
    About this Episode

    Your mindset and your housing will have a significant impact on your retirement. Discover more on the latest podcast where I’m interviewing special guest Billy Pratt. 

    If you want more resources and show notes, check out https://astrafinancial.ca/podcasts/

    Recent Episodes from The Heart of Your Money

    Honoring Wishes and Celebrating Life: Interview with Kathleen Kellner

    Honoring Wishes and Celebrating Life: Interview with Kathleen Kellner

    Importance of End-of-Life Conversations and Documentation: The podcast emphasizes the critical need for individuals to have conversations about their end-of-life wishes with loved ones or document them if they can't. This ensures that their desires are known and respected, helping to avoid family conflicts and uncertainty during challenging times.

    Comprehensive Support and Resources: Kathleen Kellner's role as an end-of-life consultant extends beyond traditional funeral planning. Her company, Empowered Endings Collective, offers comprehensive support, including financial, legal, and legacy planning. This holistic approach aims to address all aspects of end-of-life preparation and ensure clients receive tailored support for their unique needs.

    Initiating Conversations and Seeking Support: Both Kathleen and the host, Zena, stress the importance of starting conversations about end-of-life planning and seeking support early on. They encourage listeners to reach out for guidance and assistance, emphasizing that every situation is unique and requires personalized support to navigate effectively.


    Navigating Tax Changes: What You Need to Know for 2024

    Navigating Tax Changes: What You Need to Know for 2024

    Elevate your tax game with my latest podcast! Today's episode is dedicated to tax season. Learn my top tips on navigating recent updates, including ...

    🌟 Discovering the power of disclosure in trust arrangements, ensuring CRA compliance and penalty avoidance.

    📝 Traversing the 2023 home office expense changes – meet criteria, keep docs handy!

    💼 Exploring the CRA's recent 10% interest charge hike; timely payments save you from hefty fines. 🚨

    Stay informed, be proactive – these tax insights are your guide to smooth financial sailing! Dive into tax insights today for savvy financial planning ahead!

    Navigating Life Transitions - Interview with Laura Englund

    Navigating Life Transitions - Interview with Laura Englund

    Embark on a journey of insightful revelations with Laura Englund as she unravels the intricacies of navigating life transitions, including these three key takeaways that might just reshape your perspective:

    🙌 Early Conversations Are Key: Laura passionately advocates for the power of early conversations and strategic planning when it comes to life transitions. Waiting until retirement, she cautions, might add unnecessary stress. Learn why initiating these dialogues sooner rather than later can be a game-changer in navigating the twists and turns of life.

    🙌 Downsizing Beyond the Tangibles: In a heartwarming exploration of personal anecdotes, Laura delves into the emotional toll and family dynamics associated with downsizing. The big revelation? Downsizing doesn't equate to selling everything. Discover how a shift in perspective, coupled with professional assistance, can streamline the process, allowing you to preserve cherished memories while embracing a simpler lifestyle.

    🙌 Embrace Alternatives: Laura encourages us to broaden our horizons by considering downsizing alternatives. It's not just about clearing physical space but finding ways to declutter our lives continually. Moreover, she introduces the concept of aging in place comfortably, showcasing that downsizing doesn't always mean a complete upheaval.


    If you want more resources and show notes, check out https://astrafinancial.ca/podcasts/

    Building Trust Through Shared Money Histories

    Building Trust Through Shared Money Histories

    In the latest episode of "Heart of Your Money," we dive deep into the heart of family dynamics and finances. Get ready for a rollercoaster of insights and personal stories that will reshape the way you approach money within your own clan. Here's a sneak peek into the transformative journey:

    💰 Diverse Money Perspectives Unveiled: Discover how I navigate the intricate web of diverse money mindsets within my family, ensuring a harmonious financial landscape and preventing conflicts before they even arise.

    💰 Money Memories: It's more than just nostalgia. Join me on a trip down memory lane as I open up about personal money experiences. Learn how sharing these stories fosters a deeper understanding and respect among family members, creating an empathetic foundation for our financial journey.

    💰 Crafting the Ultimate Family Money Plan: Uncover the secrets to a robust family money plan that goes beyond the numbers. I delve into the importance of regular discussions, inclusivity, flexibility, and financial literacy. Spoiler alert: It's not just about the budget; it's about building trust and strengthening those family bonds.

    Tune in now for an eye-opening conversation that will empower you to revolutionize your family's approach to money. Because when it comes to finances, unity is not just strength – it's the key to an unbreakable family legacy!

