
    Lost Your Connection (The Lost Episode)

    enApril 09, 2020

    About this Episode

    It’s our lost episode from before the quarantine! We didn’t post this episode a few weeks back because after it was recorded the world had changed, seemingly overnight, and it felt like the conversation had become all about what we needed to do to stay safe. But in this episode we talk about trying to find that connection to something you once deeply loved, pre-encephalitis, and having to navigate an entirely different relationship with it in the aftermath.

    Recent Episodes from Mind and Seek

    Lost Your Connection (The Lost Episode)

    Lost Your Connection (The Lost Episode)

    It’s our lost episode from before the quarantine! We didn’t post this episode a few weeks back because after it was recorded the world had changed, seemingly overnight, and it felt like the conversation had become all about what we needed to do to stay safe. But in this episode we talk about trying to find that connection to something you once deeply loved, pre-encephalitis, and having to navigate an entirely different relationship with it in the aftermath.



    As the world reels from this global pandemic, we all look for ways to connect and help one another through possibly the most uncertain times of our generation. The Coronavirus has demanded that people all across the global remain confined to their homes for an indefinite amount of time, and that comes with it’s own challenges. In our small way, Theresa and I offer solutions for coping with the quarantine, and how to stay sane when the world outside is anything but.

    Venting Session

    Venting Session

    You don’t always need to pitch solutions. Sometimes things are so tough for so long, that what you really need is a venting session. To have someone there who is willing to just listen and sympathize with the struggle can do way more good than someone telling you all the ways you can solve how you’re feeling. And in this episode, that’s exactly what was needed. This episode is not only important for people who feel what Theresa is going through, but also for people in Brandon’s position to learn news was of supporting the people we love.

    Mind and Seek
    enMarch 05, 2020