
    lower your expectations about people [video]

    enApril 30, 2023
    What can unrealistic expectations lead to in relationships?
    Why is it important to recognize our expectations?
    How can mindfulness affect our perceptions of others?
    What role do deal breakers play in relationships?
    How can a good website impact customer retention?

    Podcast Summary

    • Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfactionRecognize when expectations are unrealistic and strive for a balanced perspective to foster healthier relationships

      Having unrealistic expectations about people can lead to disappointment and misunderstandings. While it's natural to have expectations for how we want to be treated and for the kind of relationships we want to build, it's essential to recognize when our expectations are unrealistic and impossible to meet. When we set unrealistic expectations, we may overlook the complexities and unique qualities of individuals, leading to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction. Instead, it's crucial to strive for a balanced perspective, recognizing both the realistic and unrealistic aspects of our expectations and being open to the unexpected twists and turns that life and people bring. By being mindful of our expectations, we can foster healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    • Unrealistic expectations can lead to misunderstanding and disappointmentAvoid setting unrealistic expectations for people to prevent misunderstandings and disappointment. Remember that people are complex and multifaceted, and their behavior may be influenced by factors we're not aware of.

      Setting unrealistic expectations for people we know can lead to disappointment and misunderstanding when they inevitably behave in ways that don't align with our preconceived notions. Using the example of a grandma who unexpectedly raises her voice, the speaker highlights how our expectations can be shattered when we encounter an unfamiliar side of someone we thought we knew well. However, it's important to remember that people are complex and multifaceted, and they may experience challenges or stressors that we're not aware of, which can influence their behavior. In the grandma example, if we knew about her financial troubles, we might be more understanding and compassionate towards her outburst. By recognizing the complexity of people and avoiding unrealistic expectations, we can foster healthier and more meaningful relationships.

    • Be mindful of unrealistic expectations towards peopleRecognize that people are complex and cannot be judged based on limited information. Avoid setting unrealistic expectations and approach people with an open mind.

      It's important to be mindful of our expectations towards people, especially those we don't know well. We have a tendency to build up unrealistic expectations based on incomplete information, such as a celebrity's online identity. However, it's essential to remember that people are complex beings, and we cannot assume their personality or behavior in all aspects of their lives based on limited information. Furthermore, societal pressures and the illusion of celebrity status can lead to unrealistic expectations of perfection from celebrities, which can result in disappointment when their behavior falls short. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach people with an open mind, recognizing that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and that no one can live up to unrealistic expectations.

    • Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointmentFocus on getting to know people authentically to appreciate their true qualities, rather than setting unrealistic expectations

      Setting unrealistic expectations for people we don't truly know, whether it's celebrities or crushes or potential friends, can lead to disappointment. When we build up an idealized version of someone in our minds, we risk overlooking their flaws and real qualities. This can result in feeling let down when we eventually get to know them and discover they don't live up to our imagined perfect version. It's essential to remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and getting to know someone authentically allows us to appreciate them for who they truly are. So, instead of setting unrealistic expectations, focus on getting to know people for who they are, and you might find that they're even better than you imagined.

    • Being cautious about first impressions and understanding deal breakersIt's crucial to look beyond appearances and first impressions, and be open to discovering the true nature of people and things. Knowing your deal breakers can help clarify boundaries in relationships and business dealings.

      It's important to be cautious about forming expectations based on appearances or first impressions. The friend group example illustrates this, as people may seem a certain way on the surface but have different qualities once you get to know them. Similarly, a product or website may look appealing at first glance but may not meet your expectations in reality. In both cases, it's essential to give things a chance and be open to discovering the true nature of what's being presented. Additionally, the importance of having a clear understanding of your deal breakers was discussed. It's crucial to know what behaviors or actions are unacceptable in relationships and in business dealings. The line between giving people room to grow and setting boundaries can be blurry, but having a mental list of deal breakers can help clarify things when making decisions. Lastly, the importance of having a good website for selling products or brands was emphasized. A well-designed and functional website can make a significant difference in attracting and retaining customers. Squarespace was highlighted as a platform that offers various features to help entrepreneurs create professional websites and seamless checkout experiences.

    • Disappointment is a part of lifeEmbrace disappointment as an opportunity for growth and better communication, forgiveness, and understanding can lead to positive outcomes.

      Everyone, including those we hold in high regard, is flawed and will disappoint us at some point. It's natural to set high expectations, but it's essential to remember that disappointment is a part of life and an opportunity for growth. Communication and forgiveness are key to navigating these situations and helping the other person learn and improve. Everyone's unique makeup, including our moral compass, priorities, and personality, influences how we handle situations. Therefore, it's unrealistic to expect others to be exactly like us. Instead, we should strive for understanding and compassion. Ultimately, it's up to us to decide how to respond when we're disappointed, but keeping an open mind and focusing on growth can lead to better outcomes for both parties.

    • Lowering expectations for greater happinessPracticing mindfulness, reflection, and open-mindedness can help us distinguish rational disappointments from irrational ones, reducing the impact of disappointments and finding joy in the unexpected.

