
    About this Episode

    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneur
    What This Show is About: "Help! My Husband is SO Negative!"
    This listener is TRYING to be more positive but it's hard because her husband has physical pain and is often in a bad mood. That combined with low self-esteem makes it challenging to be a brain trainer. Dana helps this listener with a mindset shift!
    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana
    Please check out our episode notes below...
    03:25 - Step ONE when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the AWAKENING step).
    06:22 - Step TWO when dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this is the DECISION step).
    07:10 - Discover what being a BRAIN TRAINER is all about.
    09:35 - Step THREE when dealing with others who have a negative midnset or attitude (this relates to SHIFTING your mindset).
    10:23 - Listen here to hear some GENTLE sentences you can say to shift your mindset about this negative person.
    12:30 - Learn about how stories about your SIGNIFICANT OTHERS can relate to your business mindset here.
    13:30 - BONUS Tip for dealing with others who have a negative mindset or attitude (this relates to YOUR success).
    Where to Learn More:

    Recent Episodes from Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs from The Mind Aware



    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: Starting A New Business After Your Direct Sales Company Changes

    This Direct Seller received some bad news. Her company is changing their compensation plan and she won’t get paid on her team anymore. How can she start making money in a new business right away?

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Discover the QUESTION you should ask every Direct Sales Company before starting.
    • Learn about the THREE possible paths you can take when you leave a company and are starting your own.
    • Find out how to LEVERAGE an asset that you have right now to build a business quickly.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    Where to Learn More:



    Positive Thinking

    Positive Thinking

    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: Stopping Habitual Thoughts Of Lack

    This wellness coach is aware that she has habitual thoughts and feelings of lack. How can she stop them from affecting her business?

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Find out the POWER WORD that makes changing beliefs easy.
    • Discover the SHORTCUT to “changing your money story.”
    • How to use the SINGLE most important tool you have at your disposal.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    CLICK HERE for the 52 Weeks of Abundance

    Where to Learn More:





    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: How To Shift Negative Thinking

    This audience member is tired of the negative thoughts that crop up and zap her energy for networking.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Do you have to NETWORK to build your business? (Find out the TRUTH!)
    • Learn what to do if your thoughts tend to lean to the NEGATIVE.
    • Discover how to make a negative mind work FOR YOU.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    Where to Learn More:





    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: “Help! My Day Keeps Getting Derailed!”

    This listener is feeling frustrated and defeated because 'life' keeps derailing her business building plans for the day. What can she do?

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Find out the TWO CHOICES you have when plans go awry.
    • Discover HOW to make money even if you don’t stick to the plan.
    • Hear the step-by-step method for TRAINING YOUR BRAIN for productivity.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    Where to Learn More:





    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: “Can I Build A Business Without A Website?”

    This budding influencer wants to know if she needs to build a website in order to look credible.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Find out EIGHT ALTERNATIVES to building a website.
    • Discover the KEY INGREDIENT for looking credible without a website.
    • Learn HOW TO Train Your Brain so the money flows without a website.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    CLICK HERE to learn more about Notion.

    Where to Learn More:





    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: Where To Find Your Ideal Client

    This business coach wants to know the best place to market to connect with her ideal client. How can she know if her efforts are paying off?

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Discover the THREE-STEP process you can use to discover your ideal client.
    • Find out the next step you should take if you market to your client in a FEEL-GOOD way.
    • Learn how to use your NATURAL GIFTS as a tool for finding your ideal client.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    CLICK HERE to take the Marketing Superpower Quiz

    Where to Learn More:



    Positive Thinking

    Positive Thinking

    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: “Help! I’m Not Focused, and I’m Not Gaining Consistent Traction!”

    This wellness coach would like to be more focused. She can’t stick to a daily checklist and doesn’t stay with things long enough to gain traction.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Discover the MYTH about FOCUS.
    • Find out the METHOD for getting things done the feel-good way.
    • Learn how to Train Your Brain for focus and PRODUCTIVITY.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    Where to Learn More:





    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: How to Spread Your Message Without Sounding Like a Broken Record

    This entrepreneur wants to know how to create content that attracts people to her message without sounding like a broken record.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Find out the Content Creation HACK that will make creating content EASY!
    • Learn the POWER QUESTION that will help you uncover your message.
    • Discover the THREE reasons why you need to repeat your message over and over again.

    Resources from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the Positive Mindset Entrepreneurs Club.

    CLICK HERE to get your question answered on the show.

    Where to Learn More:





    and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: How To Make Marketing Less Stressful

    A life coach writes in because she doesn’t like marketing her business and wants to make it less stressful.

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Discover the FIVE mindset shifts that will make marketing less stressful.
    • Learn how to GIVE UP marketing for good and still make money.
    • Find out the BIG SHIFT happening in the internet world and how it relates to making money without marketing.

    Resource from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    Where to Learn More:





    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: “Help! My Instagram Account Was Deleted And I’m Starting from Zero!”

    An eCommerce artist writes in because her Instagram account was deleted and this was her entire source of revenue. How can she recover from this loss? How does anyone get emotionally aligned when things are not going well?

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to break through your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    In today’s episode….

    • Find out the ONE THING you need to do IMMEDIATELY when you suffer a business loss.
    • HOW to decide if you should take a 9-to-5 job to stay on your feet after a business loss.
    • Learn why you’re NOT starting from scratch even when it looks like you’ve lost everything.
    • Discover how to shift your mindset and get your POSITIVE MOMENTUM flowing.

    Resource from this episode…

    CLICK HERE to get the Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs free daily newsletter, and get your JOLT of HAPPINESS every morning!

    Where to Learn More:

