
    Learning Improvisation With Our Guests 'Noise Next Door'

    enJanuary 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Test driving a new car with Carvana's 7-day money-back guaranteeThe 7-day trial period for a new Carvana car lets families test drive and ensure it fits their daily routines and needs, providing peace of mind during the purchasing process.

      The new car from Carvana offers a 7-day money-back guarantee, allowing families like ours to test drive and make sure it fits our needs. During this time, we can explore various features, such as the moon roof for scenic drives, check trunk space for bulky items, and assess leg room for passengers. It's an opportunity to experience the car in our daily routines and even visit family members, ensuring confidence in our purchase. Additionally, the text discusses an improv group, Noise Next Door, teaching us how to do improvisation. There's a concern about getting comfortable with it. The text also includes a personal anecdote about moving a heavy sofa and causing injury to someone. The speaker feels guilty about the incident and suggests they didn't do anything to help. The anecdote is unrelated to the main topic but adds a relatable and humorous touch to the conversation. Furthermore, the speaker mentions buying a sofa from Facebook Marketplace and encountering an unexpected situation when the seller had COVID-19. The speaker was initially shocked but went ahead with the purchase. The anecdote highlights the importance of clear communication and considering the potential risks during transactions. In essence, the key takeaway is that the Carvana car's 7-day trial period offers peace of mind when purchasing a new vehicle, allowing families to test it in various situations and ensure it meets their needs. The anecdotes add humor and relatability to the conversation.

    • A comedy duo's 14-year partnership and trustComedians Paul Tonkinson and David Morgan's successful 14-year partnership highlights the importance of trust, support, and adaptability in the entertainment industry.

      The comedians Paul Tonkinson and David Morgan have been performing together for 14 years and have a unique dynamic where they support each other on stage. Paul would often worry about being a risky middle act, but David would reassure him and never book himself to let Paul shine. They've faced challenges, such as performing to a silent audience and having to adapt on the spot. Despite these challenges, they've continued to entertain and engage their audiences. They've been based in Brighton for 30 years to make travel easier for their shows. Paul even shared a story about a time when he didn't perform well, and a fan came to his hotel room to give him a second chance, which he later regretted. Overall, their long-lasting partnership shows the importance of trust, support, and adaptability in the entertainment industry.

    • Improv comedy: Making each performance fresh and uniqueSuccessful improv comedy requires a deep repertoire, adapting to audience suggestions, and avoiding repetition to create a unique and engaging experience.

      Successful improv comedy relies on having a deep repertoire of responses and the ability to make each performance fresh and unique. The performers discussed the importance of having go-to tricks, but also the need to keep things current and relevant by adding unexpected twists. They shared an anecdote about a time when a fellow performer stopped mid-song, causing a brief moment of chaos, but ultimately leading to a successful recovery. They emphasized the importance of incorporating audience suggestions into their routines and avoiding repeating material that the current audience has already seen. The performers also shared their experience of seeing a well-known improv group disappoint an audience by rejecting their suggestions, and how they strive to avoid that mistake by adapting and building on audience ideas. Overall, their approach is centered on creating a unique and engaging experience for each audience, while drawing on their collective experience and improvisational skills.

    • The importance of committing to a performanceCommitting to a performance, even when it feels uncomfortable, can lead to a more enjoyable experience for both the performer and the audience. Mistakes are part of the process and can be entertaining for the audience.

      Committing to a performance, even when it feels uncomfortable or unsuccessful, can lead to a more enjoyable experience for both the performer and the audience. During an improv session, a group was struggling to come up with a country for a doctor character. They kept asking for suggestions until someone said Spain. The doctor then performed a song about being a doctor in Spain. One participant, who was asked to be a peacock, failed after a short time and felt uncomfortable about committing to the role. The group discussed the importance of committing to a performance, even if it goes wrong, as it can be more entertaining for the audience than watching someone struggle in silence. The group also acknowledged that there is a balance to be struck between committing to a performance and allowing for mistakes and improvisation. Ultimately, the group agreed that the joy of being in a group is the ability to support each other and to laugh at mistakes together.

    • Building trust and slickness in team performanceEffective teamwork involves recognizing group dynamics, sacrificing personal accolades, and practicing together to build trust and confidence for a cohesive and engaging performance.

      Effective teamwork and collaboration in a performance setting can be challenging for individuals, but essential for success. Performers may sense when an audience favors one member over others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. However, recognizing this dynamic and sacrificing personal accolades for the benefit of the group can strengthen the overall performance. The concept of "going through the gears" refers to the importance of building trust and slickness in the structure and flow of a set or show to engage the audience and prepare them for improvised moments. Team practice and preparation, such as refining setups and transitions, can help establish trust and confidence in the group's abilities. Ultimately, a cohesive and well-rehearsed performance can lead to a more enjoyable experience for both the performers and the audience.

    • Agree and add in improv theaterImprov performers should agree with and add to suggestions to foster collaboration and creativity, using mental preparation to ensure a steady flow of ideas.

      In improvisational theater, saying "yes, and" is crucial for building scenes and creating engaging performances. The speakers in this discussion emphasized the importance of agreeing with and adding to suggestions made by other performers, rather than blocking or rejecting them. They also mentioned the practice of "rolodexing," or mentally preparing ammunition or ideas related to a suggestion, to help ensure a steady flow of content during a scene. This approach fosters a collaborative and creative environment, allowing performers to build upon each other's ideas and create dynamic, engaging performances.

