
    Lori Tauber Marcus, Cie Nicholson, & Angelique Bellmer Krembs of The Band of Sisters & Authors of “You Should Smile More” On: At the Table, Not in the Conversation; Accidental Sexism & Micro-Moments; Barriers to Inclusion Are Barriers to Success

    enSeptember 12, 2022

    About this Episode

    Angelique Bellmer Krembs is a marketing expert and a founding member of The Band of Sisters. She spent 23 years at PepsiCo, leading turnaround and growth for many beloved brands, including Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and SoBe. She was also the CMO at News America Marketing, created a CMO Advisory practice, and was the Managing Director and Global Head of Brand at BlackRock.

    Lori Tauber Marcus is a corporate board director, executive coach, and a founding member of The Band of Sisters. After 24 years in multiple roles at PepsiCo, including Senior Vice President, Marketing Activation, she served as SVP of The Children’s Place Retail Stores and Chief Global Brand and Product Officer at Keurig Green Mountain. Lori also has significant board experience and presently sits on the boards of Fresh Del Monte Produce and 24-Hour Fitness.

    Cie Nicholson is an investor, advisor, speaker, and another founding member of The Band of Sisters. Her career includes 11 years at PepsiCo, serving as the EVP and CMO of Equinox and Softcard. She presently serves as Public Board Director for Selective Insurance and also served as a Private Board Member for Heartland Food Group and the ANA (Association of National Advertisers).

    In this episode…

    The roots of sexism in the business world are often deeper than we realize. It’s all too easy to identify the more obvious problems and be satisfied, but most are much more subtle. The only way to promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace is to confront the small and the large issues alike. This requires honesty from the people who are affected the most.

    The Band of Sisters is a collective of women in leadership with a common goal towards eradicating gender bias. They have come together to write a book entitled You Should Smile More that outlines the current state of gender bias in business and what can be done. It’s filled with many real-world experiences, and now they share some of them with you.

    Dov Pollack interviews Angelique Bellmer Krembs, Lori Tauber Marcus, and Cie Nicholson of The Band of Sisters to talk about gender equality and how we can move forward. They discuss their book, some of the key takeaways, and how they wrote it. They touch on a host of important topics like speaking truth to power, cultivating a welcoming workplace, and why remote work can be so valuable. Hear it all on this episode of the Next Wave Leadership podcast.

    Recent Episodes from Next Wave Leadership Podcast

    Sylvia Rohde-Liebenau, Chief Simplicity Officer at ADAPTAA, On: Smart Power Leadership, the Value of Co-Creation, and Navigating Complexity Through Collaboration

    Sylvia Rohde-Liebenau, Chief Simplicity Officer at ADAPTAA, On: Smart Power Leadership, the Value of Co-Creation, and Navigating Complexity Through Collaboration

    Sylvia Rohde-Liebenau is the Chief Simplicity Officer at ADAPTAA, a boutique leadership development company focused on improving emotional intelligence and driving high performance in the modern workplace. At ADAPTAA, she leads the groundbreaking leadership program Artemis and serves as an executive coach and facilitator for executives and teams.

    Over the last 25-plus years, Sylvia has amassed experience as a leadership development expert and senior professional coach in international and financial institutions, backed by a PhD in international and global studies. She is the former Managerial Advisor of Leadership Development and Coaching at the European Investment Bank, where she advanced leaders for almost 18 years. In addition to authoring her upcoming book, Who’s in Charge?, she is self-employed as an Executive and Team Coach and helps people and organizations emerge and excel as impactful leaders. 

    In this episode…

    Understanding power dynamics is crucial in navigating complex social and business landscapes and ensuring equitable relationships. Moreover, embracing co-creation fosters collaboration and innovation by leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise. How might integrating these principles enhance decision-making and problem-solving in your personal and professional endeavors?

