
    Living a WHOLE Inspired Life While Driving an INDY Brokerage

    enFebruary 18, 2022

    About this Episode

    Join the conversation with Jessica Woodbeck, Thrive Realty.

    Creating a space for people to grow is Jessica’s true passion and calling.

    Former Team Leader of the largest Keller Williams region in Michigan and during her reign she had countless achievements, most notably, revolutionizing the recruiting model by leading educational and community-building events that saw more than 150 Realtors recruited to the office in just one years time.

    After fulfilling her promise to Keller Williams and with so many lessons learned, the focus became rebuilding her own team in a very different way. Shifting the focus away from just production and towards supporting every person as a whole – and growing TOGETHER. Her passion to create a culture where people LOVE their work and grow in all areas of life became infectious and catalyzed a renewed level of new growth with a very different type of agent. 

    With the support of a fabulous team, they accomplished the impossible of keeping their agents engaged, productive, and most of all happy. It became clear to Jessica that the culture existing through the team was valuable far wider than just real estate and more needed to be done for the community as a whole. 

    The result was, ThriveWell, an initiative with an intense focus on wellness and happiness for the community as a whole alongside making the bold decision to remove the constraints of the big box brokerage and launch Thrive Realty Company as an independent full-service boutique brokerage.

    The business saw further growth of over 40% through 2020 without a single additional agent added. Harnessing the commitment of creating a place for agents to genuinely grow as people meant that 2021 was a year where sales went up by a further 86%, they ranked in the top 5% of all independent brokerages and both agents and staff were regularly recognized in local publications for their growth and culture. 

    Jessica’s ambition, combined with a true passion for delivering the ultimate client experience meant that the Thrive culture was needed in all areas of the home buying and selling process. Thrive Networks launched in 2021, delivering mortgage, title and insurance services to their clients and communities, meaning people can now experience the Thrive ​360. 

    Jessica personifies success in all areas of her life. She is a powerful example of the fact that you can be devoted to your family, committed to your health AND build a powerful business empire.

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