to Sarah's new podcast, Cosmic Conversations, here!


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    Christina Heller | Volumetric Video & the Future of Filmmaking

    Christina Heller | Volumetric Video & the Future of Filmmaking

    Christina Heller (@ChristinaHeller) is the CEO of Metastage, an innovative volumetric video studio that specializes in 3D performance capture.

    What we discuss with Christina:

    • How volumetric video is used in narrative fiction and non-fiction scenarios.
    • Imagining the impact of Apple's rumored AR headset on the utility of volumetric video.
    • The ethical implications of digitizing humans.
    • NFTs as a way to monetize volumetric video.


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    Jurgen Ziewe | How to Enjoy Life When You are Dead

    Jurgen Ziewe | How to Enjoy Life When You are Dead

    Jurgen Ziewe has over 40 years experience visiting other dimensions through meditation. In his books "Multidimensional Man" and "Vistas of Infinity - How to Enjoy Life When You Are Dead", he presents an expansive perspective of our multidimensional reality and our greater identity. ย View Jurgen's incredible artwork on Magic Fantasy Art.


    What we discuss with Jurgen:

    How our multidimensional reality impacts our sense of identity.

    The difference between lucid dreaming, interdimensional travel, and astral projection.

    The afterlife and our connection to each other beyond death.

    How our consciousness affects and creates our reality.



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    Tiffany Stevens | Eat the Rich?

    Tiffany Stevens | Eat the Rich?

    Tiffany Stevens (@manicpixiefemfatale) is a filmmaker, director, and the Co-Founder of West 36 Productions.

    What we discuss with Tiffany:

    • Uncertainty around the 2020 elections.ย 
    • The benefits and challenges of a wealth tax.
    • the magic and power of language.


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    Andrew Hewitt | Creating a Win-For-All Paradigm

    Andrew Hewitt | Creating a Win-For-All Paradigm

    Andrew Hewitt (@a_hewitt), a visionary on new economics and system change, explores how we can move from a win-lose to win-for-all paradigm.


    What we discuss with Andrew:

    • The opportunity COVID has given us to birth a more resilient and beautiful world.
    • Letting go of our attachment to certainty.
    • The limitations of adding consciousness to capitalism.
    • Honoring the role of the dark forces that facilitate the duality of The Game of Life.


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    Hal Hefner | Solarpunk & the Death of Dystopia

    Hal Hefner | Solarpunk & the Death of Dystopia

    Hal Hefner (@halhefner) is an artist, Content Strategist & Creative Director well known for his "Consume" series of art inspired by the cult classic movie "They Live". He's also an advocate for solarpunk, a cultural movement promoting inspiring narratives about the future.

    What we discuss with Hal:

    • His "Consume" art series' critique of materialism.
    • QAnon and the brainwashing of America.
    • Solarpunk as a solution to the dystopian cyberpunk visions of the future.

    Due to an unfortunate technical glitch, we did not capture Summer's audio properly for this episode and decided to edit it out.


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    Noah Lampert | The Magic of Synchronicity

    Noah Lampert | The Magic of Synchronicity

    Noah Lampert (@noahlampert), is a musician and the host of the Synchronicity podcast.ย 


    What we discuss with Noah:

    • How the world is a reflection of your inner thoughts and emotions.
    • The mystery and magic of synchronicity: what it is and how you can harness it to change your life.
    • The dangerous consequences of not taking responsibility for your shadow.
    • Neville Goddard's secrets to manifesting the life of your dreams.


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    Ryan Holmes | Virtual Astral Projection

    Ryan Holmes | Virtual Astral Projection

    Ryan Holmes (@rtholmes) is the CEO of SpaceVR. He created an experience that combines VR with float tanks to simulate the Overview Effect, the transcendent feeling of seeing the earth from space.


    What we discuss with Ryan:

    • The Overview Effect's ability to profoundly shift ย our perspective and influence our connection to the planet.
    • The challenges of designing a VR headset that can be used in a float tank.
    • The possibility ย of life beyond earth.
    • What it was like pitching to Elon Musk.


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