    Author and executive coach Sylvia Rohde-Liebenau discusses the concept of power and its implications for effective leadership, particularly in the context of her book Energy, Power and Legacy. She emphasizes the need to challenge traditional notions of power as hierarchical and instead advocates for shared power and co-creation. Sylvia’s "Smart Power" model delineates five levels of power: intentional, personal, relational, co-creative, and generative. To effectively navigate challenges and catalyze positive transformation, leaders must prioritize cultivating self-awareness, nurturing genuine connections, and embracing collaborative endeavors.

    In this episode of the Next Wave Leadership podcast, host Dov Pollack sits down with Sylvia Rohde-Liebenau, the Chief Simplicity Officer at ADAPTAA, to discuss her new book, Energy, Power and Legacy. Sylvia talks about defining power, the value of co-creation, and understanding and leveraging executive presence.

    Amy Shoenthal, Founder of Visionaries Collective, LLC, On: Overcoming Setbacks, Toxic Positivity, and Recognizing the Setback Cycle

    Amy Shoenthal, Founder of Visionaries Collective, LLC, On: Overcoming Setbacks, Toxic Positivity, and Recognizing the Setback Cycle

    Amy Shoenthal is the Founder of Visionaries Collective, LLC, where she elevates and amplifies the stories of successful founders. She is a journalist, author, and marketing consultant with nearly two decades of experience in social media marketing. She's interviewed hundreds of leaders from politicians, peloton instructors, and fashion icons to founders just starting their journeys. Amy has worked with some of the world's largest brands, including Procter & Gamble and Google, providing strategic marketing and helping them to shape their brand narratives. Her new book, The Setback Cycle, is about how nobody reaches the heights of success without experiencing setbacks and how to overcome them. Additionally, she is a top contributor to Forbes and Harvard Business Review.

    In this episode…

    Setbacks are an inevitable part of life, testing our resilience and determination. Whether it's a career setback, personal challenge, or unexpected obstacle, overcoming adversity often leads to personal growth and development. How do we harness the power of setbacks to propel us forward instead of holding us back?

    Amy Shoenthal, author and marketing consultant, believes that setbacks contain lessons that can help us grow. She emphasizes that embracing failure not only fosters resilience but also cultivates a growth mindset essential for personal and professional development. So viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning helps people refine their strategies, adapt to challenges, and ultimately achieve greater success. To overcome setbacks, Amy advocates for a proactive approach, encouraging people to analyze the root causes of their failures, extract valuable insights, and use them as stepping stones toward future accomplishments.

    In this episode of the Next Wave Leadership podcast, host Dov Pollack sits down with Amy Shoenthal, Founder of Visionaries Collective, LLC, to talk about how to overcome setbacks. Amy discusses understanding your identity versus your behavior, acknowledging the setback cycle, and the implications of toxic positivity.

    Katie Lacey, Founding Member of The Band of Sisters, On: The Importance of a First Boss, Choosing People Over To-Do Lists, and What Executive Presence Means

    Katie Lacey, Founding Member of The Band of Sisters, On: The Importance of a First Boss, Choosing People Over To-Do Lists, and What Executive Presence Means

    Katie Lacey is a board member for Designer Protein and a founding member of The Band of Sisters, a consulting firm helping leaders leverage diversity to build inclusive and productive cultures. With expertise in brand strategy and consumer insights, she is a professional with more than 28 years of experience driving the growth of various companies and managing large-scale company turnarounds. 

    As the former President and CEO of Crane Stationery, she led a management buyout, returned the business to profitability, accelerated e-commerce investment, and acquired Crane's largest competitor, which led to its acquisition by an industry competitor. Before Crane, Katie was the Senior VP at ESPN and held various executive marketing roles at PepsiCo for 13 years.

    In this episode…

    Effective business leadership comes in various forms and requires diverse skills and approaches. Leaders who have worked in different companies and industries bring unique insights, particularly those with experience with global brands. Their ability to manage multiple stakeholders, navigate cultural differences, and respond to changing market conditions is essential in today's business environment, where agility and responsiveness are critical to success.

    Katie Lacey has had an illustrious and diverse career and has amassed a wealth of experience she's refined over the years. Her multifarious background has given her a unique perspective on leadership. Throughout her career, Katie has held leadership roles across various industries, including beauty, fashion, and retail. Her extensive experience has allowed her to develop a versatile and effective leadership approach. Through her work with The Band of Sisters, Katie shares her insights and mentors other women, helping to empower them in their careers. At this career stage, she is dedicated to giving back and sharing her knowledge with others to help them adapt their leadership styles.

    In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack talks with Katie Lacey, a board member for Designer Protein and a founding member of The Band of Sisters, to talk about leadership and lessons from her career. They discuss the importance of a first boss, assessing employee reviews, combatting lazy language, and bringing your whole self to work. They also touch on her experience at male-dominated companies and her current work with The Band of Sisters.

    Anastasia Tarpeh-Ellis, the Co-Founder of Bosa, On: Tackling Burnout on a Systematic Level, Building Company Culture That Lasts, and Living Inside and Outside of Boxes

    Anastasia Tarpeh-Ellis, the Co-Founder of Bosa, On: Tackling Burnout on a Systematic Level, Building Company Culture That Lasts, and Living Inside and Outside of Boxes

    Anastasia Tarpeh-Ellis is the Co-founder of Bosa, a community-driven platform designed to help individuals achieve their goals and aspirations by providing a comprehensive and effective goal management system. Before Bosa, she was instrumental in establishing and managing accelerators for GRID110 and Backstage Capital, in addition to her service in local government.

    Anastasia possesses an unwavering passion for cultivating authentic relationships and empowering others to attain financial independence through entrepreneurship. Additionally, she is an amateur real estate investor and angel investor in start-ups.

    In this episode…

    Embarking upon a startup venture can be an intimidating undertaking. Even the most resolute leaders will likely face a fair share of challenges, such as extended waiting periods and unanticipated obstacles. While acquiring capital is the foremost obstacle, creating a robust and long-lasting enterprise is an even greater challenge that demands a superior level of diligence.

    Anastasia Tarpeh-Ellis is a successful entrepreneur who co-founded and developed her business, Bosa, with great dedication. She has been associated with Backstage Capital, a venture capital fund that invests in underrepresented founders' businesses. This affiliation not only provided her with a structured framework and access to funding but also imparted invaluable lessons that influenced her company's growth. As a result of her entrepreneurial journey, she established an organization to assist others in overcoming similar challenges in starting their own businesses.

    In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack interviews Anastasia Tarpeh-Ellis, the Co-founder of Bosa, on her startup journey and business growth. They touch on her personal story, the steps she took to get Bosa off the ground, and the lessons she took from Google and Background Capital. The two also discuss culture and marginalized groups in the business world.

    Dave McKeown, Keynote Speaker and Author, On: The Danger of Distortion as a Leader, Balancing the Data and the Debate, and Why Success Is a Group Project

    Dave McKeown, Keynote Speaker and Author, On: The Danger of Distortion as a Leader, Balancing the Data and the Debate, and Why Success Is a Group Project

    Dave McKeown is a speaker, consultant, and author. As a highly esteemed leadership expert, he helps teams navigate the challenges of rapid growth. He has worked with leaders at companies including Apple, Google, FedEx, Salesforce, and the NYSE. Dave is the author of The Self-Evolved Leader, hosts the popular Lead Like You Give a Damn Podcast, and writes a weekly column for Inc

    In this episode…

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    Leadership expert Dave McKeown is well-versed on the challenges of overcoming the chaos of fast growth. He explains the concept of adopting a heroic leadership style and how this approach can hinder progress. Leaders should be careful not to create a culture of dependency instead of fostering true leadership and growth. Instead, he suggests that leaders should focus on building strong teams and empowering them to take ownership of their work while providing guidance and support as needed. By doing so, leaders can create a more collaborative and productive workplace culture that benefits everyone involved.

    In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack talks to Dave McKeown, speaker, consultant, author, and leadership expert, who explains heroic leadership and his insights on how to build stronger teams. Dave breaks down what leaders should focus on to foster growth, how to empower employees, and ways to create a culture of trust and collaboration. He also talks about his book and perspective on coaching.