    Simplify Your Finances: A 10-Minute Daily Routine for Financial Wellness

    Simplify Your Finances: A 10-Minute Daily Routine for Financial Wellness

    Embracing Simplicity in Money Management: The episode emphasizes the importance of adopting a minimalist approach to financial management, drawing parallels between a simple lifestyle and a streamlined approach to handling money.

    Daily Financial Check-In: The host introduces a quick and easy daily routine, taking just 10 minutes or less, to check in on your finances. This involves planning for the day's expenses, fostering mindfulness in spending, and ensuring that every financial decision is well thought out.

    Weekly Financial Grasp: The podcast advocates for a weekly 10-minute check-in to assess the previous week's spending, celebrate successes, or recalibrate as needed. This routine includes checking bank accounts, listing upcoming expenses, and maintaining control over your financial situation to eliminate stress and guilt associated with unplanned spending.

    Cash Flow Mastery: Breaking Free from Budget Constraints in the New Year

    Cash Flow Mastery: Breaking Free from Budget Constraints in the New Year

    Are you ready to break free from financial constraints and embark on a journey to redefine your relationship with money in 2024? I'm here to guide you through a game-changing approach that will reshape your financial destiny, starting with today's podcast, Episode #109: Cash Flow Mastery - Breaking Free from Budget Constraints in the New Year.

    Key takeaways for your financial revolution include ... 

    🚀 Prioritizing Meaningful Spending: Bid farewell to impulsive purchases and embrace intentional living. Align your spending with your values, empowering your money to reflect what truly matters.

    🚀 Creating Value-Aligned Savings Buckets: No more generic savings accounts! Discover how to tailor your savings to unique goals, making your money work smarter and aligning your strategy with your dreams.

    🚀 Adopting a Simple 10-Minute Financial Check-In Routine: Say goodbye to overwhelming spreadsheets! My quick and easy financial check-in routine takes just 10 minutes, offering significant results in keeping your finances on track. 

    If you want more resources and show notes, check out https://astrafinancial.ca/podcasts/

    Thriving Through Entrepreneurial Highs and Lows

    Thriving Through Entrepreneurial Highs and Lows

    Get ready for an inspiring journey through the entrepreneurial landscape in our latest podcast episode!

    In today's podcast, I'm joined by Corina Walsh, author, certified leadership coach, and CEO of Shift People Development Inc. Our conversation was brimming with wisdom nuggets, offering invaluable insights into...

    🌟The Exhilarating Entrepreneurial Journey: Dive into the riveting world of entrepreneurship as we explore the highs and lows, emphasizing the importance of preparation without succumbing to a scarcity mindset.

    🌟Transitioning to Entrepreneurship: Join us for insights on the shift from employment to entrepreneurship, where we stress the need for meticulous planning and open communication, addressing crucial aspects such as finance and emotions.

    🌟Practical Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: For those eyeing entrepreneurship, especially those nearing retirement, we offer actionable advice—strategic career completion, early venture exploration, and proactive network building. 

    If you want more resources and show notes, check out https://astrafinancial.ca/podcasts/

    Should We Be Helping Our Adult Children Financially?

    Should We Be Helping Our Adult Children Financially?

    As parents, we always want to protect our kids and make sure they’re okay. We pick them up when they scrape their knees trying to ride a bike and give a stink eye to the other kids who are mean to them on the playground 😠 But at some point we all know we have to stop picking them up and dusting them off...and let them do it themselves.

    COVID has created a lot of uncertainty in terms of jobs and finances, and many people have kids wanting a helping hand financially right now.

    In this podcast, I’m chatting about what you should think about if you have adult kids who want financial help. Give it a listen now to learn what you need to consider if you’re thinking about giving your grown-up kids financial help 💁 https://astrafinancial.ca/2021/02/08/should-we-be-helping-our-adult-children-financially/

    Busting Financial Planning Myths

    Busting Financial Planning Myths

    I don’t know about you but I love when a myth gets busted …from the moon being made of cheese to that being Trump’s natural skin tone (sorry, I had to do it 🙊). But some myths can actually be pretty frightening and really hurt us financially, which is why in this podcast I’m debunking some of the most common financial myths I get asked about…like you can’t afford a financial planner, you started too late or you’re stuck in a defined benefit pension.

    I also have a special guest on this episode who is going through these myths with me…but you’ll have to listen to find out who it is 😁

    You don’t want to miss this episode, it’s one of my favs. https://astrafinancial.ca/2021/01/04/episode-6-busting-financial-planning-myths/