
    Life Coaches: Pyramid Scheme or Legitimate Investment? I Hired One to Find Out

    enMay 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Jane Marie's Unexpected Journey into Life CoachingDespite her skepticism, journalist Jane Marie discovered the blurred line between legitimate life coaching and pyramid schemes while investigating the industry, and found value in the personal guidance offered, even for a skeptic like herself.

      Acclaimed journalist Jane Marie, known for her investigative podcast "The Dream" and her skepticism towards self-help industries, surprisingly found herself in need of a life coach while producing a season on the subject. Despite her initial cynicism, she discovered that the line between legitimate life coaching and pyramid schemes can be blurry, as some coaches train other coaches in a seemingly endless chain. However, the allure of having someone guide you towards your full potential for a fee is understandable, especially for those feeling lost or stuck. Ultimately, Jane's personal journey added an authentic and engaging dimension to her investigation, demonstrating the complexity and nuance of the life coaching industry.

    • Finding Balance in Social Media: Inspiration or Disappointment?Social media can inspire us with perfectly curated lives, but it can also discourage. Seeking professional help can provide objective guidance, but it's essential to evaluate worth and align with personal values.

      Social media can be both inspiring and discouraging, and it's important to find a balance. The perfectly curated lives of some individuals online can make us feel like we're falling short, but their discipline and routine can also be sources of motivation. However, when we're feeling down, these idealized representations can exacerbate negative feelings. In such moments, seeking professional help, whether it's life coaching or specialized coaching in areas like nutrition, fitness, or career development, can be beneficial. The question is, is this a legitimate means of getting help or just the commercialization of self-improvement? Ultimately, the value lies in receiving an objective third party's perspective and guidance, which can help us identify our next best steps and overcome obstacles. As skeptics, it's essential to evaluate the worth of these services and consider whether they align with our values and needs.

    • Personalized financial and coaching services provide valuable guidanceSeeking personalized financial and coaching services can lead to improved confidence, progress, and overall well-being despite initial uncertainty or embarrassment.

      Personalized financial and coaching services can provide valuable guidance and roadmaps for individuals seeking to improve their lives, even if the process may not always follow a traditional, linear approach. I went to Domain Money for certified financial planning advice and was pleasantly surprised by their personalized approach, which began with understanding my vision and values rather than asset allocation. Similarly, when I sought a coach to help me with personal development, I was initially skeptical of the hypnotic meditation she used during our session. However, I soon came to appreciate her more fluid, intuitive approach and the value of having a trusted guide to help me navigate the ups and downs of life. While there may be initial embarrassment or uncertainty about seeking professional help, the benefits can outweigh the costs in terms of confidence, progress, and overall well-being.

    • Life Coaches and MLMs: A Complex RelationshipThe life coaching industry and MLMs share a history, with many MLMs offering coaching programs to keep members engaged and improve skills, but not all coaches or coaching programs are scams.

      The life coaching industry can be confusing and seemingly ubiquitous, with its boundaries and definitions being blurred. Jane Marie, a guest on the podcast, shared her experience of encountering numerous life coaches during her exploration of the field, leading her to question its legitimacy. However, as the hosts delved deeper into the topic, they discovered that the coaching world emerged around the same time as new thought movements and MLMs in the sixties and seventies. This overlap led to many MLMs offering coaching programs to keep failing members engaged and improving their skills, creating a connection between the two industries. Despite initial skepticism, the hosts acknowledged that not every coach or coaching program is a scam, and they spoke to individuals who had valid reasons for pursuing coaching instead of therapy. Ultimately, the exploration of life coaches within the context of MLMs revealed a complex relationship between the two industries, highlighting the importance of investigating individual coaches and their motivations.

    • Personal reasons for choosing a life coach over other professionalsPeople hire life coaches for a more hands-on approach and personalized solutions, despite the cost and lack of regulation.

      People seek out life coaches instead of therapists or other regulated professions for various reasons, such as not wanting to be mandatory reporters or desiring a more hands-on approach. The speaker shared her personal experience of struggling with motivation and energy, which led her to hire a life coach named Jesse. Jesse, a wellness coach, helped the speaker address her physical and emotional challenges, including a fibroid and hormonal imbalances during perimenopause. The speaker appreciated Jesse's understanding of her skepticism and her ability to accommodate her unique needs. However, the cost of twice-weekly sessions was a significant barrier, and the speaker ultimately had to choose between therapy and a life coach due to financial constraints. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of finding the right support system for individual needs and circumstances.