    Gabe Orta, the Co-Founder of BarLab, On: Lessons From Venice, Respecting the Shift, and the Secret Sauce of Collaboration

    Gabe Orta, the Co-Founder of BarLab, On: Lessons From Venice, Respecting the Shift, and the Secret Sauce of Collaboration

    Gabriel Orta is a renowned mixologist and the Co-founder of BarLab, a one-stop-shop consulting agency and internationally recognized hospitality management company developing unique and eclectic food and beverage programs for bars, restaurants, and hotels worldwide. 

    Gabe and his business partner, Elad Zvi, launched their first pop-up bar, Broken Shaker, in Miami in 2012, which scaled to major US cities, including New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Fueled by its success, they co-founded many other restaurant concepts. The duo is known for their exceptional concepts and have amassed numerous accolades along the way.

    In this episode…

    Few industries need immediate and firm leadership, like the restaurant business. Every location is an organization within itself with urgent deadlines, tight working spaces, high expectations, and countless other moving parts. On a macro level, these locations need direction and support to thrive.

    Gabe Orta understands the complications of managing the micro and macro levels of the business. Getting his start at 15, he is a veteran of the restaurant business. He’s started, run, and developed numerous restaurants and restaurant concepts. With years of experience under his belt, Gabe understands the challenges that accompany developing a business, creating a positive company culture, and managing day-to-day issues while ensuring long-term success. Gabe’s experiences have propelled his success in the restaurant space. 

    In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack interviews Gabe Orta, the Co-founder of BarLab, to talk about leadership and insights from his life in the restaurant industry. They walk through Gabe’s background, how he works around egos, his time in Venice, and how he fosters company culture. They also touch on the books and advice that impacted and shaped him the most.

    Marcus Bullock, the CEO of Flikshop, On: Life as a Young Man in Prison, the Power of Opportunities, and Not Being a Unicorn

    Marcus Bullock, the CEO of Flikshop, On: Life as a Young Man in Prison, the Power of Opportunities, and Not Being a Unicorn

    Marcus Bullock is the CEO of Flikshop, an innovative mobile app that allows easier communication between families and incarcerated loved ones. To help build reentry ecosystems through entrepreneurship, coding, and mobile app development, he created the Flikshop School of Business.

    Marcus’ background extends to sales, contracting, teaching, and sitting on the Board of Directors for the Justice Policy Institute (JPI), a national nonprofit organization dedicated to developing policies and solutions within the criminal justice system. In 2019, he was honored as one of the Root 100 Most Influential African Americans.

    In this episode…

    The hard reality of both life and entrepreneurship can be circumstances. Much of what defines our success comes from factors outside of our control. However, bad decisions and poor judgment can exacerbate the situation. In the face of adversity, how can you create opportunities that impact the lives of others?

    Despite unfavorable odds and big mistakes, Marcus Bullock turned his life around. Now a successful tech entrepreneur and activist, he positively influences other people's lives. His story is the cornerstone of his brand and drives him to help others through difficult times by sharing his hard-won lessons and guiding others through their trials and tribulations. After living through the results of the bad decisions he made at an early age, Marcus was inspired to develop an app that helps families connect with their incarcerated loved ones.

    In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack sits down with Marcus Bullock, the CEO of Flikshop, to discuss his story and his journey to entrepreneurship. They go through his circumstances, what helped him through, and the inspiration that led to his business. He also discusses his business school and how he helps other budding entrepreneurs.

    Raj Sisodia, the Co-Founder and Former Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., On: The Unethical Realities of Businesses, the Meaning of Casual Cruelty, and Breaking the Cycle of Victimhood

    Raj Sisodia, the Co-Founder and Former Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., On: The Unethical Realities of Businesses, the Meaning of Casual Cruelty, and Breaking the Cycle of Victimhood

    Raj Sisodia is the Co-founder and former Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., an organization set on elevating humanity through ethical business practices. He is a Professor and Chairman of the Conscious Enterprise Center at Tecnológico de Monterrey.

