
    About this Episode

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/lessons-from-season-3

    Lots of learning from Season 3 of First Class Counselors! Here’s what will help you MOST for this coming summer!

    And what a season it’s been! We’ve covered everything from camp counsellor financial decisions to essential skills, with some good ol’ fashion camp games in between. We’ve welcomed sensational guests and even had our first-ever collaboration with another Podcast.

    As we wrap up this season, we’ll talk about some of our favourite episodes and talk about some of the major takeaways and how they’ll apply to this coming summer.

    Here are our picks for our favourite of Season 3!




    Any ideas for Season 4? Let Matt know - matt@gocamp.pro


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    Oliver - 3rd Person Introductions - “His name is Oliver, he enjoys ice cream, he thinks speaking in the third person makes him cool.”

    Matt - Group Juggling - by Jim Cain


    Host Links


    What is First Class Counselors?

    Camp Directors, this Podcast isn’t for you. It’s time to delegate! First Class Counsellors is for your counselling staff, the ones who are on the ground, playing with kids and changing lives.

    Each week, we’ll cover practical and accessible tips that will level up your camp counsellor skills. These are things every counsellor should know, but that you may not have time to teach in staff training.

    Our two hosts, Oliver Gregan and Matt Honsberger from Go Camp Pro are excited to be able to provide this resource to camp counsellors and up and coming staff, who they believe, have the most important job at camp.

    This is free professional development for your counsellors! We would love your feedback. Please leave your comments below, or, send Matt an email! Thank you!

    Recent Episodes from First Class Counselors

    Stories that Shaped Us - First Class Counselors #72

    Stories that Shaped Us - First Class Counselors #72

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/stories

    Gather ‘round the campfire for these funny, impactful and straight-up bizarre stories!

    Today is not a topic but a feel. A vibe if you will.

    We’ve been in camping for some time now and that means we have collected a few stories to share. Not a campfire story but just personal stories of our time as camp people. You might have run into an old camp friend and feel like a moment has never passed. Sometimes you can run into another person who has done camp and can swap stories. 

    This is one of the things camp does, brings us together. 

    Enjoy our short and special stories:

    • Funny stories (fart pillows and pudding)
    • Impactful stories (friends getting fired and septic tank fighting)
    • Heartwarming stories (seeing starts and talent shows)


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!

    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    First Class Counselors
    en-usFebruary 15, 2024

    Generation A - Our Campers - First Class Counselors #71

    Generation A - Our Campers - First Class Counselors #71

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/gen-a

    Generation-A are our campers - how can we effectively work with them at camp?

    Generation-A, or Gen-A are kids that are born between 2010 and 2024. Born the same year as the release of the iPad, most socially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the generation that is currently almost 100% of the summer camp population.

    It seems like the post-pandemic camper population is a bit of a beast these days. Camps hiring social workers and doubling down on social skills to respond, but are these solutions seem to be missing what’s important about the day to day interactions with campers - you know - the things that camp counsellors do every day with kids.

    Counselors have always had an extremely unique relationship with campers. Not seen as an adult (but an adult figure), not quite a teacher (but definitely leads) - this dynamic sets up an important developmental coaching opportunity that counselors can leverage.

    The first step? Let’s meet Gen A where they’re at and think about what we can do to make camp the best experience we can for them!

    So join us this episode as we unpack:

    • Let’s meet Gen A - who are they and what makes them unique
    • What is different about Gen A than the previous generations (Gen Z and the Millenials)
    • Why it’s important that we focus on relationship building with Gen A
    • What camp counselors can do to help Gen A have a great time at camp.


    Links from this episode:


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!

    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    Water Safety and Water Programs - First Class Counselors #70

    Water Safety and Water Programs - First Class Counselors #70

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/water-safety

    Water safety (and fun!) starts with Camp Counselors

    Many camps sport a waterfront, a pool or even host a wet and wild Wednesday! Today we want to talk about programming at these water-based activities to make sure campers are safe and having a blast. 

    You may be thinking “wait a minute, I’m not a lifeguard, so why should I listen? While you may not have the official qualifications to be a lifeguard, camp counsellors are the best front-line support for the lifeguard team and are essential for keeping the fun going. Anything involving water has that extra level of danger, so remember that everyone has a part to play in safety.