    • Navigating opposing truths in lifeAccepting and embracing dualities in life can lead to personal growth, whether in self-care or complex relationships

      Life's complexities often present us with opposing truths, and learning to navigate these dualities can lead to personal growth. The speaker, who is a journalist and host of a podcast critical of the wellness industry, shares his personal experience of seeking help from a coach. He acknowledges the industry's issues with quackery but also recognizes the value of legitimate help. The speaker reflects on his own self-care habits and the frustration of recognizing the benefits of healthy living. He draws a parallel to dealing with complex relationships and situations where multiple truths coexist. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accepting and embracing these dualities, rather than trying to fight them, as a means of navigating life's complexities.

    • Acknowledging Reality in Overcoming ChallengesMaintain a positive mindset, but also recognize the complexities of life and systemic barriers. Balance mindset and reality for effective challenge resolution.

      While having a positive mindset is important, it's not the only factor in overcoming financial and personal challenges. The complexities of life, including systemic barriers and external forces, cannot be ignored. The American Express Business Gold Card offers flexible spending capacity and statement credits to help businesses navigate these challenges. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging these realities and keeping a realistic perspective, rather than relying solely on mindset or motivation. The world of thought leaders and motivational speakers can provide value, but it's crucial to remember that their experiences and incentives may be different from those facing people in various economic situations. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between mindset and reality in order to effectively address the challenges we face.

    • The problematic side of life coaching industryBe cautious when choosing a coach, ensure proper training and credentials, remember everyone's journey is unique, and there's no regulatory body in the industry.

      The coaching industry, particularly life coaching, can be problematic when the standard of living and success being promoted is unrealistic for most people and comes at the expense of those who cannot afford it. This dynamic of "I'm better than you, give me your money" can create a destructive cycle, and in some cases, lead to pyramid schemes. It's important to be discerning and ensure that the coaches you work with have proper training and credentials. While there are legitimate organizations that provide rigorous coaching education, there is currently no regulatory body in the industry. So, be cautious and do your research before investing in any coaching program. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that everyone's path to success and happiness looks different, and it's essential to focus on your unique journey rather than comparing yourself to others.

    • Exploring the Role of Life CoachesLife coaches help driven individuals find fulfillment beyond societal milestones, acting as teachers, advisers, guides, best friends, cheerleaders, and no-nonsense partners.

      Our mindset plays a significant role in how we approach life and its challenges. The speaker, after conversing with Jane, reflects on the tension between our base instincts and our desire to improve ourselves. This tension can lead us to seek help from various sources, including life coaches. However, it's essential to be aware of our motivations and potential biases towards the coaching industry. Elizabeth, a life coach, joins the conversation to discuss her perspective on the world of coaching and the clients she typically works with. She emphasizes that she works with driven individuals who have achieved many societal milestones but still feel unfulfilled or experience a disconnect. These individuals are often women in their late twenties to mid-forties. Elizabeth's role as a coach is multifaceted, acting as a teacher, adviser, guide, best friend, cheerleader, and no-nonsense partner. The speaker acknowledges her initial skepticism towards life coaches but is open to the conversation, recognizing the potential value in understanding the coaching world better. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, understanding our motivations, and seeking help when needed.

    • Helping individuals gain clarity through body-centered coachingEffective coaches can help individuals make decisions by facilitating body-centered exercises, allowing access to emotions and instincts, leading to increased clarity.

      Good coaches have the ability to help individuals gain clarity and make decisions by getting them out of their heads and into their bodies. During their first meeting, the coach recognized the interviewee's mental busyness and overwhelming thoughts, which were preventing her from making a decision. Instead of focusing on analysis and information, the coach facilitated a hypnosis session and visualization exercise to help the interviewee access her feelings, intuition, and instincts. This approach allowed the interviewee to gain near-complete clarity about the direction she needed to go in, despite previously feeling stuck for months. The coach's ability to read the person in front of her and adapt to her unique needs is what makes her an effective coach. It's important to note that what makes a good coach can be subjective, as different individuals have different needs and preferences. However, the ability to see and be present with the person, and to help them access their emotions and instincts, are key strengths of an effective coach.

    • Feeling doubt after a new experience is normalTrusting new experiences and coaches, even when uncomfortable, can lead to valuable growth and progress.

