
    Live Life Awake: The Art & Science of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine

    enAugust 10, 2018
    What is the focus of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine?
    Who are Colin Hudon and Jennifer Ayers?
    How does pulse reading aid in health assessment?
    What does a holistic approach to health involve?
    Why is self-awareness important in modern life?

    • Understanding our interconnectedness with the world for better healthRecognizing and treating patterns in our bodies, lives, relationships, and beliefs can restore harmony and balance in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

      We are deeply interconnected with our environment and the world around us, and this connection influences our health and well-being. Colin Hudon and Jennifer Ayers, two experts in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, emphasized this idea during their conversation on the Rich Roll podcast. They believe that by recognizing and treating patterns in our bodies and lives, we can restore harmony and wholeness. This idea resonates with both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, as they both focus on treating systems rather than symptoms. Our relationships with our environment, each other, and our beliefs all contribute to our overall health. Colin Hudon is a physician of traditional Chinese medicine, herbalist, acupuncturist, and tea master. He founded Living Tea, which sources and imports the finest and rarest old growth teas and teaware. Jennifer Ayers is an Ayurvedic health practitioner. Together, they highlighted the importance of recognizing patterns and treating the whole system to restore balance and harmony. Their conversation with Rich Roll was a fantastic discourse on the interconnectedness of our health and the world around us.

    • Exploring ancient wisdom for modern self-healingJen and Colin's teachings emphasize personal control in health journeys, drawing from Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine's ancient roots. These practices offer unique insights into modern Western medicine and promote holistic well-being.

      Jen and Colin, two esteemed Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, emphasize self-empowerment in personal health journeys. Both practices, with their ancient roots, offer valuable tools to prevent acute conditions and promote holistic well-being. Chinese Medicine, dating back to 2737 BC, shares a belief that humans are a microcosm of nature and offers insights into modern Western medicine's mysteries. Ayurveda, an Indian practice, focuses on the balance of three energies (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) within the body. Both practices encourage individuals to take control of their health and healing, contrasting the current medical system's reliance on doctors' advice. Their interactive sessions during the retreat provided valuable insights and tools for participants to embark on their self-healing journeys.

    • Understanding Traditional Healing Systems: Interconnectedness and BalanceTraditional healing systems focus on interconnectedness, balance, and observing patterns to treat systems rather than symptoms. Western medicine excels in diagnosing and treating specific diseases with advanced technology. Both approaches have strengths and can complement each other.

      Traditional healing systems like Chinese medicine and Ayurveda emphasize the interconnectedness of all things, including our bodies and the environment. They focus on observing patterns and treating systems rather than symptoms. Both systems believe in the importance of balance and the influence of external factors on our health. Ayurveda, for instance, looks at the unique balance of attributes, or gunas, that each person comes into the world with, and how imbalances can be addressed through applying opposing attributes. Western medicine, on the other hand, excels in diagnosing and treating specific diseases with advanced technology. Both approaches have their strengths and can complement each other, with traditional medicine offering a more holistic perspective and Western medicine providing precise interventions. Ultimately, the goal is to find balance and allow the body to heal itself.

    • Complementing Western and Chinese Medicine in Cancer TreatmentTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can enhance Western cancer treatment by reducing healing times and side effects. TCM's preventative approach and addressing societal causes can help combat modern chronic diseases.

      Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine can complement each other in treating various health conditions, including cancer. The practitioner of Chinese medicine acknowledges the limitations of her practice when dealing with fast-acting diseases like cancer, where the pathogen may be progressing faster than the treatment can reverse. However, she emphasizes the importance of preventative medicine and addressing the social causes of diseases. The prevalence of modern chronic degenerative diseases can be linked to societal ills, such as a lack of warmth and connection. Additionally, there is growing evidence supporting the effectiveness of Chinese medicine as an adjunct therapy to Western medicine, with studies showing reduced healing times and minimized side effects. The goal is to work together to provide minimally invasive treatments and improve overall patient care.

    • A more skillful approach to treating illnesses is needed, not wiping out all life in a city for one bad guy.Merge western and traditional medicine for a more holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on the larger ramifications rather than just specific mechanisms.

      A more skillful and less damaging approach to treating illnesses is necessary, rather than wiping out all life in a city to get one bad guy. This concept applies not only at the cellular level but also at the individual level and within communities and the planet at large. The forest should not be lost for the trees, as western medicine tends to focus on specific mechanisms while ignoring the larger ramifications. The ideal solution is to merge these ideologies and practices into the current system, but the main barrier is misunderstanding. Functional medicine clinics are a step in the right direction, but insurance coverage plays a significant role in mainstreaming these practices. The recent changes in legislation regarding Chinese medicine have allowed practitioners to gain primary care status, but the requirement to be conversant in both Chinese and Western medicine can dilute the focus on mastering one field. The ultimate goal is to find individuals who can bridge the gap between these two realms of medicine and lead the way towards a more holistic approach to healthcare.

    • Empowering Patients for Holistic HealingCollaborate with practitioners, listen to your body daily, and create a regular schedule to prioritize self-care for holistic healing

      Holistic healing involves a collaborative approach between patients and practitioners, where patients take responsibility for their health and practitioners work together from different modalities to create a treatment plan. This empowers patients to bring their body into balance, allowing it to heal itself. The historical context shows that this partnership approach was once common in medicine but was replaced by a system that prioritizes treating symptoms rather than the whole person. To start your journey towards taking more responsibility for your health and well-being, listen to your body daily and create a regular schedule to help you stay focused on your needs. By prioritizing your body's signals, you'll be more likely to maintain balance and prevent illness.

    • Reconnecting with natural rhythms for optimal healthConsistent sleep schedule, eating big meal at noon, mindful energy management, and eating seasonally can improve physical and mental wellbeing

      Aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the day and the changing seasons can have a profound impact on our wellbeing. By going to bed and waking up at consistent times, eating our biggest meal at midday when the sun is highest, and being mindful of the natural dips and peaks in energy, we can optimize our physical and mental health. Additionally, eating seasonally and intuitively, based on the availability and needs of our bodies, can support our unique constitutions and promote overall wellness. As the Oracle at Delphi wisely advised, "know thyself," and by reconnecting with our bodies and the natural world, we can better understand and nourish ourselves.

    • Ancient practices like TCM and Ayurveda offer personalized health assessments through practices like pulse readingAncient practices provide personalized health assessments using intuitive methods like pulse reading, offering valuable insights into physical and emotional states and tailoring treatments accordingly

      Traditional practices like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda offer personalized and intuitive approaches to nutrition and health assessment through practices like pulse reading. These methods provide valuable insights into an individual's physical and emotional state, helping to identify imbalances and tailor treatments accordingly. Pulse reading, for instance, offers objective analysis through the sensation and quality of the pulse, while also allowing for subjective interpretation. The vast amount of information that can be gleaned from a single pulse reading is a testament to the depth and richness of these ancient practices. While intuition plays a role, skilled practitioners can also rely on objective analysis to provide accurate assessments. These practices prioritize the dialogue between the practitioner and patient, creating a holistic approach to health care that is lacking in Western medicine.

    • Connecting Physical, Mental, and Emotional WellbeingA holistic approach to life involves practicing self-awareness, focusing on individual needs and values, and prioritizing collaborative efforts between physical health, mental state, and emotional connections.

      A meaningful and connected life involves a collaborative effort between various aspects of our wellbeing, including our physical health, mental state, and emotional connections. This holistic approach starts with practices like pulse taking, which not only provide important medical information but also facilitate therapeutic dialogue between healthcare providers and patients. Furthermore, having a consciously chosen way of life, anchored in self-awareness and focused on our individual needs and values, is essential for navigating the complexities of modern life and avoiding external influences that may not have our best interests at heart. Whether through meditation, nature, or other practices, establishing a strong sense of self and containing our energy inward can lead to profound physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

    • Establishing a consistent meditation practiceStart with simple mindful activities, deepen consciousness, improve well-being, remember faith and dedication, explore ancient practices for guidance

      Developing a consistent meditation practice can be challenging for many people due to the constant overthinking that is prevalent in modern society. However, establishing such a practice is crucial for living a more present and fulfilling life. The speaker suggests starting with simple actions, such as drinking three cups of tea in the morning without distractions, to bring focus and awareness to the present moment. By consistently practicing this and other mindful activities, individuals can deepen their consciousness and improve their overall well-being. It's important to remember that the benefits of meditation may not be immediately apparent, but with faith and dedication, the practice will lead to positive changes over time. Additionally, incorporating practices from ancient traditions like Chinese medicine and Ayurveda can provide structure and guidance for leading a more intentional and connected way of life.

    • Integrate mindfulness into daily lifePractice mindfulness throughout the day, not just during meditation sessions, and establish a consistent meditation practice to develop awareness

      Rather than viewing meditation as a separate, discreet practice, it's more beneficial to integrate mindfulness and attention into daily life. This means being fully present in the moment throughout the day, not just during designated meditation sessions. However, establishing a consistent meditation practice is essential to developing the awareness necessary for this continuous mindfulness. Simple practices, such as focusing on sensation or breath, can help individuals begin to live more mindfully and break addictions to distractions. Additionally, emotions and breathing are closely connected, and learning to control the breath can influence and improve emotional states. Overall, the goal is to cultivate a mindful presence in all aspects of life, using various techniques and practices as tools to help achieve this goal.

    • Bridging the Gap Between Chinese and Ayurvedic MedicinesChinese and Ayurvedic medicines can work together in modern healthcare through lifestyle medicine, epigenetics, and the microbiome, making these ancient healing traditions more accessible to the public as medicine becomes more personalized.

      Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines can complement each other and be used interchangeably for certain diseases and conditions, despite their differences. Both systems have unique approaches and consider various factors when determining treatments. However, it can be confusing for patients to receive different treatments with similar symptoms from different practitioners. Integrating principles from these ancient healing traditions into modern medicine, such as through lifestyle medicine and an understanding of epigenetics and the microbiome, can help bridge the gap and make these approaches more accessible to the public. As medicine moves towards more personalized healthcare, the specificity of diagnoses and the use of technology are expected to facilitate the integration of traditional healing practices with modern medicine.

    • Understanding inner experiences and impulsesIgnoring inner feelings and impulses can lead to health issues. Personal stories of disconnection and self-discovery emphasize the importance of listening to and understanding our inner selves for overall wellbeing and potential growth.

      Our internal experiences and the unexplained feelings or impulses we have are important indicators of our overall wellbeing. Ignoring these impulses can lead to physical and mental health issues. Both Colin and Jennifer shared their personal stories of feeling disconnected from themselves at a young age, leading them on unique paths to self-discovery. For Colin, this disconnection was a result of feeling that his mind, emotions, and body were not aligned, and he sought answers through various philosophies and studies. Jennifer's journey began with a feeling that something was off in her life and led her to study under the pioneer of Ayurveda, Dr. Vincent Laud. Their experiences highlight the importance of listening to and understanding our inner selves, and the potential for personal growth that comes from asking big questions and seeking answers.

    • Exploring purpose through personal experiencesThrough personal experiences and self-discovery, one can find purpose and fulfillment by following passions and overcoming challenges

      Personal experiences and questioning one's identity can lead to a deep exploration of one's purpose and passions. The speaker's journey began with a strong connection to nature and a desire to help others, but she struggled with defining her role and finding the tools to do so. Through various experiences, including a debilitating illness, she discovered Ayurvedic practices and became dedicated to bridging the gap between Eastern and Western healing methods. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, she persevered and ultimately found fulfillment in her chosen path. The importance of self-discovery, resilience, and following one's passions, even in the face of adversity, emerged as key themes throughout her journey.

    • Ayurvedic practices led to speaker's potential recovery from MSThe speaker believes her MS diagnosis may have been misdiagnosed, emphasizing the importance of consciousness and energy in healing, and expressing skepticism towards Western medicine's reductionist approach.

      The speaker's experience with a potential misdiagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis led her to question the Western medical approach and instead, she turned to Ayurvedic practices for healing. She believes that her condition may not have been MS at all, but rather an issue related to trauma and emotions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of consciousness and energy in the healing process and expresses skepticism towards the reductionist perspective of Western medicine. Despite the initial devastating diagnosis, she refused Western treatments and instead opted for Ayurvedic practices, which she believes led to her recovery. The speaker also shares her belief that emotional trauma, possibly from childhood or other lifetimes, could be a significant factor in health issues. While some may view this as unconventional, the speaker remains convinced of the power of consciousness and energy in healing.

    • Exploring Multiple Perspectives for Optimal HealingConsider a more fluid, inclusive approach to understanding reality and health by exploring various perspectives and integrating psychological, emotional, and physical approaches.

      Our understanding of reality and health is shaped by the stories and models we tell ourselves. A reductionist, fixed perspective may not fully capture the complexity of human experience. Instead, we should remain open to exploring multiple perspectives and integrating various approaches for optimal healing. The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing psychological and emotional aspects of health, as well as the physical. It's a delicate balance between trusting natural remedies and the urgency to treat injuries or illnesses. Ultimately, we should question our assumptions and consider a more fluid, inclusive approach to understanding reality and health.

    • Identifying with external achievements can harm healthRecognize that attachment to external identities can lead to suffering and prevent healing, consider life beyond identity, and commit to traditional healing practices for long-term health benefits.

      Our identification with external achievements and quick fixes can lead to suffering and potential harm, especially during times of injury or illness. The Ayurvedic system identifies this drive as "pitta," which is focused, competitive, and connected to achievement. However, clinging to this identity, rather than listening to the body's needs, can result in further imbalance and potential injury. It's essential to consider what life would be like without the attachment to being an athlete or any other external identity. Injuries and illnesses can provide opportunities for growth and expansion beyond our current sense of self. Moreover, the instant gratification culture we live in often leads us to expect quick fixes, but most injuries take time to heal. Traditional healing methods, such as Chinese herbs and Ayurvedic practices, require commitment and engagement in the healing process. The biggest challenge is patient compliance, as people often abandon these practices when they don't see immediate results. Ultimately, the root cause of most diseases is "Pragna Parad" or crimes against wisdom, which can stem from small pleasurable choices to larger identity-driven behaviors. By recognizing this and taking responsibility for our choices, we can create a balance that prevents future injuries and promotes overall wellbeing.

    • Understanding the Roots of Mental Illness: Trauma and Shen DisturbanceTrauma, whether from family dynamics, hidden secrets, or neglect, can lead to mental illness by affecting the spirit (Shen) and causing egoic identity formation. Treatment includes herbs, acupuncture, talk therapy, lifestyle changes, meditation, and connecting with reality.

      Mental illness, including seemingly asymptomatic conditions, can stem from subtle traumas and unaddressed emotional distress. From a Chinese medical perspective, this is known as Shen disturbance, which affects the spirit. Trauma can manifest in various ways, including family dynamics, hidden secrets, and neglect. These traumas can lead to the development of egoic identity and later manifest as pathological illness in the body. Treatment includes herbs, acupuncture, talk therapy, and lifestyle changes, as well as meditation and coming in closer contact with reality. Ultimately, the remedy for some mental ills is through wisdom and practices that help us connect with reality as it is, rather than trying to find our identity through external sources, which can lead to a constant state of suffering.

    • The mind-body connection and self-lovePracticing relaxation, self-love, and Ayurvedic methods can improve the mind-body connection, reduce tension, and promote overall health. Addressing addiction involves recognizing the fragility of the body and returning to self-love.

      The connection between the mind and body is profound, and both require attention for overall well-being. Trauma, addiction, and imbalances in energy can disrupt this connection. Ayurvedic practices, including herbs and lifestyle changes, can help heal these disruptions. Self-love and relaxation are essential practices to foster a stronger connection with oneself and improve overall health. In our fast-paced society, we've lost the capacity to relax, and tension in the body prevents us from fully experiencing life. By practicing relaxation and self-love, we become more porous to life and less focused on the "I, me, and my" perspective that can lead to suffering. Additionally, addressing addiction by connecting with the fragility of our bodies and returning to a place of self-love can help break the cycle.

    • Embrace self-care, nature, and positivityHonor yourself, connect with nature, and surround yourself with positivity for a fulfilling life. Remember inner strength and resilience through these practices.

      Self-care, connecting with nature, and surrounding yourself with positive influences are essential practices for living a fulfilling and balanced life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of honoring oneself, spending time in nature, and being with like-minded individuals. These practices help us remember our inner strength and resilience, providing a much-needed perspective when dealing with life's challenges. Moreover, the speaker encourages listeners to check out Colin's tea company, Living Tea, for a special offer on rare and hand-curated teas. Lastly, a reminder to join the screening of the documentary "Running for Good" and the subsequent podcast episode with Keegan Coon and Fiona Oak. Don't forget to subscribe to the Living Tea newsletter and the Rich Roll podcast for more inspiring content.

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    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life

    The Voice of Swimming: Olympian Rowdy Gaines on The Sport That Saved His Life
    Rowdy Gaines is a three-time Olympic gold medalist, NBC’s voice of swimming, and a living legend in the aquatic world. This conversation explores Rowdy’s extraordinary journey from late-blooming swimmer to world record holder and beloved broadcaster. We dig into his mental resilience through setbacks like the 1980 Olympic boycott and a battle with Guillain-Barré syndrome, his perspective on the evolution of competitive swimming, and his passion for water safety advocacy. He offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Paris Olympics and much more along the way. Rowdy’s infectious enthusiasm is a gift to the sport. He shows everyone how and why we love this sport, which means so much to us both. Enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors:  Waking Up: Get a FREE month, plus $30 OFF  👉wakingup.com/RICHROLL Roka: Unlock 20% OFF your order with code RICHROLL 👉ROKA.com/RICHROLL Bon Charge: Use code RICHROLL to save 15% OFF 👉 boncharge.com  Birch: Get 25% off ALL mattresses and 2 free eco-rest pillows 👉BirchLiving.com/richroll This episode is sponsored by Better Help: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Meal Planner: For customized plant-based recipes 👉meals.richroll.com Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enAugust 12, 2024

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    Check out more from Erica at https://tacmobility.org.

    Find us on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/YouTube) @TacTangents You can join the conversation in our Facebook Discussion Group. Find all of our episodes, articles, some reading list ideas, and more on our website www.tacticaltangents.com

    Like what we’re doing? Head over to Patreon and give us a buck for each new episode. You can also make a one-time contribution at GoFundMe.

    Intro music credit Bensound.com

    #125 - Back Pain: 4 Unique Ways To Alleviate a Flare-up

    #125 - Back Pain: 4 Unique Ways To Alleviate a Flare-up

    In this episode of the podcast, we discuss recurring back pain and managing flare-ups. Recurring & persistent back pain is something we deal with on a weekly basis, with so much of the same information coming out on it, we thought it would be best to give you a different perspective on how to alleviate it.

    We explore the psychological side of pain as well as different strategies you can adopt to take back control. We dive deep into the use of language, visualisation & pacing.

    We also speak on client success stories, breathing, and awareness as well as how to use it to your advantage in this eye-opening episode.

    Get Your Free Intention Worksheet Here! <---- Click Here For Your Free Worksheet and Start Putting it into Practice Today!

    Check Out Programs: https://linktr.ee/mobilitytutor

    Follow Mobility Tutor on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube.


    Music by Dean Kenny: https://linktr.ee/deankenny

    44 - How to Easily identify triggers, deal with them effectively and get rid of them.

    44 - How to Easily identify triggers, deal with them effectively and get rid of them.

    Triggers are things, people, events, situations, colors, music--literally anything--that set off a negative reaction in your mind and sometimes also parts of your body. 

