
    Liberal Anti-Americanism is on the Rise # 1015 (Ep 1015)

    enJuly 03, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Nike's Controversial Decision to Pull Betsy Ross Flag SneakersCompanies must weigh potential financial gains against long-term implications before making controversial decisions, or risk backlash and loss of consumer trust.

      Corporations like Nike are succumbing to pressure from controversial figures like Colin Kaepernick, leading to questionable decisions that spark controversy and division. In this case, Nike pulled a sneaker line featuring the Betsy Ross flag due to Colin Kaepernick's objection to it being offensive. Despite the potential financial gain, the move raised concerns and backlash, highlighting the importance of companies considering the potential long-term implications of their actions. Dan Bongino expressed his frustration over this trend, encouraging listeners to make informed decisions and support companies that align with their values.

    • Nike's Controversial Decision and Its Business ImplicationsNike's hiring of Colin Kaepernick and release of a controversial shoe led to backlash, revoking of tax incentives, and potential loss of customers. This could be perceived as disrespectful to some, but also seen as a principled stand. Businesses should consider the potential long-term consequences of their actions on customer base.

      Nike's decision to hire Colin Kaepernick as a spokesperson and their subsequent release of a shoe featuring the Betsy Ross flag led to a significant backlash from customers and even state governments. This resulted in Arizona's governor, Doug Ducey, revoking tax incentives for Nike to build a factory in the state. The speaker argues that this is a poor business strategy as it alienates a large portion of the customer base. He also emphasizes that he is not advocating for corporate censorship or organizing a boycott, but rather pointing out the potential long-term consequences of Nike's actions. Another interesting point raised is that Nike's actions may be seen as a principled stand by some, but it could also be perceived as disrespectful to American patriots and the country as a whole.

    • Companies prioritizing political correctness over American valuesNike pulled American flag sneakers amid controversy, yet continued Chinese New Year celebrations; media denied border crisis, now exploiting it for political gain; consumers can make a stand by refusing support to such companies and media

      Companies like Nike are prioritizing political correctness and appeasing certain activists over upholding American values. This was evident when they pulled their American flag sneaker line due to controversy with Colin Kaepernick, but continued to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The media also displays hypocrisy by denying the existence of the border crisis when it was politically inconvenient for them, but now exploiting it to criticize the Trump administration. These actions demonstrate a lack of integrity and principles, and consumers have the power to make a statement by refusing to support such companies and media outlets.

    • Misrepresentation of current conditions at migrant facilities using old photosMedia outlets should label old photos or provide context to prevent misinformation about current conditions at migrant facilities

      There has been a misrepresentation of current conditions at migrant facilities by using old photos from the Obama administration. The Hill published a photo of kids sleeping on a floor behind a chain link fence, claiming it was from a recent visit, but it was actually taken in 2014. Similarly, a tweet about a border patrol facility with people behind a chain link fence and under aluminum foil blankets used a 2014 file photo. It is important for media outlets to provide context and clarity when sharing photos, especially when they could potentially mislead the public. The Trump administration has recently received criticism for conditions at migrant facilities, but using old photos from the prior administration does not accurately reflect the current situation. Basic journalism practices, such as labeling old photos or providing context, can help prevent misinformation.

    • Frustration with Immigration and Media PortrayalThe speaker expresses frustration with the current immigration situation and media's portrayal of the government's response, emphasizing the government's efforts under difficult circumstances, and criticizing those suggesting more spending as a solution. He also recommends an article and endorses Harry's razors.

      The speaker is expressing frustration with the current immigration situation in the United States and the media's portrayal of the government's response. He emphasizes that the government is doing the best it can under difficult circumstances and criticizes those who suggest more government spending as a solution. He also endorses Harry's razors as a high-quality, affordable alternative to disposable razors for travel. Another key point is the recommendation of an article by Real Clear Investigations titled "Why the Mueller Report? Doth Protest Too Much" which the speaker strongly suggests reading. He also mentions having equipment issues and taking a vacation day. Overall, the speaker expresses a sense of being overwhelmed and frustrated with the current state of affairs, but remains optimistic and continues to promote quality products.

    • The Mueller report is not a legitimate investigatory documentThe Mueller report uses insinuations and innuendos to make it seem like crimes were committed, even when they didn't exist

      The Mueller report, which is set to be testified about on July 17th, should not be considered a legitimate investigatory document. Instead, it's an opinion piece written in a deceptive way to imply that the Trump team committed crimes that did not in fact exist. This is done through insinuations and innuendos, as described in an analogy where the report's authors try to damage someone's reputation publicly without charging them with a crime. The report includes facts, but the way these facts are framed can make it seem as though crimes were committed, even when they were not. It's important to be aware of this when reading or interpreting the Mueller report.

    • Misleading Information in Mueller's ReportThe Mueller report contained false and misleading information presented as facts, such as the case of Joe at the bank and George Papadopoulos' meeting, giving a skewed perspective of events.

      Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference in the 2016 election contained misleading information presented as fact. An example given was the case of Joe, who was reported to have been near a bank with a bulge in his pocket, making it seem like he had robbed the place. However, later facts revealed that Joe had gone to an ATM at a sweet shop and bought ice cream, making the initial report false and misleading. Another example was the reporting on George Papadopoulos' meeting with a Maltese professor, who was falsely portrayed as a representative of Russian intelligence. Mueller's report also overlooked genuinely alarming information while focusing on less significant details, giving a skewed perspective of events. Overall, the report's presentation of facts was manipulative and misleading.