      The experience of feeling something new or different, especially during a session with a coach or mentor, can be followed by a period of doubt and second-guessing. This is a common occurrence, as our brains are wired to analyze and rationalize, often overriding the feelings in our bodies. This can lead to questioning the validity of the experience and even the trustworthiness of the coach or mentor. However, it's important to remember that these feelings are normal and that trusting the body and the experience can lead to growth and progress. In the case of financial investments in personal development, the initial excitement and trust can be followed by doubts about the return on investment and the potential for scams. Coaches and mentors who are confident in their approach and willing to be flexible with payment and contract terms can help build trust and confidence in the client, allowing them to fully commit to the process. Ultimately, it's important to remember that trusting the body and the experience, even when it's uncomfortable or uncertain, can lead to valuable growth and progress.

    • Listen to your emotions, understand their root causesRecognize emotions as valuable messengers, respond appropriately to avoid compound emotions, and maintain overall well-being

      Our emotions are valuable messengers, not the message itself. We often ignore them, leading to compound emotions that can feel overwhelming and require drastic actions. This can be compared to physical health, where neglecting our body's signals can lead to worsening conditions. It's crucial to listen to our emotions, understand their root causes, and respond accordingly, rather than suppressing them or letting them control our actions. This practice, according to the speaker, is a lifelong journey towards emotional intelligence and self-awareness. It's essential to recognize that emotions are an essential part of being human and should not be stigmatized, especially in professional settings. By honoring our emotions, we can make informed decisions and maintain our overall well-being.

    • Identifying the root cause of work frictionLearning to say 'no' early on can prevent feelings of being overburdened and taken advantage of at work. Addressing the root cause of friction can lead to personal and professional growth.

      Feeling overburdened and taken advantage of at work might not always mean it's time to leave the job. Sometimes, it could be a simple boundary issue that can be addressed by learning to say "no" early on. Emotions can cloud our judgment, making situations seem bigger than they are. By identifying the root cause of the friction and addressing it, one can learn to grow and develop in their current context instead of constantly seeking new environments. However, coaching, which can be incredibly beneficial for personal and professional growth, is often expensive and out of reach for those who might need it the most due to lack of privilege and resources. It's a complex issue that requires thoughtful consideration and dialogue.

    • Perception of coaching value influenced by biases and societal expectationsUnderstand that biases and societal norms can impact the perception of coaching value. Challenge assumptions about the role and cost of coaching services, considering the potential benefits.

      The perception of the value and cost of coaching services can be influenced by internalized biases and societal expectations. The coaching industry is unregulated, leading to varying pricing options. Some may view coaching as less valuable due to its lack of formal accreditation or insurance coverage compared to regulated professions like therapy. However, personal experiences and methodologies can differ greatly between these helping professions. It's essential to challenge assumptions about the role of professionals and the cost of services, considering the potential benefits and value of each individual's experience.

    • Stay open to new approaches for personal growthInvesting in a good coach or mentor and staying open to new ideas can lead to significant progress in personal growth, even if it means trying multiple people or approaches before finding the right fit.

      The journey of personal growth and self-improvement is an evolving process, and it's important to stay open-minded and willing to try new approaches, even if they don't align with traditional methodologies or popular opinions. Dr. Becky's story serves as an example of this, as she went against the grain to develop a new approach to therapy that didn't fit the norm at the time. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding a good coach or mentor who is a good fit and investing in their services, even if it means spending money and potentially trying multiple people before finding the right one. This investment in personal growth can lead to significant progress and improved happiness, making it a valuable use of resources beyond just financial gains. Overall, the journey to self-improvement is not a one-size-fits-all process, and it's important to stay open to new ideas and approaches while also trusting the recommendations of trusted friends and networks.

    • Introduction of American Express Business Gold CardBusinesses can earn 4x points on top 2 categories, up to $150k per year, including transit, US restaurants, and gas stations with American Express Business Gold Card

      Key takeaway from this week's episode of "That's All Folks" with Katie is the introduction of the American Express Business Gold Card, which offers businesses the opportunity to earn 4 times points on their top 2 eligible spending categories every month, up to $150,000 in purchases per year. This includes common business expenses such as transit, US restaurants, and gas stations. With powerful backing from American Express, this card is a smart and flexible choice for businesses looking to maximize their rewards. The show is produced by Katie Gattitossan and Hannah Velez, with audio engineering and sound design from Nick Torres. Devon Emery serves as chief content officer, and fact checking is provided by Kate Brandt. Tune in next week, same time, same place for more business insights on "That's All Folks" with Katie. Learn more about the American Express Business Gold Card and its benefits at American Express dot com slash business gold card. (Note: Terms and conditions apply.)

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