    So join us this episode as we unpack:

    • Start with safety - what are the water safety measures that camp counselors are responsible for
    • What about when it comes to boating and all of the other water toys at camp?
    • And if you don’t have access to a lake or pool? No problem, Oliver’s got you covered.


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!

    • Oliver: Have to stay water themed - The game I am going to teach you is called Every drop. This is a rainy day activity but can be done on a sunny day. On rainy days campers simply are given a tarp and have to use it to gather water from the rain. On non rainy days you give them a big blue bucket. These guys are maybe 30 gallons. You can change base off the size of camper. You then hide random basins, water balloons all over camp. Random objects that hold water. They have to fill their bucket and return to you.
    • Matt: Water Games - https://ultimatecampresource.com/camp-games/water-games/ & Alka-Seltzer Necklaces 

    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    This is free professional development for your counsellors! We would love your feedback. Please leave your comments below, or, send Matt an email! Thank you!

    Are They A Terrible Staff Member...Or Is It Me? - First Class Counselors #69

    Are They A Terrible Staff Member...Or Is It Me? - First Class Counselors #69

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/terrible-staff

    You may not like them, you may not counsel like them, but that doesn’t mean they suck.

    It can happen to even the most First Class Counselor. For reasons that may seem perfectly valid and logical, a staff member gets it in their head that one of their co-workers is a terrible staff member. What ensues is drama, hurt feelings and escalations that can take away from the camp experience for others.

    In this episode, we’re not talking about the staff members who break policy or in a legal sense deserve to be fired. 

    Frankly, you aren’t going to like everyone - let’s get real. But you have to a) respect them as a fellow staff member and b) remember that it’s not about that “like” - it’s about the camper experience.

    So join us this episode as we unpack:

    • What does it actually mean to be a good staff member, and is it even your place to judge others?
    • Different traits of camp counselors that you may struggle with, and why that is
    • What to do about it. How to move forward in a way that is fair to everyone involved


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!


    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    Wait...Is This a Cult? - Ceremonies and Traditions at Summer Camp - First Class Counselors #68

    Wait...Is This a Cult? - Ceremonies and Traditions at Summer Camp - First Class Counselors #68

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/camp-is-a-cult

    Summer camp is culty - but in a good way, we swear!

    If you are new to summer camp and reading this, you may not get the whole “cult” angle.

    It’s a common joke amongst experienced camp staff and directors that camp is essentially a cult. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is how intentional we are with the ceremonies and traditions we have at camp. 

    This ranges from as basic as gathering as a camp in the morning to share an inspirational thought, to literal chanting and burning of the camp logo on a lake. Yes, seriously.

    Every camp is different, but what makes them the same is that each of them are creating their own immersive “world” for people to live in. These “worlds” have rules, norms, traditions and ceremonies that are integral to helping people feel welcome and wanting to stay a part of it. 

    Tune into this episode to hear Oliver and Matt break down:

    • An overview of ceremonies and tradition at camp. What are they and Why do camps use and have these?
    • How do these translate to camp being “culty”?
    • What is your role as a Camp Counselor in this - what happens if you aren’t fully bought in? What if you are?


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!


    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    Meet Your Camp Director - Part 1 - First Class Counselors #67

    Meet Your Camp Director - Part 1 - First Class Counselors #67

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/meet-your-camp-director-1

    Part 1 - What we got wrong…

    Just who is that person walking around with a clipboard all day?

    To most Camp Counselors, the Camp Director is a strange and mythical creature. They’re like a teacher…but completely different. They’re like a boss…but definitely not in the traditional sense.

    So who are they?

    In this first of a series of episodes, we break down some of the assumptions we had about our Camp Directors growing up, and now, 15(ish) years later, what was (and mostly wasn’t) correct about those assumptions.

    Here are some of the assumptions we cover:

    • Is my Director  judging every singly thing I do? Are they going to fire me for messing up?
    • I bet they are too busy to help me.
    • All they think about is camp. They definitely don’t have a life outside of camp.
    • All they care about is money!
    • They are the WORST communicators

    Have you ever had any of those thoughts about your Camp Director? Then this episode is for you!

    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    Level up your Camp Counselor skills with these resources!


    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    How to Talk to Adults - First Class Counselors #66

    How to Talk to Adults - First Class Counselors #66

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/how-to-talk-to-adults

    You didn’t sign up to be a camp counsellor because you loved talking to adults…right?

    In the world of a camp counselor, there is no other part of the job that is simultaneously as short and as important as the interactions you have with the adults that find their way on site.