    • Mueller Report: Unclear Interactions between Trump Team and RussiansThe Mueller report contains allegations against Trump associates and Russians, but lacks clear evidence and descriptions, potentially misleading readers. Mueller's opinion piece and conflicting liberal politics also criticized.

      The Mueller report contains allegations against figures connected to the Trump team, such as Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, and their interactions with individuals described as Russian intelligence operatives. However, the report does not provide clear evidence or descriptions of the nature of these interactions or the sources involved. Additionally, there are instances of insinuations and omissions that could potentially mislead readers. The speaker also criticizes Mueller for writing an opinion piece intended to damage the Trump team, and accuses him of destroying his reputation as a nonpartisan actor. Another topic discussed is the alleged inability of liberalism to succeed even in liberal states, with references to a collapsing liberal governor and Chuck Schumer's conflicting positions. The speaker also promotes Clutter, a storage solution that offers convenience and affordability.

    • Liberal policies face opposition despite deep blue statesDespite being in deeply blue states, liberal policies can face significant opposition, fail to generate expected revenue, and lead to mass exodus of people to more business-friendly states.

      Liberal policies, even in deeply blue states like New Jersey, can face significant opposition and fail to generate expected revenue. The failure of millionaire's taxes in states like Maryland and France, and the recent rejection of such a tax in New Jersey, highlights the challenges liberal governors face in implementing radical policies. The mass exodus of people from high-tax, liberal states to more business-friendly states underscores the need for moderation in state-level politics. If liberal governors continue to push for radical policies, they risk further alienating their constituents and accelerating the trend of people leaving their states.

    • Debate over Indexing Capital Gains to InflationSome politicians argue against indexing capital gains to inflation as a handout to the rich, while others see it as an incentive for investment and economic growth. Economists believe it could lead to increased savings and investment, benefiting the economy.

      There's ongoing debate about indexing capital gains to inflation, with some politicians arguing it's a handout to the rich while others see it as an incentive for investment and economic growth. President Trump has proposed this idea, and while some Democrats, like Chuck Schumer, disagree, economists like Joe Scarborough believe it could lead to increased savings and investment, ultimately benefiting the economy as a whole. The consumption of wealth through consumption is necessary for survival, but investment is what makes a country wealthier. A funny anecdote shared about Chuck Schumer illustrates how his economic analysis can be insightful despite past experiences.

    • Investment in Businesses Drives Economic GrowthReducing taxes on investment increases citizen reinvestment, leading to better equipment, increased output, and overall wealth.

      Investment in American businesses is crucial for economic growth and productivity. During the Obama administration, low levels of net direct private investment led to less efficient businesses and slower economic progress. When taxes on investment are reduced, citizens have more money to reinvest in businesses, which in turn leads to better equipment, increased output, and overall wealth. However, some politicians, like Schumer, misrepresent the importance of investment and focus on targeting the rich instead. Meanwhile, a seemingly trivial issue, cockroaches evolving to become immune to poisons, serves as a reminder of the importance of continued innovation and progress in all areas of life.

    • Liberal Contradictions: The New Trigger - 'Wife Guys'Liberal ideologies contradict themselves, creating confusion. A new trigger for liberals is 'wife guys', contradicting earlier concerns about men not using 'wife' enough on social media.

      Liberal ideologies continue to evolve and contradict themselves, creating confusion and inconsistency. A recent article in the New York Post highlighted a new trigger for liberals: men who talk about their wives, referred to as "wife guys." This contradicts a previous concern that men don't use the term "wife" enough on social media. The inconsistency in liberal messaging is concerning, as it can create confusion and undermine their credibility. The speaker also noted a study from the University of Melbourne that found women use the term "husband" less frequently than men use "wife," which was labeled "troubling" by some liberals. The inconsistency in liberal views on this issue highlights the need for clear and consistent messaging, rather than contradictory and confusing statements.

    • Liberals vs Family ValuesLiberals aim to weaken traditional family values and promote malleable, subjective values through state institutions, while family values are objective and unchangeable.

      Liberals aim to weaken traditional American families as they believe values instilled within families can hinder their ability to control and influence individuals. They promote subjective values that can be changed with the tide, while family values are objective and unchangeable. This conflict arises from the fact that family values, such as respect for faith and respect for others, are not malleable and are not easily influenced by the state or liberal policies. Liberals, on the other hand, want to instill their values through state-run institutions, as they believe this will allow them to have more control over individuals and shape society according to their vision.

    • Differences in Values: Objective vs Subjective PrinciplesConservatives prioritize objective principles rooted in family values, while liberals lean towards subjective principles from the state, leading to disagreements on issues like freedom of speech.

      According to the speaker on the podcast, there exists a fundamental difference in values between liberals and conservatives when it comes to the role of objective versus subjective principles in society. The speaker argues that while objective principles are rooted in family values for conservatives, liberals believe in subjective principles that come from the state. This difference leads to a clash on issues like freedom of speech, where the speaker believes that liberals aim to break family bonds to impose their subjective values on individuals. The speaker encourages listeners to subscribe to their podcast, appreciate their Independence Day with family, and tune in for the next show on Friday. The podcast can be accessed on various platforms including YouTube, Apple Podcast, iHeart, and SoundCloud. The speaker's Twitter handle is @DBongino.

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