
    About this Episode

    In this episode of Connections Podcast, Nadya Sbaiti speaks to Connections host and by Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani about the crisis in Lebanon. The World Bank recently concluded that Lebanon’s economic and financial meltdown ranks among the worst seen anywhere in the world since 1850. This episode of Connections examines the multiple dimensions, impact, and consequences of Lebanon’s crisis. 


    Nadya Sbaiti
    is Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies (CAMES) at the American University of Beirut (AUB).  She earned both her MA in Arab Studies and her PhD in History from Georgetown University. She specializes in the social and cultural histories of the modern Middle East, with research interests ranging from education, gender, and nationalism to tourism and colonialism. She is a co-founder and a co-editor of Jadaliyya.


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.


    Recent Episodes from Connections

    Crises in the Maghreb with Samia Errazzouki

    Crises in the Maghreb with Samia Errazzouki

    On Tuesday, 23 November Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Samia Errazzouki about the current crises in the Maghreb. This episode of Connections examines escalating Algerian-Moroccan tensions and the deteriorating situation in Western Sahara.


    Samia Errazzouki is a doctoral candidate in history at the University of California, Davis. She was previously a journalist with the Associated Press and Reuters in Morocco, where she also worked as a research associate with the University of Cambridge researching the dynamics of surveillance and citizen media in the region. Samia is a Co-Editor of  Jadaliyya.


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine. 


    The Global Far Right with Cas Mudde

    The Global Far Right with Cas Mudde

    on Thursday, 18 November Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani and Cas Mudde spoke about the global far right. This episode of Connections will examine whether the far right is today ascendant or in decline, and the extent to which it forms a coherent global movement.  

    Connections offers timely and informative interviews on current events and broader policy questions, as well as themes relevant to knowledge production. It combines journalism, analysis, and scholarship. 


    Cas Mudde is a political scientist and global authority on populism and political extremism, particularly the European and American far right. He is the Stanley Wade Shelton Professor at the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs, and also holds the rank of Professor at the University of Oslo’s Center for Research on Extremism. The co-founder and convenor of the Standing Group on Extremism & Democracy of the European Consortium for Political Research, Mudde is a prolific author whose books include The Far Right in America (2018), The Far Right Today (2019), and The Israel Settler Movement Assessing and Explaining Social Movement Success (2021). He is also a columnist for The Guardian.


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine. 


    Narrations of Palestine with Alison Glick and Nora Lester Murad

    Narrations of Palestine with Alison Glick and Nora Lester Murad

    On Wednesday, 9 November Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Alison Glick and Nora Lester Murad about the challenges and rewards of narrating personal experience and political realities in Palestine. This episode of Connections examines the personal and political journeys they undertook, and the impact it has had on their writing and activism.


    Alison Glick is a writer and activist based in Philadelphia. She previously lived in an Israeli kibbutz and a town near Haifa for nine months, an experience that opened her eyes to the realities for Palestinians living under Israeli control. After studying Middle East History at Temple University, Alison lived in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Yarmouk Camp in Syria for six years, working as a teacher, human rights researcher, and freelance writer. Her first novel, The Other End of the Sea, was published this month by Interlink Books. Her writing has appeared in the Arab Studies Quarterly, Mondoweiss, and other publications. 

    Nora Lester Murad is a scholar/practitioner/activist who writes about international aid, community philanthropy, and life under military occupation at www.noralestermurad.com. She teaches a critical approach to international humanitarian action at Fordham University. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, Aljazeera.net, Open Democracy, Mondoweiss, and various academic and professional publications. She co-authored Rest in My Shade: A Poem About Roots, and is the editor of I Found Myself in Palestine, both published by Interlink Books. Her tween novel set in Jerusalem is forthcoming in 2022.


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine. 


    Terrorizing Human Rights with Raja Shehadeh

    Terrorizing Human Rights with Raja Shehadeh

    On Friday, 5 November, Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Raja Shehadeh about Israel’s campaign to criminalize Palestinian human defenders and civic organizations. This episode of Connections examines the context and implications of Israel’s latest initiatives, and assess efforts to counter them.

    Connections offers timely and informative interviews on current events and broader policy questions, as well as themes relevant to knowledge production. It combines journalism, analysis, and scholarship. 


    Raja Shehadeh is a Palestinian human rights activist and author. He is a founding member of Al-Haq, the West Bank affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists and one of the organizations the Israeli government recently designated as a terrorist organization. His books include Occupier’s Law: Israel and the West Bank (1985); Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape (2007), which was awarded the 2008 Orwell Prize; Where the Line is Drawn: A Tale of Crossings, Friendships, and Fifty Years of Occupation in Israel-Palestine (2017), a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week; and We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I (forthcoming).


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.


    The Invention of Palestine with Zachary Foster

    The Invention of Palestine with Zachary Foster

    Join us on Wednesday, 2 November for a conversation between Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani and Zachary Foster on The Invention of Palestine. This episode of Connections will examine how and why the terms “Palestine” and “Palestinian” came to be contested, and measure various claims in this regard against the historical record.