      It's unrealistic and unfair to have unrealistic expectations of others due to our inherent individuality. Constantly holding people to unreachable standards can lead to personal suffering and a negative perception of the world. Instead, practicing mindfulness, reflection, and open-mindedness can help us distinguish rational disappointments from irrational ones and ultimately lead to greater happiness and contentment. By lowering our expectations and being more accepting of others' behaviors and differences, we can reduce the impact of disappointments and find joy in the unexpected.

    • Finding compatibility on dating apps and prioritizing personal happinessDating apps like Bumble increase chances of finding compatible matches by allowing users to specify preferences. Prioritize personal happiness and avoid relying on others for contentment to build resilient relationships. Seek therapy to improve self-awareness and social life.

      Compatibility in relationships can be found through the features of dating apps like Bumble. It allows users to specify their preferences and desires, increasing the chances of finding a match that aligns with their needs. Additionally, it's essential to prioritize personal happiness and not rely on external sources, such as other people, to provide it. Setting unrealistic expectations for others can lead to disappointment and emotional investment, making it harder to handle when they don't meet those expectations. Instead, focus on being your own source of happiness and contentment, allowing for greater resilience and flexibility in relationships. Lastly, consider the importance of self-awareness and seeking therapy to build a social life that suits your needs and doesn't drain your energy.

    • Setting unrealistic expectations in relationshipsBe mindful of unrealistic expectations, check in with yourself, and strive for healthy relationships based on mutual understanding and respect.

      Having unrealistic expectations for people, particularly in relationships, can lead to disappointment, misery, and an unhealthy reliance on others for happiness. The speaker shares her personal experience of relying too heavily on her partner's text messages for validation and happiness, which left her feeling miserable when they didn't meet her expectations. She emphasizes the importance of being mindful of our expectations, constantly checking in with ourselves, and taking preconceived ideas about people with a grain of salt. The speaker also acknowledges that sometimes, people may set unrealistic expectations through their actions in the beginning of a relationship, but it's important to remember that the honeymoon phase is not sustainable and that everyone has different communication styles. Overall, the takeaway is to be aware of our expectations and strive for healthy, realistic relationships based on mutual understanding and respect.

    • Stay open-minded and empathetic in relationshipsOpen-mindedness and empathy can prevent misunderstandings and disappointment in relationships. Focus on personal fulfillment to reduce reliance on others and meet unrealistic expectations.

      Maintaining an open mind and practicing empathy can help us avoid disappointment and misunderstandings in our relationships with others. Preconceived ideas and unrealistic expectations can lead to misunderstandings and closed-mindedness. By being open to change and empathizing with others, we can gain a deeper understanding of their motivations and actions. Additionally, focusing on finding fulfillment and happiness within ourselves can help us avoid relying on others as the sole source of our joy and reduce the pressure to meet unrealistic expectations. Remember, everyone goes through challenges and struggles, and empathizing with them can lead to a more compassionate and fulfilling relationship.

    • Finding fulfillment within oneself prevents unrealistic expectations towards othersFocusing on personal sources of joy and contentment helps maintain a balanced perspective and prevents creating unrealistic expectations for others.

      Finding fulfillment and happiness within oneself can help prevent unrealistic expectations towards others. Emma Chamberlain shared her personal experience of being blinded by her own sources of light, both literally and metaphorically, leading her to appreciate the simplicity of things and avoid being overwhelmed by external factors. This concept was illustrated through her experience at the nail salon, where she was momentarily blinded by the ring light while choosing a nail polish color. By focusing on her own sources of joy and contentment, Emma emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective and avoiding the creation of unrealistic expectations for others. Additionally, she encouraged listeners to engage with her on social media, check out her coffee company, and tune in to new episodes of her podcast.

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    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

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    • 18:12 #4: Ask Yourself These Three Questions
    • 20:38 #5: Criticism Doesn’t Help Change, Coaching Does
    • 23:27 #6: Seeing Opening Up As A Weakness 
    • 26:33 #7: Criticism Is Often Linked With Comparison
    • 27:20 #8: Don’t Put Them Down In Public

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    “We have to learn the skills to have a healthy relationship when we’re younger … If you don’t know it, you’re just going to crash and burn; you’re just going to go tumbling down that bridge.”

    “The hardest job you’ll ever have is being married.”

    “Not only is it like not learning the skill to have a healthy relationship from the people that you witnessed growing up, but then you have all these unrealistic expectations of what a healthy relationship is. So it’s like, how are we supposed to succeed at this and be happy.”

    “What we do as men many times is we’re not able to give our wives what they need. They need to know from us. It is their relational oxygen. They need to know what’s going on with us on the inside. They need to know our hopes, dreams, feelings, and emotions.” 

    “Your marriage is infinitely more important than any job or hobby.”

    “All relationships are a risk, but they are never a waste.” 

    “True wealth is in relationships.”

    “Success is getting up one more time than I fall down.”

    “Science shows we raise good kids through modeling … If you carve out a life for yourself and you’re committed to finding your own joy and contentment, there’s a good chance that you’re going to raise kids who will value the same thing.”










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    Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz - https://jeffscheetz.com/