    Note: This episode was taken from a Facebook Live broadcast and the content is stellar; however, the sound isn't perfect.

     In this week's episode:

    • Triggers are anything (people, events, dates, songs, etc.) that set you off and affect you--usually negatively. It is a thought, feeling, physical reaction in your body.
    • Everyone has triggers.
    • Triggers may come and go but, ultimately you determine what/who will allow to trigger you as well as those that won't.
    • Identifying your triggers takes focus and reflection, but knowing what triggers you and how to effectively deal with them will improve your productivity.
    • You are 100% in control of what goes through your social media feeds.
    • Like, comment, share, save, archive posts that you want to see more of in the future.
    • Mute accounts (silence for a period of time you choose) that you don't want to see.
    • Delete posts that you don't want to see or that trigger you right now.
    • Block posts and or accounts that you no longer want to see at all. You can always unblock them in the future.
    • When you are triggered, you can ignore the trigger (person, song, event, situation, etc.) but this can be difficult.
    • You can remove yourself from the same space that the person, song, etc. is or you can limit the times that you are in the same space. 
    • Surround yourself with positive people, songs, etc, that will help you to move through your day successfully and soften the effects of the triggers.
    • When you are able to identify your triggers, the trigger no longer has as much power--YOU have the power.
    • Our energy will go wherever our focus goes.
    • Nothing can trigger you unless you allow it to.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    This week's challenge:

    Get in on the Business Fabulous Social Media Cafe and gain access to hundreds of social media strategies, video tutorials, step-by-step pdfs and much more! 

    Have you joined my free Facebook group yet? If you want free, proven strategies to get your audience finding you online and buying from you and really grow your business by leaps and bounds, you want to be here! 

    Wanna chat? Grab a free 20-minute call with me to get the help you need for your business or your podcast!

    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you won't miss an episode!

    Are you ready for more business success?  Listen here.

    If you enjoy this week's podcast episode, I'd love it if you would do a few things:

    1. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsStitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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    3. Tag me on your Instagram stories! Use #business fabulous and I'll reshare your post on my IG accounts! Tag me here:   @businessfabulouspodcast @bonnie.frank or @thevisibilityexpert.

    Thank you so much for supporting me! 💕

    I hope you'll listen in and then hop on over and join our Facebook Group here where the discussion continues.

    #125 - Back Pain: 4 Unique Ways To Alleviate a Flare-up

    #125 - Back Pain: 4 Unique Ways To Alleviate a Flare-up

    In this episode of the podcast, we discuss recurring back pain and managing flare-ups. Recurring & persistent back pain is something we deal with on a weekly basis, with so much of the same information coming out on it, we thought it would be best to give you a different perspective on how to alleviate it.

    We explore the psychological side of pain as well as different strategies you can adopt to take back control. We dive deep into the use of language, visualisation & pacing.

    We also speak on client success stories, breathing, and awareness as well as how to use it to your advantage in this eye-opening episode.

    Get Your Free Intention Worksheet Here! <---- Click Here For Your Free Worksheet and Start Putting it into Practice Today!

    Check Out Programs: https://linktr.ee/mobilitytutor

    Follow Mobility Tutor on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube.


    Music by Dean Kenny: https://linktr.ee/deankenny

    #176 - Common Mistake in Treating Back Pain: The Diagnosis

    #176 - Common Mistake in Treating Back Pain: The Diagnosis

    Do you have the correct diagnosis for your recurring back pain? If you've been giving the diagnosis before that it is posture related, your glutes/core is weak, your muscles are overactive or your disks are the problem, you've most likely been misled.

    Chronic back pain is rarely a biomechanical issue. Instead it's at a neurological level. We speak on the cycles people go through looking for a diagnosis and how this creates a bigger problem.

    Join our next cohort of people who are regaining the confidence in their body, overcoming back pain for good and getting back to the activities they love. It's time to change, click here ---> Back Pain Back To Exercise Group


    Click here for our free guide on understanding the neurological side of back pain ---> https://mobilitytutor.activehosted.com/f/5 


    Music: Dean Kenny


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