    • Accepting the unexpected in improv comedyIn improv comedy, accepting and building on the unexpected can lead to surprising and funny scenes. 'Yes anding' allows the scene to progress and maintain flow.

      In improvisational comedy, accepting and building on the unexpected is crucial for creating engaging and funny scenes. In the discussion, it was suggested that when performing a comedy bit about different ways Batman could die, the audience would find it surprising and funny if Batman died by crashing into children. Although this idea seemed strange, it could be developed further by acknowledging the absurdity and going along with it, rather than dismissing it. This approach, known as "yes anding," allows the scene to progress and maintains the flow of the performance. Additionally, setting up a scene between two characters, such as Joe and Sam in a pet shop, can provide a solid foundation for generating comedic content based on existing knowledge and experiences.

    • Effective communication and active participation are key in any interactionBe open to the moment and adaptable for engaging and productive interactions. Effective communication requires active listening and active participation.

      Effective communication and active participation are crucial in any interaction, be it a sales conversation or an improvisational scene. In the discussed interaction between Joe and Sam at the pet shop, Joe appeared passive and non-committal, while Sam took the lead and controlled the conversation. Although Joe was interested in buying snakes, he didn't add much to the dialogue, making Sam do most of the work. This dynamic made the conversation feel one-sided and left Joe missing opportunities to engage and add value to the interaction. Effective communication requires active listening and active participation. In this scenario, Joe could have asked more questions, shown greater interest, and added details to the conversation. By doing so, he would have built a stronger connection with Sam and created a more engaging and productive interaction. Moreover, improvisation, like any other form of communication, requires flexibility and the ability to adapt to the situation. Joe could have prepared some ideas or questions related to snakes but should have been open to the conversation going in different directions. By being too focused on his preconceived ideas, he missed opportunities to contribute to the scene in a meaningful way. In conclusion, the key takeaway is that effective communication and active participation are essential in any interaction, and being open to the moment and adaptable can lead to more engaging and productive conversations.

    • Practicing Active Listening and Collaboration in ImprovImprov requires active listening and collaboration to create engaging, unexpected performances. Focus on the present moment and react to scene partners to build upon ideas and ensure a satisfying conclusion.

      Focusing on active listening and reacting in improvisation can be challenging, especially for individual performers. During a conversation or scene, it's easy to get lost in one's thoughts and miss important details. However, being fully present and attentive to what others are saying can lead to better collaboration and more unexpected, creative outcomes. Improv scenes, like conversations, don't always have a clear endpoint, making it essential to listen carefully and respond appropriately. Ending a scene can be difficult, and sometimes a simple "that'll do" or "the end" may not be enough. Instead, setting an objective or endpoint for the scene can help guide the performance and ensure a satisfying conclusion. Improv games, like the one discussed, can be an effective way to practice active listening and reacting. By working together and building upon each other's ideas, performers can create engaging and entertaining scenes. However, it's essential to be mindful of the boundaries and potential risks associated with these experiments, as they may involve physical or emotional challenges. In summary, the key takeaway is the importance of active listening and collaboration in improvisation. By focusing on the present moment and reacting to the cues given by our scene partners, we can create engaging and creative performances that surprise and delight audiences.

    • Building trust and effective communication in collaborationsAcknowledging personal fears and committing to open communication can help build trust and improve collaboration in challenging situations.

      Effective communication and trust are essential for successful collaborations, even in challenging situations. This was evident in a conversation between Michael, Tom, and David, who were attempting experiments at a chemical plant while dealing with distractions and personal conflicts. Michael's fear and distraction caused misunderstandings and mistrust, making it difficult for the team to work together effectively. The group discussed their personal fears and commitments, revealing underlying issues that hindered their collaboration. By acknowledging these challenges and focusing on a low-stakes conversation, they were able to gain a better understanding of each other and the characters they were portraying in an improv exercise. Ultimately, they realized that building trust and communication skills are crucial for any successful collaboration.

    • Utilizing a comedian's persona in improv gamesA comedian's unique style and audience engagement are key to successful improv games. Tailor the experience for individuals and incorporate elements of their stand-up routine for seamless transitions.

      A comedian's persona and character can be effectively utilized during improv games, allowing them to seamlessly transition between their stand-up routine and interactive performances. The audience plays a crucial role in the success of an improv game, and the experience can be tailored to individuals to make them feel comfortable. A comedian's unique style and elements, such as the "snake thing," can be incorporated into the games, enhancing the overall performance. Communication and collaboration are essential, as seen in the conversation between the comedian and the hosts, who discussed potential collaboration and promotion opportunities. The energy and engagement of the audience can make even the most challenging improv games enjoyable and rewarding experiences.

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    It's time for the great service comeback!


    Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Author with a wide background including decades in retail and restaurants.  He regularly speaks and coaches organizations to IGNITE THEIR SERVICE using his common sense approach to Customer engagement.  Tony has spoken to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to unlock their amazing capacity for excellence.


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    Lincoln Li-Wilson is Matt Arnold (@mattlarnold)

    Normal Oak is Will Campos (@willbcampos)

    Scary Marlowe is Beth May (@heybethmay)

    Taylor Swift is Freddie Wong (@fwong)

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