    Whether it’s parents, caregivers, alumni or your camp management, being able to navigate these interactions is essential. A counselor that can make and hold a great conversation with these folks will not only give a great impression of themselves but of the camp they represent.

    This definitely takes practice, but we’re here to give you the insider tips and give you a head start on this all-important skill.

    In this episode, we cover:

    • How to Choose Your Audience - Why we have to adjust the way we speak.
    • How to talk to Parents
    • How to Talk to Your Camp Director / Other Adult Supervisor

    This is required listening for every camp counselor.

    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning


    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    Putting Campers First - Why It's Hard and Why It's Necessary - First Class Counselors #65

    Putting Campers First - Why It's Hard and Why It's Necessary - First Class Counselors #65

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/campers-first

    It’s not that you come second…well…it kind of is...

    Camp counselors are special. Not just because of all the incredible skills you learn and teach, but because it’s one of the only jobs that requires you to prioritize the health and experience of  kids in your care - all day. This isn’t easy. It takes a special type of person to do the job.

    People call it different things. Putting Campers First, The “Why” of Summer Camp, FTK or “For the Kids” - but whatever you call it, it’s the core of not only what we do, but why we do it.

    In this episode, we cover:

    • The mindset that directors have when they give the “Campers First” expectation
    • What you need to have prepared before you commit to the Camper First mindset
    • Is it inherently a personal sacrifice to put campers first?
    • What does putting campers first actually look like in practice?

    This is required listening for every camp counselor.


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning

    • Oliver: Tower topper - Stand in a circle a little more than arms width from each other. Each person gets a cone; there should be one extra cone in the circle. One person stands in the middle of the circle. Campers chop their feet. When they feel ready they need to run to another cone. It can be any open cone. If they get to that cone they get a point. If the cone is knocked over by the person in the middle gets 5pts or you can just switch the people. 
    • Matt: Double Dice! From Ultimate Camp Resource


    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    Campers and Staff These Days (are we boomers?) - First Class Counselors #64

    Campers and Staff These Days (are we boomers?) - First Class Counselors #64

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/campers-and-staff-these-days

    Welcome back! How was your summer?

    We’re so grateful to have you folks join us for another season of First Class Counselors. In this episode, Oliver and Matt share a bit about their summers, and what they’re thinking about going into the 2024 season.


    • How would you describe your summer in 3 words?
    • Share a favourite story from the summer
    • What are some of the trends and interesting things we noticed about campers and staff this summer?
    • What are some of the episodes we’re thinking about for season 6 of First Class Counselors?


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning


    Thanks to our sponsor!

    Ultimate Camp Resource

    Visit UltimateCampResource.com for 1,000+ free camp games, songs, skits, activities, and more! Follow us on social at fb: ulticamp | IG: ultimatecampresource | TT: ultimatecampresource | YT: ultimatecampresource.  

    Download a free games e-book here: https://itsacampthing.com/collections/e-books/products/40-camp-games-pdf 

    Interview Skills to Land the Camp Job of Your Dreams - First Class Counsellors #63

    Interview Skills to Land the Camp Job of Your Dreams - First Class Counsellors #63

    Find full show notes and links at: https://camphacker.tv/first-class-counsellors/interview-skills-to-land-the-camp-job-of-your-dreams-


    These interview skills will set you apart!

    It's the most wanted summer job in the world. Honestly, with the recent pay increases, workplace experience and the amazingness of camp it truly is a job people from around the world seek. So how do you stand out in your interview? Today we are going to cover the application process and some of the important parts of the interview. 

    We recorded this in January so you’re getting Matt and Oliver who have been sitting through interviews for the last month. So take it from these camp directors who have seen over a hundred applications - these are truly insider tricks.


    Links from this show


    E.G.E.L - Ever Growing Ever Learning


    What is First Class Counselors?

    Camp Directors, this Podcast isn’t for you. It’s time to delegate! First Class Counsellors is for your counselling staff, the ones who are on the ground, playing with kids and changing lives.

    Each week, we’ll cover practical and accessible tips that will level up your camp counsellor skills. These are things every counsellor should know, but that you may not have time to teach in staff training.

    Our two hosts, Oliver Gregan and Matt Wilfrd from Go Camp Pro are excited to be able to provide this resource to camp counsellors and up and coming staff, who they believe, have the most important job at camp.