    Raj has consulted for and taught executive programs at many companies, such as AT&T, Nokia, LG, Kraft Foods, Whole Foods Market, Sprint, Volvo, IBM, Walmart, and McDonalds. A prolific best-selling writer, he has written 16 books, including The Healing Organization, Conscious Capitalism, and Firms of Endearment, and has also written over 100 academic articles.

    In this episode…

    Everyone has experienced pain, no matter how severe or mild, and it often originates at an early age and plays a role in shaping us. The expression “hurt people hurt people” stems from the theory that we unwittingly pass on the difficulties and pain we’ve undergone. However, this doesn't absolve us from who we become or how we go through life.

    For leaders, these personal struggles have more relevance to their careers than many would acknowledge. Thriving, respected leaders should be able to work through their issues for the sake of their families, businesses, and themselves. It is a complex process, so it helps to look toward people who have already started the healing process.

    In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack sits down with Raj Sisodia, the Co-founder and former Chairman of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., on growing through the struggles of life. They discuss Raj’s family dynamic, his realization in life, and his purpose going forward into the future. They also discuss how to be a stronger leader and reevaluate the ethical concerns of the business world.

    [Encore] Angelique Bellmer Krembs, Co-Founder of The Band of Sisters, On: The Likeability Trap, the Stories We Tell Ourselves, and Being a Chief Magic Officer

    [Encore] Angelique Bellmer Krembs, Co-Founder of The Band of Sisters, On: The Likeability Trap, the Stories We Tell Ourselves, and Being a Chief Magic Officer

    Angelique Bellmer Krembs is a marketing expert, the CMO in Residence at A.Team, and a founding member of The Band of Sisters. She spent 23 years at PepsiCo, leading turnaround and growth for many beloved brands, including Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and SoBe. She was also the CMO at News America Marketing, created a CMO Advisory practice, and was the Managing Director and Global Head of Brand at BlackRock.

    In this episode…

    In a previous episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack interviewed some of the co-founders of The Band of Sisters to discuss women in the current business world. Now, founding member Angelique Bellmer Krembs returns to discuss her own career trajectory.

    Having worked with PepsiCo for over 20 years, Angelique uncovered her leadership style as her responsibility grew. Her experience has carried over to her current positions — developing healthy work cultures and leading by example. So what knowledge and insights does she have to share?

    In this rereleased episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack once again talks with Angelique Bellmer Krembs, a Co-founder of The Band of Sisters, to discuss her leadership style. They go through her career and life lessons, how to lead high-output teams, and ways to create a great work culture. They also talk about her work with the Beyonce halftime show and other takeaways from her time with PepsiCo.

    Mike Moshier, a Partner at Cresco Partners, Inc., On: How Leadership Resembles a Soccer Match, Switching Gears Over Burning Out, and How To Lead Skilled Professionals

    Mike Moshier, a Partner at Cresco Partners, Inc., On: How Leadership Resembles a Soccer Match, Switching Gears Over Burning Out, and How To Lead Skilled Professionals

    Mike Moshier is a Partner at Cresco Partners, Inc., with 22 years of business experience. He honed his expertise in sales, marketing, talent management, and leadership development through senior executive positions at Novartis Consumer Health.

    Mike began coaching senior executives in 2000 and has since earned his credentials as a professional executive coach. He operates globally, working and traveling around the world, and now calls Switzerland his home.

    In this episode…

    We often see our careers as linear construction, building upwards one block at a time. The truth is it more closely resembles a sport, each match requiring adaptation and flexibility. This approach places the emphasis not on perfectionism but on improvement, becoming a better leader throughout the ongoing process.

    Mike Moshier coaches business professionals through the ups and downs of a long career. His expertise and broad knowledge base enable him to help other leaders continuously grow and handle the changes thrown their way.

    In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack invites Mike Moshier, a Partner at Cresco Partners, Inc., onto the show to discuss key leadership principles. They discuss Mike’s time in Switzerland, his best advice for growing leaders, and seeing the humanity in the people you lead. They also touch on how to avoid burnout and learn how to switch gears properly.