    Connections offers timely and informative interviews on current events and broader policy questions, as well as themes relevant to knowledge production. It combines journalism, analysis, and scholarship. 


    Zachary Foster
    earned his Ph.D in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton. His dissertation is entitled, "The Invention of Palestine". He is a Director of Product at academia.edu


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.


    The Coup in Sudan with Khalid Medani

    The Coup in Sudan with Khalid Medani

    On Wednesday, 27 October, Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Khalid Mustafa Medani on the coup in Sudan. This special episode of Connections discusses the latest developments in Sudan and examines the context and consequences of the recent coup in the country.

    Connections offers timely and informative interviews on current events and broader policy questions, as well as themes relevant to knowledge production. It combines journalism, analysis, and scholarship.


    Dr. Khalid Mustafa Medani is Associate Professor of Political Science and Islamic Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. His research focuses on the political economy of Islamic and Ethnic Politics in Africa and the Middle East. He is the author of Black Markets and Militants: Informal Networks in the Middle East and Africa(Cambridge University Press, 2021) and is presently completing a manuscript on the causes and consequences of Sudan’s 2018 popular uprising. Dr. Medani has published extensively on civil conflict with a special focus on the armed conflicts in Sudan and Somalia. 


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.


    Iran: Domestic and Foreign Affairs with Ali Vaez

    Iran: Domestic and Foreign Affairs with Ali Vaez

    On Wednesday, 13 October  Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani and Ali Vaez converse about Iran after the June 2021 elections. This episode of Connections will examine Iran’s domestic politics, its regional and international policies, and the fate of the nuclear agreement. 

    Connections offers timely and informative interviews on current events and broader policy questions, as well as themes relevant to knowledge production. It combines journalism, analysis, and scholarship.


    Ali Vaez is Iran Project Director and Senior Adviser to the President at Crisis Group. He led Crisis Group’s efforts in helping to bridge the gaps between Iran and the P5+1 that led to the landmark 2015 nuclear deal. Previously, he served as a Senior Political Affairs Officer at the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and was the Iran Project Director at the Federation of American Scientists. Trained as a scientist, Vaez has written widely on Iranian affairs and is a regular contributor to mainstream media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, and Foreign Affairs. He is a frequent guest on CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and NPR.


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.


    A Decade of Upheaval with Nabih Bulos

    A Decade of Upheaval with Nabih Bulos

    On Tuesday, 5 October, Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Nabih Bulos, Middle East Bureau Chief of the Los Angeles Times about a decade of upheaval in the Middle East and the response of its peoples. This episode of Connections examines the various dynamics and impact of revolution, war, and conflict in the Middle East and North Africa. 

    Nabih Bulos
    is the Middle East bureau chief of the Los Angeles Times. Since 2012 he has covered war, revolution, and upheaval throughout the region, including the expansion of the Islamic State movement and the campaign to defeat it. His work has taken him to Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the region, as well as on the migrant trail through the Balkans and Europe. A Fulbright scholar, Bulos is also a concert violinist who has performed with Daniel Barenboim, Valery Gergiev, and Bono.


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.


    Whither Yemen? with Helen Lackner

    Whither Yemen? with Helen Lackner

    On Tuesday, 21 September Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Helen Lackner about the war on Yemen and prospects for peace. This episode of Connections examines the multiple dimensions of the Yemen conflict and the agendas of the main powers involved.


    Helen Lackner is a leading authority on Yemen who has been conducting research and writing about Yemeni politics and society since the 1970s. A former resident of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, the Yemen Arab Republic, and the Republic of Yemen, her most recent books are Yemen in Crisis: The Road to War (Verso 2019), and Yemen, Poverty and Conflict (forthcoming). A regular contributor to Open Democracy, Arab Digest, Oxford Analytica, Orient XXI, and others, she is currently Research Associate at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Visiting Fellow at the European Council for Foreign Relations (ECFR), and Associate at the Transnational Institute (TNI).


    Mouin Rabbani has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.


    The Lasting Legacies of US Torture with Lisa Hajjar

    The Lasting Legacies of US Torture with Lisa Hajjar

    On Tuesday, 14 September Jadaliyya co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with Lisa Hajjar on the post-2001 US torture program and its living legacies. This episode of Connections examines the development and impact of the US torture program in the context of two decades of the “War on Terror”.   


    Lisa Hajjar
    is a professor of sociology at the University of California – Santa Barbara. Her work focuses mainly on issues relating to law and conflict, including military courts and occupations, torture, targeted killing, war crimes, and human rights. Her publications include Courting Conflict: The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza (University of California Press, 2005) and Torture: A Sociology of Violence and Human Rights (Routledge 2013). Her new book, The War in Court: The Inside Story of the Fight against US Torture in the “War on Terror,” will be published by the University of California Press. She is a founding co-editor of Jadaliyya and a member of the editorial committee of Middle East Report.


    Mouin Rabbani
    has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.
