
    Live from Open Sauce 2023 - Safety Third 113

    enJune 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Open Sauce conferenceThe Open Sauce conference attracts a diverse crowd, including local and international attendees, and has the potential to bring high-profile figures in tech.

      The Open Sauce conference is an event worth attending, with a significant number of local attendees and even some high-profile figures in tech. Last year, people came from far and wide, including international attendees, to be a part of the first-year event. Despite some mishaps, the organizers expressed gratitude for the attendees' support and faith in the conference's success. If you're considering attending this year, there's still time to buy tickets at open sauce.com. And who knows, you might even get a surprise visit from Palmer Lucky or Mark Zuckerberg!

    • Live podcast event challengesUnexpected issues and low attendance marked their live podcast event, but they emphasized the authenticity of the experience and encouraged future attendance. William's VR simulation creation faced delays due to his procrastination and lack of expertise.

      Attempting a live podcast event didn't go as planned due to poor ticket sales and unexpected issues. The duo discussed their past live show experience, which resulted in low attendance and unanticipated complications. They joked about audience members with premium tickets not receiving promised swag bags, and Will took a call from his sister during the podcast. Despite the chaos, they emphasized the authenticity of their live podcast experience and encouraged listeners to attend future events. William shared his experience creating a VR simulation of the event, which took longer than expected due to his procrastination and lack of expertise in using the software. The conversation also touched on the limitations of capturing the full experience of an event through videos and pictures.

    • Creativity, ChallengesEncountering seemingly impossible challenges can lead to creativity and innovation, as demonstrated by a speaker's experience with an unsteerable drone and a friend's problem-solving interview question. Survivorship bias, as seen in Nerf guns and bees, highlights the importance of addressing challenges and considering all possibilities.

      Creativity and innovation often involve pushing boundaries and taking on seemingly impossible challenges. During a conversation, the speaker shared an experience from a tech expo where they encountered an unusual drone and discussed various topics ranging from job interviews to animal survival. The drone, which was believed to be unsteerable by others, had small jets that allowed the speaker to maneuver it. They also shared an anecdote about a friend who attempted to secure a job by asking an interview question that seemed absurd but required problem-solving skills. The conversation also touched on the concept of survivorship bias, which refers to the observation that only the survivors are visible in a given situation. This idea was applied to Nerf guns and bees, with the suggestion that bees might be small enough to survive being shot out of a Nerf gun without harm. The speaker proposed a solution involving an escape pod in the Nerf dart's head that would only open on impact. The conversation also included a reference to a past event where Bill Gates, during a charity speech, demonstrated the impact of malaria by releasing mosquitoes into the audience. This anecdote served as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and addressing challenges that others may face. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing challenges, thinking creatively, and being open to the seemingly impossible.

    • Unique dial technologyDuring a conversation, the group was intrigued by a unique dial made from a brushless motor with a magnetic encoder, which provided infinitely variable input, sparking curiosity and encouraging further exploration.

      During a conversation, the topic shifted from discussing Bill Gates and his efforts to eradicate malaria, to an exhibit featuring a unique dial made from a brushless motor with a magnetic encoder. The group was fascinated by the dial's ability to provide infinitely variable input, feeling like a physical spring or switch. Despite some confusion, the speaker was passionate about the technology and encouraged others to explore it further. The conversation also touched upon other exhibits, including a planer motor and a discussion about underwear. The overall tone was lighthearted and curious, with the group expressing excitement about the innovative technologies they were encountering.

    • Chemistry game legalityCreating a game that teaches users how to make chemicals may raise legal and ethical concerns, and handling explosive substances like gold fulminate is dangerous and should only be done by trained professionals.

      The group had an intriguing discussion about various topics, including losing luggage and buying new clothes, a VR chemistry booth, and the potential legality of creating a game that teaches chemistry. The conversation led to an idea about creating a game that teaches users how to make certain chemicals, but they debated the legality and ethics of such a game. The group also discussed the possibility of creating an explosive using gold fulminate, and the potential risks and dangers associated with creating and handling such substances. It's important to remember that creating and handling explosives or other dangerous chemicals should only be done by trained professionals in a safe environment.

    • Gold explosion alternativesInstead of attempting a dangerous gold explosion, the group considered alternative ways to donate to the cause, such as a collection jar or a large gold exhibit.

      The group discussed the idea of creating a gold explosion for a science project, but they had concerns about the potential danger and waste of the experiment. Instead, they considered alternative ways to donate to the cause, such as a collection jar or a large gold exhibit that couldn't be stolen. They also discussed the challenges of handling and detonating gold fulminate, a potentially unstable explosive. The conversation also touched on various topics, including the cost of gold, the potential for a gold heist, and the limits of human endurance, such as drinking a gallon of milk. Overall, the group was open to new ideas and willing to explore various possibilities, while also considering the potential risks and consequences.

    • Creativity and failuresCreativity and experimentation can lead to unexpected outcomes, some good and some bad. Clean workspace and favorite colors are also important in the creative process.

      Creativity and experimentation often lead to unexpected outcomes, some good and some bad. During a live Q&A session, the group shared stories of their most successful and failed projects. Some of the worst creations included a taser squirt gun filled with conductive fluid, a flamethrower made from a squirt gun and flammable fluid, and a tear gas called choline that was severely underestimated. Despite these mishaps, they all agreed that the pride and excitement of creating something new outweighed the potential for failure. Another topic discussed was the importance of having a clean workspace, with Nigel admitting that 20% of his time was spent cleaning his pristine lab. The group also touched on the subject of favorite colors, with some expressing disdain for "fancy" names like chartreuse, and others not having a least favorite. Overall, the session highlighted the importance of embracing the unknown and learning from both successes and failures.

    • Active Listening & EngagementEngaging fully in learning experiences, such as interviews or lectures, leads to a more comprehensive understanding and greater value derived from the information presented.

      During the interview with Mark Rober, while some viewers engaged deeply with the conversation, about half of the audience didn't fully participate. This highlights the importance of active listening and engagement in any learning experience, whether it's through watching an interview or attending a lecture. By fully immersing ourselves in the content, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding and derive greater value from the information presented. Let's strive to give our full attention to every learning opportunity and make the most of it.

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